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a). When abducting the hand, the scapula has an upward rotation
b). Approximately 30° into the abduction the upward rotation is identified
c). Upward rotation is necessary as it aids in the full abduction of the arm above the
head, and it shifts the acromion up permitting a full range of motion without impinging
the tendon of the supraspinatus between the humeral head and the acromion. Without
and an upward rotation, a full range of motion would not occur without impingement or
shoulder injuries occurring.
d). The glenohumeral joint is very mobile but lacks stability, thus, as the humerus
proceeds to abduct, the stability gets more and more weaker. In order to stabilize the
glenohumeral joint while maintaining the range of motion, the scapula will rotate in a
2:1 ratio as the humerus abducts (every 2° scapular rotation: 1° humerus abduction),
and thus it stabilizes the humerus in the glenoid fossa by preventing over abduction. In
addition, when the arm is above the shoulder the glenoid fossa will also move respect
to the scapula, it will pivot about the clavicle and rotate upwards as the arm is

(a) Triplanar motion of the hip (adduction, extension, internal rotation), knee extension
(b) Biplanar motion of the hip (lateral rotation, abduction), knee flexion
(c) Hip flexion, knee extension
(d) Hip flexion, knee extension
(e) Triplanar motion of the hip (adduction, flexion, and internal rotation), knee extension

All these movements do implement a two-joint muscle. The muscles include the
sartorius, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus; they
cross at the knee and hip joints. The consequence of two-joint muscles is that it is more
susceptible to injury as it involves more than one movement in different planes
occurring simultaneously (example, sprinters).

3. When plantar flexing the ankle, adduction and inversion are other movements that
occur. Plantar flexion occurs at the talocrural joint which is an articulation between the
tibia, fibula, and talus bones. Adduction happens at the subtalar joint which is an
articulation of the talus, calcaneus, navicular, and cuboid bones located in the foot. The
muscles of the lower limb that allow plantar flexion cross the ankle (tibialis posterior,
flexor hallucis and flexor digitorum longus) when they contract; the position of the
muscles associated with axis of the talocrural and subtalar joint also don’t line up to
form a 90°’s to each other, thus, it causes an inversion and adduction about the
subtalar joint during adduction and plantar flexion about the talocrural joint.

4. The body is made of segments, and the body’s center of mass can be manipulated
by segmental movements. Flexion, followed by an extension of the knees and hips
generates a momentum to go in the forward direction. This is the initial part of the
pumping method in which the swinging motion is starting from the center of mass
being shifted from the balance point of the swing; the pumping shifts the center of
mass in the opposite direction and once reached at the highest point of the swing, the
swinging motion will want to continue due to gravity pulling down the center of mass.

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