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YEAR 9 Revision – 2024

Q1. Define the following:

Responsibility Nationalism National service Belonging

Marginalization Social Cohesion Intolerance Tolerance

Diversity Equality Prejudice Stereotype

Bias Persecution Discrimination Empathy

Ans:- Responsibility -
Nationalism-refers to emotional and sentimental acts towards’ ones’ country.
National Service- A period of obligatory service in the armed forces of the country.
Belonging- The connection that a person has to another person, group or community.
Marginalization- Treating someone as insignificant.
Social Cohesion- The association that individuals have with one another through social and cultural
connections; the cohesion between members of small local communities, which is either motivated by
Tolerance- The quality of accepting people and their behavior and opinions even if you are not in agreement
with them.
Diversity- Refers to the ways that we are all different from one another.Some differences can be our
gender,culture,religion or spirituality,family,how much money we have,age,body size and ability.
Equality- Treating people in such a way that the outcome for each person can be the same
Prejudice-An unreasonable dislike and distrust of people who are different from you in some way especially
of their race,gender etc.
Stereotype- A preconceived idea or image that many people have of a person or thing,but which is often not
true in reality.
Bias-An unfair preference for one person or a group,often based on preconceived opinions that may not be
based on fact.
Discrimination-treating people unfairly or differently based on religion,race or age.
Empathy-Having the ability to fully understand what other people are feeling perhaps because you have
experienced similar feelings yourself.
Q2. Answer the following:
1. Write a short note on the document of Conduct and Ethics of the Emirati citizens. (Formation, aim
and what it includes.)
2. List some Emirati values that are passed down from one generation to another and compare it to that
of your values.
Emirati values, passed down through generations, emphasize family, hospitality, respect for authority and
tradition, Islamic principles, and a strong work ethic. Sri Lankan values, similarly transmitted across
generations, highlight respect for elders, hospitality, collectivism, cultural diversity, Buddhist principles, and
a spirit of resilience. While both cultures share certain values such as hospitality and respect for elders, they
also exhibit unique characteristics shaped by their distinct cultural, religious, and historical contexts.

3. Why should people practice values and be responsible?

Ans; 1. Practicing values and responsibility benefits individuals and society. (People should engage
in practicing values and being responsible because it not only benefits them personally but also
contributes to the well-being of their communities and nations.)
2. Values like responsibility, empathy, integrity, and social participation promote harmony.
3. Embracing these values fosters unity, trust, and cooperation among people.
4. Personal growth and fulfillment are linked to living by these values.

4. Define the meaning of social exclusion in family and school and analyze the negative impact on the
5. Define the importance of military service and the role played by youth. Analyze its importance for
social cohesion, to the country and all the citizens.
Ans:the importance of sacrifice and meeting the call to serve the country. It also shows that military
service is a sign of high patriotism and refers to the cohesion of the citizens to protect it.

6. What does tolerance mean to you?

Ans:Tolerance means accepting and respecting differences, whether they are in opinions, beliefs,
practices, or characteristics. It involves acknowledging and appreciating diversity and allowing
various perspectives, cultures, and identities to coexist without judgment or prejudice. Tolerance
promotes understanding and peaceful coexistence in a society that values and celebrates its diversity.

7. What traditions do you have in the UAE that are different from other countries?
8. The UAE was established on __December 2, 1971 .and the first President was Sheikh Zayed bin
Sultan Al Nahyan.
9. In what ways could several subcultures impact upon social cohesion? Analyze the pros and cons that
arise from it.
10. What is the importance of social cohesion to preserve Emirati culture despite the interaction and
cultural diversity within the country?
11. What do you think would life be like in a society that is not diverse?
Ans:A society that lacks diversity would likely face several challenges and limitations. Diversity,
encompassing differences in race, ethnicity, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, and more, brings
various perspectives, experiences, and ideas to the table. Without diversity, a society might become
homogeneous, leading to a lack of innovation, creativity, and cultural richness. In a less diverse
society, there may be a tendency toward conformity, and the absence of different viewpoints could
hinder problem-solving and critical thinking. Social and economic disparities may be more
pronounced, as there may be less understanding and empathy across different groups. Additionally, a
lack of exposure to diverse cultures and ideas could lead to ignorance, stereotypes, and a narrow
worldview. Overall, diversity is often considered a strength that contributes to a vibrant and dynamic
society, fostering tolerance, mutual understanding, and collective growth.
12. Do you believe that encouraging people to talk about their differences would lead to greater mutual
respect between people?
13. In what way can our differences influence the learning environment? (give two positive and two
Ans: Positive Influences of Differences on the Learning Environment:

