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Stop Smoking For Your Family

If you have attempted to quit smoking you no doubt realize just how easy it was to
get started smoking compared to actually quitting. Maybe the reason you are trying
to quit is to set a good example for your children. This is one reason why many
parents find themselves struggling to quit. They do not want their children to
grow up thinking that it is ok to smoke, and it is necessary that they quit in
order to set a great example. If you find yourself in this position, there are
several things you can do to help make the situation much better.

One such idea that you can use would be to actually invite your children to watch
the struggle. This means asking your child to be your help and strength when you
are tempted to smoke. Simply talking to them about your struggles to quit can be a
great way to show how difficult it really is, while at the same time getting your
issues out in the open. Many times talking about problems can make them seem much
smaller. This is a great way to help fight the urges of cigarettes as well, after
all many parents who have open and honest relationships with their children are
able to talk about a lot of issues. Use this opportunity to talk about things that
are important, and encourage the extra support that you receive at the same time.

If you are focusing more on your child when you have an urge to smoke, and less on
where exactly your pack of cigarettes is located it will be easier to reduce urges.
You should encourage your child to help you find out remedies to your urges. For
example, going with you to the store to pick out suitable candy to chew on when you
get an urge, or even going with you to the store to purchase the stop smoking aid
of your choice.

Allowing them to be a part of your decisions can help them to see the exact
struggles that you are going through. If you merely hide your problems behind a
closed door, your children may grow up thinking that it is actually easy to smoke.
This could even lead them to being tempted to smoke. However, just because you are
trying to have an open relationship with your child does not mean that you should
actually smoke around them. The harm that second hand smoke can cause should be
enough to keep you from lighting up around you; however, you could ask your child
to help you maintain a smoking log.

Of course, each family has different ideas about what is acceptable to talk about,
and even comfort levels. If you feel that you are pushing the borders of what you
are comfortable with you can always adjust this. However, using your children to
help encourage you to quit is great. After all, kids are notorious for picking on
people and pointing out flaws. If you allow your child to help you with your
smoking urges you may find that you really do not want to smoke anymore at all if
your children are busy picking on you the entire time. No matter what works best
for you and your particular situation you need to grasp at any opportunity to
encourage a bond and crush the urge to smoke. Your child will be very proud of you
after you have quit, and you will certainly have a much increased self-confidence.

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