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Docker Volume

Data available even though container got deleted

Why do we need to have docker volume?

Data no longer available once container is stopped or removed

Docker container did not persist data permanently

Different types of Volume Mounts

Volume Mount and Bind Mount


Containers are usually immutable and ephemeral

Immuntable Infra: Only re-deploy container and never change

This is the ideal scenario: What about DB or configuration related info

Docker gives us features to ensure these "seperation of concerns"

This is called "Persistent Data"

Volume Mount

Volumes are created at Host File system and managed by Docker

Make special location outside of the container

At RHEL Linux or Ubuntu, volumes are located at /var/lib/docker/volumes/

Volumes can be created by two way

1) docker volume create
2) Run time

Volume can be mounted to multiple containers

Volume can not be removed
Volume can be removed by docker volume prune command

Usage of the Volumes


1) Sharing data among various containers

2) When you want to backup, restore, or migrate data amoung multiple hosts

Bind Mount

Directory can be available anywhere in the Docker host system

Link container path to host path
(Maps a host file or directory to a container file or directory)

- Changes can be incorporated at host files and container files

- There is a sync between host and container and vice versa

Listing Docker volume


docker volume ls

Creating a Volume
docker volume create --name customerdb
docker volume ls

Use Case 1: Creating a container with volume and remove the container once you exit
from the container

docker run -it --name suse1 --rm -v customerdb:/platniumcustomer centos

- suse1 : Name of the container

- -v: Volume
- Platniumcustomer : Creating a folder at Container OS
- --rm indicating that once you exit from container and automatically remove the

Output is

You are getting into container OS and apply ls -la command

You get one folder of "platniumcustomer"

Apply command for Mount

df -h
which list out all mount details and you can get platniumcustomer

Get into platniumcustomer folder and add few files under this folder

After created files, apply below


You are now Base os and exit from container os

Since, you apply --rm commands container get deleted automatically

You can get to know after apply below

docker ps
docker ps -a

docker volume inspect customerdb

You can get output of Json format and refer Mount Point Path

Go to Mount Point path where you get the file which you created inside the
Lesson Learned: Even if you deleted container, data can be alive at base machine


Use Case 2: Creating a new container with same volume


docker run -it --name suse2 --rm -v customerdb:/platniumcustomer1 centos

Created automatically folder of platinumcustomer1 and file which you created

earlier container
of suse1

Old container deleted, but container data stored in the Host machine volume

Host machine volume bind with new container of suse2



Use Case 3: Creating a volume dynamically (During run time)


docker run -it --name suse3 -v customerdb1:/regularcustomer centos

You are now at container os of centos

Go to regularcustomer folder and create a new file

After created the file, apply CTRL pq from the container

(Now whatever data I captured here that persists to host machine too and if I
remove the container,
the same data persists to host machine)

Now container alive now since we did not use --rm command


Use Case 4: Container Data Persists after stop the container


Data can be alive, after stop the container


docker stop <container name or id>

docker stop suse3

Data can be persits, even after stop the container

docker start <container name or id>

docker start suse3

Get into container OS as per below

docker attach <Container id>


docker exec -it < Container id> bash

Get into container os and you go respective foler where you can get respective


Use Case 5: Creating Volume from an existing directory with data


docker run -it --rm --name suse4 -v customerdb1:/var centos

Get into container os and system created var directory automatically

exit from container os


Use Case 6: Linking data with other container


docker run -it --rm --name suse5 -v customerdb1:/linkcustomer centos ls


Above command is for displaying ls commnad, that is going to display contents of

the volume

without get into bash termainals


Use Case 7: Data sharing between containers


docker run -it --name suse6 -v customerdb3:/sharecustomer centos

You are now at container os and get into sharecustomer folder

At sharecustomer folder, you create a few files and save it

Exit from container os

Use Case 8 : Create suse7 container and mount volumes from suse6

docker run -it --name suse7 --volumes-from suse6 centos

Get into sharecustomer folder where you get the data

Use Case 9: Bind Volume

docker run -it --name suse8 -v /hostvolume/iosmobile:/containervolume/apple centos

Now, you are in the container

Get into containervolume/iosmobile directory and create few files

After exit from the container, at host system you can get data which created at

At host system, edit the files (Whatever you edited which can be available at
container too)

You log into container and go to respective file and check it

Lab exercise

How to attach one directory to container?

docker run -it --name suse9 -v /suraj:/orange centos

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