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Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)

Task 1

Identify the generic structure & language features of the text below! Write your analysis on the form

How do you study when the test is coming? Do you start preparing for the test
weeks or months before the test or leave things to the last hour? If you start
studying weeks or months before the test, it is great. However, if you study all the
material in the last hour or minute, it is not good for you. This is called cramming.
Cramming is when students stay up all night until morning to study before a test or
finish an assignment. This habit can lead to negative impacts, the first being that
disruptions in the regular sleep cycle can cause temporary intellectual lapses. For
most students, less sleep can make them could not focus on the class. Additionally,
cramming can leave us with memory lapses as well.
Each person has a different sleeping schedule, so some of them often use a
stimulant for cramming.  An example stimulant, and the most common, is coffee.
While delicious and beneficial, it causes many problems in the long-term such as
Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, and headaches.
To sum up, cramming is not recommended because it disturbs a person’s sleep
cycle which causes temporary intellectual lapses, and using stimulants for
cramming gives them a bad effect on their health.
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Generic Structure Part of text




Language Features Sentences

Simple present tense
Language Features Sentences


Evaluative words

Compound sentences

Complex Sentences

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