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This questionnaire will test your knowledge regarding different COVID-19 information.

Directions: Determine whether each statement is true or false by writing T if it is correct and F it is incorrect.
A. Symptoms
_____________1. COVID-19 only causes coughing.
_____________2. COVID-19 has always a severity like the common cold.
______________3. The main clinical symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue, dry cough, and myalgia.
_____________4. COVID-19 may also show no symptoms.
_____________5. Loss of muscle sensation is an indication of COVID-19.
_____________6. Rashes always indicate a person infected with COVID-19.
______________7. Sore eyes and difficulty in breathing are indicators of a person infected with COVID-19.
_____________8. Shortness of breath is a symptom of COVID-19.
_____________9. Loss of smell and taste are signs of COVID-19 infection.
_____________10. Sore muscles and body ache are symptoms of COVID-19.
B. Transmission
_____________1. COVID-19 spreads more easily in colder temperatures.
_____________2. Mosquito bites can transfer COVID-19 to a person.
_____________3. Respiratory droplets of an infected person spread COVID-19.
_____________4. COVID-19 can be transmitted by an asymptomatic person.
_____________5. COVID-19 cannot penetrate cloth mask.
_____________6. COVID-19 spreads through objects, other than droplets.
_____________7. Blood transfusion is one of the pathways of COVID-19 transmission.
_____________8. Eating wild animals would result in COVID-19 infection.
_____________9. A person can still acquire COVID-19 even after touching an object that has been
contaminated by the virus for 20 days.
_____________10. COVID-19 can be spread through water contamination.
C. Prevention
_____________1. Hand-rubbing with alcohol-based solution is more effective than handwashing soap.
_____________2. Regularly rinsing nostrils with saline has a protective effect against COVID-19
_____________3. Mouth washing has a protective effect against COVID-19.
_____________4. Using 50% alcohol will kill the corona virus.
_____________5. Ordinary residents can wear medical mask to prevent infection.
_____________6. Consuming probiotics will totally prevent an individual in acquiring the virus.
_____________7. Isolating an infected person can prevent the spread of the COVID-19.
_____________8. Taking a cold shower will shield the person from COVID-19.
_____________9. Not touching the face will significantly decrease the chances of infection.
_____________10. Going to crowded places is a necessary measure for COVID-19 prevention.
D. Effects
_____________1. COVID-19 causes discomfort such as diarrhea and stomach pain.
_____________2. Difficulty thinking and concentrating can be caused by COVID-19.
_____________3. Effects of COVID-19 include shortness of breath.
_____________4. Changes in smell and taste are effects of COVID-19.
_____________5. COVID-19 can affect the pregnancy of an individual.
_____________6. COVID-19 can cause sleep problems.
_____________7. A person infected with COVID-19 is likely to experience stress eating.
_____________8. COVID-19 can cause lung cancer if not treated immediately.
_____________9. Jaundice is an effect of COVID-19.
_____________10. Increased palpitations are likely to be experienced by a COVID-19 positive.
E. Management
_____________1. Taking a shower with hot water can kill the virus inside the body.
_____________2. Consuming alcoholic beverages kills the virus.
_____________3. Eating citrus fruits boosts the immune system of a COVID-19 positive.
_____________4. Drinking 8 glasses of water is beneficial in treating a COVID-19 patient.
_____________5. Patients with COVID-19 and their closed contacts should be quarantined for less than 14
_____________6. Taking antibiotics is better than getting vaccinated.
_____________7. Basking in the sun will kill the COVID-19 inside the body.
_____________8. All patients tested with COVID-19 should be isolated.
_____________9. Warming upper airways with a blow dryer kills the pathogen inside the body.
_____________10. Taking virgin coconut oil helps the patient heal faster.

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