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2020--2021 学年初三英语二模阅读完型填空汇编

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12 分)
Smart phones and e-readers have become more common in recent years. Some people worry that the days of

paper books will be gone. But surveys have shown that traditional books are still (65) among readers.

Research company Nielsen found that in the UK, sales of e-books are (66) while sales of paper books are

rising. More surprisingly, it’s young people who are buying the most physical books. Another survey of university

students from the United States, Slovakia(斯洛伐克),Japan and Germany also showed that 92 percent of them

(67) paper books

The most popular reason given was: “I like to hold the products.” It’s true that paper books bring a very

different reading (68) . Slovakian students said that they liked the smell of paper books. Other students said that

they get a sense of accomplishment (成就) when they finish reading a paper book and they enjoy seeing it on the


Paper books can also be very (69) objects (物品) to lovers of reading. Many people like to sign their names on

the inside cover. It’s as if readers of paper books make friends with them.

This “friendship” people develop with books isn’t just sentimental ( 情 感 上 的 ). Research has shown that

readers remember more information reading from paper books than e-books. People also more easily.

(70) headaches or sore eyes while reading e-books.

It seems that paper books, which have been in production since the 15th century, still have an attraction.

65. A. familiar B. popular C. interesting D. comfortable

66. A. falling B. climbing C. happening D. beginning

67. A. predicted B. preferred C. protected D. prevented

68. A. excuse B. experiment C. exercise D. experience

69. A. creative B. personal C. common D. relaxing

70. A. come up with B. keep up with C. end up with D. get along with

【答案】65-70 BABDBC

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12 分)
Autism(自闭症) is a disorder of the brain that happens in the first three years of life. It (65) the brain’s

normal development. Most autistic patients have difficulty talking with other people or doing things. However,

some of the autistic people have surprising abilities. For example, some can memorize many things and some can

do calculations really fast.

Raymond Babbitt in the 1988 film Rain Man is an (66) of autistic people. The character in the film was

based on Kim Peek, a man from the USA. Peek couldn't switch on a light or put his clothes on by himself. But his

(67) was so surprising that he could remember almost anything. He could memorize every road, place and

distance on maps. He could even remember almost every word in thousands of books. His way of reading was more

(68) . Peek could read two pages at the same time in just eight to ten seconds. He read the left page with his

left eye and the right page with his right eye.

Scientists still don't know for sure why some autistic people have special talent after they have done a lot of

research. There is one possible explanation. When certain parts of the brain are(69) by autism, other parts of

the brain might get stronger. Therefore, special abilities were born.

But not all people with autism have special abilities. (70) , autism people with special abilities are rare

and the abilities cannot be trained. According to research, only ten percent of autistic people show any signs of

special talent.

65. A. helps B. increases C. affects D. records

66. A. actress B. inventor C. owner D. example

67. A. memory B. behavior C. change D. smile

68. A. common B. amazing C. frightening D. traditional

69. A. rebuilt B. recognized C. repaired D. damaged

70. A. Above all B. On average C. In fact D. In addition

【答案】65-70 CDABDC

B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分)

Frank makes sure students from poor families in his neighbourhood arrive at their

college classes on time, rain or shine.

This 66-year-old retired teacher has been offering free rides to students for the past
ten years. Since Frank drove the young people for the first time, he has covered over 100,000 miles. The students

he transports to and from school enjoy talking with him. They usually have a lot of (65) conversations. What

they’ve got is finding a role model and a friend. (66) , some students even call him “Grandpa”.

Vicky received free rides from Frank for all her four years in college. The tips meant much more to her than

just free transportation. “It’s not just a ride. I'm not just sitting there in silence or with my headphones on,” Vicky

said. “He asks us questions. He (67) the answers as well. The next time we ride with him, he’ll check if our

ideas work.”

Frank first worked as a driver through a programme. Although the programme asks the members only to drive

students to and from their classes, Frank often goes beyond to ensure the happiness and safety of the students.

