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The importance of DNA as an information-carrying molecule and its use in gene technologies

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is one of the most vital biological molecules essential for sustaining life.
This is because it is a genetic material that contains the instructions for the development and
functioning of all living organisms such as: controlling reactions that take place in the cytoplasm,
synthesis of other biological molecules and much more. In the modern world, we also have
technology that grants us the ability to manipulate DNA which arises benefits because DNA is an
information-carrying molecule.

To start off, DNA played a significant role in protein synthesis, because it contains the genetic
information to synthesise proteins like enzymes. In transcription, the small sections of DNA are
replicated as mRNA to leave the nucleus; with the help of DNA helicase which hydrolyses the
hydrogen bonds separating the polynucleotide strands to expose the bases that are complementary
to the free nucleotides and RNA polymerase which helps the free RNA nucleotides join together by
phosphodiester bonds. After the splicing, mRNA binds to the ribosome which initiates the translation
process. It is where the polypeptide chain is created. During translation, complementary tRNA binds
to start codon on mRNA. Another complementary tRNA anticodon binds to the next codon on the
mRNA. A peptide bond is formed between the two amino acids the tRNA carries. Once a peptide
bond is formed, then tRNA dissociates from the mRNA leaving the amino acid, and the ribosome
moves onto the next codon and this process repeats. The elongation process ends when a stop
codon is reached. Once the polypeptide is produced then it enters the Golgi apparatus for further
folding into the secondary and tertiary structure of the proteins. With that being said, proteins have
many important applications in sustaining life. For instance, they can be enzymes that catalyse
metabolic reactions like respiration or structural proteins that provide support to parts of the body
like collagen or hormones like Insulin which is responsible for regulating blood glucose
concentration. This is possible due to the genetic information that the DNA contains.

In addition, recombinant DNA technology is one of the most used gene technologies to this day, as it
is useful in creating transgenic organisms (organisms that contain genes from different species).
Furthermore, the process involves isolating a DNA fragment that codes for desired characteristics by
using either enzyme reverse transcriptase, restriction endonucleases or a gene machine. Afterwards,
these DNA fragments are amplified by the In-vivo cloning process. It is where the same restriction
endonuclease enzymes cut the DNA fragment and the plasmid DNA which acts as a vector carrying
the DNA fragment into the host cell. This creates complementary sticky ends in which both pieces of
DNA join together to form recombinant DNA by DNA ligase enzymes. This process is referred to as
ligation, the phosphodiester bonds are formed between those pieces. The next step involves the
host cell taking up the plasmid in the process of transformation. Every time the host cell divides by
mitosis, the DNA fragment is replicated and will start to produce the desired characteristics for
example insulin-producing bacteria. Therefore, the use of DNA recombinant technology creates
many benefits. In the field of medicine, it can be used to create drugs with improved efficiency and
safety. As well as that, in agriculture, this technology can be used to create crops with large yields
that can reduce malnutrition. This is one-way gene technology is important.

Likewise, gene therapy is a promising field of medicine that involves using genetic material to
diagnose, treat or prevent diseases. It involves analysing an individual’s genetic makeup in order to
help healthcare professionals to identify genetic mutations or variations of the gene that may put
individuals at risk of certain diseases. For instance, a faulty BRCA1 gene increases the risk of the
development of breast cancer. DNA probes can be used to identify abnormal genes because they
have a base sequence that is complementary to the gene of interest. Plus, the DNA probes are
tagged with a fluorescent label. In fact, DNA probes are created using DNA sequencing techniques
such as the Sanger method. Once the DNA probe is added to the DNA sample, hybridisation occurs in
which the DNA probes anneal to the abnormal gene by forming hydrogen bonds. So, after the
sample is washed to remove any unbound probe, the UV light is shone at the sample and if the
sample fluoresces, the abnormal gene is present in the sample. This process is used often for
screening certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. This information is integrated into genetic
counselling which offers advice to individuals and families about the risk of developing certain
genetic disorders and allows patients to make informed choices about treatment options. These
options include somatic and germline gene therapy, which involves altering the genes in body cells
and sex cells respectively. Thus, gene therapy has the potential to revolutionise the field of
personalised medicine, providing individualised treatment options based on an individual’s unique
genetic makeup.

Likewise, genetic fingerprinting is the type of gene technology that involves the analysis of non-
coding regions called VNTR (Variable Number Tandem Repeats) DNA fragments and this can be used
to determine genetic relationships and genetic variability. The process involves collecting a sample of
DNA from blood, body cells, hair follicles and much more. After the sample is amplified by PCR, the
restriction endonucleases isolate the VNTRs, creating a different number of VNTRs with each
different number of nucleotides. After it is tagged (fluorescent)then it is loaded onto the gel for gel
electrophoresis; which is a process used to separate DNA fragments based on their length using an
electric current, producing a pattern or binding. For this reason, gel electrophoresis has many useful
applications in many fields including medicine and forensic science. Genetic fingerprinting is often
used to determine genetic relationships, in particular determining the paternity of a child, regarding
the fact that the more closely related the suspect is to the child, the more similar the VNTRs are.
Moreover, genetic fingerprinting is heavily used in forensic science to compare the VNTRs of
different suspects and if the fingerprint of the suspect and the crime scene match, this proves that
the suspect was present at the crime scene and most likely the perpetrator. This establishes the
significance of genetic fingerprinting as a gene technology.

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