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The Outsider’s Doom

Ben Gibson

An urban adventure for levels 1-5. Written for

5E with conversion notes for Pathfinder/OSR.
1 Ben Gibson 2021
Coldlight Press

Special thanks to play testers:

Andrew, Brett, Chris, Gabe, John, Karen, Mike, Ricky, and Thomas

This module is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the 5th edition of
the world’s oldest fantasy roleplaying game, with conversion notes for using it with The Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game. The OGL can be found below. Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc.. See for more
information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document. Copyright 2000. Wizards of the Coast,
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Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
The pounding surf sings, matching the pounding in my mind. 2
Hard to think, easy to feel, but the Horn in my hands longs for the Outsider’s song, urges me to call to the
deeps. The Doom waits, listens, hears. Soon, all within the hated city will feed the Doom and will dwell
within the Outsider’s embrace.
I set the horn to my lips and blow.

Adventure Introduction Some notes for the Game Master

The Outsider’s Doom is a dungeon and urban crawl This adventure is designed first and foremost to help you,
adventure written for levels 1-5. In it, the players’ initial the GM, to run it at a table setting. To this end the various
exploration of a desecrated dwarven tomb leads them to locations and adventure sites are designed in a modular
the High City of Slatewall, where conflicts between the fashion. Most sessions should be run from two open
city’s factions and riots that foreshadow an impending pages, with possible consultation of the tables in the
blood feud mask a dark plot by the cult of the forbidden appendix to generate treasure and supplemental data.
Outsider to bring the entire city down into their god’s You’ll also encounter the following notes:
dark depths.
NPCs are noted in key or page references, at times with a
The campaign is designed to mix dungeons with range of different adjectives for personality. NPC stats are
investigatory social play as players unwrap deeper and called out on the map, generally in shorthand fashion.
deeper layers of treachery within the outwardly coherent Quick-and-dirty assumption for saves, initiatives,
society of the dwarves. However, individual sections of perception scores, and other skills at =Hit Die won’t be
this module can also be used as independent one-shots far off; the GM is welcome to adjust as seems reasonable
telling a self-contained single-session story. The city of within the system of choice (for instance, the wizard in
Slatewall itself is a busy, bustling location full of random Pathfinder will typically have a lower fortitude save and a
encounters and multiple sites of interest and can be used higher will save). A Bestiary on page 20 has slightly more
as a locale in most campaigns. detail, and Pathfinder/OSR stats are found on page 21.

After the prequel introductory crawl, designed to bring Treasure is called out in a section in italics; page 22 has a
the party to second level, players will be given the chart to roll on for a random selection of mundane
explicit goal of finding the thieves who have desecrated valuables. Values are given above standard 5th edition
the Radder Tomb within the city of Slatewall. The wealth baselines, but this is a place to increase wealth
implicit goal of the adventure is to thwart the cult of the values in OSR games, multiplying values 5x. Pathfinder/
Outsider and save the city of Slatewall; direct 3.X will find values close to standard wealth by level.
investigation toward the former should lead to the latter
as the cult is responsible for the tomb’s desecration and Magic items are often called out in the adventure
the stolen skull of Krag Radder sits within their primary specifically, but a chart is provided on page 22 for
lair. However, the game master should be encouraged to random magical items as well. The players will be
foster links between the players and characters who make encountering a slightly higher than usual number of
the High City their home. Mercenary motives will suffice magical items within this adventure, but most will be of
at the outset, but if that is all that remains by the final creative/situational use. Additionally, two new special
confrontation then extraordinary inducements from the materials, covered on page 22, are found over the course
city’s leadership may be required. of the adventure: Slateplate armor made from heavy stone
imposes heavy penalties due to its weight but reduces all
By the end of the adventure players should be around incoming damage. Blackbone weapons crafted from the
level 5 and respected by the people of the city as capable cursed gifts of the Outsider impose stiff penalties to their
heroes worthy of accolades and offers of employment. victims.
There several suggested directions for further adventures
at the conclusion of this one. This adventure is written for 5th edition but page 21 has a
few notes for conversion to both Pathfinder compatibility
and for OSR retroclones. At the tail end of the adventure
synopsis there are some notes about the setting
assumptions. GMs are invited to adjust to suit their own
setting or world.
Adventure Synopsis
Doom to the High City Adventure Flow
The dwarves of the clans that make up the Cliffrunner The basic expected flow in The Outsider’s Doom is that
Confederacy are by and large direct, conservative folk, the players will begin with a the exploration of the tomb
mainly interested in spinning goathair and mining slate. of Clan Radder (pp 5-6), which will set the players on the
The primary fractures of their society are economic, while path towards Slatewall with a mission of investigation
the great unifying force for them is their ancient religion, and vengeance. The journey from the home of Ott Radder
dedicated to the Skyfather and the Earthmother. However, to the city is assumed to take an uneventful day. Note the
another god lurks on the edges of their spirits and their timeline on the following page.
society: the Outsider, god of the deep sea. The seas-
shunning dwarves long ago made worship of the Outsider Within the city of Slatewall (pp 7-11), the players are set
anathema, but in so doing they also gave a common cause loose to track down the tomb’s thieves, all while the
for the lost and forgotten in their society to rally around.timeline (page 4) continues to tick down towards the
Now the cult of the Outsider is a growing force beneath arrival of the Doom, a vast creature of the Outsider. The
the surface of the smooth social order of the dwarves. cult of the Outsider are highly active in the city,
Under a new charismatic leader known only as Hush, the particularly in the slums (page 11), and while numerous
cult plans to destroy the capital of the Cliffrunner random events (page 8) give a chance to interact with the
Confederacy, Slatewall. cult, players are not dependent on stumbling upon cultists
and looking for trap-stained eyes (page 6). By day five,
Hush’s plans hinge on an artifact sacred to the Outsider, the cultists’ activity in the western well (page 12) will
the Horn of Storms. The horn was buried in the tomb of cause consternation, a faction of the city the players are
Krag Radder, the progenitor of the Radder clan and a on good terms with can ask them to investigate. If the
former cultist of the Outsider. Giving the horn to the most water under the well is diverted, a subtle path to the
promising of his acolytes, Caller, to summon a creature of pillars of the city (page 18) is found. The Slatesmiths will
the greater deeps, Hush now prepares his followers for grow nervous as time wears on, having sold the cult their
their god’s vengeance upon the city. The cult’s theft of lair (pp 15-16). In the Slatesmiths’ vault (pp 13-14) the
the horn and desecration of the tomb sets the players on lair’s location is found as well as a subtle cliff-path
the trail of the cult. leading to it.

A simple diagram, provided below, shows how locations All roads inevitably lead to the assault upon the city (pp
described in this module relate to each other. The bulk of 17-18), but how well the players manage the mystery and
the game will typically take place in the city: talking to coordinate the factions will determine if the final battle is
factions, uncovering rumors, and following random a hopeless last stand or an organized and competent
events. In the end, however, the Doom is coming to the defense. With care, luck, or clever planning, the players
city, and the city needs the players’ help if is has a hope can save the High City from the cult’s assault.
of surviving.
leads to Slatesmith’s
Ott Radder
sends the pp 13-14

players Climb cliffs near the city Cultist Lair

Tomb of the
Slatewall, the High City
First Parents
pp 15-16
pp 5-6
Down Cave
well Well Diggings path
City Pillars

pp 7-11 pg 12 pp 17-18

Day -23: Cult of the Outsider, led by Hush, invade

the Radder Tomb, stealing the Horn of Storms.

Day -19: Cultist Caller uses the horn for

the first time, summoning narwhal pods.

Day -14: Caller and a handpicked set of acolytes

set off south to summon The Doom.

