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Thank you, speaker, okay I don’t want to touch what speaker 4 said, I will continue with

another precedence about eco-tourism to the community. So, eco-tourism also can provide

jobs and an economic boost for areas that need investment, while avoiding using up valuable

resources, and this can then lead to improved living standards for the local community.

According to a study by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, ecotourism can return as

much as 95% of revenues to the local economy, compared to only about 20% for “standard

all-inclusive package tours”. With that study, the existence of eco-tourism will definitely give

a good return to the local community to help them raise their standard of living. Moreover,

eco-tourism activities also can help to provide an incentive for governments, businesses,

charitable organizations, and others to take conservation efforts seriously. The real example I

can give, I went to Bukit Perangin jungle trail, not far from UUM and when I was going

back, I had a chat with an uncle who lives near that area, he talks to me "when do you think

the government or certain parties want to open this place widely because uncle saw since the

PKP, many people come to visit Bukit Perangin" "if the government opens and promotes this

place, surely many more tourists come and uncle can open a restaurant to make this

place livelier. So, even though it doesn’t happen anymore, the uncle has seen an opportunity

for him to run a business when there is eco-tourism in their place. So, that’s how eco-tourism

can But, of course, to create the flow of money in the local community, definitely requires a

systematic investment, which is good and does not damage the authenticity of the place when

hospitality is developed.

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