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Ankle Exercises

After an ankle injury or surgery, it is important to complete these exercises to help to regain
good range of movement, strength and proprioception of your ankle.

Ankle range of motion exercises

These exercises are all non-weight bearing exercises

Start in a neutral position Point your toes down as far as possible

Pull your foot up towards you Use a towel to increase the stretch

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Turn your feet outwards and inwards at the ankle joint.
Make sure the movement is from the ankle and not the rest of your leg.

Resisted ankle exercises

The aim of these exercises is to strengthen the ankle. The arrow shows which direction to

Isometric exercises – push and hold

Push into the towel - Hold for 5 seconds. Relax. Repeat 5-10 times.

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Push your feet in towards each other - Hold for 5 seconds. Relax. Repeat 5-10 times

Theraband resisted exercises

Push your foot into the theraband in the direction shown. Repeat 10 – 20 times

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Move your foot outwards against the theraband, ensuring the movement comes from your
ankle joint. Repeat 10 – 20 times
Move your foot inwards against the theraband, ensuring the movement comes from your
ankle joint. Repeat 10 – 20 times

Heel raises

Push up onto your toes. Hold on for support if necessary.

Progress to one leg as able. You should aim to be able to do as many single leg heel raises
on your bad leg as you can do on your good leg.

Balance & proprioception exercises

Stand on one leg

This can be made more challenging by:

 Closing your eyes
 Standing on an unstable surface for example a
cushion or trampoline
 Throwing and catching a ball

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Tight rope walking

Choose a line on the floor and walk along

Balance on a wobble board or Bosu ball

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