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On the sensitivity of the maximum explosion pressure of

a dust deflagration to turbulence t

A. E. Dahoe 1•2 •4 , K. van der Nat1 ,

M. Braithwaite3 and B. Scarlett1
Department of Chemical Engineering, Delft University
of Technology
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
3 Royal Military College of Science, Cranfield University
University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering

The maximum explosion pressure of a deflagration is often regarded as a thermodynamic quantity
and it is believed to be insensitive to the flow conditions of the combustible mixture involved. While
this is true for premixed gases, the present work demonstrates that the opposite is the case when pow-
der-air mixtures are ignited to deflagration. In order to illustrate this disparate behavior, experi-
ments were conducted with methane-air and cornstarch-air mixtures of a fixed fuel to air ratio, at
varying turbulence levels. The maximum explosion pressure of cornstarch-air mixtures was observed
to increase by a factor of 1. 5 when the turbulence level of the dust cloud was varied. An explanation
for this behavior is proposed by considering the effect of turbulence on the liberation of volatile matter
from the particles.

behavior of the pressure in the explosion chamber

1 Introduction
when a combustible mixture is ignited to deflagra-
The assessment of the severity of an accidental tion. At the beginning of the explosion the pressure is
dust explosion is of crucial importance when it con- equal to the atmospheric pressure and increases up to
cerns the safe operation of industrial processes in- a maximum value of about 7 bar. During this process
volving combustible particles. Due to the absence of the pressure increases progressively until the rate of
a comprehensive description of the transient com- pressure rise achieves a maximum, after which the
bustion behavior of any particular dust-air mixture pressure continues to increase with a progressively
under arbitrary conditions (pressure, temperature, decreasing rate of pressure rise. For the assessment
flow properties), it is common practice to measure
the explosion severity in laboratory test vessels (1 m3-
vessel, 20-liter sphere) and to predict what would hap-
pen if a similar mixture exploded in an industrial plant
unit. A typical result of a laboratory explosion sever- ~B Pmax ------- ---;..:.-~----~-~--=--'-"-~--:..:_-;:_:--c.:_--::..:__ _ __j
ity test is shown by Figure 1. The figure shows the e6
1:: ' ( dP'
" ___ -)
dt max
Delft, The Netherlands
2 0,_-.-,--.-,--,-,--,-,--,-,--,~
Cambridge, United Kingdom
3 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Shrivenham, Swindon, United Kingdom
Trumpington Street, CB2 1PZ, Cambridge, United Kingdom time (milliseconds)
Telephone: +44-1223-332603. FAX: +44-1223-332662.
Email: Fig.l Explosion curve of a 500 gm- 3 cornstarch-air mixture in a
t Accepted: September 17,2001 standard 20-liter sphere.

178 KONA No.19 (2001)

of the severity of a dust explosion, two quantities are be 10 bar, it can be anywhere between 9 and 11 bar,
extracted from the explosion curve, namely, the maxi- and when this is multiplied by a factor of 1.5 then one
mum explosion pressure, Pmax. and the maximum rate finds a design strength which is anywhere between
of pressure rise, (dPI dt) max· The reasons for choosing 13.5 and 16.5 bar. When the industrial operating con-
these quantities to characterize dust explosion sever- ditions are such that an explosion may occur at an
ity are evident: the maximum explosion pressure initial pressure of 10 bar then one finds a design
gives an indication of the magnitude of the damaging strength between 135 and 165 bar along the same
pressures that may be caused by accidental deflagra- lines of reasoning; a difference of 30 bar. It is there-
tions and the maximum rate of pressure rise indicates fore not only important to know the maximum explo-
how fast these damaging pressures can develop. sion pressure of a combustible mixture with great
From a practical point of view, the maximum explo- accuracy, but it also important to know which factors
sion pressure can be used to determine the design influence this quantity, and, to which extent these fac-
strength of industrial equipment so that it can with- tors may affect the maximum explosion pressure.
stand damaging explosion pressures. The maximum When a fuel-air mixture burns adiabatically in a
rate of pressure rise can be used to size pressure closed vessel, with the additional assumptions that
relief systems to counteract the development of kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible
damaging pressures so that they do not exceed a and that there is no shaft work, the first law of ther-
particular design strength. Since the containment of modynamics requires that the internal energy of the
explosion pressures requires equipment to be capable reactants at the initial state equals the internal energy
of withstanding pressures of up to 7-10 times the of the products at the final state. In the final state, the
operating pressure, this approach is financially pro- entire vessel is filled with combustion products whose
hibitive and therefore applied to small industrial temperature is equal to the constant volume adiabatic
equipment only. Whilst explosion relief venting is the flame temperature, rr, and the pressure is at its
most commonly used protection method against maximum attainable value, Pmax· This final state is
explosion hazards because of its convenience and independent of the path followed from the initial state
economical attractiveness, there are circumstances and the ideal gas law may be used to express it as
where it may not be applied. Such circumstances are
those where the siting is such that spreading of burn- (1)
ing material to other plant units may occur, or where
highly toxic combustibles and combustion products where P0 denotes the initial pressure, T0 the initial
will be released in the environment, or that the inter- temperature, n0 the moles of gas present before the
nal geometry of the industrial equipment is such that explosion, and ne the moles of gas present after the
a transition from deflagration to detonation will occur explosion. This equation implies that the maximum
due to the enhancement of turbulence in the pres- explosion pressure is determined by the initial state
ence of a vent relief area. When this is the case, con- of the reactant mixture (T0,P0 ), variations in the num-
tainment becomes an important safety measure and ber of moles of gas due to the chemical conversion
accurate determination of the maximum explosion process and the value of the adiabatic flame tempera-
pressure becomes of great importance. ture due to the release of chemical energy by the
Knowing that the rule of the thumb in the case of reactants. Since both nelno and rr are determined by
containment is to design industrial equipment at a chemical equilibria and caloric properties of the spe-
strength which is such that it can withstand at least cies involved (e.g. heats of formation, specific heats),
1.5 times the expected explosion pressure, the impor- the maximum explosion pressure is regarded as a
tance of accurate knowledge of the maximum explo- thermodynamic property of the reactant mixture.
sion pressure becomes even greater when industrial And, owing to the fact that kinetic energy changes are
processes are carried out at elevated pressures. For negligible with respect to the heat release by the reac-
example, when the maximum explosion pressure is tants, the maximum explosion pressure is considered
known with an inaccuracy of 10%, and the ratio be- to be insensitive to the flow conditions of the reac-
tween the maximum explosion pressure and the ini- tant mixture. While this expectation is confirmed by
tial pressure is assumed to be 10, then this inaccuracy experiments with gaseous fuel-air mixtures (see
would result in an error margin of 3 bar in the design Figure 2), the opposite appears to be true for dust-air
strength of the equipment. In other words, if the ex- mixtures (see Figure 3).
pected maximum explosion pressure is expected to Leuckel et al. [1] ignited turbulent stoichiometric

KONA No.19 (2001) 179


8 8 0

e"' 6 6

...."' 4 4

2 2

0 20 40 60 80 0 200 400 600 800 1000
time (milliseconds) dust concentration (gm - 3)