Frank is always there to give these students (68) . If they run out of certain basic things in life, Frank will

drive to the nearest store and buy what they need. If a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school,

Frank never (69) to buy them a meal.

For many students, Frank’s help is appreciated and it's necessary for them to be able to finish their college

education as well. According to Frank, he's got much from the (70) , too. “I just love driving and I love these

kids.” Frank said. “It’s such an interesting thing to be a part of these kids’ lives.”

65. A. similar B. dull C. pleasant D. difficult

66. A. However B. Actually C. Instead D. Unfortunately

67. A. forgets B. dislikes C. offers D. remembers

68. A. support B. advice C. freedom D. knowledge

69. A. decides B. promise C. hesitates D. likes

70. A. success B. experience C. attention D. thought

【答案】65-70 CBDACB

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)(12 分)

Wonder tells the story of August, a ten-year-old boy who lives with his parents and sister in New York. August,

or Auggie as his family call him, is a(n) (65) _____ boy in many ways. He rides a bike and likes playing with his

Xbox. But Auggie was born with deformities ( 畸形) of the face and looks very different from other kids. At the

start of the book, he tells us “My name is August. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s
probably (66) ______.” Auggie’s appearance shocks people. People look at him for a long time or sometimes they

look away as soon as they see him.

Auggie’s had 27 operations on his face and has spent a lot of time in hospital. His mother has taught him at

home, but now that he’s ten, she thinks he should go to school. (67) _____, Auggie hates the idea of school and

doesn’t want to go. He worries that other kids will look at him strangely or call him horrible names, but his parents

persuade him to visit a school and meet the headteacher. After the visit. Auggie (68) _____ that, yes, he will go to


Like many kids, Auggie is really anxious on the first day. Because of his face, no one wants to sit next to him

and he notices other kids looking and talking about him when he’s not around. (69) _____, he later makes friends

with Jack, a boy in his class, and Flower, a girl he chats with at lunch.

Wonder tells the story of Auggie’s first year at school and (70) ______ other kids treat him. It’s a difficult year

with good and bad times. But towards the end, a frightening and dramatic event at a school camp made things

completely different.

65. A. shy B. clever C. ordinary D. naughty

66.A. right B. true C. better D. worse

67.A. Since then B. At first C. In fact D. So far

68. A. advises B. decides C. forgets D. dreams

69. A. Luckily B. Clearly C. Surprisingly D. Suddenly

70. A. when B. where C. why D. how

【答案】65-70 CDBBAD

B. Choose the best words and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词完成短文)(12 分)

The struggle(挣扎) of a butterfly

A man found a cocoon ( 茧)of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly

for several hours as it tried its best to move its body (65) that little hole.

Suddenly it stopped and looked like it was (66) .So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of

scissors and made the opening of the cocoon bigger. The butterfly then came out (67) , although it had a

swollen(肿胀的) body and small dry wings.

The man didn’t think anything of it and sat there waiting for the butterfly to fly. But that didn’t happen. The

butterfly spent the rest of its life unable to fly, crawling on the ground with tiny wings and a swollen body.

The man had a (68) heart, but he didn’t understand that the butterfly needed the undamaged cocoon and the

struggle to get out of the small opening, and that was its way of making fluid( 液体)from the body of the butterfly

into its wings to prepare itself for flying, once it was out of the cocoon.

Our struggles in life develop our (69) .Without struggles; we never grow and never get stronger. So it’s

important for us to deal with challenges on our own instead of (70) help from others.

65. A. into B. onto C. across D. through

66. A. freezing B. stuck C. moved D. touching

67. A. easily B. gently C. happily D. suddenly

68. A. strong B. weak C. cruel D. kind

69. A. strengths B. ideas C. intelligence D. interests

70. A. pointing out B. showing off C. relying on D. trying on

【答案】65-70 DBADAC

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12 分)

The bus was filled with excitement. Students were talking and laughing, but there

was also a bit of (65) energy in the air. As the bus pulled into the parking lot at

the television studio, Mr.Osaka cleared his throat.