Day -5: Cultists begin to undermine the city,

disturbing sleeping tremorers sacred to the
Day 1: Ott Radder hires the party to investigate
Day 2: New of the desecration hits the Radder his grandparents’ tomb.
clanhold. Angry Radder toughs attack Cliffrunners
in the hold. First tremorer attack in the High City, Day 3: News of the tomb’s desecration reaches
killing several homeless in the slums. the High City. Radder there begin to grumble.
Day 4: Stormcrows are summoned by the priests Slum Mother asks a favor of someone (PCs if
of the Skyfather and begin to fly over the city. available) to investigate the tremorer attack.
Their patterns’ reaction to disruptions tips the
temple off to tremorer activity. Day 5: Outsider cultists start to break through the
central well wall, making it brackish.
Day 6: Radder partisans riot, taking over
the Temple of Earth and Sky.
Day 7: Mother, fed up with the council ignoring
the slum’s plight, tries to lead her people out.

Day 8: Heralds of The Doom appear and slam into

sea caves beneath the High City, making quakes.
Day 9: The Doom arrives with Caller riding it,
begins to destroy the foundations of the High City.
The ancient dwarf eyes you carefully, suspicious and careful. He smells of sandalwood and harsh soap, and his bald,
liver-spotted head trembles, but his eyes are clear and his voice is still impressively deep. “Thank you for coming, brave
ones. I have need of strong backs and sharp eyes, for my grandparents’ rest is in danger.”
To the Tomb of the Radder
3. Shadowed Warrior Graves: The seven retainers
The venerable dwarf Ott Radder hires the PCs to enter the who fell before Krag and Nanda are interred in honor
tomb of his grandparents, Krag and Nanda Radder, the here; each holds a treasure. Yargdan’s remains (and
First Parents of the Radder clan. He witnessed an original treasure) were stolen without the thieves knowing
clan armband on a random dwarf in the high city; the about the secret door, but water from the flooded
dwarf claimed he had bought it from a legitimate market. Honor Chamber indicates the passage. Taking a
Ott is worried for the sanctity of his grandparents’ tomb. treasure will anger the spirit of the given retainer,
He authorizes the characters to go within his who tries to possess the thief’s other party members,
grandparents’ tomb and to take all the grave goods one by one (DC11 CHA to resist). If successful the
therein. He will pay full value for anything the party spirit will attack the thief to return the grave goods.
finds, along with a 100 gp bonus for the safe remains of 4. Skyfather’s Passage: Cracked and faded pale blue
his ancestors. paint decorates this ceiling, with painted white clouds
forming runes to praise the Skyfather. Characters
Krag Radder was a great herdsman, and along with his reading the ceiling get disadvantage on their saves to
wife Nanda, he founded the Radder Clan. However, he avoid the urchins (DC13 DEX). Hiding in the cracks
was also a dwarf with grave secrets. In his shadowy beyond the urchins are two bone kelps, who will leap
youth, Krag worshiped the Outsider and had possession out to attack if a character gets poisoned.
of the great Horn of Storms, which can summon vast 5. Earthmother’s Passage: Fully flooded, the floor’s
creatures of the deep. Disgust with the cult’s dark rites runes of praise to the Earthmother are obscured by
eventually drove Krag away, but not before he sired an silt. The two bone kelps in the passage will try to hide
illegitimate son with a fellow cultist, anathema to the in the silt until characters try to open the doors to the
marriage-centered dwarves. The bastard, Yargdan, later Honor Chamber (a DC17 STR check), wedged by two
came to Krag and joined the new Radder Clan as a brave blackbone daggers.
but brutal warrior retainer. Through Yargdan, the cult 6. Honor Chamber: This 20ft-high chamber is
learned that the repentant patriarch still kept the artifact decorated by staring faces that all look to the graves in
horn. Reawakened under the prophet Hush, the cult has the center; the eyes of all the faces have been chiseled
raided the tomb of the first parents and reclaimed the out. The graves where Krag and Nanda lay are empty,
Horn of Storms, leaving Krag’s resting place despoiled. save for a few bone splinters left in the middle. The
Tomb Key whole floor is soaked from the opened underground
lake, and three bone kelps lurk inside the graves’
1. Tomb Entry: This simple stone door has a lever to open puddle.
it: An outstretched cupped hand stained with blood. 7. Desecration Cavern: In the middle of the lake, a
Above the door in runes is written “Life’s liquid, with twisted cross of two 20ft tall black bones rises 10ft
sorrow, opens the way”. Filling the hand with salt water above the water, splayed upside down upon the bones
will trigger the mechanism and open the door without is Nanda’s corpse, its pelvis crushed and with Krag’s
triggering the trap. Triggering the lever with anything else cudgel Goatwill lodged deep in her chest cavity.
triggers an acidic cloud of toxic dust 15ft in radius that Below her on the bottom of the lake lies Krag,
does 2d4 acid damage and permanently stains the victims’ decapitated and buried front-first in the chill mud. The
eyes yellow. DC13 CON save to halve damage and avoid bone kelp mothermass hiding in ambush behind the
the staining. The door is pitted from a previous opening, rock column has been adorned with the couple’s grave
and blood stains the lever showing the wrong liquid being goods, mostly rings, armbands, and hair clasps worth
used. 400 gp to their grandson Ott, in addition to a random
2. Hall of Memory: Two bone kelps hang in ambush on magic item (see page 22).
the ceiling of this room, which has multiple runic texts
telling tales of the exploits of Krag and Nanda. Two crude Urchins of the Outsider
rune-etched statues of polished driftwood are on the floor.
The male statue has been smashed, its neck hacked on These dried-out spiny urchins are used by the Outsider
both sides, and it was hollow inside. The intact female cult; being pricked by a spine makes a thick, cloying
statue has three treasures inside. mucus fill the victim’s throat; victim can no longer
breathe air for ten minutes, can only respirate water.
Bone Kelp Mothermass: 6
Large Plant, Move/Climb/ Goatwill
Swim 10ft, 75 hp, 15 AC, This ancient goatherd’s cudgel is
Vulnerable Sashing, Saves made of polished dark driftwood,
+3, Multiattack: Fronds (3) and acts as a +1 light mace.
+4 (1d6+2 plus bane Holding the cudgel gives the
DC11, reach), Thermal bearer the ability to understand
Vision the motives and thoughts of all
goats, and allows the bearer to
command a goat to do anything
the bearer is able to get the goat
to understand.

2x -Bone Kelp

2x -Bone Kelp


3x -Bone Kelp S

2x -Bone Kelp: 3
Small Plant, Move/Climb/Swim 20ft, 30 hp,
13 AC, Vulnerable Slashing, Save +2,
Multiattack: Fronds (3) +2 (1d4 plus bane 2
DC11 CHA), Thermal Vision, Stealth DC15

