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The main factor that distinguishes a person from an animal is language, social

skills and a rich cultural heritage. Human culture is rich in proverbs, beliefs,
has a developed linguistic environment, known for the appropriate manner of
dressing, speaking, communicating and preparing food.
All began long before the beginning of time, when man became intelligent.
Already then, people had *upright posture*, vocal tract, could speak fully, had
a complex brain structure and could articulated a wide range of sounds. Our
ancestors made crude stone tools to make life easier. The culture of our
species is based on characteristic features, or symbols - language, proverbs,
rules of behavior and the specificity of the mental world. Culture is our
heritage. Each people is special, has its own history, art, architectural
features, specific ways of revealing mentality, but we all have something in
common. Moreover, we learned to share knowledge with each other. In other
words, today the world is a multicultural community with an extensive
communication system, united by the traditions that people have learned to
share. If we didn't, most of the planet would never know about the Mona Lisa,
Versailles, the Grand Canyon, Big Ben, the Great Wall of China, and
especially the Cossacks.
One of the laws of nature says that the strong devours the weak. This also
applies to our world. A society with a richer cultural potential absorbs a
weaker one, assimilating it to its own. Thus, at present, the USA is spreading
its own culture to the whole world in the way of commercial influence,
assimilating others to the specifics of their nation.

what distinguishes a person from an animal?

What did people do to simplify their tasks in the
How does homo sapiens differ from our more ancient
what does the concept of culture mean to people?
how human cultures can differ depending on their place of
What things, symbols, factors help people stand out from
Why do similar cultures exist in the world, is it related to the assimilation of a
certain environment or the transfer of one culture to another?

How can cultures nowadays interact with each other

without losing their identity?

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