Fig. 2 Explosion curves of stoichiometric methane-air mixtures Fig. 3 The maximum explosion pressure of cornstarch-air mix-
ignited at various turbulence levels: v',m,=2.40 ms- 1, 1.92 tures ignited at two different turbulence levels: v',m,=4.2
ms-1, 1.44 ms- 1, 1.20 ms-1, 0.96 ms-1, and 0.72 ms- 1 [1]. ms- 1 ( o) and v',m,=l.5 ms- 1 (!:>) [2].

methane-air mixtures to deflagration in a 65-liter fan- of about 700 gm- 3 the maximum explosion pressure
stirred spherical bomb and the resulting pressure- increases by a factor of 1.5 when the turbulence level
time curves are shown in Figure 2. The turbulence is increased by a factor of about 3. At a dust concen-
level of the reactive mixtures was varied by means tration 900 gm- 3, the maximum explosion pressure
of four symmetrically opposed ventilation fans and was found to increase by a factor of 1.8 when the tur-
ranged from v'rms = 0.72 ms- 1 to v'rms = 2.40 ms- 1• In bulence level was changed from v'rms = 1.5 ms- 1 to
all cases, an increase of the turbulence level resulted v'rms = 4.2 ms- 1. This sensitivity of the maximum
in a faster explosion, while the maximum explosion explosion pressure of dust-air mixtures to the turbu-
pressure remained at a constant value of about 8.2 lence level may result in serious shortcomings in the
bar. current practice of applying laboratory explosion
Kauffman et al. [2] used a 950-liter jet-stirred spher- severity data to industrial circumstances, as will be
ical bomb to measure the explosion characteristics of discussed below.
turbulent cornstarch-air mixtures. Experiments were Taking the observed sensitivity of the maximum
conducted at two different turbulence levels, namely, explosion pressure of dust-air mixtures to turbulence
v'rms = 1.5 ms- 1 and v'rms = 4.2 ms-I, while the dust into consideration, it is evident that laboratory test
concentration was varied between 100 and 900 gm- 3. data are only applicable to industrial circumstances
Conditions of turbulence were established by flush- when the laboratory test conditions are such that the
ing the sphere continuously with air through a mani- turbulence levels are higher than those which may be
fold of six inlet ports, located in the lower hemi- encountered in industrial equipment under both nor-
spherical wall, and a manifold of eight exhaust ports, mal operating conditions as well as during the occur-
located in the upper hemispherical wall. The dust was rence of an accidental explosion. Currently accepted
supplied continuously by means of a dust feeder with technical guidelines for protection methods against
an adjustable feed rate so that the dust concentration dust explosion hazards [3, 4] prescribe the use of the
and the turbulence level could be varied indepen- so called standard 20-liter explosion sphere and the 1
dently. These researchers found that, unlike in the m3-explosion vessel as laboratory test devices for dust
case of gaseous fuel-air mixtures, the maximum explosion severity testing. Unlike the test methods
explosion pressure of dust-air mixtures was sensitive used by Leuckel et al. and Kauffman et al., which
to the turbulence level. Their findings are plotted in maintain quasi-steady conditions of turbulence at the
Figure 3 and it is seen that the sensitivity of the max- moment of ignition, these devices generate turbu-
imum explosion pressure to turbulence increases lence by means of an air blast. This air blast is neces-
with increasing dust concentration. When the dust sary to suspend the dust and to ensure that the dust
concentration is below 200 gm- 3, turbulence seems to particles remain airborne in the explosion chamber
have little to no effect. At the optimum concentration and that they do not settle out due to gravity. How-

180 KONA No.19 (2001)

ever, as soon as the air blast is completed, the in- fuel is insensitive to turbulence while that of a particu-
tensity of the turbulence decreases with time. Test late solid fuel is a function of turbulence, experiments
procedures therefore stipulate precise time values at were done by igniting both methane-air mixtures and
which certain operations must occur. In the 1 m3- cornstarch-air mixtures to deflagration at various tur-
vessel, for example, ignition must occur at 600 mil- bulence levels. The experiments were performed by
liseconds after the injection air blast has started (i.e. means of a standard 20-liter sphere since it is the rec-
ignition delay time= 600 milliseconds), while in the ommended laboratory test equipment, prescribed by
20-liter cell, ignition must occur after an ignition delay the technical guidelines for dust explosion severity
time of 60 milliseconds. The use of these ignition testing [3, 4].
delay times was based on the belief that by adhering
to the specified procedure, unknown, but reproduc-
2 Experimental
ible turbulence levels could be established at the
moment of ignition. It was furthermore assumed that The experiments reported in this work were con-
when the air blast was vigorous enough, the turbu- ducted by means of the standard 20-liter sphere,
lence level at the moment of ignition would supersede shown in Figure 4. In essence the equipment con-
those which may be encountered under industrial sists of three major components, namely, an explosion
operating conditions. With the standard 20-liter explo- chamber, a storage canister and an injection valve.
sion sphere, for example, the explosion chamber is The explosion chamber is a hollow sphere made of
partially evacuated to a pressure 0.4 bar and com- stainless steel, with a volume of 20-liters, and is sur-
pressed air at a pressure of 21 bar is injected into it so rounded by a cooling jacket, which allows the circula-
that a turbulent flow field at conditions of atmos- tion of a cooling liquid. It is designed to house a
pheric pressure and room temperature exists at the removable top cover, a port for evacuation and admis-
moment of ignition. sion of gases, an outlet port for combustion products,
This conservative approach, which was initially two flanges so that sensors can be placed, and a port
adopted because the maximum rate of pressure rise to allow the inflow of compressed air and to hold a
was generally known to increase with increasing tur- dust dispersion device. The top cover contains the
bulence, is obviously not the most optimal design holes for introducing the electrodes for the ignition
basis for explosion protection methods. It may lead to system. With these electrodes it is possible to ignite
unacceptable over-estimations of the required design the combustible mixtures by means of a spark or a
strength of plant units in situations where turbulence chemical igniter at the center of the sphere with an
levels are much lower than those created in labora- inaccuracy of only a few millimeters. In order to mea-
tory test vessels. It may also lead to dangerous under- sure the pressure two piezo-electric pressure sensors
estimations of the required design strength under were installed in one of the flanges mounted in the
circumstances where additional turbulence is gener- wall of the explosion chamber. A temperature-con-
ated by the explosion itself. These shortcomings are trolled heat transfer fluid was circulated through the
not only due to the application of laboratory test data, cooling jacket so that the combustible mixtures inves-
obtained under conditions of unknown turbulence, to tigated were at an initial temperature of 20°C in all
industrial situations where the turbulence levels are experiments.
unknown. Even if the conditions of turbulence in the The storage canister has a volume of 0.6 liter and is
laboratory tests vessels and in the industrial equip- connected to the explosion chamber by means of a
ment would be known quantitatively, there appears to duct which can be opened and closed very quickly by
be a lack of quantitative relationships between the means of a pneumatically driven injection valve. The
maximum explosion pressure and turbulence. Hence dust must be placed in the storage canister and be
it is the purpose of this work to investigate the sensi- dispersed via the duct which leads to the explosion
tivity of the maximum explosion pressure to turbu- chamber, with a dispersion device attached to the out-
lence. flow end of the duct. The dispersion device used in
In the present work methane and cornstarch were this work is the so called rebound nozzle.
used as test fuels because of their use by previous As mentioned in the Introduction, according to the
researchers, and the constant composition and nar- guidelines for dust explosion severity testing, the
row size distribution of the latter. In order to verify explosion chamber must be partially evacuated to 0.4
the observations of previous researchers, namely, bar and the storage canister has to be filled with pres-
that the maximum explosion pressure of a gaseous surized air of 21 bar, prior to dispersing the dust. This

