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The way social construction represents the basic tenets of symbolic interaction is

by meaning basically. People act towards on things that have such meaning or
purpose to them. Also, through acts of everyday social interactions going on
nowadays in life currently happening has a representative part to play to in that
as well. But if you think about it, we basically get our social points, ideas or being
deriving from symbolic interactionists. As you know symbolic interaction is on a
micro-level, where this focuses on smaller world issues like individuals and
relationships, health care and social services for examples. Another way of
representing basic tenets of symbolic interaction is symbols. Specific symbols can
help people make sense of their own individual world, with communication
following behind it, verbally and nonverbally. We often as humans always try to
look at some things in this world to have some meaning behind it.

To start off, deviance is the actions or behaviors that violate social norms across
from formally enacted rules, also informal violations of social norms. One
example of deviance in using social norms is the Andes survivors ate off human
flesh in order to survive, but they weren’t being forced to do so. Also, no person
had to violate his or her own conscience. Thinking about it socially, that is wrong
because you don’t eat your own kind or a human’s body parts. At the same time,
it was their only way to survive, you know just eating off dead bodies. The
survivors looked as this a duty because doing a duty is good, they wanted still to
consider themselves as good people while doing deviant stuff. Another example
of deviance in using social norms was the meat in the story was rationed with a
specified amount for each person. Before they eat, the survivors had to organize
themselves in groups with specific assigned tasks given to them. They didn’t just
instantly cut off the body parts, they also had to work off to make sure the human
meat was safe for them to eat. Leadership I could say was the main idea for this
job, even it did include high deviant activity, but it was benefiting them all as one
including the weakest people.

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