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Abhishek Sharma

Sec B
1. Identify two defence mechanisms you were using while receiving feedback and what
you should do to modify your behaviours to receive feedback effectively.
 Denial – Most of the time, I deny the realities pointed out by my peers as I am
always sure of what I do and I have some kind of explanation that makes it logical
for myself at least.
To improve this, I need to keep my mind open for other reasonings that can
prove my thought process wrong.
Rationalization - When someone points out a negative trait or behaviour in
me, I tend to rationalize them by some logic. People really seem to get pissed
of and start considering me as someone who is too full of himself.
To improve this, I need to recognize my negative traits first and then accept
that I have done wrong. Also, I need to pay heed to feedbacks that I get.
2. Write two things (based on principles) you were doing to receive feedback
- Two things I was doing to receive feedback effectively were –
 Self-Analysis
 Expressing Feelings

3. Identify two things you were doing while giving feedback which should not be
done because they were making giving feedback ineffective.
- Two things making my feedback ineffective were –
 Using humour while communicating made my feedback less impactful as humour
subdued the important features of the feedback
 Also, I was not using data based specific feedback which might have made me
sound judgemental and not concerned enough.

4. Identify two principles of giving feedback you were using to give feedback
- Two principles I was using to give feedback effectively were –
 I was making a clear demarcation between the person and his
behaviour and distancing the person from his behaviour by using “what
you’ve said or what you’ve done is right or wrong’ instead of bashing
him straight.
 I was giving suggestive feedback instead of being prescriptive as I
believe the final decision to change a behaviour or trait has to have
involvement of the person and third-party suggestions might not work
in specific cases or situations.

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