KONA No.19 (2001) 181

a --------n

(a) inlet for cooling fluid (b) port to evacuate the explosion chamber or to admit gases (c) explosion chamber (d) flange which holds pressure
sensors (e) storage canister (f) powder (g) duct which connects the storage canister to the explosion chamber (h) injection valve (i) outlet for
cooling fluid G) cooling jacket (k) rebound nozzle (I) outlet valve for combustion products (m) removable top cover (n) electrode

Fig. 4 A schematic overview of the standard 20-liter sphere (left) and a photograph of the equipment (right).

pressure difference between the storage canister and chiometric methane-air mixture would be present
the explosion chamber forms the driving force of the after completion of the injection process_ The meth-
air blast which disperses the dust into the explosion ane-air mixtures were ignited by means of a spark and
chamber. When the injection valve is opened, the the cornstarch-air mixtures were ignited by means of
compressed air within the storage canister develops a chemical igniter with an energy of 180 J. The mea-
an expansion flow, which drags the dust particles into sured pressure-time curves of the mixtures investi-
the explosion chamber. Turbulence is generated by gated are shown in Figures 5 and 6.
friction with the wall of the duct and the dispersion The behavior of the turbulence characteristics of
device, and this process continues until the pressure the transient flow field generated by the injection
in the storage canister and the explosion chamber process were also investigated [5]_ Since a detailed
have become equaL When this occurs there is no account of this investigation falls beyond the scope of
longer a driving force present which leads to the gen- this paper, only the results and conclusions relevant
eration of additional turbulence and the existing tur- to this work are presented here. The transient flow
bulence level starts to decay. In case of the standard field during and after the injection process, without
20-liter sphere, standardized guidelines prescribe a
precise time value for ignition to occur during this
turbulence decay process, namely, at 60 milliseconds
after the very beginning of the injection process_ In 8 60ms
the present work this so called ignition delay time 80ms
was varied so that combustible mixtures were ignited 140ms
at various turbulence levels. 180ms

The turbulent cornstarch-air mixtures were gener-

ated according the procedure described above and
ignited to deflagration at various ignition delay times_ o+=~==~~~--~-,~--,-~~
The turbulent methane-air mixtures were also created 0 100 200 300 400 500
time (milliseconds)
following this procedure by injecting compressed air
into the explosion chamber containing a pre-mixture Fig. 5 Pressure-time traces of turbulent stoichiometric methane-
of methane and air of such a composition that a stoi- air mixtures ignited at different ignition delay times.

182 KONA No.19 (2001)

log (time)
10 -1

-;::;- 8
e"' ~

:g'"' 1 0
w 4 120ms § 0.5 tlll
-., ~'rm~ =(.!._)-1.61
160ms V rms to f
0 0.1 +-..----.,---,.---,--,-------,----'- -1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 50 100 200
time (milliseconds) time (10- 3 s)

Fig. 6 Pressure-time traces of 625 gm - 3 cornstarch-air dust Fig. 7 Decay of the root-mean-square velocity in the 20-liter
explosions ignited at different ignition delay times. sphere with the rebound nozzle.
to=60 ms and v'rms 0 = 3.75 ms- 1.

dust, was investigated by means of laser Doppler 0.014 .,----,,---,.----,---,-----,,----,----,

anemometry. Two instantaneous velocity components 0.012
were measured simultaneously in order to quantify :§ 0.01
the turbulence characteristics of the flow field as a '"'
function of time. From this information the root-mean
square value of the velocity fluctuations, v' rms• and the
~ 0.006
0: 0.004
.. ..
turbulence macro length scale, €1, could be deter-
mined. The spatial homogeneity of the turbulence 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15 0.175 0.2 0.225
was investigated by performing measurements at var- time (s)
ious locations in the explosion chamber. Directional
isotropy of the turbulence was investigated by com- Fig. 8 The behavior of the length scales of the macro structure
in the period of 60 to 200 milliseconds.
paring the root-mean-square values of the velocity
C? =12.845·10- 3 m, a 1 =-3.542, a 2 =1.321 and t0 =58.8
fluctuations measured simultaneously in two indepen- ·10- 3 s.
dent directions. This research showed that conditions
of spatially homogeneous and directionally isotropic
turbulence exist in the explosion chamber, after an
initial period of about 40 milliseconds with inhomo-
geneous and non-isotropic turbulence present. The
value of the root-mean-square of the velocity fluctua- ~ 0.8
tions and the length scale of the turbulence macro e
structure as a function of the time are respectively ~ 0.6
shown in Figures 7 and 8. It appeared to be possible ~ 0.4
to correlate the temporal behavior of these quantities
by means of the decay-law expressions presented in
these figures.
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Knowing that a 20-liter sphere at a pressure of 1 bar
time (milliseconds)
contains about 21 grams of air, while explosion sever-
ity testing involves dust loadings ranging from 2.5 to Fig. 9 Behavior of the pressure in the explosion chamber during
25.0 grams, one may reasonably ask whether the the injection of various quantities of dust.
decay of turbulence of a dust cloud will deviate signifi-
cantly from the behavior shown in Figures 7 and 8.
To shed some light on this issue injection experi- systematic effect on the behavior of the pressure,
ments were conducted with different loadings of namely, that increasing amounts of dust tend to
cornstarch dust [5). For safety reasons nitrogen was decrease the curvature of the pressure curves during
used instead of air. The results of this investigation the injection process. In order to get an impression of
are shown in Figures 9 to 11. The pressure curves what this means for the turbulence conditions in the
in the first two figures indicate that the presence of explosion chamber, it was attempted to measure the
dusts at the bottom of the storage canister has a vertical velocity component at the center and to de-

KONA No.19 (2001) 183

25 jected. From these results it is concluded that the tur-
bulent fluctuations of the gas phase behave more or
20 less independently of the presence of a solid phase
e"' 15
(apart from the larger scatter in the presence of corn-
"::l.... starch dust) and that the decay law expressions dis-
"'"'.... 10 cussed previously may be used as an approximation
for their behavior.
5 It is worth noting that this observation is consistent
with the implication of the Hinze-Tchen equation [6].
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 This equation states that the turbulent kinetic energy
time (milliseconds) per mass unit of the particulate phase, kp, relates to
that of the gas phase, k, as
Fig. 10 Behavior of the pressure in the storage canister during

~ +;;I r2.
the injection of various quantities of dust.
= [1 (2)

where r 1 denotes the time scale of the turbulent fluc-

tuations and rp denotes the response time of a particle
-nocomst to a change in the velocity or the magnitude of the
• lOg
• 7.5g
• 5.0g
gas velocity. Since the response time of the corn-
• 2.5 g starch particles is much larger than the time scale of
~ 12.5g
· lQOg the gas-phase fluctuations, the particles pick up little
(J) kinetic energy from the gas phase. Owing to the larger
~ response time of the particles, the local velocity of the
10 gas phase will have changed its direction many times
before the particles can pick up a significant amount
of momentum in one preferential direction.
Time (ms)