Continuation: Ott Radder is enraged by the desecration of The cult’s raid on the tomb has left signs in the city;
his grandparents’ tomb, although he honors his deal with two of the cultists show the yellowed eyes from the
the party and pays them for all recovered goods and door trap and observant PCs have a 1% chance per
remains. Unless convinced to approach with subtlety, Ott hour to be in proximity of one of those while walking
will go directly to his clan hold and stir up all of Radder the city streets. Yargdan’s remains were taken to the
into a blood feud. Eventually, they will even threaten to cult lair and scrolls of Speak With Dead are used to
break up the Cliffrunner Confederacy over the insult unless ask for the corpse for blessings and wisdom. Cultists
the defilers are found. In either case, he will ask the party to in turn will recognize Goatwill and immediately grasp
go to the High City a day away and seek the defilers to the implications if the PCs show the cudgel carelessly.
recover his grandfather’s head; if one of the party agrees to See the Timeline (page 4) for how events will unfold
be his champion he will request that PC take Goatwill. without the players’ involvement.
Ascending the high road, the four towers of the great temple rear above the grey cliffs, which echo with the deep songs
of the dwarves of the High City. The wind carries their voices with exceptional clarity, along with the smell of salt. Here
is Slatewall, pressed hard up between earth and sky back up all too close to the stormy sea.
Slatewall: The High City of the Cliffrunners Rumors in the city
Slatewall, the High City of the Cliffrunner Confederacy, There are ten rumors (see table) actively being gossiped
is a hard, traditional city with rotten roots. The assorted about upon entry to the city.
clans of the confederacy are complacent, comfortable in
their static routines and stable politics, but shuffled into
the piled cliff-side slums more and more of the clanless
grumble and chafe. Whispers circle the market stalls
and among the goatherds, talk of a prophet named
Hush, who worships the forbidden Outsider and
promises to bring down the ruling clans.
The central city of the Cliffrunner Confederacy,
Slatewall is home to hundreds of skilled craftswomen,
goat cheese makers, and stonemasons. The famous
Slatesmiths practice their craft within the High City,
making their legendarily heavy slate armor for dwarves
and the rare mighty human. Perched on the high cliffs
with the sea-shunning dwarves turning their backs to
the fjord beneath, the city is a trade hub due to its
famous high roads, along which messenger cliff runners
ply their trade.

6 2

City Gazetteer: Random Encounters:
1. Temple of Earth and Sky: This massive Every 4 hours the party is active around the city, roll a d6; a
complex is the center for worship of the Skyfather “1” on the die means a random encounter occurs. Random
and Earthmother. See page 10 for details. encounters should play up the roiling under-the-surface
2. Cliffrunner Confederacy Council: The council instability of the city, even if the encounter turns out to be
of the Cliffrunner Confederacy meets here non-hostile. If the party appears to be looking for trouble or is
regularly to discuss matters of trade, law, and causing a ruckus, an extra encounter d6 is rolled, and if there
external relations. Until the ground itself begins to is a resultant encounter the participants are extra suspicious of
shake, the conservative council take little notice of or hostile to the PCs if appropriate based on their behavior.
talk about Outsider cultists. However, even a hint
of rioting by the Radder Clan will focus the clan
heads on the issue of the desecrated tomb.
3. Guard Barracks: The contented company of
soldiers that make up the Slatewall Guard are well
trained but unused to having to bestir themselves to
great efforts in the generally peaceful city.
Although the guard will try to thwart active crimes,
they prefer to hire subcontractors for
4. Market and Central Well: Traders and others
from foreign parts are most common within the
bustling market around the High City’s central
well. The central market is a prime place for
acquiring equipment, weapons, and rumors,
although buyers seeking shadier wares will have to
instead seek out the Salt Market (page 9).
5. Slatesmiths’ Guildhall: The venerable
Slatesmiths’ Guild work within an imposing stone
building, making their famous Slate Plate for rich
dwarves all around the realm. The hall is open for
any public customers, but the guild’s real secrets
are sequestered in their legendary vaults (page 11).
Captured cultists will point to the Slatesmiths as
sponsors (having sold the cult their lair) if pressed.
6. Cliffside Slums: The dwarves of Slatewall
would rather forget about the existence of the
slums looking to the sea, sweeping the
disenfranchised out of sight and out of mind. But
the slums still remain (page 9).

Help! They’re on a beeline!

Through random events or other interactions,
the party might come upon cultists of the
Outsider very early in their investigations, and
through interrogation or tracking may find a
location for the cult. If the party follows the
cultists at first they will lead to the well
diggings (page 12) over the main lair (page 16).
The cult only operates directly from their lair if
their well operation gets disrupted. If the party
proceeds directly from the well to the lair and
disrupts both, the riotous Radder Clan might
become the new drivers of events.
9 Factions of the High City
Clans of the Cliffrunner Confederacy: Other Slatewall Factions:
Clan Hoarmak – The senior clan of the Cliffrunner The Cliffrunners – Young and athletic dwarves from
Confederacy, Hoarmak’s traditional clanhold formed the all clans in the confederacy compete for coveted spots
nucleus for the High City. The Hoarmak Quarry provides among the fabled Cliffrunners, messengers and small-
some of the highest-quality slate in the realm for tiles, lot deliverymen who run on the high roads with an
decoration, and roads. According to clan lore it was Ferria endurance that outstrips even horsemen. In the High
Hoarmak who first developed the methods to calve off City the Cliffrunners wear blue tabards, expecting
slate precisely into the thin plates used by the Slatesmiths, deference wherever they go. The First Runner has a
and the Hoarmak clan guards are famously all armored in permanent non-voting seat on the council, and his
the legendary stoneplate. Hoarmak make up the largest proxy is usually listened to despite the lack of vote.
clan still in the High City and their clan representatives on Temple of Earth and Sky – The priests of the
the confederacy council are proud of that. Skyfather and the priestesses of the Earthmother work
Clan Leepsa – Southeast of Slatewall, the Leepsa clan closely in line with each other in Slatewall, with the
works its carefully husbanded hillside forests, providing combined Temple of Earth and Sky welcoming
lumber for the entire region. Leepsa timber-watchers worshipers from all the clans, even the occasional
wander the hills, carefully blazing and compressing human or halfling convert. The egalitarian tendency
chosen trees to mold them into predetermined shapes of the High City’s temple draws harsh criticism from
before being felled; Leepsa carve most of their wooden traditionalists; some dwarves refuse to acknowledge
product rather than assemble them. Within the High City, the temple as legitimate.
most Leepsa are craftswomen, and their clan councilors Slatesmiths – Secretive about their art, the
are aggressive about pushing for more alien traders to be Slatesmiths are masters of the ancient art of slate-
let in. Persistent rumors of Leepsa lumber being used by napping; strictly speaking they are more masons than
shipwrights make clan leaders especially zealous in smiths, but nevertheless they are makers of impressive
persecuting dwarves suspected to be within the Outsider’s armor famous throughout the realm. Although the
cult. stony slate armor is unworkably heavy for all but the
Clan Radder – West of Slatewall, the Radder clan focus strongest non-dwarves, sales of these beautiful pieces
primarily on goatherding, cheesemaking, and spinning, a make the Slatesmiths fantastically wealthy; their
conservative people even for dwarves. As stubborn and wealth is conserved and used sparingly, always for the
persistent as their beloved longhair goats, Radder are purposes of the Slatesmiths’ own security and secrecy.
famous grudge-holders, with their current clan hold built The Slatesmiths own several nearby prospecting sites,
on the ruins of the town of Javiris, destroyed when the and other factions are suspicious of them hiding some
town fathers cheated a clan merchant out of payment for a force inimical to the city’s greater wellbeing.
single cart of cheese. In the High City, the rough Radder Cult of the Outsider – The forbidden god of the seas,
herdsmen account for the majority of Slatewall Guard’s the Outsider is anathema to all dwarves. So when a
arrests, and the Radder council members are defensive of dwarf loses his honor, her employment, or most awful
their rustic reputation. of all, falls in love with the sea, there lies the
Clan Thuruk – Famous for their sages and seers, the Outsider, beckoning. Initiates to the Cult are given to
wandering Thuruk lack a single settled clan hold, instead the pools, drowned multiple times and revived again
moving their camps from hunting ground to foraging and again until their minds are damaged and their
ground and back. More Cliffrunners come from the breathing is labored. Survivors of initiation, necks
Thuruk than any other clan in the confederacy. The ritually scarred to resemble gills, are fanatical if often
Thuruk who stay within the High City often chafe at their confused and easily led.
sedentary lifestyle, and Thuruk councilors, while The Slum Mother – Within the cliffside slums, the
respected, are disinterested in the day-to-day questions shadowy Slum Mother and her agents, who bear the
the council typically considers. clasped-hand symbol, help clanless dwarves down on
their luck, offering succor and opening a path to
employment. All Mother asks in return is a favor;
what form that favor takes is often simple, hire
another lost clanless, give a gift of food, run a quick
message…but every so often, it is a knife in the dark
or a fire in a shop. And nobody refuses Mother.

