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Alan: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?

Emily: Well, let’s look at this city guide here. Uh, here’s something ___61___(interest). Why
don’t we first visit the Art Museum in the morning?
Alan: Okay. I like that idea. Where shall we go ___62___lunch?
Emily: How about ____63___(go) to an Italian restaurant ? The guide recommends ___64___
not far from the museum.
Alan: That sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? Well, it says
there are some unique animals not ___65____(find) anywhere else.
Emily: Well, to tell the ____66___(true), I’m not really interested in going there. Why don’t
we go shopping? There are supposed to be some really nice places ____67__we can
pick up some bargains.
Alan: Nah, I don’t think that’s a good idea. We only have a few traveler’s checks left. And I
only have fifty dollars left in cash.
Emily: Don’t worry. We can use your credit card to pay.
Alan: Oh, no. I remember the last time you ___68____(use) my credit card for your new
Emily: Oh, well, let’s take the subway down to the seashore ___69___walk along the beach.
Alan: I couldn’t agree ___70___. It sounds like a wonderful plan.
【语篇解读】本文是一篇对话体语篇。这是 Alan 和 Emily 之间的一次对话,两人在旅游,对话内

In the toys section, I noticed a small boy about five years old, pressing a doll against his
chest. He kept on touching 61 hair of the doll and looked very sad. I wondered who he
wanted to give the doll 62 . So I walked towards him and asked him all about it.
“It is the doll 63 my sister loved most and wanted so much for this Christmas. She
was so sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her.”
I told him not to worry. However, he 64 (reply) sadly. “ No, Santa Claus cannot bring it to
65 she is now. I’ll have to give the doll to my mother and so that she can give it to her when
she goes there.”
His eyes were filled with 66 (sad) while saying this.
“My sister 67 (go) to be with God. Daddy said that Mommy will also join God very
soon, so I think that she can bring the doll with 68 to give it to my sister.”
My heart almost stopped beating 69 (whole). The little boy looked up at me and said.
“I told Daddy to tell Mommy not to go yet. I asked him to wait 70 I come back from the
本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一个 5 岁的小男孩紧紧地将一个洋娃娃抱在胸前,他要将这个洋

Tom: Look! Someone 61 (celebrate) his birthday.
Jimmy: There is no doubt that this is his 21st birthday.
Tom: Why? Do you know that guy?
Jimmy: No. Well, in America, 21 is the age when you are allowed to drink. So, many guys
celebrate it in bars.
Tom: That’s interesting. But it would be really 62 (expense), I suppose.
Jimmy: No. 63 it is your birthday, you don’t need to pay a cent. Just blow out the candles
and open the gifts. That makes the birthday 64 special day. It is your friends that
will take care of everything.
Tom: Wow. That’s 65 (wonder).
Jimmy: What about in China?
Tom: At present, there is little difference between America and China. But we have traditional
ways to celebrate 66 . Mother will cook “long-lived” noodles. And 67 old
people, we will prepare birthday peaches.
Jimmy: Wow, birthday peaches! Real peaches?
Tom: No. They are made of wheat flour and they look just like real peaches.
Jimmy: Why peaches? Is there anything 68 (amuse) behind it?
Tom: Yes. The Goddess is said to own some magical peach trees in heaven. If you eat peaches
69 (grow) on those trees, you will 70 die.
Jimmy: Oh, I know that.

Judy: It’s almost vacation time. Are you planning to look for a summer job?
Alex: Yes, 61 (certain)!
Judy: Have you found one yet?
Alex: I suppose I can work at the boy’s camp 62 I worked last summer. But camp jobs don’t
pay much.
Judy: I think I can get a job in the Evergreen Hotel. A friend of mine was a 63 (wait) there
last summer. He said he loved the job. The pay wasn’t good, but there were lots of tips.
Alex: My sister worked there last summer 64 (make) beds and cleaning bath rooms. She
didn’t like it, but she insisted as 65 as she could earn quite a lot of money.
Judy: It seems like a good choice.
Alex: Yeah, but what I want is a job outside. After sitting in the classroom all these months,
I’d like a job in the open air.
Judy: The high school boys and girls earn a lot of money every summer by 66 (cut) grass.
My brother is only fourteen, but he gets five dollars every time he cuts somebody’s
grass, and it only takes him an hour. He just rides around on the machine that 67 (buy)
two years ago and 68 machine does all the work.
Alex: That’s pretty good. I 69 (use) cut grass when I was in high school. But now I think I
might work for a road-building company or something 70 .
Judy: It would be a good experience. You could earn a lot, too.

As the communication between China and Britain is becoming 61 (incresing)
frequent, the differences between them have caused a heated discussion in the past few years.
Firstly, table manners are the essential procedure in everyone’s daily life. We get used to
62 (use) chopsticks while Englishmen use knife and forks. It’s not polite to burst into laughter
when eating in Britain, 63 indicates you don’t respect others. 64 the contrary, we laugh and
talk during a meal. What’s more, in Britain, we have to wander along the left side of the road,
but traffic in our country keeps to the right. In addition, for Chinese students, 65 they have
experienced in studying is an 66 (organization) learning style. Students are required to
follow a clear plan. 67 (compare) with chinese education, british education is 68 flexible
and imaginative. Students there are encouraged to discuss the subject they want to learn. Last
but not least, in China, “thank you” is not frequently used between friends 69 family
members while “thank you” is widely used in Britain.
There is no sense in debating which is better. We owe these manners 70 a long history,
so you should do as the Romans do.

Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will __61 (probable) say
that they go to learn languages, arithmetic, history, science and some other knowledge. That is
quite true; but why do they learn these things?
We send our children to school to prepare them for the time __62 they will be big and
will have to work for _63_ . Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use
in their life. But is that _64 only reason why they go to school?
There is __65___ (much) in education than just 1earning facts. We go to school to learn
how to learn, so that when we have left school we can continue to learn. A man who really
knows how to learn will always be successful, ___66___ when he has to do something new,
he will not only be able to do it well himself, he will also be able to teach others _67__ to do
it in the best way. The ___68_ (educate)person, on the other hand, is either unable to do
something new, or just __69__ (do) it badly. The purpose of schools, therefore, is not to
teach languages, arithmetic, history science, etc. _70_ to teach pupils the way to 1eam.

Brian: Hi, Chris! I am glad to meet you here!
Chris: Me too! It has been almost ten years 61 we graduated.
Brian: Yeah! Time really 62 (fly)! How are you getting along now? Well I mean, do you
still teach in the medical school?
Chris: Oh, no. I worked there until three years ago. I am working in a travel agency now. 63
about you?
Brian: I still work for 64 same hospital. You know I love being a doctor, and I wouldn’t
give 65 up!
Chris: I understand. Ever since the day I got to know you, I have realized that you are heartily
66 (devote) to anything you choose to do.
Brian: Oh, it is really kind 67 you to say that!
Chris: No, I am just talking the truth. By the 68 , are you still in touch with Emma?
Brian: We had kept in touch. But two years ago, she left for England and ever since then I
69 (receive) no information from her.
Chris: For a long time I have been wishing that someday we can get together again.
Brian: Well, I hope 70 .

At one point along an open highway ,I came to a crossroads with a traffic light. I was
alone on the road by now, but __61__ I drove up to the light,it turned red,and I braked to a
halt. I looked left, right , and behind me. Nothing , __62__a car , no suggestion of
headlights, but there I sat ,__63__(wait) the light to change ,the only human being for at
least a mile in any direction.
I started wondering __64__I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of __65__(catch)
by the police, because there was obviously no cop anywhere around and __66__ certainly
would have been no danger in going __67__ it.
Much later that night,the __68__ question of why I’d stopped for that light came back
to me. I think I stopped because it’s part of a contract(合同) we all have with each other. It’s
not only the law, but it’s an agreement we have,and we trust each other to honor __69__:
We don’t go through red lights. Like most of us, I’m more ready to be stopped from doing
something bad by the social agreement that disapproves of it __70__ by any law against it.

The woman often called the First Lady of New York died on August. Brooke Astor was
one hundred five years old. The extremely wealthy and famous New Yorker spent much of
her life __61__(help)the needy in her beloved city.
She was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. She was the only child of a high level
military officer. After two earlier __62__(marry) ,she married Vincent Astor in 1953 again.
He came from a family __63__ had been rich for least on hundred years. Among other things,
he owed many buildings in New York City. Brooke Astor became one of the
__64__(rich)women in the world when Vincent Astor died. She also became head of a huge
charity organization_ _65__(found) by her husband. He repeatedly had told her she would
have fun giving __66__ his money. And apparently she did. Missus Astor gave tens of
millions of dollars __67__(main)to places and people in New York City. She said it was the
sensible choice because that was __68__ the money had been made. She gave financial
support to the city’s cultural centers , its poor and disabled as __69__ as to many other
smaller charities. When she died, the mayor of New York said the city would not be what it is
today __70__ her support.

Alan: Oh, Jessie. Did you get to talk to the Browns about their trip to Venezuela?
Jessie: Oh, yes. They said the scenery there was wonderful and the food was great. In a word,
they quite enjoyed ___61__there.
Alan:_62__ did they say the weather was like?
Jessie: They said it was extremely cool. They suggested that we _63__(take) some warm
Alan: Uh. Did you ask how the hotels were?
Jessie: It seemed they were excellent, and not expensive. _64__ addition, the staff of the
hotels were _65__ (help) and friendly.
Alan: Well, that’s good. And did they d a lot of shopping __66_ they were there?
Jessie: No. they advertised us not _67__ (spend) too much money buying clothes. They ‘re
much more expensive than those in the United States. But they told me that you _68__
get gold jewelry fo rvery little. It is much ___69_(cheap) there and you’ll save a lot of
Alan: Sounds great. I’m considering __70___ (buy) a par of gold earrings for my aunt.

Alan 和 Jessie 想去委内瑞拉旅行,所以 Jessie 向布朗一家打听他们的委内瑞拉之行的情


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