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Ingles 1 week 5: These are my Friends

-jimena willis fernandez
-Josue Altamirano Gupioc
-Angeles Valeria Gonzales Coronel
-Giuliana Orrillo Salazar
good evening teacher, the dialogue to carry out is “these are my friends”.
Josue: hi Valeria and Jimena, good morning, how are you???
Valeria: hello josue, I am fine, thanks
Jimena: hello friend, I am fine
Valeria: josue, who is your best friend?
Josue: her name is victor .look he is
Jimena: how old is he ???
Josue: he is eighteen years old
Valeria: who studies??
Josue: yes, he is studying civil engineering at USAT
Jimena: perfect. look she is my friend
Valeria: where it is and what is her name ???
Josue: is she peruvian or where is she from ???
Jimena:her name is kiara, she lives in Chiclayo, but is not peruvian, her is from
Spain, madrid
Josue: how old is she ???
Jimena: she is Twenty one years old. oh! Valeria , what is the name of your
best friend?
valeria: look ,his name is Daniel
Josue: your friend has family here in Perú ???
valeria: yes and also in chile
Jimena : wow, in which city of chile ??
valeria: His family is in Santiago de chile
Josue: and where is he ???
Valeria: he is now in Lima
Josue: Well. I have to go to my next class. See you later!
Jimena: Yes, me too. See you later guys.
Valeria: See you later!

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