At the apex of the High City flaps the blue Tapestry of the Tower of Storms: Judging the rare criminal infarction
Sky, suspended between the four temple towers; beneath within the tower, the minimal judiciary of Slatewall are
the Tapestry the Earthen Altar is attended by a priestess all priests of the Skyfather. The guardsmen who billet at
anointing it with oil daily. Within the towers the priests of the tower have no such standing with the temple, but
the Skyfather educate the learned of the High City and nonetheless work closely with the judges. All criminal
weigh criminal cases while the Earthmother’s priestesses judgements within Slatewall are swift; the small jail is
move among the city healing and judging civil disputes. only used to hold outsiders awaiting extradition.

Temple Key: Tower of Night: Living quarters for most of the married
Tower of the Sun: Carrying out the rites of the Skyfather, priest/priestess couples are found in this tower; although
the priests within the Tower of the Sun observe the flights by tradition all of the temple clergy must be past the
of birds and the movements of clouds, divining the child-rearing stage of life, practically the Tower of Night
almost always echoes with the shouts of children; the
Skyfather’s will in weather and seasons.
grandchildren of the priesthood are always visiting.
Tower of Day: Priests here spend their days teaching Earthen Altar: By tradition, only priestesses of the
adolescents in law, traditions, languages, and history. In Earthmother are permitted down within the pit where the
the shadowed upper levels of the tower, more secretive single heavy stone etched with runes of power, the altar,
lessons in rune crafting are taught to the rare craftswomen sacred to the Earthmother, is anointed by singing
and artisans who are considered worthy (and talented) priestesses who pray for the stability of the High City and
enough to inscribe them. the health of its people every day at noon.
Cliffside Slums
All the lost and forgotten dwarves of the Cliffrunner Salt Market: If there is much activity in the slums, it is
Confederacy are swept carelessly towards the sea. The within the shadowed Salt Market. Although there are
shattered cliffs on the seaside of Slatewall, salt-stained shabby wares to be purchased in the brittle stalls,
and shunned by respectable dwarves, piled with shacks outsiders and unscrupulous clan dwarves trickle down for
and tents of the poor clanless, are quiet and dim. In the poisons, drugs, and scrolls of forbidden magic that are
shadow of the bustling energy of the High City, the hidden by the dishonored sellers.
clanless try to eke out a living by day-to-day scut work,
Mother’s Shack: Anonymous and dilapidated, nothing
black market trading, and pretty crimes.
indicates this shack is any different from those around it.
Lost Hope Tavern: Serving the clanless and the Occasionally, a nonchalant dwarf will wander by the
unwelcome among visitors and strangers, the Lost Hope shack a tap on the thin walls; listening back for a tapped
Tavern is a place for cheap barley beer, uncertain stews, reply. This agent of the Slum Mother will then walk
and lice-ridden beds. For all that, the building is the only onward with his or her orders. Inside the shack, sitting
two-story structure in the slum and is usually full of bored ensconced within hundreds of old blankets, the elderly
out-of-work clanless, secretive cultists, and always a Mother listens for news of her slum children.
watchful agent or two of Mother.

Clanless Hold: A hospice for the
lost and lonely, the clanless hold
is a simple stone structure where
. to the slums huddle
for a few days or weeks before
getting their bearings and
moving out, usually into an
abandoned tent or drafty shack. Salt Market
The hold has no official manager
but Mother’s agents ensure that
no fights break out and no one is
victimized. It is from
observations in the hold that the
Slum Mother determines what Clanless
favor will be granted, and what Hold
will be asked, of a newcomer in
desperate need. Lost Hope Tavern
Exile Hovels: Even among the
forgotten, there are exiles. The
cold and drafty lower cliffs are
dotted with lean-tos made of
driftwood and rotting tents.
Going further down the cliffs
from the level of Mother’s Shack
is called “kneeling outside” by
the slum’s denizens, and is
typically accompanied by a Mother’s Shack
contemptuous spit. The cult of
the Outsider move freely among
the lowest hovels; the few exiles
not in sympathy with the cult are
cowed into sullen silence about
the blasphemers. Exile
Well Diggings
Deep beneath Slatewall, an underground stream feeds the 3. Leaking Undermine: The rushing sounds of water
city’s three wells before flowing out to the sea. The can be heard above and beyond the north wall of this
Outsider’s cult, in their quest to weaken the foundations digging. A single strong stroke of a pickaxe could break
of the city, now dig deeper in the channels within, through the wall and unleash the underground stream in
bringing the tides up to the western well and turning its a disastrous flood.
waters somewhat brackish during the high tide.
1. Brackish Cavern: Every high tide, a stream of seawater If a cultist in the cavern (1) escapes to break through
comes trickling in to this large cave, driving the six the wall (3), a sudden rush of water will smash through
cheerful cultists who camp here into ecstatic singing. If the chalky stone in a chaotic flood that will sweep any
occupants of the tunnels before it. A few seconds of
the cultists notice interlopers they’ll splash into the water
high-pressure spray gives the players a single round to
and attack with thrown daggers, and if more than half die prepare before a massive churn of stone and water
the survivors will flee to break the leaking undermine (3). slams down the undermine (3) first down the
2. Abandoned Digging: This little side-tunnel is largely abandoned digging (2) before rebounding and flowing
abandoned. Four bone kelps have been placed here on a out to sea, traveling 100ft per round. Individuals caught
rotting dwarf’s carcass. The dwarf is Bunnli Stricken, a in the flood suffer 3d6 bludgeoning damage (STR save
clanless vagrant who stumbled onto the cult’s operation. halves) and are pushed along with the flood, the save
An agent of Mother, he bears her clasped hand symbol. advantaged depending on how the player has prepared.

To the

6x- Cultists:
23 hp, 13 AC
(studded leather),
Save +2, Dagger +4
(1d4, sneak 1d6)

