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kubectl get node

kubectl get node -o wide

Ensure that do you have any pod or not

kubectl get pod

Create a file for Pod definition

Using editor either vi or nano
vi <filename.yaml or filename.yml>
nano <filename.yaml or filename.yml>

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mypod
- name: nginx-container
image: nginx:1.7.9

kubectl get pod
kubectl get pod -o wide
Run the Pod definition file
kubectl apply -f <file name>
kubectl get pod
kubectl get pod -o wide
kubectl describe pod <Pod Name>
kubectl delete pod <Pod Name>

Create Name Space

kubectl create ns <Name Space>

Example: kubectl create ns test

kubectl get ns

Create a Pod in a given Namespace

kubectl apply -f <Yaml File> --namespace <Name Space>

Example: kubectl apply -f filename1.yml --namespace=test

List the Pods

kubectl get pod

List the Pods with additional detail

kubectl get pod -o wide

List the Pods in a given namespace

kubectl get pod -n <name space>

kubectl get pod -n test

Describe the Pod

kubectl describe pod mypod -n <NAME SPACE>
kubectl describe pod mypod -n test

Deleting Pod

kubectl delete pod <POD NAME> -n <NAME SPACE>

Example: kubectl delete pod mypod -n test

Deleting Namespace

kubectl delete ns <NAME SPACE>

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