Fig. 11 Root-mean-square values of the vertical velocity compo- 3 Effect of turbulence on the maximum
nent during the injection of cornstarch dust. explosion pressure of dust-air mixtures
The pressure-time curves shown by Figures 5 and
6 indicate that the maximum explosion pressure of
termine the root-mean-square value of the velocity methane-air mixtures is insensitive to turbulence (it
fluctuations as a function of time. Although these remains at a constant value of about 8.4 bar) while
measurements were conducted under conditions that that of cornstarch-air mixtures appears to be a func-
are beyond the range of applicability of laser Doppler tion of turbulence. This result is consistent with the
anemometry, the authors believe that these measure- observation made by other researchers, as mentioned
ments may give a qualitative idea of the effect of the in the Introduction. According to Figure 13, the max-
particulate phase on the gas phase fluctuations. As in imum explosion pressure of the investigated corn-
the case of the gas injection experiments discussed starch-air mixtures increases from 5.3 bar to 8.5 bar
previously, small particles, capable of following the when the turbulence level is increased from 0.75 ms- 1
gas phase fluctuations, were added to the flow field to 3.75 ms- 1. In other words, the maximum explosion
and the settings of the laser Doppler anemometer pressure increases by a factor of 1.6 when the turbu-
were optimized so that the signals arising from the lence level increases by a factor of about five. This
larger, and hence slower, cornstarch particles would change is less drastic than that observed with the
be rejected. The results obtained with various corn- equipment used by Kauffman et a!. [2], namely, an
starch dust loadings are presented in Figure 11. The increase of the maximum explosion pressure by a fac-
thick line in this figure shows the behavior of the tor of 1.5 when the turbulence intensity is increased
root-mean-square value of the velocity fluctuations by a factor of about three. This difference may be
generated by the injection of nitrogen only. The thin attributed to the existence of turbulence with a differ-
lines indicate the deviation from the thick line when ent length scale in the equipment used by Kauffman
different amounts of cornstarch dust are being in- eta!.

184 KONA No.19 (2001)

erty which is a function of the initial pressure, the ini-
tial temperature, and the chemical composition only.
It is insensitive to flow conditions because the kinetic
energy of the fluid motions is negligible in compari-
son with the heat effects associated with the combus-
tion reactions, and flow conditions do not affect the
chemical composition of the reactant mixture which
is consumed by the flame. In the case of dust-air mix-
tures, turbulence does have an effect on the max-
imum explosion pressure because it affects the
60 80 100 120 140 160 liberation of volatile components from the particles,
ignition delay time (ms) as will be discussed below.
When a combustible mixture is ignited to deflagra-
Fig. 12 The maximum explosion pressure of cornstarch-air mix- tion in a spherical enclosure, an initially spherical
tures ignited at various turbulence levels (data are taken flame is created which propagates radially into the
from Figure 6). surrounding reactant mixture. During this flame
propagation process reactants enter the flame at the
downstream side in order to be burned in the flame
10 zone, and expanding hot combustion products are left
behind in the wake of the flame. Prior to entering the
8 flame these reactants are being heated at the down-
stream side. In case of a gaseous fuel-air mixture the
'i:' 6
e"' chemical composition is established down to the mol-
~ ecular scale and the partial pressures of the reactant
~ 4
gases that compose it remains the same during this
heating process. In the case of a dust-air mixture,
which may be regarded as a homogeneous mixture of
0 fuel and oxidizer on a macroscopic scale, the heat
0 2 3 4 released by the flame affects the chemical composi-
v',m, (ms- 1) tion of the reactants that are actually being con-
sumed. As the particle temperature increases in the
Fig. 13 The maximum explosion pressure of cornstarch-air mix- preheat zone of the flame, volatile components begin
tures as a function of the turbulence level at the moment to be emitted and mix with the surrounding oxidizer.
of ignition. This figure is essentiaiiy the same as Figure This leads to the formation of a primary reaction zone
12 with the horizontal axis rescaled according to the cor-
relation presented in Figure 7.
which is largely sustained by gaseous combustion [7].
The emission of volatile components and the mix-
ing process continues into the reaction zone and is
largely completed before the end of the reaction zone.
In our work, as well as in the work of Kauffman et Hence, in comparison with premixed gases, the flame
at., the maximum explosion pressure was observed to temperature of a dust cloud additionally depends on
increase with more than 3 bar when turbulence was the rate of evolution of volatile components, and the
varied. Since this is a significant difference when it residence time of the particles in the preheat zone
concerns the assessment of the design strength of and the flame zone.
industrial equipment, and since laboratory test data With lignites, bituminous coals, vegetable grains
are being applied to industrial circumstances where and powdered foodstuffs, remaining char burns in the
the conditions of turbulence are different from those hot oxygen beyond the preheat zone. Particles of less
existing in laboratory test vessels, it is of great impor- than 1 Jlm can be oxidized entirely in the primary
tance to know why and how turbulence affects the reaction zone and the effect of the chemical heat re-
maximum explosion pressure. lease of the oxidation of these particles on the flame
It was mentioned in the Introduction that the maxi- temperature is additive to that of the volatile species.
mum explosion pressure of premixed gases of fuel For particle sizes greater than 10 Jlm, the oxidation of
and air may be regarded as a thermodynamic prop- char in the primary reaction zone is slow in compari-

KONA No.19 (2001) 185

son with the gaseous combustion process. In this T
case the oxidation of char within the primary reaction
zone hardly affects the flame temperature. Since the
cornstarch particles used in this work have a narrow
size distribution with a modal diameter of 15 J.lm, the
combustion of char will not be considered here.
The liberation of volatiles can be considered by
means of a simplified analysis of particle devolatiliza-
tion with the following assumptions:
• The particle is surrounded by a infinite quiescent
medium with a constant temperature, denoted by
• The particle has a uniform temperature, and the Fig. 14 Temperature profile around a spherical particle accord-
heat resistance is located at the gas side of the ing to equation (5).
interface between the particle and the medium
that surrounds it.
• The devolatilization process is steady, and all
physical properties, such as the density, thermal
conductivity and specific heat, are constant. dT Cpgm
• During the devolatilization process, the particle dr Ir= ;;= 4 1tAgTF
has a constant devolatilization temperature, de-
noted by Td.
The objective of this analysis is to find a relationship Insertion of this expression into equation (6) leads to
between the volatile production rate, m, and the tem- the following relationship,
perature to which the particles are being exposed.
This is done by means of a gas-phase energy and a m. = -
,-- n 1rl + Cpg (Tg-Td)
---'c"--'-~--=-'-- (8)
surface energy balance [8]. In spherical coordinates,
Cpg !'1.dH 1
the gas phase-energy balance reads,
= 1t~grp ln [l+Sp], (9)
d ( dT) . dT
(3) Cpg
dr 41tA.grpdr -mCpgdr=O
which describes the influence of the preheat tempera-
and can be solved with the boundary conditions ture on the devolatilization rate. The quantity denoted
by Sp is known as the Spalding number.
r~oo: T=Tg and r=rp: T=Td (4)
It will now be shown how turbulence affects the
to give the temperature profile of the gas phase (see amount of volatile components released from the par-
Figure 14): ticles. In the case of the preheat zone this is done by
considering the enthalpy equation of a multi-compo-
nent reacting mixture consisting of N species,

J~~ ~ • N
Jt+'V·~vh)=Ji+v·'VP+r:Vv-'V-Jh- ~pY;Ji- (!D;VY; ).