4x -Bone Kelp:
Small Plant, Move/Climb/Swim
20ft, 30 hp, 13 AC, Vulnerable
Slashing, Save +2, Multiattack:
Fronds (3) +2 (1d4 plus bane
DC11 CHA), Thermal Vision,
Stealth DC15
Slatesmiths’ VAULT
Located underneath the guild hall of the Slatesmiths, their -of the works invites the given master’s spirit in to
legendary vault is rumored to hold vast unimaginable possess the toucher if within the vault (DC14 Cha to
wealth. Although it is true that the smiths do hold gold resist). See page 22 for details of each artifact.
and silver in their vault, more important to the G. Fallen Room: The blasphemous works of the fallen
organization are the numerous secrets and relics hidden nameless masters are interred here. The two northern
within. The vault is accessed by counterweighted heavy alcoves have a suit of glyph-etched +1 slateplate and a
stone elevator suspended by a tremendously thick rope, +1 slate breastplate, both items are cursed, impossible to
which is designed to break if more than a thousand remove when donned. Farther south, the alcoves contain
pounds are placed upon it. No sign exists that the elevator unholy blackbone plate (nauseates if worn), a thin slate
leads to the deeper second level beyond the rope being kiyak, a random magic item (see page 22), and a twisted
long enough to descend past the first level. suit of glyphed slateplate that acts as animated armor
Each room within the vault has a 15% chance of holding and attacks if light is shone on it.
two initiates (as Slatewall Warriors) at any given time; H. Elevator Room (second level): This room looks much
roll to see if the guards are within a room upon entry, or the one on the first level but to the north hangs a curtain,
in adjoining rooms if the PCs do something particularly behind which sits a primitive suit of slateplate with a
noisy. Although well-armed and fantastically armored, gold-gilt skeleton inside (gilding worth 1,000gp); this is
the initiates are not veteran fighters and are prone to panic Ferria Hoarmak, the First Slatesmith. The doors, from
if injured. east to west are labeled: “Secrets”, “Wealth”, “Plans”.
I. Plot Room: This tiny room is packed with heavy boxes;
A. Elevator Room (first level): This smoothly polished within the boxes are numerous letters, contracts, and
room has four sets of double doors, each carefully etched agreements made with clan heads, nearby human lords,
with intricate runes, clockwise from north to west: and other smith organizations. Each of them are sribed on
“Memory”, “Training”, “Insight”, “Creativity”. heavy (2lbs) tablets of slate, fifty tablets per box. Careful
B. Innovation Room: In the center of this room is an perusal of the books show that a mysterious property was
ancient, intricate set of antique slateplate (worth 1,500gp), sold to a redacted individual who is providing “rent”.
the first designed to interlock and support the wearer Correlating with property records allows a PC to devine
despite the full 500lb weight. A grouchy old speaker the location of the cult lair, but takes time; ten minutes to
naps here. Behind each curtain are greaves, legplates, and get a DC100 on a d100; difficulty drops by 1 each
pauldrons (1d4 examples worth 5d20gp each) and plans attempt. Sorting through the boxes is a noisy task.
showing techniques that enable better movement. J. Pattern Room: The curtained alcoves within this room
C. Mistake Room: Behind each curtain stands badly built hold intricate slate-fracture patterns showing how to
suits of armor, unable to move (north), with wrong- break slate into armor sections and join them together.
pointed joints (east), and poorly finished (southwest). The K. Vault Room: Eight 3x3x3 vaults are all locked with
poorly finished suit has helm and greaves pointed to the puzzle-locks; each vault holds 1,000gp worth of coins,
secret door, opening the door leads to a chamber with a gems, and raw precious metal and 1d3 treasures. The
heavy wheel. Turning the wheel opens the floor beneath simple guard post to the west has a bored senior speaker
the elevator (A), allowing further descent (H). who carries an anomalous slate key on his person that
D. Solving Room: In the center of this room is an intricate opens the secret door which leads to the most secret vault
goathair shirt cleverly sewn with slate plates (as a chain room, where over time the Slatesmiths have accumulated
shirt but weighs 40lbs, worth 400gp). The curtained various deeds, blackmail documents, and human land
alcoves hold neatly displayed tools for slate-breaking and grants. Notably already pulled out is a document detailing
shaping (worth 150gp per alcove). an abandoned slate mine on the cliffside (page 13) and
E. Novice Room: In the center of this room sits a simple sold to a dwarf that the Slatesmiths are certain is Hush,
wooden model of slate plate, marked with runic notation the rumored head of the local Outsider cult.
and numbers (this model worth 5,000gp to someone L. Guidance Room: This unfinished cave has a rough suit
looking for Slatesmith secrets). Three studious initiates of dusty slate armor in the center, with a candle burning
are examining the model. Behind the curtains are the first in the helm. Respectful Slatesmiths speak to the Great
armors made by some of the greatest masters: Gerund and Masters here; one of the spirits animates armor and
Ojal (west), Varn and Laki (east), and unnamed (south, attacks any creature that enters the room without giving
made by fallen masters), with the unnamed masters’ the sign of the Slatesmiths. Extinguishing the candle
armors pointing toward the secret door latch (G). kicks out the spirit of a great master; it will rekindle itself
F. Master Room: This room has an example from each of three times for all four great masters. If the armor is
the great masters; Ojal’s Pumice Plate (north), Laki’s defeated by four extinguishings, it will go dormant as a
Slateblade (east), Varn’s Shard Targe (southeast), and set of +1 slateplate that imbues the wearer with a
Gerund’s Obsidian Flowmail (southwest). Touching any permanent ant haul effect.
2x- Initiates (15% chance per room):
23 hp, 16 AC (shale half plate),
Slatesmith Speaker
Saves +3, Warhammer +4 (1d8+1)

Level 1

Slatesmith Speaker:
6HD Dwarf, 120 hp,
16 AC, Saves +3,
Mace +5, (1d8+3),
Spells: Detect Magic, 3x- Initiates
Stabilize, Bane,
Protection from
Chaos, Bestow
Curse, Silence

Level 2


Animated Armor: 4HD Construct, 120 hp,

15 AC, resistant to all damage but acid, Saves
+2 (mindless), Slams (2) +5 (1d10+9)
15 Lair of the Outsider’s Chosen
Buried within an old exploratory dig that faces the sea, 8. Drowning Pool: This salty pool is used to drown
Hush and his cultists await the arrival of the Doom, initiates; a walrus lounges in the pool and is disinclined
initiating recruits and piling the unwilling into a huddled to move. Clearly visible are six massive pearls (worth
mass for sacrifice. Patrolling beneath the cliff is a 300 gp each) gleaming on the pool’s bottom. The walrus
Herald, an aggressive whale who will viciously charge is hostile to everyone but Hush, who uses the secret door
any creature who falls into the sea. in this crevice to enter and leave his chamber (10).
9. Sacrificial Rock: The sacrifice (Wal Radder) chained
Lair Key: to a driftwood cross here begins to yell hoarsely for help
1. Cliffside Path: The winding path that leads down to the if he hears any commotion up on the cliffside. His frantic
lair has numerous cracks and is slick with spray, giving yelling begins to agitate the Herald swimming nearby;
advantage to anyone attempting to knock an interloper off the whale begins to click damagingly and will start to
the cliff. leap up to attack Wal after three minutes of yelling.
2. Chamber of Welcome: This upper chamber is full of Marked by the Outsider, if Wal is cut down and led over
the cult’s equipment: mining tools, lifting ropes, the bridge back to the cliff the Herald will go berserk and
disguises, and boats. Five tired cultists watch over the attempt to knock him and his rescuers off the bridge with
chamber. The bulky equipment is worth 2,000gp if it is blow-hole blasts.
transported out the perilous path. 10. Prophet’s Chamber: Stoic leader Hush meditates
3. Dire Cracks: Within this shattered little section of the within his sacred chamber; the door is unlocked but
cliff wall, escaped prisoner Frippi Hoarmak hides. She coated with clear, thin, and practically invisible urchin
wants nothing more than to safely flee but is terrified of spines that poison any who grasp it. Hush will calmly
the cult. If asked, she’ll mention there were ten prisoners buff himself if he hears loud sounds of combat in 7 or 8.
counting herself (the two disguised cultists are replacing He will fight courageously but if he thinks he is about to
her and Wal Radder (9)). die he will flee by diving into the sea from his chamber.
4. Storage Tunnel: The tunnel here holds the cult’s ritual His spartan chamber is devoid of ornamentation but a
implements, including nine urchins (see page 5) and simple box next to his sleeping cot is filled with six
wicked fish bone knives. The bones of Yargdan lay in treasures taken from initiates for the cult’s war chest,
state with offerings of salt and bone in piles. Three scrolls along with Krag Radder’s skull and a random magic item
of Speak With Dead are nearby along with a scroll of (see page 22).
Animate Dead; if the bones are animated the malign spirit
of Yargdan controls them and fights as a skeletal Development
speaker. A ladder leads down to the Initiation Chamber
but the acoustics allow for conversion here without Most of the cultists in the lair are a little vague on Hush’s
detection. plan. If captured, they will gladly rant about how the city
5. Parapet of Glory: Basking in the sunlight, a walrus is doomed thanks to the Radder artifact, but know little
pair guard the lair with fierce loyalty toward the cultists. else beyond the well diggings (page 14). The prisoners
If peppered with arrows they will take cover, charging up know about the same as the common cultists. Hush and
the ramp to the Chamber of Welcome (2) to attack the Yargdan (if Speak With Dead is used) know exactly the
intruders. timeline of the Doom’s arrival as well as how the Horn of
6. Prisoner Nook: The raw stench of excrement clings to Storms is used to direct the creature. If the lair is not
this nook and the ten blindfolded and chained dwarves dealt with and Hush remains alive when the Doom
inside. Eight of them are prisoners, but two disguised arrives, he along with all his surviving cultists will be
cultists are chained up with them, and will try to harm the added to the fight among the pillars of the city (page 18).
PCs if the opportunity presents itself. If the players impressed Hush as being particularly
7. Initiation Chamber: Twelve strange driftwood ritual knowledgeable or threatening, he will attempt a careful
masks shaped like undersea creatures are arranged here in assassination of the party if the opportunity presents itself
a circle (worth 1,200gp to a collector of esoterica). Four before the Doom arrives.
nervous cultists are here; they won’t get near the
walruses (5) in their battle-rage, but depending on how
the PCs handle the aggressive pinnipeds the cultists might
join in the fight. If half the cultists die then the remaining
will flee to pound on the door (but not touch the handle)
of Hush’s chamber (10). He ignores them.
2x- Walrus: 16
105 hp, AC 12, Saves Prisoner
8x- Prisoners 5x- Cultists:
+2, Bite +7 (2d12) (escaped) 23 hp, 13 AC
2x- Cultists
(studded leather),
Save +2, Dagger +4
(1d4, sneak 1d6)