“I want to thank each one of you for your hard work. I know that many of you have

had to put other activities on hold for the training. Whether or not our Sunshine Middle School wins today’s

competition, I’m proud of you all,” Mr.Osaka continued, “It’s a great honor just to be on Quiz Power. Just do your

best and enjoy yourselves today. No matter what, we’re all going home (66) .”

The members of the team (67) as Mr.Osaka finished his speech. As they headed for the doors of the bus,

several students stopped to thank Mr. Osaka for his commitment to the team. The students knew they were ready

for almost my question the quizmaster might ask. They couldn’t wait to get started.

Inside the studio, the students were met by Anna, the show’s executive producer. Anna was a tall,friendly

“I am sure you’ve already heard this a hundred times today,” she told the room of expectant students, “but the

most important thing you can do during the competition is to relax and have fun. Do your best to ignore the

cameras and the audience. Once the host has finished asking a question, you will want to ring your buzzer( 蜂鸣

器)as soon as you think you have the answer. (68) , you may not ring in until the entire question has been read.

People are likely to speak more quickly when they are nervous, so just try to answer slowly and calmly when it’s

your turn.” Ann paused and smiled at the students who were beginning to look tense. “Do you have any questions

before we begin?”

Gabriel, a seventh-grader from Sunshine, waved his hand.“Will the winning team come back to compete for

the championship(冠军赛) ?” he asked (69) , with hope in his eyes.

Ann nodded. “The championships are held in the spring. The winning team in the final will receive $1,000.

The winning school will also receive two brand-new computers.”

“Any more questions?” Ann asked. The students were silent, (70) the task ahead of them.

“Then, let the game begin!”

65.A. nervous B. magic C. happy D. naughty

66. A. bosses B. citizens C. winners D. graduates

67. A. cheered B. hesitated C. rested D. survived

68. A. In brief B. However C. In other words D. For the time being

69. A.properly B. seriously C. eagerly D. angrily

70. A. satisfied with B. worried about C. thankful for D. focusing on

【答案】65-70 ACABCD

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)(12
Students in China have one less thing to put in their backpacks these days. The government recently banned

( 禁 止 ) smartphones in public schools for all students through nine grades. Many schools around the world like

Germany, Japan, United States have similar bans.

Some educators say kids pay attention in class when they aren’t looking at their phones all the time. They say

banning phones (75) _______ students to talk to each other more.

Most teachers would agree that they don’t want a classroom full of kids texting(发短信). But many say a total
ban on phones isn’t (76) ________. Some people argue that it’s better to teach kids to use technology responsibly

than take it away. Also, many parents point out that they need to be able to reach their kids during the day.

Yes! Smartphones make it (77) _______ for students to concentrate in class. Kids might play games, watch

videos, or check out apps instead of paying attention to the teacher. They can easily miss important information.

Besides, a ringing or buzzing phone distracts(使……分心) other students. Also some kids might use their phones

to cheat. They could go online and look up (78) _________ to a test, or they could turn to their friends for help.

No! Students should be able to have their phones with them in case of an (79)________. Kids need a way to

get in touch with their parents if they get sick, if the school bus breaks down, or even if they forget their lunch at

home. Smartphones can actually help kids do better in school. We can use them to go online and do research for a

class project or for help with writing essays. (80)________, there are great educational apps we can use. They can

help us study better. It’s not a good idea to ban phones in school.

75. A. begs B. invites C. teaches D. encourages

76. A. important B. necessary C. enough D. effective

77. A. difficult B. right. C. interesting D. disappointing

78. A. ideas B. answers C. news D. dictionaries

79. A. event B. interview C. argument D. emergency

80. A. For example B. In brief C. In addition D. As a result

【答案】75-80 DBABDC
B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12 分)
Two years ago, my brother James and I set out on a hike through Chute Canyon, one of the most difficult

routes in the mountains in Utah, in the US. We were hiking lovers and had (65) doing this route for a long

time. However, we had no idea of the terrible adventure that was waiting for us.