The surface energy balance may be stated as The heat flux vector,

1 zdT
4 1tr.grp-d . H (6)
I =m!'1.d ,
r r=rp
where !'1.dH denotes the required enthalpy per unit
mass to devolatilize the solid fuel. The temperature is the sum of four contributions, namely, thermal dif-
gradient at the gas phase side of the particle surface fusion, the radiant energy flux, the Soret flux and a
is found by differentiating equation (5) and setting r Dufour flux, of which the last two phenomena make
equal to rp: very small contributions.
With turbulence present, in the absence of external

186 KONA No.19 (2001)

body forces, and on the assumption of a negligible Here 'A denotes the thermal conductivity, k the Boltz-
effect of turbulence on the radiant energy flux, the mann constant, .N the number density, C the mean
Favre-averaged form of this equation becomes, v'
free path and the root mean square velocity of the
molecules. By analogy with equations (14) and (15)
the turbulent diffusion of fluid enthalpy is modelled
here as
"Jp Jvi'
+v·-+r··-- ~ JT
1 dXj
Vj = -1\,t--=;-- = -1-t{) V,rms-=;--'
JT (16)

- ~- (ph"v;}
(12) where the turbulent thermal conductivity, 'At, is
expressed as the product of the turbulence length
which contains three additional terms, namely, scale, Ct, and the root mean square of the fluid veloc-
ity fluctuations, v'rms· The product At= Ct v'rms simply
(13) implies that turbulent heat conduction is enhanced as
v'rms and Ct are being increased.
These additional terms are respectively identified as During an explosion, the system pressure and the
i. pressure work due to turbulence, mean quantities in the Favre-averaged energy equa-
ii. dissipation due to molecular friction, tion change slowly in comparison with the localized
iii. and turbulent diffusion of fluid enthalpy. process of turbulent fluid enthalpy diffusion from the
If the turbulence would disappear suddenly in a mys- flame into the unburnt mixture. The Favre-averaged
terious way, these terms would reduce to zero, and energy equation may therefore be simplified to
the Favre-averaged equation would become identical
to the instantaneous equation. If, on the other hand,
the turbulence is intensified, then the magnitude of
these terms increases. Since it is evident that one or For a fixed planar flame which is sustained by a
more of these terms must be responsible for the influ- steady, isotropic turbulent flow of a combustible mix-
ence of turbulence on the maximum explosion pres- ture, the convective velocity iJ1 may be replaced by the
sure, their relative importance will be considered. turbulent burning velocity, Sur. at which the unburnt
Since the spatial pressure distribution in the 20-liter mixture enters the flame. Together with the assump-
sphere is almost uniform during the course of a defla- tion of a constant Cpm, equation (17) may be simpli-
gration, the contribution of the pressure work term, fied to
v'j (Jp I Jx1), to the microscopic enthalpy balance is
negligible. The dissipation due to molecular friction, d 2T + pCpmSur dT =O (18)
tJx2 ftV'rms dx .
v'j (Jp I Jx1), may also be neglected because of the low
viscosity of air. Moreover, the spatial derivatives of When this equation is solved with the boundary con-
the velocity fluctuations in this term are small due to ditionsx= 0: T= T1 andx= co: T= T~, one obtains
the spatial homogeneity of the turbulent flow field.
These considerations leave Jph"v'jl Jx1 as the only T- L exp (- {5Cp7Sur x). (19)
Tt- T~ ft V rms
remaining possibility to account for the effect of tur-
bulence on the maximum explosion pressure. This solution is plotted in Figure 15 to illustrate how
It is indeed possible to deduce a mechanism for the the width of the preheat zone depends on the tur-
effect of turbulence on the release of volatile compo- bulence characteristics of the dust cloud. The tur-
nents in the preheat zone by treating the turbulent bulence measurements discussed in the previous
flux of enthalpy by analogy with the molecular flux of section indicate that both v'rms and Ct are increasing
heat. In an ideal gas the following relationship exists when the ignition delay time is decreased (see Fig-
between the heat flux and the driving force that gov- ures 7 and 8). If the turbulent burning velocity, Su,
erns it [9, Chapter 26], were constant, shortening the ignition delay time
jh·= -'A JT
would always increase the width of the preheat zone.
1 (14)
dX;' The turbulent burning velocity of premixed gases and
where dust-air mixtures, however, is known to be a function
of the turbulence level and the turbulence length
'A= (3l32n) 112fv'k.N. (15)
scale. Since the turbulent burning velocity and the

KONA No.19 (2001) 187

was found to correlate to the ratio of the turbulence
intensity to the laminar burning velocity according to
equation (20). The laminar burning velocities that
were used in this correlation were derived from the
turbulent burning velocities by means of extrapola-
tion to zero turbulence. In all cases the turbulent
burning velocity was found to increase with increas-
ing turbulence levels. With the gaseous fuels inves-
tigated, the exponent n appears to have a value
between 0.48 and 0.71. The ratio of the turbulent
to the laminar burning velocity of cornstarch-air
Fig. 15 The effect of turbulence on the temperature profile of the mixtures appears to have a linear dependence on
preheat zone. v'rmsiSuL· Owing to this linear dependence, the first
term on the right hand side of equation (20) is made
negligible by the second term for high values of
product £1v'rms have opposite effects on PCPmSurl v'rmsiSuL and hence, Sur oc v'rms· When this result is
f 1v'rms it is necessary to know the precise dependence substituted into the expression for the temperature
of the former quantity on turbulence. profile of the preheat zone (19) it is seen that the
Trautwein et at. [10] measured the turbulent burn- width of the preheat zone principally depends on the
ing velocity of several gaseous fuels in a single stroke behavior of the turbulence length scale, £1• Figure 8
compression-expansion machine. Reactive mixtures then implies that a shorter ignition delay time leads to
were ignited at various turbulence intensities and the a wider preheat zone. As a result the amount of
measured turbulent burning velocities were corre- volatiles released from the particles is increased as
lated by (see Figure 16) follows:
• As the preheat zone extends further into the
Sur= 1+C (V'rms)n. (20) unburnt mixture, the fuel particles are longer
exposed to a higher temperature and conse-
Tezok et at. [11] measured the turbulent burning quently release more volatiles.
velocity of cornstarch-air mixtures in the 950-liter • A greater amount of volatiles increases the
explosion vessel mentioned in the Introduction and flame temperature, which in turn enhances the
the results are shown in Figure 17. The turbulence devolatilization rate.
intensity of the reactant mixture was varied between The residence time of the particles in the preheat
1.0 and 4.2 ms- 1 and experiments were done at two zone does depend on the turbulence intensity since it
dust concentrations, namely, 300 gm- 3 and 700 gm- 3• is equal to the ratio between the width of this zone
The ratio of turbulent to laminar burning velocities and the turbulent burning velocity. The mass change,

6 6

5 ... 5

4 <.D 4 "-
... 0
~ 3
" rJ) "
rJ) ~~
-~ rJ) @
-; rJ) ~

~N ~N
2 2 (..) N
(..)+ N + oi
II II (..) (..)

u "I" ~
C/) IJ'j~
(/);'! rJf il

0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5

v'rmsfSuL v'rmsfSuL v'rmsfSuL

Fig. 16 The turbulent burning velocity of various gaseous fuels. The data in this figure were taken from Trautwein et al. [10].

