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Step 4:

Here are eight explicit performance standards/criteria/ objectives with defining behaviors that

can be used to assess. We will assign a rating of 1 to 5 to each item on the scale, with a score

of 1 indicated that none of the goals have been achieved and a score of 5 indicating that all

goals have been accomplished.

4 of these are to assess the Team as a whole

1) Communication: The team should be able to communicate clearly with one another,

other teams, and stakeholders. Effective communication can be demonstrated by a

variety of actions, such as:

• Actively listening to people and showing understanding

• Clearly expressing ideas and concerns -Providing constructive feedback

• Timely response to emails, messages, and other kinds of communication

2) Collaboration: Effective collaboration is another important performance standard for

the team. This involves working together in a cohesive manner towards common

goals. Some behaviors that demonstrate effective collaboration include

• Respecting and valuing the input of others

• Providing support and assistance to team members when necessary

• Sharing knowledge and skills

• Taking responsibility for tasks and following through on commitments.

3) Productivity: The team should be able to efficiently complete tasks, meet deadlines,

and deliver high-quality work. The following are some particular actions that show

great productivity:
• Setting priorities and efficiently using your time

• Consistently achieving or surpassing goals

• Aiming for perfection in their work

• -Constantly looking for ways to make procedures and results better

4) Adaptability: Flexibility and adaptability are crucial traits for a team, as they enable

the team to navigate and respond effectively to shifting circumstances. The following

behaviors are indicators of adaptability:

• Demonstrating an openness to new ideas and different approaches

• Showing a willingness to learn and develop new skills

• Having the capability to manage unexpected situations and overcome


• Being flexible in their work style and approach.

4 of these are to evaluate individual Team Members

1) Quality of work - An individual's work is a measure of the accuracy, timeliness, and effort

that they put into completing a task. It reflects their level of skill in performing the task and is

indicative of their commitment to achieving excellence in their work. Quality of work can be

demonstrated through:

• successful delivery of results that meet or exceed expectations, meeting deadlines, and

paying close attention to detail.

• consistently producing high-quality output, accepting responsibility for any errors, and

striving to improve.

• effective communication and collaboration, providing feedback, and taking initiative to

solve problems.
2) Interpersonal skills - Interpersonal skills are the abilities to effectively communicate and

interact with others. These skills involve being able to communicate effectively through verbal

and non-verbal means, actively listen to others, solve problems, show empathy, collaborate

with others, negotiate, and resolve conflicts. Interpersonal skill is demonstrated by:

• actively listening to other team members, expressing empathy, effectively

communicating ideas in a respectful manner.

• being open to feedback, collaborating and compromising with others, and showing

respect for diversity.

• willing to help their teammates, striving to meet common goals, and being enthusiastic

and supportive of the team's efforts.

3) Productivity - Productivity is the measure of how effectively a team works together to

achieve its goals in each amount of time. It is the rate of output produced in completing tasks

and can be improved by streamlining processes, minimizing distractions, and increasing

collaboration. Productivity can be demonstrated by:

• make sure everyone on the team is aware of the team’s goals and expectations and how

their individual performance will be measured.

• evaluate the quality of the team member’s work and their ability to complete tasks on


• measure the team member’s results against the team’s goals and objectives.

4) Teamwork - Team work is a collaborative process through which individuals with different

skills and experiences come together to achieve a common goal. It involves open

communication, setting clear objectives, delegating roles and responsibilities, and working as

a unit to complete tasks and reach objectives.

• participating in team brainstorming sessions and contributing to the discussion of ideas

is an effective way to generate new perspectives and solutions.

• collaborating on a project, dividing up the responsibilities and assisting one another in

achieving the desired results.

• engaging in open and honest communication with one another.

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