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Task 1. Complete each sentence with the correct Task 2.

Complete each sentence with the correct

word from the word bank. word from the word bank.
alliance broke embrace grief testify stuff
amateur precious horrible horrified bury reciprocated
apothecary confident feud eternal pretend rescue
banish dagger fire modest psychiatrist stab
beg declare friar nightmare pulse swear

1. There are several ________________ and semi- 1. A ________________ may prescribe medications to
professional football clubs in the county. treat anxiety or depression.
2. Countless thousands have needlessly died in this 2. Police officers ________________ an oath to the
________________ imperialistic war. constitutions of the state of Vermont and the United
States of America.
3. The two most ________________ resources for any
small-business owner are time and money. 3. After weeks of ________________ and sadness, it’s
almost time for us to laugh and sing again.
4. His gun did not work, and his ________________
fell on the ground as the tiger jumped on him. 4. A woman who was attempting to
________________ her neighbor was shot and killed
5. In 1935, the Soviets signed treaties of
by police.
________________ with France and Czechoslovakia.
5. Both armies began to collect their remaining
6. I know that you cannot ________________ the truth
wounded and ________________ some of the dead.
permanently; you can only cloud it temporarily.
6. He was ________________ by Hitler's plan to start
7. Turkey is so ________________ in their disaster
a new and even more terrible war in the east.
response that they refused foreign aid.
7. A trainer and doctor came on court to check
8. The incident appears to have resulted from an
Jankovic's ________________ and blood pressure.
ongoing ________________ between the rivals.
8. Zoo operators in Peru care for about 4,000 animals
9. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor led Germany to
that police ________________ each year from
________________ war on the United States.
10. Managers will ________________ workers for
9. The ongoing war in Syria has become a
poor performance and will award bonuses for
________________ for the countries of the region.
10. Several key witnesses declined to
________________ because they had been threatened.
Task 3. Complete each sentence with the correct Task 4. Complete each sentence with the correct
word from the word bank. word from the word bank.
overwhelmed wed demand addicted wretched regard
tomb weep soul anxiety naive dilemma
bargain woe nobleman treasure consider put off
unite concentrate on the mend benefit deal with distract
vial blog go out claim decorate dump

1. The ________________ is made up of a central 1. Stories of sunken gold on these wrecks have
lobby and a burial room with two stone coffins. attracted ________________ hunters for years.
2. Mr. Yuan, Zoom’s chief executive, subsequently 2. Lawmakers face a ________________ as they try to
wrote a ________________ post in July apologizing balance corporate and consumer interests.
for the delay.
3. One ________________ of big retailers entering the
3. Pinmei began to ________________ again, but this green market has been lower prices for consumers.
time the tears were ones of happiness.
4. He decided to ________________ football for a
4. In a time of domestic crisis, men of goodwill and year to study medical anthropology at Oxford.
generosity should be able to ________________
5. The city also encourages employees to
regardless of party or politics.
________________ taking the bus or biking to work.
5. The test required about half a ________________ of
6. You must not let your negative emotions
blood drawn from the forearm.
________________ you from achieving your goals.
6. Many hospitals, especially in densely populated
7. Calligraphic inscriptions from the Quran
urban areas, are ________________.
________________ mosques and mausoleums in
7. Chinese buyers, perhaps seeing current prices as a Punjab.
________________, continue to import at high levels.
8. Dr. Winickoff of Harvard noted that it is nicotine
8. ________________ on your job and you will forget that people are ________________ to, not cigarettes.
your other troubles.
9. The unknown of how long the pandemic will last is
9. People ________________ freedom only when they causing added stress and ________________.
have no power.
10. Most climbers have good etiquette, but there are
10. In addition to being a ________________, he was many visitors who ________________ their trash here.
an esteemed authority on dinosaurs and other fossil
Task 5. Complete each sentence with the correct Task 6. Complete each sentence with the correct
word from the word bank. word from the word bank.
enable investigate point of view rancor take after transport
transform keep up pump robbery take up treat
give up look up disable simplify confront valuable
go with the flow thrift put up with spread track down stuck
greet menace qualify steal fiancée scary

1. Computer hacking is a serious ________________ 1. People are looking for ways to go back to their roots
to nations and their security institutions. and ________________ their lives.
2. ________________ words that you don't know and 2. A ________________ voice howls from the house
keep a running list of new words to learn. with the crooked door and broken windows.
3. We are on a tight budget so our books come from 3. They form a group of thieves who
the ________________ store or library. ________________ from the rich to help those in
4. In general, ________________ Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
unless you absolutely need to use them. 4. Good science and public trust are perhaps the most
________________ tools in the fight against
5. Only a quarter of those who graduated did well
enough to ________________ for university.
5. Large buses are being used to ________________
6. Meaningful dialogue requires taking steps to
the homeless to hotels to abide by the six-feet
understand the others ________________.
distancing requirements.
7. The seven opposition candidates use a different
6. A semi-truck carrying an oversized load got
hand signal to ________________ each other.
________________ in the construction zone.
8. You can ________________ an alarm to notify you
7. Armstrong told police he'd used the money from the
with a sound when battery power is waning.
first ________________ to pay bills.
9. Experts say there is a great need to find new ways to
8. The test would help scientists understand whether
help people ________________ smoking.
the virus was able to ________________ from human
10. The minivan has not been found, and police to human.
continue to ________________ the incident.
9. The administration prepared to ________________
the threat the novel coronavirus posed to workers.
10. Investigators deployed a helicopter to help
________________ the stolen car.

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