Herald of the Outsider:

165 hp, 15 AC, Saves +4,
Bite +8 (2d10+30) or
Steambreath +6 (1d10+15
plus push, 30ft range),
Special: Sonic click (3d8
sonic plus daze DC 13
CON, 15ft burst, 40ft range)


Yargdan, Skeletal Speaker:

Hush: 120 hp, 16 AC, resistant to slashing,
135 hp, 15 AC, Saves +4, Multiattack: (2) blackbone dagger +6 4x- Cultists piercing, vulnerable to bludgeoning,
(1d4+5 plus bane DC12 CHA), Spells: Bodily Purge (3d8 Saves +3, Club +5 (1d6+3), Spells:
healing), Shield, Mind Thrust II (5d8, DC16 INT half), Slow Bane (DC14 WIS), Bestow Curse
(DC16 WIS), Expeditious Retreat, Silence (DC16 WIS) (DC14 WIS), Silence (DC15 WIS)
DooM Upon the Pillars
Arena One, The Slums: A long and lashing tentacle
When the Caller arrives on the ninth day, she comes in attacks the exile hovels (page 11) first, snatching victims
riding a narwhal within a vast bow wave, the Doom of the and causing panic if the Slum Mother was not able to
Outsider, a vast midnight-black squid set to destroy the effect an evacuation. Five cultists are scattered around
High City by cracking its foundations, swims with the slums, each one with a horn that they blow to direct
incredible speed towards Slatewall. Starting at dawn, the tentacle to their locations, destroying each keyed
three signs of the Doom’s arrival break upon Slatewall’s location in turn.
Arena Two, The Well Wedge: an exploratory tentacle
First Sign, Dawn: Gulls. An immense flock of seagulls winds its way into the well diggings (page 12). If the
appears with the rising sun, sweeping into the city and players successfully thwarted the undermining effort of
unnerving the locals. The Stormcrows of the Skyfather the cult, the tentacle will just thrash ineffectually, but if
fight the gulls in the air and drive them off, but the flock the undermining worked then it will begin to worm its
can still be seen wheeling around in the sky. way upstream to destabilize the city. If no guard was
Second Sign, Hour After Dawn: Sounds. Multiple posted in the diggings, nine cultists defend the tentacle.
whale spouts appear out at sea, and a deep, almost
subsonic, thrum sounds from the ocean, causing a minor Arena Three, The Pillars of Slatewall: The main fight
earthquake. A tremorer awakes from the quake and takes place among the pillars as a mighty tentacle wraps
attacks at a random location in the city (roll 1d6 and around each one, making the cavern echo with grinding
check against the key on page 8 for location of attack). cracks. Riding a narwhal (use walrus stats), the raving
Third Sign, Two Hours After Dawn: Bow Wave. A cultist named Caller weaves above and below the waters,
vast bow wave appears in the sea heading straight always surfacing at least once every three rounds to blow
towards Slatewall. Over the next ten minutes the wave the Horn of Storms. Blowing the horn makes the Doom
approaches at incredible speed, finally smashing into the convulse, each time constricting the pillars tighter. Five
cliffs of the city, high enough to spray the slums groups of three cultists each watch in adulation, singing
praises to the Outsider even as they fight potential
Why not meet them head on? interfering parties. When the players emerge to fight of
the assault, the Doom is driven to a frenzy, cracking the
If the players have an idea of what’s coming, they remaining pillars at a rate of one per minute.
might choose to attempt to strike out and face the
Caller before she and the Doom reach Slatewall. Cutting individual tentacles is possible; each tentacle
There are several difficulties with this, of course, most takes up a 5ft wide line with the tip able to grapple at a +8
prominently that the sea-adverse Cliffrunner Dwarves doing 1d12 damage and other sections shoving at +5
don’t have any ships. However, if all issues can be doing 1d10 damage, and doing 100hp of damage to a
cleverly overcome the player initiative should be section severs the tentacle. Each tentacle destroyed saves
encouraged. Rather than the large and complex set- that particular pillar until another tentacle snakes in to the
piece outlined here, feel free to have the players fight arena. The Doom has ten tentacles of sufficient strength
the Caller at sea. The Doom will be immensely to destroy the great pillars. The easiest method of dealing
dangerous to a ship, as shown here. The weak point is with the Doom’s tentacles is to attack cultists bearing
still the Caller and her Horn of Storms. A climactic horns. Blowing the Horn of Storms with intent to banish
battle at sea where players try desperately to capture the Doom of the Outsider will send the monster away.
the Horn while the Doom toys with their ship can also
be a tremendously satisfying adventure’s end. Although the main threat to the city is in the third arena
among the pillars, helping the other arenas can still have
When the Doom reaches the cliffs of Slatewall, it benefits. Spending time in either the slums or the well
immediately begins to attack. There are three primary diggings means one of the smaller pillars gets broken;
arenas in which the city fights for its life: First, in the both are broken if both other attacks are solved. However,
Slums, a long tentacle wrecks buildings and smashes saving the slums (either by fighting the tentacle or
people if the slums have not been evacuated. Second, in evacuating all dwellers) gains the aid of four of Mother's
the well diggings beneath the western well, a tentacle Men (use stats as cultists) in the fight below repelling
attempts to snake up the channel to cause earthquakes and down the cliffs, while thwarting the tentacle in the well
destruction. Finally, in the cavern of the pillars of the city, diggings (either by destroying the tentacle or by thwarting
Caller directs multiple tentacles against the five pillars, the earlier digging efforts) allows a pair of speakers to
which if destroyed will send the entire city into the sea. come down the tunnel to help.
Horn of Storms Caller: 18
135 hp, 15 AC, Saves +4, blackbone dagger
This twisted horn of ebony driftwood feels cold and wet to +6 (1d4+5 plus bane DC12 CHA)
the touch. Blowing the horn alerts any and all sea creatures Horn of Storms in hand, Spells: Bodily Purge
within earshot; most sea creatures flee its sound but any
(3d8 healing), Mind Thrust II (5d8 DC15 INT
animal sacred to the Outsider will immediately come to the
blower of the horn and receive a single direct instruction. half), Slow (DC15 WIS)
To the Well 105 hp, AC 12, Saves +2 Gore +7 (2d12)
3x- Cultists