We (66) the first part without problems. Then it started to snow and the rocks became slippery. All of a

sudden, as I was helping my brother down a huge rock, he slipped and fell into a pool. Unfortunately, he had landed

on a rock just below the surface and his leg broke. I climbed down and (67) pulled him out of the water. Night

was coming and the temperature was falling but my brother couldn't move. Feeling helpless, I decided to head for

the (68) camp for help, so I left James with some warm clothing and the rest of the food. It had been raining

and to my horror, I discovered that the canyon was flooded. But I had no choice, I had to struggle on, soaked and

freezing, unable even to think clearly. At one point I got lost, wasting precious hours.
At two-thirty the following afternoon, I finally arrived at the camp. The (69) had taken twenty-two hours

and I was exhausted and starving. However, I managed to call for help and twelve hours later rescuers reached

James. Thankfully, he was still alive and his leg was not seriously damaged. We were hiking again a year later,

amazingly-- (70) we've never been back to Chute Canyon!

65. A. competed with B. dreamed of C. depended on D. taken charge of

66. A. examined B. accepted C. complained D. completed

67. A. slowly B. happily C. clearly D. hardly

68. A. largest B. highest C. nearest D. prettiest

69. A. project B. technology C. transport D. journey

70. A. because B. though C. since D. whether

【答案】65-70 BDACDB

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)(12
Habits of Successful Language Learners.

As a language learner, you are not alone. About 1.2 billion people worldwide are learning a (65)_______

language. However, not all of them enjoy success. We talked to hundreds of successful language learners. They

shared with us some of their habits.

One key to long-term success is working towards the goal (66) . Most successful language learners make

sure to spend a few minutes practicing every day. We also studied some “nine to fiver(朝九晚五)”.These language

learners practice their language only in class. In the long run, They show much (67) progress than those who

practice daily. They’re also more likely to “drop out.”

The second habit of successful language learners is that they don’t “bring study (临时抱佛脚)”. Instead, they

make progress through a number of short study sessions over a longer period of time. Learners who practice now

and then for a marathon to catch up are more likely to give up altogether.

Some language learners always want to learn as much new material as they can. But it has been proved that

one gradually forgets what he or she has learned over time. Let’s be honest. Do you still remember all the English

words and expressions you learn last year? Successful language learner(68) the old material regularly. Regular

revision turns your short-term memory into long-term memory.

Are you having a hard time improving your English? Then you may try to (69) these three habits. Don’t

worry if it takes time. Mastering a second language is a long (66) . -It should take time!

65. A. ancient B. modern C. official D. foreign

66. A. sooner or later B. all the time C. over and over D. in a hurry

67. A. slower B. faster C. further D. better

68. A. go over B. take away C. collect D. produce

69. A. break B. change C. develop D. kick

70. A. program B. process C. history D. life

【答案】65-70 DBAACB

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12 分)
My tae kwon do(跆拳道) instructor stood in front of me, with the board in his hands.

“ Just tell me when you are ready,” he said.

I had to break it. That (65) ________ was ringing around inside my head. Break it!

I stepped back for a (66) ________. I got in a good stance( 姿势), and then spun( 旋转) around backwards,

doing a complete turn, and brought my heel (脚后跟) up on the edge of the board.

The thin brown carpet was hurting my feet. The lights filled the room with heat. Everything was silent. My

classmates sat there, looking at me. I had never broken a board before, although I had tried several times. Even a

boy who was two years younger than me had broken one, and he always (67) ________ that I knew it.

My white uniform made small noises as I moved, the baggy pants and jacket didn’t keep me from sweating. I

felt hot.

“OK,” I whispered, and with one last deep breath I kicked my heel (68) ________ the hard wood. I stepped

back, The board was still in one piece.

My instructor said, smiling, “You have to go through the board. Try it again. ”

I was (69) ________ people telling me to go through the board. They sounded as if I wasn’t trying!