1)Diverse Perspectives and Ideas: Differences in backgrounds, cultures, and experiences bring a
variety of perspectives to the learning environment. This diversity can enrich class discussions,
providing students with a broader understanding of topics and encouraging critical thinking.
2)Cultural Competence: Exposure to diverse cultures fosters cultural competence among students.
This can enhance their ability to work effectively in a globalized world, promoting open-mindedness,
tolerance, and an appreciation for different ways of thinking and living.

Negative Influences of Differences on the Learning Environment:

1)Misunderstandings and Communication Challenges: Differences in communication styles,

language proficiency, or cultural norms may lead to misunderstandings among students. This can
hinder effective collaboration and create barriers to learning and sharing ideas.
2)Stereotyping and Bias: Unchecked biases or stereotypes based on differences such as race,
ethnicity, or socioeconomic status can create a negative learning environment. Stereotyping can
contribute to unfair treatment, discrimination, and a lack of inclusivity, impacting the overall
educational experience for some students.

14. Give examples of ways you can see diversity in the UAE. (Any 4)
Ans: 1)Religious Diversity: The UAE is home to people practicing various religions, with Islam
being the predominant faith. Expatriates, however, practice a range of religions, including
Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and others. The UAE government promotes tolerance and
understanding among different religious communities.
2) Educational Diversity: The UAE's education system welcomes students from diverse cultural and
linguistic backgrounds. International schools and universities provide an inclusive environment that
values and respects the diversity of students.
3)Workforce Diversity: The UAE's workforce includes individuals from different professional
backgrounds, skills, and expertise. Professionals from around the world contribute to the country's
economic development, bringing diverse perspectives and talents to various industries.
4)Culinary Diversity: The UAE's culinary scene reflects its diverse population. You can find
restaurants serving a wide array of international cuisines, from Middle Eastern and Asian to
European and American, catering to the diverse tastes of residents and visitors.
15. Sometimes, communities of a particular cultural or national background live in enclaves with a larger
community. What are the possible advantages and/ or disadvantages of this?
16. UAE is your home. What makes UAE your home?
Ans: The UAE feels like home for many due to its vibrant cultural diversity, where people from various
backgrounds live and work together harmoniously. This multicultural environment fosters a sense of
belonging as individuals often find communities that share similar values and experiences. The
Emirati culture, known for warm hospitality and generosity, contributes to a welcoming atmosphere,
creating a strong sense of community for both residents and visitors. The country's reputation for
high levels of safety and security adds to the feeling of comfort and peace of mind, making it a
secure and nurturing environment. With its modern infrastructure, the UAE offers a high standard of
living, providing comfort and convenience that eases the adaptation process. Many are drawn to the
UAE for abundant career opportunities, and the country's economic success fosters a sense of
accomplishment and fulfillment. The overall quality of life is enhanced by excellent healthcare,
education, and recreational facilities, ensuring that individuals feel their needs are well taken care of.
The diverse array of cultural and recreational activities, from traditional events to modern
entertainment, contributes to a sense of belonging and enjoyment. The UAE's unique blend of
tradition and modernity creates an enriching environment, appealing to those who appreciate a
harmonious balance between the past and the present.
17. Give examples of diversity, tolerance, prejudice and discrimination.
Ans Tolerance:

Example: In a school setting, students participate in a project that encourages them to learn about and
respect different religious practices. Tolerance is demonstrated when students openly discuss and
appreciate the diversity of beliefs without judgment.