188 KONA No.19 (2001)

6 tion process, the departure of the burning velocity
5 from its laminar value, Sur- SuL• can be expressed as
4 T • a function of the laminar burning velocity at the actual
03 • pressure and temperature, SuL. the laminar flame
02 thickness at the actual pressure and temperature, 8L.
Sur =
the root-mean-square value of the velocity fluctua-
C= 0.46 and n= 1.0
tions, v' rms and the macro length scale of the turbu-
0 lence, et. as
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Sur-SuL = f(SuL. 8 L. v'rms. Ct) (23)
= (SuJa (8 L)b (v'rmsY (Ct)d. (24)
Fig. 17 The turbulent burning velocity of cornstarch-air mix-
tures. The data in this figure were taken from Tezok et al. Substitution of the dimensions of the quantities
[11). involved leads to

m = (m)a
--; --; (m)b (m)c
--; (m)d (25)
t.m, of a particle may thus be expressed as
--.- x* <==>I m: 1= a+b+c+d, (26)
t.m=m- , (21) s: 1= a+c
where the average release rate of volatiles, and the m, which can be solved to give
width of the preheat zone where the temperature
a=1-c, b=b, c=c, d=-b. (27)
exceeds the particle devolatilization temperature, x*,
principally depend on the turbulence length scale. Substitution of equation (27) into equation (24)
When the release of volatiles from the particles con- results into
tinues in the reaction zone, it is also necessary to con-
sider the residence time of the particles in the flame (28)
zone. In this case the release of volatiles in the flame
zone is additive to that in the preheat zone and may
be described by extending equation (21) to (29)

--.- x* . 8r
t.m=m- +m- , (22) Similarly, the turbulent flame thickness, 8r, can be
5 uT 5 uT
expressed as
where 8r denotes the turbulent flame thickness.
Tezok et al. [11] performed some indicative measure- 8r-8L=f(SuL. 8L, v'rms. Ct) (30)
ments of the turbulent flame thickness of cornstarch- = (SuL)a (8L)b (V'rms)c (Ct)d (31)
air mixtures. These researchers observed that the
turbulence intensity has a significant effect on the (32)
turbulent flame thickness. At a dust concentration of
300 gm- 3 the turbulent flame thickness increased <==>I m: 1= a+b+c+d (33)
from 13 em to 21 em when the turbulence intensity s: 0= a+c
was changed from 1.5 to 4.2 ms- 1. At a dust concen-
tration of 700 gm- 3 an increase from 34 em to 44 em ===> a=-c, b=1-d, c=c, d=-d (34)
was observed when the turbulence intensity was
changed from 1.5 to 4.2 ms- 1• This emphasizes the 8r-8L -( v'rms!Ct )c(li_)d+c
an d h ence 8L - Sud8L 8L (35)
necessity for a correlation between the turbulent
flame thickness and the turbulence characteristics of
the dust cloud. Due to the absence of such a correla- <==> 8r = 1+( v'rmsl e )a" (!J_)b". (36)
8L Sud8L 8L
tion, an attempt will be undertaken here to derive
one. In fact, a set of correlations will be derived here Thus, the turbulent burning velocity and the turbu-
for both the turbulent burning velocity and the turbu- lent flame thickness are related to the laminar burn-
lent flame thickness. ing velocity and the laminar flame thickness by
At every instant of time during the flame propaga- means of the following two equations,

KONA No.19 (2001) 189

starch-air mixtures being about 3 mm [14], insertion
Sur = 1+ Daa'( v' rms )b' (37) of the turbulent the flame thicknesses reported by
Tezok et at. into equation (38) reveals that the of b"
ranges between 1.6 and 2.0 (the quantity Daa" is
= 1+ D aa"(iJ__
oL '
)b" (38) taken to be equal to 0.51; see Figure 17).
Equations (9) and (22) will now be used to derive
of which the independent variables, v' rmsl SuL and an expression for the effect of turbulence on release
C1/ oL. are the same as the ordinates of the Borghi dia- of volatile matter from the particles. For this purpose
gram [12, 13], and in which the Damkohler number, the average release rate of volatiles,m, is defined as
Da = (C 1Sudv'rmsoJ, serves as an indicator for the rr
combustion regime in which the flame propagation m= 1
T. T. jmdT= 4 n?-·grp -f-[(l+Sp1)ln(l+Sp1)-Sp1],
process occurs. Notice that Sur~ SuL and or~ OL if 1- drd CPg Pt
v'rms ~ 0, and that equation (37) is a generalized form
of expression (20) for the turbulent burning velocity. and, based on equation (19), the width of the region
Although the exponents in equations (37) and (38) inside the preheat zone where the temperature
are still unknown, one may get an impression of the exceeds the devolatilization temperature of the parti-
magnitude of a' and b' by inspecting Figures 16 and cles is approximated by
17, and from the work reported by Leuckel et at. [1].
Leuckel et at. investigated the dependency of the *- Ctv'rmsCTt-Td) (41)
X - ' .
inclination of equation (20) on the laminar burning pCpmSur
velocity using methane-air, hydrogen-air, and methane- The quantity denoted by Sp1 is the Spalding number
hydrogen-air mixtures. With all mixtures C was found based on the flame temperature. A final expression
to correlate with the laminar burning velocity as may then be obtained by combining equations (9),
1/4 (22), (40) and (41) into
C rx S uL · (39)

This result implies that a' has a value of 1/4 and

owing to this weak dependence of C on the turbu-
lence characteristics of the flow field, Figures 16
and 17 indicate that b' ranges between 1/2 and 1.
Since the Damkohler number is a measure of the
coupling between the flame and the flow field, it is
reasonable to expect that the exponent a" has the (42)
same value as the exponent a'.
The estimation of a value for b" is more difficult This expression unveils the various factors that affect
since Tezok et at. reported turbulent flame thick- the release of volatiles from the particles, and hence
nesses, but did not mention anything about the length the maximum explosion pressure of a dust-air mix-
scales of the turbulence in their equipment. Leuckel ture. These factors include flow properties of the
et at., on the other hand, state that the turbulence mixture (turbulence level and length scale), physical
length scales associated with various turbulence properties of the mixture (specific heat, density),
intensities were found to be independent of the venti- properties of the flame (flame temperature, burning
lator speed which sustained the turbulent flow field in velocity, flame thickness), physical properties of the
their equipment. These turbulence length scales were particles (particle size, devolatilization temperature,
observed to have a size of about 20 mm. Since Tezok devolatilization enthalpy), and physical properties of
et at. also worked with non-decaying turbulent flow the gas phase (specific heat, thermal conductivity).
fields it is assumed here that there was no large varia- Notice that this equation would also be valid for
tion in the turbulence length scales present in their flames propagating through laminar dust clouds
equipment. Due to the fact that the diameter of the since, according to equations (37) and (38), the turbu-
vessel used by Tezok et at. was 2.4 times that of the lent burning velocity and the turbulent flame thick-
vessel used by Leuckel et at. it is assumed here that ness would reduce to the laminar burning velocity
the turbulence length scale is also greater by the and the laminar flame thickness, and, by the analogy
same factor. With the turbulence length scale being between equations (14) and (15), the product, C1v'rms•
about 50 mm and the laminar flame thickness of corn- would transform into the thermal conductivity of the