I tried again. But again ,I couldn’t break it. I hadn’t ever cracked( 破开) it! I felt tears filling in my eyes. I

wouldn’t make everyone disappointed. I wouldn’t make myself disappointed.

"Almost, " my instructor told me.” Try it just one more time.”

One more chance. That was all I got. “I’ll show you, Mr Board. I'll do it, I whispered.
I spun around. I kicked the board. I heard a loud cracking sound and then my foot went through the board! My

instructor was (70) ________ the two pieces high and smiling.

65. A. suggestion B. thought C. feeling D. answer

66. A. kick B. change C. strike D. hit

67. A. had no idea B. made sure C. heard of D. showed off

68. A. through B. on C. across D. against

69. A. getting rid of B. getting ready for C. getting into the habit of D. getting tired of

70. A. picking out B. picking up C. putting up D. putting down

【答案】65-70 BABDDC

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12 分)
My name is Evelyn Garrids, and I’m from the Philippines. Next month I’m going to go abroad. I’ve never been

to another country before. I’m going to go to the U.S. as an exchange student. I’m going to live with a host family

in a small town in Minnesota, in the north of the U.S.

I started planning and preparing for my trip last year. There was a lot to do! I did some

(65) student exchange programs, and then I applied. I also applied for a passport and

got a student visa. After that, I attended courses at the weekends about rules, how to survive,

etc. My older sister Lucia studied abroad two years ago, so she helped me plan my trip and showed me how to (66)

my flight online.

I feel excited, and a little scared. Sometimes I say, “Lucia, I’ll probably be (67) ,” She says, “You’re not

alone. We’ll have video chats with you every day. And you’ll definitely meet new friends soon.”

My host family -- the Jensens -- sent me an email with information about the (68) in Minnesota. Winters

are cold! I emailed them said, “I don’t have any warm clothes!” They told me, “We’ll give you some of our warm


I bought a good guidebook online. The information about cultural differences is really helpful. People will

probably be very (69) me because I’m from a different country. They’ll probably ask me, “Do you eat

hamburgers in the Philippines?”(“Yes”.) “Is it cold in the Philippines?” (“Never”) I’ll try to answer cheerfully!

As an exchange student, I’ll learn a lot about Americans and their culture. Lucia says I’ll also learn about

myself. And since I will be away from home for a long time, I’ll definitely learn to be more (70) . I hope so and
I’m really looking forward to my trip!

65. A. training for B. research into C. projects on D. surveys about

66. A. book B. catch C. delay D. board

67. A. busy B. sick C. lonely D. disappointed

68. A. weather B. diet C. clothes D. sightseeing

69. A. afraid of B. thankful to C. angry with D. interested in

70. A. patient B. creative C. independent D. confident

【答案】65-70 BACADC

B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)(12 分)

When my brother and I were young, we always spent a few weeks in summer with our uncle. He was famous

geologist (地质学家). He loved to go on long walks to find stones to add to his (65) at the university. We liked

to follow him.

One morning, we left early and this time our uncle had bought us backpacks (背包).” You can help me (66)

_______ the stones,” He explained.

The whole day we walked around the countryside and every now and then, my uncle put stones in our bags.

We were a bit (67) that he also took some stones out from our bags at times. We thought he had just found

better stones than the ones we already had.

When we reached the houses in the late afternoon, we were tired. The backpacks were so heavy that we gave a

big sigh of relief when we put them on the ground, (68) __________our uncle’s backpack was half- empty.

“Why did you give us so many stones?” We asked. “I didn’t, you did. he said waiting for a while before

continuing. “You didn’t know it, but I made you go through a little attitude test today. Every time you were

complaining (69) __________ I put a stone in your bag. When you talked about something with positive (积极

的) thinking, I took out a stone, And now, look at your bags . “

The bags were almost full.

