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Category Advanced Proficient Average Below Average Mark

5 4 3 2

Required The drawing has The drawing has The drawing has Several
Elements all necessary all necessary all necessary necessary
components as components. components components
well as extra except for one. were missing.
Creativity The drawing has a The drawing The drawing is The drawing
distinct level of exhibits devoid of displays little
creativity. uniqueness. genuine or no sign of
creativity. original
Graphics Each and every Every image is All of the The graphics
Relevance graphic relates to pertinent to the graphics are are irrelevant
our subject and subject and most relevant to the to the topic.
aids with of them aid in topic.
comprehension. understanding.
Attractiveness The drawing is The drawing is The drawing is It is either
quite appealing in visually tolerably extremely
terms of design, appealing in attractive poorly
arrangement, and terms of design, although it may designed or
neatness. layout, and be a little messy. distractingly
neatness. cluttered. It
lacks appeal.
Effort The finished The drawing is The drawing is The drawing
drawing finished above complete, was not
surpassed the average, although it lacks completed
project's criteria. although more finishing touches satisfactorily.
could have been or can be
done. enhanced with
minimal effort.

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