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1) Complete the text with the correct form of the words in capitals.


Since as far backs as 1211, the many parks or commons of Cambridge

have been popular locations for 1traditional (TRADITION) fairs. Today,
probably the best-known of these is Strawberry Fair.

The main focus of Strawberry Fair is the 2development (DEVELOP) of

community spirit. To make the fair a success, organizers rely on a
combination (COMBINE) of donations and local support; from designers
to recycling teams, around one thousand volunteers, known as the
“Strawberry Fairs”, give their 4assistance (ASSIST) to the project.

2) Choose a, b, c or d.

1. The history of British trains is my b) speciality. Ask me anything.

2. Glen’s actions will have a negative a) impact on his chances of
getting into university.
3. We are looking to buy that field to b) expand the school ground.
4. Be careful when doing research, because sometimes the Internet can
give you d) misleading information.
5. We need to do something about the number of students a) dropping
out of the course during the pre-exam period.
6. Parents need to a) teach their children to respect older people.
7. You can see the c) influence of other styles of art in this painting.
8. The school curriculum in the UK d) differs from that in the USA.
9. I have no idea where my mobile is. It seems to have just a) vanished.
10. If you explain to him like that, he is bound b) to agree with you.
11. It is very b) common for young children to have bad dreams.
12. Jake Tomlinson received an award for his a) bravery during the fire.

3) Choose a, b, c or d.
1. He is a fantastic teacher; every year he d) inspires all his students to
do their best.
2. These days, I c) am doing research for my master’s degree.
3. I bought c) plenty of lemons from the market, so we can make
4. The milk a) tastes strange; maybe we shouldn’t drink it.
5. They c) have been sending out applications forms all day.
6. National flags often have elements that relate to a) the history of the
7. Today alone, Emma c) has reminded him about the interview ten
8. Sally works long hours so she doesn’t read d) much.
9. It’s still light so the fireworks c) haven’t started yet.
10. I’ve been meaning to write back since I b) received your e-mail, but
I’ve been busy.
11. Could you give me c) a little more soup, please?
12. B) Few people agreed with the mayor that the outdoor swimming pool
should be closed down.

4) Complete the gaps in the text with only word only.

Parents often worry that their children 1are wasting time reading magazines
or childish stories. They believe that children would benefit more 2from
reading something more “difficult”, more educational.

But what does “educational” material mean? Some say that by reading non-
fiction, children pick 3up the skills needed for informative writing. Indeed,
studies have shown that children who 4have spent time reading non-fiction
are better prepared for university.

There are, however, those who believe that the decision of 5what to read
should be left in the hands of children themselves. They argue that children
should view reading as entertaining, not as 6an educational chore. Another
thing that should be taken 7into account is that literature requires
imagination; whatever the texts, children who have 8been reading all their
life are usually more emotionally mature than their peers.

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