“Your negative ( 消 极 的 ) thoughts are like stones. You carry them in your mind just like those stones in


Our uncle (70) __________ us one of the most important lessons in the life. The power of attitude. No matter

how many difficulties we came across, we considered them as chances for us to improve. And every day seems
much better and brighter.

65. A. invention B. collection C. invitation D. creation

66. A. fix B. buy C. carry D. kick

67. A. surprised B. satisfied C. excited D. bored

68. A. though B. since C. while D. for

69. A. correctly B. angrily C. seriously D. confidently

70. A. learned B. applied C. brought D. taught

【答案】65-70 BCACBD

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12 分)
It can be an awful feeling when you realize you’ve said or done something wrong. Maybe you told a friend

something that turned out to be totally false. Whatever the reason for being wrong, admitting it can make you upset.

No one enjoys putting up his hand to say: “I was wrong.” You become responsible for your mistake, and that

can make you feel (65)________. Admitting a mistake challenges your pride and can damage your confidence.

Saying you were wrong means having to (66)________ that you’re not always right or perfect.

Of course, having a sense of pride in yourself isn’t a bad thing. When you are proud of your good abilities,

appearance and achievements, it’s good and encourages healthy feelings. But it will become a (67)________ when

you are too proud to admit. Some people will try to avoid admitting being wrong. They will deny, make

(68)________, attack someone or something else because it’s easier than finding their own problems.

Imagine switching off your pride for a moment and focus only on the facts of a situation that has caused you to

make a mistake. When you consider the matter based on facts, it’s usually easy to see the (69)________ way to go.

When you can say you were wrong and offer a sincere apology, it will help to clear up a situation.

So, don’t be afraid to make mistakes and don’t be too proud to say you are wrong. You are human and on a

beautiful (70)________ that will often test you. Take control of your pride, do what feels right and learn from


65. A. surprised B. angry C. strange D. embarrassed

66. A. accept B. complain C. pretend D. believe

67. A. change B. secret C. problem D. difference

68. A. choices B. excuses C. decisions D. noises

69. A. right B. same C. simple D. convenient

70. A. future B. direction C. journey D. exchange

【答案】65-70 DACBAC

Many people think of sharks as dangerous monsters. But human beings pose a far greater danger to these

creatures than they do to us. Although shark attacks do occur ,they are quite (65 )_____ . On the one hand,

according to one research, humans kill 100 million sharks every year. This number is a warning that many kinds of

sharks may die out.

(66)______ should we save the sharks?

The killing of sharks is a problem for the whole planet. Shark seat other species( 物种), but few creatures eat

them. As sharks die off,the populations of the animals that shark seat will (67) ______ . This, in turn, means that

the populations of the creatures that those animal seat will shrink. That includes some sea creatures that humans

consume,such as shrimp. It also includes fish that eat algae(藻类) , which can cause algae to spread so much that

it damages coral reefs.

Shrinking shark populations affects more than just the ocean. Ocean plants produce much of the oxygen on the

plane . These plants can be harmed when changes in the shark population upset the ecosystem.

Don't use shark products

Shark liver oil is used in many popular cosmetics( 化 妆 品 ). Pet foods, vitamins, energy drinks and leather

goods can (68) ______ be made from shark parts. And shark meat is sold around the world, sometimes under

misleading names such as rock salmon or whitefish.

Most sharks killed worldwide are hunted for their fins, which are used to make shark fin soup. The (69)

______ is cruel: Fishermen cut the shark's fins off and then throw the shark back into the water. Then the shark dies

slowly, sometimes over several days. Sharks breathe by swimming, so a shark that can’t swim will die.

Eat only sustainably(可持续地) caught seafood

Sharks often die because they are caught in nets. If you eat seafood, make sure it comes from fish farms that

(70) ______ the oceans.

65. A. rare B. strange C. natural D. general

66. A. How B. when C. why D. where

67. A. match B. depend C. limit D. increase

68. A. even B. also C. ever D. always

69. A. process B. situation C. progress D. attitude

70. A. cut down B. care for C. keep off D. consist of

【答案】65-70 ACDBAB

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12

Bored No More

Most people are spending their time at home these days. Are you (65) _________ things to do? Well, we’ve

put together a guide to some fun, at-home activities. Check it out!

