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Connector Practice

Use the connecting words in the box to complete the sentences. In a few cases, more than one answer
can be used. Make a copy of this document in your own drive to edit and practice!

1. Animal products are used in a variety of foods. __________, red food coloring often uses crushed insect parts.

2.Scientists agree that we need to eat less meat. __________, land reserved for cattle continues to increase.

3.The match in Chile was canceled __________ the ongoing protests.

4.The evidence presented to the jury was undeniable; __________, they convicted the defendant without hesitation.

5. __________ global poverty has decreased significantly in the last few decades, the wealthiest people have gotten

6. Modern day slavery is still prevalent in countries __________ India and China.
7.Democrat Andrew Yang proposed a universal basic income for all American citizens. __________, many Republicans
claim this would bankrupt the country.

8. People continue to support corrupt politicians __________ evidence of their actions.

9. Elon Musk is the CEO of several companies, __________ SpaceX and Tesla.

10. __________ having to protect the president, the Secret Service also protects the US Dollar from counterfeits and

11. Most countries continue to uphold the Paris Agreement. __________, the United States has decided to leave it.

12. Protests in France were triggered by high gasoline prices. __________, the protests in Ecuador stemmed from the
same issue.

13. __________ security cameras on every street corner, China monitors people’s actions through their mobile phones
and other devices.

14. __________ essay writing can be boring, it’s a useful skill to have.

15. The keto diet can help you to lose weight. __________, it’s a faster method than others.

16. Heart disease is now the leading cause of death in developed countries; __________, it’s projected to grow as
lifespans increase.

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