190 KONA No.19 (2001)

mixture. creases slightly thereafter. This behavior is inconsis-
Owing to the simplifying assumptions made earlier, tent with the monotonously decreasing trend of the
equation (42) may only be used for a qualitative expla- maximum explosion pressure. According to the up-
nation of observed trends in the behavior of the maxi- per-right part of Figure 18 this inconsistency arises
mum explosion pressure of dust-air mixtures. Hence, from the behavior of the residence time of the parti-
equation (42) is reduced into a scaling relationship, cles in the flame zone, 8r!Sur· Hence, its cause must
be sought in the accuracy of the correlations which
describe the turbulent burning velocity and the turbu-
lent flame thickness.
8 In order to achieve a better consistency between
+ S T ln(1 +Sp1) (43) the trends of the maximum explosion pressure and
the release of volatiles from the particles, the turbu-
lent burning velocity correlation (37) was re-evalu-
(44) ated as shown by Figure 19. The solid lines in this
figure depict the behavior of equation (20) when it is
which can be used for a qualitative explanation for the fitted to the experimental data in two distinct regions,
effect of turbulence on the maximum explosion pres- namely, when v' rmsl SuL :::::: 5 and when v' rmsl SuL > 5.
sure and to assess the relative importance of the Since the turbulent cornstarch-air mixtures investi-
release of volatiles from the particles in the preheat gated in this work were ignited at a turbulence level
zone and in the flame zone. With CPm = 103 Jkg- 1 K- \ of 3.75 ms- 1 while the laminar burning velocity is in
Cpg=103 Jkg- 1 K-1, !J.dH=10 7 Jkg-1, j5=1 kgm- 3, the order of 20 cms-1, the solution of equation (44)
and an assumed temperature difference of 1000 K was calculated again with Daa'=0.68 and b'=0.79.
between the particles and the surrounding medium, This solution is shown in the lower-left part of Figure
one finds that Sp1 = 0.1, and that the quantities A and 18 and its monotonously decreasing behavior is
B have a value of about 0.1. When the temperature found to be more consistent with that of the maxi-
difference between the particles and the surrounding mum explosion pressure.
gas is assumed to be 2000 K then one finds that A = For a number of reasons equation (42) can not be
0.16 and 8=0.18. With an assumed !J.dH of 106 Jkg- 1 used as a correlation which predicts the effect of tur-
and a temperature difference of 2000 K one finds that bulence on the maximum explosion pressure in a
Spt= 2 and that A= 0.3 and B = 1.1. Since f 1 v'rmsiS~r quantitative sense, but only as one which explains the
and 8 rl Sur are in the same order of magnitude, these global trend in a qualitative manner. This is partly due
values indicate that with increasing Spalding numbers to the simplifying assumptions on which its derivation
the release of volatiles in the preheat zone becomes rests, and partly due to deficiencies in our knowledge
less important than in the flame zone. of the turbulent flow field and its interaction with the
Figure 18 shows the solution of equation (44) at flame.
various ignition delay times, together with the maxi- It was assumed that a particle in the preheat zone is
mum explosion pressure of cornstarch-air mixtures. surrounded by a quiescent medium, that the particle
Equal values were assigned to A and B, and the val- size does not change (notice that equation (40) relies
ues of v'rms and f 1 were calculated by means of the on this assumption), and that all physical properties,
correlations presented in Figures 7 and 8. The including the temperature at which devolatilization
turbulent burning velocity and flame thickness were occurs, are constant. In reality there is a relative
calculated by means of equations (37) and (38). The velocity between the particle and the surrounding
laminar burning velocity and the laminar flame thick- medium and the particle size may change consider-
ness in these correlations were respectively assumed ably during the devolatilization process. Since the
to have a value of 20 cms- 1 and 3 mm. In all cases the temperature in the preheat zone varies from that of
turbulent flame thickness was calculated with Daa"= the cold unburnt mixture to the high temperature of
0.51 and b" = 2. The upper-left part of Figure 18 was the flame zone, the particles are continuously ex-
obtained with Daa' = 0.51 and b' = 1 in the turbulent posed to a greatly varying temperature during their
burning velocity correlation, like the work of Tezok et passage through this region. The physical properties
al. suggests (see Figure 17). The amount of volatiles of the particles and the surrounding medium are
released from the particles is seen to decrease up to known to vary greatly over such a wide temperature
an ignition delay time of 120 milliseconds and in- range. The devolatilization temperature is further-

KONA No.19 (2001) 191

1.2 1.2 14 14

12 12
--.x 10 10

0.8 )t-- 0.8 'til
~ "iii.. I 5;.. 'til
~ 8
E x - _x 0;: ?/)
8 5
0.6 X 0.6 h
<1 ), r)j
'-. '-. 6 6 ";::
~ ;: '<:>
~ 0.4 0.4 <1
4 4

0.2 0.2 2 2

0 0 0 0
60 80 100 120 140 160 60 80 100 120 140 160
ignition delay time (ms) ignition delay time (ms)

1.2 1.2 18 18
16 16
14 14
-{ ___
0.8 0.8 'til 12 12
I ~iii..._ I
5;.. 'til
X X 0;: 10 10 5
0.6 x 0.6 ?;) h
&.. <1 '-. r)j
'-. '-. § 8 8

~ ;: ·., '<:>
~ 0.4 0.4 <1
~ 6 6
4 4
0.2 0.2
2 2
0 0 0 0
60 80 100 120 140 160 60 80 100 120 140 160
ignition delay time (ms) ignition delay time (ms)

Fig. 18 The solution of (44) and the behavior of e,v'rmsiS'f.T and oTISuT as a function of the ignition delay time. The upper-left and the upper-
right figure were obtained with Da""=0.51 and b'=l. The lower-left and the lower-right figure were obtained with Da""=0.68 and

()r/ Sur. are of crucial importance in the estimation of
5 the amount of volatiles released from the particles. In
4 order to have good estimates of these quantities, it is
c;f not only important to have accurate knowledge of
the flow properties. Accurate relationships are also
needed which express the turbulent burning velocity
and the turbulent flame thickness in terms of the flow
properties. In this work two such relationships have
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
been developed (equations (37) and (38)) and the
constants in these expressions were evaluated on the
Fig.19 The turbulent burning velocity of cornstarch-air mix- basis of experimental data reported by Tezok et al. A
tures. The data points in this figure are the same as those comparison between the graphs presented in Figure
in Figure 17.
18, in conjunction with Figures 17 and 19, shows
that accurate knowledge of these constants is of great
importance. An additional source of inaccuracy is due
more not constant, like in the case of a pure com- to the fact that the magnitudes of the turbulence prop-
pound, but may vary over a temperature trajectory. erties (v'rms and €1) which were used to calculate the
The residence time in the preheat zone and the residence times are those at the moment of ignition.
flame zone, respectively denoted by C 1 v'rms1S~r and Hence, their values are no more than a crude esti-