-40ft 3x- Cultists

3x- Cultists:
23 hp, 13 AC 3x- Cultists
(studded leather),
Save +2, Dagger +4
(1d4, sneak 1d6) -20ft

5x- Tentacles:
100 hp, 10 AC
Grapple +8 (1d12) 3x- Cultists
Shove +5 (1d10) -40ft
Concluding the Adventure
Vengeance of the High City Side Adventures in the High City
Assuming the players thwart the attack and forestall the The random encounter table on page 8 has a few side-
Outsider’s Doom, the people of Slatewall will be looking plots not directly related to the assault of the Outsider
for revenge. The cult of the Outsider is largely destroyed cult. Not only do these encounters provide a way to
within the city, but of course worship of a god of the personalize the city and its inhabitants, they can also
exiled and forgotten will appear anywhere in almost any provide inspiration for additional side plots as the party
setting. The clans will be in the mood for a crusade, grows in power and influence within the city. The game
starting first with the exiles in their own slums. master should feel free to encourage these diversions
while still maintaining awareness of the timeline. When
Depending on the tone of the campaign or world, the Doom reaches Slatewall, these connections made in
immediately in the aftermath of the attack on the city a the process will be endangered, and can easily be killed or
purge in the slums is inevitable, something heroic players maimed in the chaotic attack. Many side plots can be
can prevent either working with the Clan Council resolved this way at the adventure’s climax, but Slatewall
politically or with direct personal actions. If the tone of is designed to be an interesting place both before and after
the game is less inclined to ethnic cleansing, the council the assault, and if players want to continue to pursue
itself can prevent direct retaliation upon the innocent, but relationships and plots developed over the course of the
the righteous anger of the entire Cliffrunner Confederacy adventure, this should be encouraged. Example new plots:
can provide any number of adventures in their quest to  An entire nest of tremorers were awoken by the
hunt down and root out the cult. If the players have ructions, and are now consuming houses wholesale.
formed attachments to the city, the cult of the Outsider  Clan Radder, ashamed of their ancestor’s perfidious
now aware of the vulnerability may attempt to undermine following of the Outsider, seek to destroy the Horn.
and destroy the city yet again.  Hrot Leepsa, priest of the Skyfather, goes mad after
the death of his wife and grandson in the attack, he
Whoever possesses the Horn of Storms attracts a great blames the players for their deaths.
deal of attention; being able to command dire creatures of
the deep isn’t particularly valuable in the middle of most Setting Assumptions
dungeons, but any king, city, or pirate warlord with a
navy would pay immense sums, or send assassins, for the The basic setting assumptions of the Outsider’s Doom
horn. If your campaign world has dark intelligences who should be broadly compatible with most published
dwell beneath the waves, they would also clearly be settings. The dwarves of Slatewall aren’t underground
interested in a party who holds something that can dwellers like is default in most settings, but having a cliff-
command creatures around them. If the players are based high city is extremely compatible with the dwarven
ambitious sorts, they themselves might wish to use the aesthetic. If a preferred setting tends to have dwarves with
horn to build their own power at sea. a more steampunk style, that would certainly influence
the rustic baseline of the Slatewall dwarves, but it
Fall of the High City certainly won’t effect the essentials of the story.
The players are capable of failing to save Slatewall Most setting pantheons, just as with most ancient real-
without dying themselves in the process. If the pillars of world polytheistic pantheons, have a central male sky
the city are destroyed the cavern ceiling will begin to god, a maternal earth goddess, and a hostile sea god, so
shatter, randomly sending rocks hurtling downward. The finding appropriate parallels shouldn’t be difficult. The
next several minutes see the entire city fall in a massive module as written does not require the gods to be actually
landslide into the seas. An individual strong swimmer active or provide cleric spells. The leaders of cult of the
already at sea has a chance to survive, as would someone Outsider can be gifted arcanists, psions, or psychics
taking refuge in the tunnel that leads to the pillars. instead of divine casters. The most essential part of the
Surviving the fall of Slatewall would begin a quest of story is the Outsider’s role as a dark god revered by
vengeance, certainly upon the cult, possibly upon the sailors and exiles. The priests of the Skyfather can be
Outsider itself if that campaign is within scope. Angry rangers while the priestesses of the Earthmother are
ghosts of the dead or battered living survivors can act as herbalists or alchemists, if so desired. In standard 5th
hooks for the players if the group enjoy that style. The Edition, the expected common domains of each god are:
constituent clans of the Cliffrunner Confederacy will be
wanting answers for why their capital city and the cream  Skyfather -Light, Knowledge, Order
of their society all died, and they will not be pleasant with  Earthmother -Life, Forge, Grave
their questions.  Outsider -Tempest, Trickery, Death
Bestiary and NPCs 20

Animated Armor: 4HD Construct, 120 hp, 15 AC,

resistant to all damage but acid, Saves +2 (mindless),
Slams (2) +5 (1d10+9)
Bone Kelp: 2HD Small Plant, Outsider Cultist: 3HD Dwarf, 23 hp, 13 AC (studded
. Move/Climb/Swim 20ft, 30 hp, 13 AC, leather), Saves +2, Dagger +4 (1d4 plus sneak attack
Vulnerable Slashing, Save +2, Multiattack: Blackbone 1d6), Disguise DC15 (taking 10)
Fronds (3) +2 (1d4 plus bane DC11 CHA), Thermal
Vision, Stealth DC15 (taking 10), vulnerable to fire, Walrus: 4HD Large Animal, Move 10ft, Swim 30ft, 105
tries to disarm any torches (+5). hp, AC 12, Saves +2, Bite +7 (2d12)
Bone Kelp Mothermass: 4HD Large Plant, Move/ Hush, the Outsider’s Chosen: 6HD Dwarf, 105(135*)
Climb/Swim 10ft, 75 hp, 15 AC, Vulnerable Sashing,
Save +3, Multiattack: Blackbone Fronds (3) +4 hp, 12(15*) AC, Saves +4, Multiattack: (2) +1 blackbone
(1d6+2 plus bane DC11 CHA, reach), Thermal dagger +6 (1d4+5 plus bane DC12 CHA), Spells: Bodily
Vision, vulnerable to fire, tries to disarm torches (+7). Purge (3d8 healing), Haste*, False Life*, Mage Armor*,
Shield, Mind Thrust II (5d8 plus DC16 INT halves), Slow
Twisted Goat: 4HD Animal, 38 hp, 13 AC, Saves +2 (DC16 WIS), Expeditious Retreat, Silence (DC16 WIS).
Gore +4 (1d6+4 plus bane DC11 CHA)
Stormcrow Swarm: 4HD Tiny Animal Swarm, 90 Tremorer: 15HD Huge Beast, Move 10ft, Burrow(dirt)
hp, 15 AC, 2d6 damage (blind for 1 round DC10 50ft, Burrow(stone) 10ft, 180 hp, 17 AC, Saves +5,
DEX) Mutliattack: Tongues (3) +6 (1d6+6 plus grab, reach) or
Slatewall Warrior: 3HD Dwarf, 23 hp, 16 AC (shale Bite +8 (3d6+12), tremorsense
half plate), Saves +3, Warhammer +4 (1d8+1) or
Sling +3 (1d4+1) Herald of Doom (Twisted Whale): 10HD Gargantuan
Animal, Swim 40ft, 165 hp, 15 AC, Saves +4, Bite +8
Slatewall Speaker: 6HD Dwarf, 120 hp, 16 AC
(shale breastplate), Saves +3, Club +5, [2x +7 with (2d10+30) or Steambreath +6 (1d10+15 plus push, 30ft
spirit] (1d6+3), Spells: Detect Magic, Stabilize, Bane range), Special: Sonic click (3d8 sonic plus daze DC 13
(DC14 WIS), Protection from Chaos, Bestow Curse CON, 15ft burst, 40ft range), blindsense (sonar)
(DC14 WIS), [Cure Wounds], [Silence (DC15 WIS)],
[Grease (DC15 DEX)], [Blindness (DC15 CON)] – Doom of the Outsider: 100HD Colossal Aberration
Spells or abilities in [brackets] are granted by random (squid), Swim 40ft, 2,000 hp, 19 AC, Saves +10, Bite
attending spirits. +15 (5d12)
Pathfinder Bestiary
Bone Kelp: 2HD Small Plant, Move/Climb/Swim Outsider Cultist: 3HD Dwarf, 19 hp, 15 AC (studded
20ft, 15 hp, 13 AC, DR2/slashing, Fort +6, Ref +6, leather), Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3, dagger +5 (1d4+1 plus
Will +0, Blackbone Fronds (3) +2 (1d4 plus sicken sneak attack 1d6), Disguise DC15 (taking 10), Swim +10
DC12 Will), Thermal Vision, Stealth DC17 (taking
10), vulnerable to fire, tries to disarm any torches (+5 Stormcrow Swarm: 4HD Tiny Animal Swarm, 19 hp,
CMB). 14 AC, 1d6 damage (blind DC11, distraction DC13)