Example: A person holds negative stereotypes about a particular ethnic group and makes
assumptions about individuals from that group based solely on those stereotypes. This preconceived
bias influences their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors towards members of that community.


Example: An employer refuses to hire an applicant because of their disability, even though the
applicant is qualified for the job. This discriminatory action is based on the applicant's physical
condition, and it infringes upon their right to equal opportunities in employment.:
18. How can you help people who feel like outsiders?
Ans:- Creating an inclusive environment for individuals who feel like outsiders involves active
listening, empathy, and fostering connections. Promote a culture that celebrates diversity and
provides information about community resources and events. Establish mentorship programs, offer
cultural sensitivity training, and create safe spaces for open dialogue. Celebrate differences through
events, address bullying or discrimination, and ensure accessible support services. Encourage
self-expression, validate individual experiences, and consistently promote a sense of belonging
through small, inclusive gestures within the community.
19. Compare the traditions of the UAE with those of your country.
20. Interpret how travel helps overcome prejudice. Give three examples.
Travel serves as a powerful tool for overcoming prejudice by providing opportunities for cultural
immersion, fostering personal connections, and broadening perspectives. Experiencing diverse
traditions and lifestyles firsthand, forming relationships with people from different backgrounds, and
gaining insights into various social and economic conditions all contribute to breaking down
stereotypes and promoting a more inclusive worldview. Through these experiences, individuals
develop empathy and understanding, challenging preconceived notions and promoting a recognition
of shared humanity.
21. Read the scenario and answer the questions that follow: A girl tells her friend how her father looks
after her baby sister at home while her mother works. Her friend raises her eyebrows and says,
“That’s weird! Dads aren’t supposed to look after babies - mums should. What type of bias is this?
How would you deal with it?
Ans:-The bias demonstrated in this scenario is a gender stereotype bias, where the friend holds a
preconceived and traditional belief about gender roles, asserting that mothers should be the primary
caregivers for babies rather than fathers. To address this bias, it's essential to promote
understanding and challenge stereotypical views. One could respond by highlighting the importance
of shared responsibilities in parenting, emphasizing that both parents are fully capable of caring for
their children. Sharing personal experiences or examples of other families where fathers actively
participate in childcare can help challenge and broaden the friend's perspective. Encouraging open
dialogue and questioning the basis of such stereotypes can contribute to breaking down gender
biases and fostering a more inclusive and equitable mindset.

22. Write some examples of human values that govern the relationships between group members and
contribute to the continuity of the group.
23. List some benefits that an individual gains from belonging to the community group.
24. Identify the educational means provided by the Emirati community to help promote community
25. Define your duties towards your country in terms of your role in each of the following: Family,
school and neighborhood.
26. Express your opinion about the following statement: “Social identity is always a source of pride and
27. Why is it important to celebrate the Day of tolerance? What activities would you organize to
celebrate the day of tolerance?
Ans:Celebrating the Day of Tolerance is important as it provides an opportunity to promote and
reinforce the values of acceptance, understanding, and respect for diversity within a community.
Recognizing and celebrating this day helps to create awareness about the significance of tolerance in
fostering harmonious relationships, reducing conflicts, and building a more inclusive society. It
serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing differences and working towards a world where
individuals from various backgrounds can coexist peacefully.

● To celebrate the Day of Tolerance, you could organize a range of activities that promote these values:
Panel Discussions: Organize panel discussions featuring individuals from diverse backgrounds
sharing their experiences and insights on the importance of tolerance in their lives.
1. Awareness Campaigns: Launch awareness campaigns using various media platforms to spread
messages of tolerance, unity, and the celebration of diversity.
2. Collaborative Projects: Encourage collaborative projects that involve individuals from different
backgrounds working together towards a common goal, fostering teamwork and understanding.
3. Interfaith Gatherings: Organize interfaith gatherings where people from different religious
backgrounds can come together to learn about and appreciate each other's beliefs.
4. School Programs: Implement tolerance-themed programs in schools, including discussions, art
projects, and educational activities that emphasize the importance of respect and understanding.
5. Community Service: Engage in community service projects that bring people together to work
towards a common cause, promoting unity and cooperation.

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