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To create a new namespace : kubectl create namespace dreamio

2. To view the pods : kubectl get pods

3. To view the pods in a namespace : kubectl get pods -n dreamio

4. To deploy applications in a particular namespace. Goto the directory we cloned

helm install dreamio ./ --namespace dreamio

5. To check the application is deployed : helm list -A

6. To check the services for a namespace : kubectl get svc -n dreamio

7. To get the statefulsets for the namespace: kubectl get statefulsets -n dreamio

8. To edit the yaml file for a particular statefulset : kubectl edit statefulsets zk -n dreamio

9. To check the yaml file for a namespace: kubectl get svc zk-hs -o yaml -n dreamio
10. To delete a pod: kubectl delete pod zk-0 -n dreamio

11. To uninstall application in a namespace: helm uninstall dreamio namespace dreamio

12. To check the logs for a namespace: kubectl logs dreamio-executor-0 -n dreamio

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