Checking in with your friends and family. A lot of people are separated(分开的)from friends and family

right now. But there are plenty of ways to stay (66) _________. You can text, call, or instant message. If you’re able

to. you can even have a video chat.

Taking a (67) _________ You don't have to go anywhere to travel the globe. Want to see the Great Wall of

China or some Alaskan glaciers? How about the Louvre Museum in Paris? You can find virtual (虚拟的)tours of

all these locales and many more. And for a full menu of travel ,adventure, science, and art, check out Google

Arts& Culture. I'll give you virtual experiences from around the world.

Cooking. One of the most (68) _________ parts of cooking is the preparation of ingredients. That’s why so

many people stay away from cooking. Bui there are basic cooking skills that you need to know to cut down the

preparation time. When it comes lo cooking, whatever you need to know can be found on the Internet. The result of

mastering these skills? Healthy home cooked meals in a fraction of the time.

Baking. Compared to cooking, baking cakes and cookies do not usually have the time pressure of having lo be

ready for a meal time. It is a great activity that you can do at your own time and even involve the kids at home. Get

the kids to join in by tasking them to create their own cookie shapes and it is a great way to use up some of the

unlimited (69) _________ they have.

Writing a letter. Today, most of us get in touch by texting or sending e-mails. But letter writing used to be a

big thing. Why not give it a try? If you have friends and family members that you’re not able to see in person,

surprise them by writing a letter. Put it in the mail. You may even get a letter (70) _________!

Have you come up with interesting ways to spend your time at home? Why not share your ideas with your


65. A. complaining about B. dealing with C. taking charge of D. running out of

66. A. connected B. noticed C. focused D. organized

67. A. shower B. seat C. trip D. photo

68. A. frightening B. surprising C. satisfying D. amusing

69. A. luck B. energy C. resources D. chances

70. A. after all B. above all C. in return D. for free

【答案】65-70 DACABC

B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分)
What comes to mind when you think of archaeologists (考古学家)? Are they as cool as the characters in

Hollywood hit movies? Do they experience new adventures every day? Let’s discover the world of archaeologists.

Reaching spots

Historical treasures are often buried underground. To locate the proper place for(65) _______, archaeologists

do surveys to search for signs of ancient spots. These signs may be anything just like broken pieces of ancient tools.

It’s difficult work. They walk across the areas in all kinds of weather, so it is often done by walking. Besides,

it requires much experience and (66)________ knowledge to tell an ordinary rock from a stone tool, or tell a natural

hill from a grass-covered historic site.


Archaeologists spend a lot of time in the lab studying the discoveries. (67) _________, they are now closer to

answering those mysteries than ever with modern technology.

The first thing they need to do is to recognize the age of the items discovered. They also (68) __________

bones of humans or animals to find out the cause of their death and what they ate during their lifetime. After that,

archaeologists draw the pictures of them on computers based on collected data.

Ancient objects can be damaged in different ways. (69)__________, bowls and cups are often broken into

pieces, while metal tools usually get rusty(生锈的). Before repairing, they use X-rays- to look for damage. If the

rust is harmful, they need to remove it and repair the object with special metal powder. In this process, restorers

have to be extremely patient and careful so as not to damage the (70) __________ of the objects.

Since the job can be physically tiring outdoors or need a long time work in the lab, most archaeologists are

proud of their work. It’s their hard work that has brought the lost treasures back to life.

65. A. living B. resting C. digging D. sightseeing

66. A. junior B. general C. major D. professional

67. A. Carefully B. Fortunately C. Beautifully D. Immediately

68. A. contact B. follow C. examine D. develop

69. A. For example B. In addition C. At least D. In return

70. A. secret B. temperature C. weight D. value

【答案】65-70 CDBCAD

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