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Global Citizenship and Equity (GCE) Assignment

Mayuri Sivanesan 300801641

Rhea Verghese 301304653

Angelia Philips 301315876

Centennial College

HRPD 704 Organizational Behaviour

Professor Victor Iykekpolar

Date: March 18th, 2023

1. What do you perceive as unique “Canadian” beliefs, values, and attitudes [at the individual

level and at the organizational level]? How do these translate into [emergent] behaviors?

In Canada, there are certain beliefs, values, and attitudes that are commonly held by individuals and

organizations. These include respect for diversity, multiculturalism,

"Canadian niceness", humility, collaboration, social responsibility, work-life balance, and open

communication. At the individual level, respecting diversity involves valuing inclusivity and treating

people fairly, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. Canadians appreciate and

celebrate unique differences, rather than judging or criticizing those who are different (“Respecting and

Understanding”, n.d.). Multiculturalism is also emphasized, with policies that promote different cultural

backgrounds. Canadians are known for being polite and friendly and tend to be humble, avoiding

showing off their accomplishments. Additionally, Canadians exhibit tolerance and accept different

lifestyles, beliefs, and opinions.

At the organizational level, Canadian companies value collaboration and teamwork over individualism

and competition (Atlassian, 2022). They prioritize social responsibility and engage in charitable

activities, environmental sustainability, and ethical business practices. Canadian organizations strive to

create a flexible and supportive work environment that promotes work-life balance, and they emphasize

the importance of open and honest communication with employees, customers, and stakeholders. These

Canadian beliefs, values, and attitudes result in emergent behaviours in both individual and

organizational contexts. Respect for diversity and multiculturalism leads to accepting and open-minded

behaviour toward people from different backgrounds, fair and respectful treatment of others, and

celebration of cultural differences. "Canadian niceness" and humility translate into being polite, friendly,

and avoiding boasting or showing off. Collaboration, social responsibility, work-life balance, and open
communication lead to teamwork, engagement in charitable activities, promotion of a supportive work

environment, and transparent and honest communication.

Overall, these Canadian beliefs, values, and attitudes foster a positive workplace culture that values

teamwork, inclusivity, social responsibility, and work-life balance.

2. What parts of your identity, values, and/ or beliefs are the same as these “Canadian” values

and what parts appear different? Are their patterns of your behaviour [behavioural traditions]

which appear the same or different from the “Canadian norm?”

Mayuri: Canada is known for its multiculturalism, diversity, and inclusivity. Canadians value respect,

tolerance, and equality, and they strive to promote social justice and human rights. Canadians also

value individual freedoms, such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and they embrace

democratic principles, such as the rule of law and the importance of civic engagement. In terms of

behavioural traditions, Canadians tend to be polite, friendly, and courteous. They are known for saying

"please" and "thank you" and for apologizing even when they are not at fault. Canadians also tend to

be punctual and reliable, and they prioritize work-life balance.

Angelia: As an Asian identity, my values and beliefs are closely related to the values held by Canadians.

These include respect for diversity, freedom of speech, and the importance of education. However, there

are some differences as well. Indian cultures place a much higher emphasis on family values and

relationships, are more hierarchical in nature, and value tradition and respect for elders more than is

typical in Canadian culture. Additionally, there are behavioural differences between the two, such as a

greater emphasis on formality and hierarchy when interacting with others in Asian cultures, as well as a

greater emphasis on communal responsibility and collective action. These differences are rooted in the

unique histories and experiences of both cultures.

Rhea: Indian by birth, but my upbringing is that with global antecedence. India is a land with a diverse

cultural outdo with people from different parts of the world carrying different values, attitudes, and

cultures. Indians have a very friendly, warm, and welcoming side to them, which is also a noticeable

aspect in the Canadian culture. You will see that the helping nature is common to both cultures which

creates a positive and very welcomed feeling. India is land where people connect through the many

festivals and the bond and cheer spread through such events. In terms of behavior traditions, Indians are

polite and warm but at the same time very involving. They like to mix with people in social gatherings

and bring about the good cheer of happiness and kindness.

3. Why is it important to not only “manage” diversity, but to understand its importance to an


Diversity in a workplace is basically the plethora of differences between all the individuals existing in

an organization. It is important to understand the integral working and inclusion of diversity in an

organization to avoid proliferation of mediocre talent. Where the advantages are so many and range

from creativity and innovation to greater productivity. There is also a notable deduction in employee

turnover and increased revenue (Associates, 2019).

Diversity is variety and that is essence in running an organization. For e.g., Lets understand the concept

of diversified culture through an example. You have two plates of fruit, one has blueberries and the other

has a combination of berries like strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries. From the

nutrition perspective the second plate is more beneficial. Similarly, an organization having people from

different walks of life will be able to give more and contribute better, and as correctly understood more

the merrier, if managed well (The Importance of Managing Diversity in the Workplace |, 2013)
Apart from there being a competitive advantage, tolerance, leniency, and employer branding top the

charts along with differentiation coupled with innovation. Managing diversity includes keeping a tab

on the changing laws given with the diversified group of people comes the various laws and rules they

are governed by (Epadmin, 2017)

4. How do these [1-3 above] interact in the creation, perpetuation, or, potentially the alteration,

of an organizational culture? … and what would the “culture” be like?

Organizational culture transformation is the process of aligning an organization's core values and vision

to achieve a desired culture (What Is Organizational Culture?, 2022).

An organization's culture is greatly influenced by its leadership. When making decisions and interacting

with one another, leaders set the tone for their teams (Tanner, 2020). In our group, we create a culture

of collaboration and goal orientation by providing direction and motivation to group members. We keep

the group on track and foster a positive and productive atmosphere. We also ensure tasks are completed

on time and can troubleshoot any issues that arise along the way. People's communication styles are

influenced by the culture in which they were raised, and cultures themselves can be influenced by the

way in which people communicate.

People's exposure to cultural norms and values gives them an implicit understanding of how to interact

with people in various contexts and how to interpret other people's behavior in those circumstances

(Giri, 2006). As a group, we have the power to shape and strengthen the culture of the group through

communication. We build relationships and trust by exchanging ideas, beliefs, and value and we can

create a sense of unity and understanding through effective communication, which can help to form a

shared identity.
Cultural perspective refers to the way in which individuals interact with the world and view it through

the lens of their culture and social norms. It is shaped by language, beliefs, practices, all which shape

and inform an individual's understanding of themselves and their environment (Admin, 2016). The

unique cultural perspectives of each member of our group shape our collective culture by forming a

shared set of values and behaviors that arise from our different interpretations of experiences. This

results in a variety of interpretations, leading to a diverse range of experiences and beliefs.


1. Admin. (2016). Cultural Perspective And How To Get It – Indigenous Perspectives Society.



2. Associates, P. (2019). The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace. PrincePerelson &


3. Atlassian. (2022). How to Create a Collaborative Culture | The Workstream. Atlassian.

4. Epadmin. (2017). Diversity in the Workplace | Workplace Diversity | Managing Diversity.




5. Giri, V. N. (2006). Culture and Communication Style. Review of Communication, 6(1-2), 124–


6. Respecting and understanding diversity. (n.d.). M&G Skills for Life. https://www.mandg-

7. Tanner, O. C. (2020). How Does Leadership Influence Organizational Culture? O.C. Tanner -

Appreciate Great Work; O.C. Tanner.


8. The Importance Of Managing Diversity In The Workplace | (2013).

9. What Is Organizational Culture? (2022). GothamCulture.


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