192 KONA No.19 (2001)

mate of the values we are supposed to know during these approaches may lead to underestimations
the course of the flame propagation process. or over estimations of the design strength of
industrial equipment.
• The availability of quantitative correlations be-
4 Conclusions
tween the experimental maximum explosion pres-
The effect of turbulence on the maximum explosion sure or the product mixture composition on one
pressure of dust-air mixtures was investigated by hand, and the flow properties of a dust cloud on
igniting turbulent cornstarch-air mixtures to deflagra- the other hand, would greatly enhance our capa-
tion at various turbulence levels in the standard 20- bility to predict what would happen if a dust-air
liter sphere. Turbulence was created by means of a mixture exploded under industrial circumstances.
blast of compressed air and the turbulence level was This would lead to a more optimal design basis
varied by changing the ignition delay time. A com- for industrial equipment. In case of the experi-
parative study was also undertaken by deflagrating mental approach, the maximum explosion pres-
stoichiometric methane-air mixtures at different sure can be measured at a particular turbulence
turbulence levels. The conclusions arising from this level and such correlations could be used to ex-
investigation are summarized as follows. trapolate this result to the flow conditions which
• The maximum explosion pressure of a dust-air exist under industrial circumstances. The accu-
mixture is sensitive to flow properties. It was racy of the theoretical approach can be improved
observed to increase by a factor of 1.6 when the by such correlations since they enable one make
turbulence level was increased by a factor of a better estimate of the reactant mixture composi-
about five (see Figure 13). This observation is tion and the resulting product mixture composi-
consistent with the findings of Kauffman et al., tion.
namely, that the maximum explosion pressure of • In this work an explanation is proposed for the
cornstarch-air mixtures increases with increasing effect of turbulence on the maximum explosion
turbulence levels (see Figure 3). pressure of dust-air mixtures by considering the
• The comparative experiments with stoichiometric release of volatiles from the particles. Although
methane-air mixtures show that the maximum this explanation rests on a picture which is too
explosion pressure of gaseous fuel-air mixtures is simplified to yield an accurate quantitative rela-
not being affected by turbulence. This observa- tionship between the maximum explosion pres-
tion is consistent with the findings of Leuckel et sure, the release of volatiles from the particles,
al. (see Figure 2) and with the general view that and the effect of turbulence on the latter, a
the maximum explosion pressure of a gas mix- number of important issues which require fur-
ture may be regarded as a thermodynamic prop- ther improvement have been singled out by this
erty which is insensitive to flow properties. analysis.
• The controversy between the previous two items • A relationship was established between the
has important consequences for the safe design instantaneous release rate of volatiles from the
of industrial equipment. It is common practice to particles, the physical properties of the particles,
assess the maximum explosion pressure of com- and the physical properties of the gas that sur-
bustible mixtures experimentally by means of rounds them (see equation (9). Its derivation is
laboratory test vessels, or, theoretically by calcu- based on the assumption that the gas which sur-
lating the product mixtures composition, temper- rounds the particles is quiescent. Since there is a
ature and pressure. In the experimental approach velocity difference between the particles and the
combustible mixtures are ignited to deflagration surrounding gas, an improved expression ought
in laboratory test vessels and the resulting max- to be derived by describing the heat transfer from
imum explosion pressure is used as a design the latter to the former by means of the Ranz-
basis for industrial equipment. In the theoretical Marshall equation.
approach the final explosion pressure is calcu- • In order to estimate the total amount of volatiles
lated on the basis of the chemical composition of released from the particles, it is necessary to
the reactants, the chemical composition of the know their residence time in the preheat zone
products, and the chemical and thermodynamic and the flame zone. It is shown that these resi-
properties of the species involved. When the dence times depend entirely on the flow proper-
effect of turbulence is not taken into account, ties of the dust cloud. In this work, experimental

KONA No.19 (2001) 193

values of the turbulence level and the turbulence Pmax maximum explosion pressure Pa
length scale at the moment of ignition were pre- no moles of gas present before explosion [-]
sented and used. Since the release of volatiles ne moles of gas present after explosion [-]
occurs after the ignition has occurred, it is neces- q radiant flux wm- 2
sary to extrapolate these flow properties to what r radial coordinate m
they would be during the flame propagation R universal gas constant Jmol- 1 K- 1
process. Ideally, turbulence measurements would Yp particle radius m
have to be performed in the unburnt mixture at SuL laminar burning velocity ms- 1
the downstream side of the advancing flame Sur turbulent burning velocity ms- 1
front. T temperature K
• The residence time of the particles in the preheat Td devolatilization temperature K
zone and the flame zone were found to depend Tt flame temperature K
also on the turbulent burning velocity and the tur- yad flame temperature K
bulent flame thickness. A set of generalized cor- Tg gas phase temperature K
relations (see (37) and (38)) have been derived v velocity vector ms- 1
for these quantities and the mixture specific con- V; diffusion velocity vector of the
stants in these correlations were estimated on i-th species ms- 1
the basis of experimental burning velocities and v'rrns root-mean-square value of the
flame thicknesses, using turbulence levels and velocity fluctuations ms- 1
length scales at the moment of ignition. The con- X; i-th species mole fraction [-]
stants in these correlations would have to be re- Y; i-th species mass fraction [-]
evaluated on the basis of flow properties as they
exist during the course of the flame propagation
a; interaction parameter of the
i-th species kgm- 2s- 1
5 list of symbols
8L laminar flame thickness m
The symbols used throughout this work are ex- 8r turbulent flame thickness m
plained below. When a symbol represents something t-.dH devolatilization enthalpy Jkg-1
else than stated here, or when a symbol in the text is "A thermal conductivity Wm- 1K- 1
not explained here, or when a symbol represents Ag thermal conductivity of the
more than one quantity, its precise meaning is clari- gas phase Wm- 1 K- 1
fied by the text. p density kgm- 3
'r shear stress tensor Nm- 2
Tp response time of a particle s
Tt turbulence macro time scale s
gas phase specific heat Jkg-1 K-1
mixture specific heat Jkg-1 K-1
sum of body forces per unit
mass acting on the i-th species Nkg- 1 !D; diffusion coefficient of the i-th
h microscopic enthalpy per unit species
mass Jkg- 1 binary diffusion coefficient between
heat transfer coefficient Wm- 2 K- 1 the i-th and the j-th species
enthalpy flux vector wm- 2 maximum rate of pressure rise
turbulent kinetic energy per unit turbulence macro length scale
volume of the gas phase Jm- 3 molecular mass of the i-th
turbulent kinetic energy per unit species kgmol- 1
volume of the particulate phase Jm-3
m release rate of volatiles kgs- 1
m average release rate of volatiles kgs- 1
p microscopic pressure Nm- 2 Sp Spalding number [-]
p macroscopic pressure Pa Sp1 Spalding number based on the

194 KONA No.19 (2001)

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KONA No.19 (2001) 195

I Author's short biography I

A.E. Dahoe
Arief Dahoe is a postdoc at Delft University of Technology and an invited scholar at
the University of Cambridge.

K. van der Nat

Koen van der Nat is a chemical engineering student at Delft University of technol-

M. Braithwaite
Martin Braithwaite is a Professor at the Royal Military College of Science, Cran-
field University.

B. Scarlett
Brian Scarlett is a Research Professor at the Engineering Research Center for Par-
ticle Science and Technology at the University of Florida.
He is currently Chairman of ISO TC24/SC4, the committee for particle size mea-
surement. He is also the Series Editor of the Kluwer Powder Technology Series of
books and an editor of the journal Particle and Particle Systems Characterisation.

196 KONA No.19 (2001)

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