Bone Kelp Mothermass: 4HD Large Plant, Move/ Animated Armor: 4HD Construct, 52 hp, 15 AC,
Climb/Swim 10ft, 38 hp, 18 AC, DR4/slashing, Fort hardness 8, Fort +1, Ref 0, Will -4, Slams (2) +9 (1d6+9)
+7, Ref +1, Will +2, Blackbone Fronds (3) +5 (1d6+2 Tremorer: 15HD Huge Magical Beast, Move 10ft,
plus grab plus sicken DC12 Will, reach), Thermal Burrow(dirt) 50ft, Burrow(stone) 10ft, 112 hp, 19 AC,
Vision, vulnerable to fire, tries to disarm any torches Fort +14, Ref +3, Will +10, Tongues (3) +15 (1d6+6 plus
(+7 CMB). grab, 15ft reach), Bite +21 (3d6+12), tremorsense
Twisted Goat: 4HD Animal, 30 hp, 16 AC, Fort +9, Walrus: 4HD Large Animal, Move 10ft, Swim 30ft, 39
Ref +5, Will +2, gore +7 (1d6+6 plus sicken DC12
hp, 18 AC, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2, bite +8 (1d8+7)
Slatewall Warrior: Dwarf Warrior 3, 25 hp, 18 AC Herald of Doom (Twisted Whale): 10HD Gargantuan
(shale half plate), Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3, greataxe Animal, Swim 40ft, 105 hp, 22 AC, Fort +12, Ref +7,
+6 (1d12+3) or sling +3 (1d4+2) Will +6, bite +17 (2d8+26), steambreath +5 (1d10 plus
bull rush, 30ft range), Special: Sonic click (1d8 sonic plus
Slatewall Speaker: Dwarf Medium 6, 39 hp, 17 AC daze, DC 15 Fort, 15ft burst, 40ft range), blindsense
(shale breastplate), Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +9, +1 club (sonar)
+7, [2x +9 with spirit] (1d6+3), Spells: Detect Magic,
Stabilize, Oneiric Horror (DC15 Will), Protection Hush, the Outsider’s Chosen: 6HD Dwarf, 48(72*) hp,
from Chaos, Ill Omen,, Bestow Curse (DC16 Will), 14 (23*) AC, Fort +7, Ref +5(6*), Will +12, +1 keen
[Cure Light Wounds], [Silence (DC16 Will)], [Grease blackbone dagger +5(6*) (1d4+2 plus sicken DC12 Will,
(DC15 Reflex)], [Blindness (DC16 Fort)] –Spells or critical 17-20), Spells: Bodily Purge (3d8 healing),
abilities in [brackets] are granted by appropriate Haste*, Bear’s Endurance*, Mage Armor*, Shield*,
random attending spirits. Mind Thrust II (5d8 plus +2 AC to caster, DC15 Will
halves), Slow (DC16 Will), Shadow Trap (DC14 Will),
. Expeditious Retreat, Monkeyfish, Silence

OSR Bestiary
Bone Kelp: AC 7 (13), HD 2, #AT 2, D 1-4, Stormcrow: AC 10, HD 0, #AT 1, D 1, appear
infravision, climbs in groups 10-20
Bone Kelp Mothermass: AC 5 (15), HD 4, Animated Armor: AC 0 (18), HD 4, #AT 2,
#AT 2, D 2-7, infravision, climbs D 3-9, immune to most spells
Twisted Goat: AC 6 (13), HD 3, #AT 1, D 3-8 Tremorer: AC 2 (17), HD 15, #AT 1, D 5-25,
infravision, burrows, swallow whole
Slatewall Warrior: AC 2 (17), HD 3, #AT 1,
D 3-10, infravision Walrus: AC 4 (15), HD 4, #AT 1, D 5-12
Slatewall Speaker: AC 2 (18), HD 6, #AT 1, Herald of Doom (whale): AC 0 (18), HD 10,
D 4-9, infravision, spells: As cleric #AT 1, D 9-29, sonar, can push with breath
Cultist: AC 7 (13), HD 2, #AT 1, D 2-5, Hush: AC 3 (16), HD 6, #AT 2, D 3-7,
infravision infravision, spells: as magic user

. .
Treasure Tables 22

Special Materials
Slateplate Blackbone

Slateplate is a specially crafted armor formed Midnight-black protrusions found on animals and
from hard slate. Heavy and medium armor made plants sacred to the Outsider; it drinks in light and
of slate costs +50% more and is twice as heavy, weapons made from blackbone impose bane (-1d4
with disadvantage on athletics, acrobatics, and on all attack rolls) upon a successful hit, DC12
stealth, but halves all incoming physical damage. CHA to resist.

Slatesmith Artifacts
Ojal’s Pumice Plate Laki’s Slateblade

This cleverly constructed suit of pumice acts as This heavy rune-etched stone blade acts as a +1
+1 half-plate, as light as normal armor but has all longsword, which upon a critical hit dispels a
benefits of slateplate. It also grants a +5 helpful spell cast upon the target.
circumstance bonus on all swim checks.
Varn’s Shard Targe
Gerund’s Obsidian Flowmail This rune-shaped stone shield acts a +1 light
shield with 0 armor check penalty; any spell
This shining black +1 chain shirt was forged in an
targeting the wielder has a 50% chance to get
active volcanic eruption; by spending a full round
absorbed by the shield, adding 20lbs to the
feeling the shirt a wearer gains 60ft of
shield’s weight per spell absorbed. Dropping the
tremorsense if the wearer remains still.
shield releases the spell on the wielder.

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