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Rationalization 8. A nurse is assessing an infant who has eczema.

Which of the following is not expected on a child

4th lecture exam
with eczema?
1. A 4-year-old child is admitted to the hospital for Ans: ecchymosis in flexural areas
abdominal pain. The mother reports that the child 9. A nurse is assessing a child who has
has been pale and excessively tired and is bruising rhabdomyosarcoma of the upper arm. Which of the
easily. On physical examination, lymphadenopathy following findings is not consist of
and hepatosplenomegaly are noted. Diagnostic rhabdomyosarcoma?
studies are being informed because acute Ans: easy bruising
lymphocytic leukemia is suspected. The nurse 10. A nurse is assessing an infant who has scabies.
determines that which laboratory findings? Which of the following findings is not expected of
Ans: bone marrow biopsy showing blast cells scabies?
2. A 6-month-old infant receives a diphtheria, tetanus, Ans: presence of nits on the hair shafts
and acellular pertussis (DTaP) immunization at the 11. A nurse is caring for a child who has contact
well-baby clinic. The parent returns home and calls dermatitis due to poison ivy. Which of the following
the clinic to report that the infant has developed actions should the nurse..
swelling and redness at the site of injection. Which Ans: remove the clothing over the rash and
instruction by the nurse is appropriate? apply calamine lotion to the skin.
ANS: apply an ice pack to the injection site 12. A nurse is caring for a client who has superficial
3. A bone marrow transplant is being considered for partial-thickness burn. Which of the following
treatment of a patient with acute leukemia that has actions should the nurse take?
not responded to chemotherapy, in discussing the Ans. Apply cool, wet compress to the affected
treatment with the patient, the nurse explains that: areas.
Ans: hospitalization will be required for several 13. A nurse is caring for a client who has major burns
weeks after the hematopoietic stem cell and suspected septic shock. Which of the following
transplant actions should the nurse take first?
4. A child is diagnosed with chicken pox. The nurse Ans: altered sensorium
collects data regarding the child. Which finding is 14. A nurse is caring for an adolescent who has a new
characteristics of chicken pox? diagnosis of osteosarcoma. Which of the following
Ans: macular rash on the trunk and scalp actions should the nurse take first?
5. A child is seen in the pediatrician’s office for Ans: prepare a teaching plan to educate the
complaints of bone and joint pain. Which of the adolescent in detail about the diagnosis and
following other assessment findings may suggest treatment.
leukemia? 15. A nurse is planning for a child who has tine capitis.
Ans: petechiae Which of the following actions should the nurse
6. A male client with a nagging cough makes an include in the plan of care?
appointment to see the physicians after reading Ans: treat infected house pets
that this symptom is one of the seven warning signs 16. A nurse is planning for a child who has diaper
of cancer. What is another warning sign of cancer? dermatitis. Which of the following actions should
Ans: indigestion the nurse include in the plan of care?
7. A mother brings her child to the health care clinic Ans: allow the buttocks to air dry.
because the child has developed lesions located 17. A nurse is planning care foe an infant who is
around the mouth and mild impetigo is diagnosed. scheduled to have a lumbar puncture. Which of the
The nurse reinforces instructions to the mother following actions should the nurse include in the
regarding care of the child. Which statements of the plan of care?
mother indicates the need for further teaching? Ans: apply a eutectic mixture of local
Ans: ” the crusts on the lesions need to be anesthetics cream just the procedure begins
soaked and carefully removed” 18. A nurse is preparing to administer the varicella
vaccine to an adolescent. Which of the following
statements should the nurse ask to determine Ans: neck
whether there is contraindication to administering 28. Nausea and vomiting are common adverse effects
the vaccine? of radiation and chemotherapy, when should the
Ans: “are you currently taking corticosteroid nurse administer antiemetics?
medication?” Ans: 30 minutes before the initiation of therapy
19. A nurse is teaching a group of parents about 29. Nausea and vomiting are expected side effects of
preventing insects’ bites. Which of the following chemotherapeutic drug use. Which of the following
information should the nurse include in the drugs should be administered to a client on
teaching? SATA chemotherapy to prevent nausea and vomiting?
Ans: B,D,E Ans: metozol (metoclopramide)
20. A nurse is teaching a group of adolescents about 30. Neoplasm can be classified as either benign or
HIV/AIDS. Which of the following information malignant. The following are characteristics of
should the nurse include in the teaching? malignant tumor apart from:
ANS: “HIV is transmitted through IV substance use” Ans: encapsulated
21. A nurse is teaching a parent of a child who has 31. On a clinic visit a client has a relative with cancer, is
pediculosis capitis. Which of the following asking about the warning signs that may relate to
instructions should the nurse include in the cancer. The nurse correctly identifies the warning
teaching? signs of cancer by responding:
Ans: use an over-the-counter medication Ans: sudden weight loss of unexplained etiology
containing 1% permethrin. can be a warning sign of cancer.
22. A nurse is teaching the guardian of an infant who 32. The mother of a toddler with mumps ask the nurse
has seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp. Which of the what she needs to watch for in her child with this
following instructions should the nurse include in disease. The nurse bases the response on the
the teaching? understanding that mumps is which type of
Ans: you can use petrolatum to help soften and communicable disease?
remove patches from your infants scalp. Ans: Respiratory disease caused by a virus
23. A patient who has been told by the health care involving the parotid gland.
provider that the cells in a bowel tumor are poorly 33. The nurse monitoring a child for bleeding after a
differentiated ask the nurse what is meant by surgery for removal of brain tumor. The nurse
“poorly differentiated” which responds should the checks the head dressing for the presence of blood
nurse make? and notes a colories drainage on the back of the
Ans: your tumor cells look more like immature dressing. Which action should the nurse perform
fetal cells than normal bowel cells immediately?
24. A “white strawberry tongue” is a clinical Ans: notify the surgeon
manifestation of which infectious disease? 34. The nurse is reviewing the chart of a client who is
Ans: scarlet fever newly diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic
25. Bone marrow transplantation is considered leukemia. Which of the following laboratory values
standard therapy for which childhood cancer? is expected to be seen?
Ans: acute myelocytic leukemia Ans: thrombocytopenia and increased lymphocytes
26. For a female client with newly diagnosed cancer, 35. The nurse is teaching the parent of a 15-year-old
nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis of anxiety with Infectious mononucleosis. Which statement
related to the treat of the death, secondary to made by the parent would indicate an
cancer diagnosis. Which expected outcomes would understanding of the teaching?
be appropriate for this client? Ans: I should offer my child soothing liquids and
Ans: client verbalizes feeling of anxiety bland foods for a sore throat
27. Maria was recently was recently diagnosed with 36. The nurse reinforces home care instructions to the
Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Upon the early diagnosis, the parents of a child hospitalized with pertussis. The
nurse will expect which of the following are often child is in the convalescent stage and is being
prepared for discharge. Which statement by the 49. Which position is contraindicated for a child after
parents indicates a need for further teaching? surgery to remove a brain tumor?
Ans: we need to maintain respiratory precautions Ans: Trendelenburg’s
and a quiet environment for atleast 2 weeks. 50. Which precautions should be taken for a child with
37. The nurse reinforces instructions to the mother of a a platelet count of 18,000/mm3?
child diagnosed with pediculosis (head lice): Ans: use a soft bristled toothbrush
Permethrin has been prescribed. Which statement
by the mother regarding the use of the medication
Indicates a need for further teaching?
Ans: I need to shampoo my child’s hair, apply the
medication, leave it on for 10 minutes and then
rinse it out
38. Using an insect repellent when in the woods can
help prevent which of the following infection?
Ans: rocky mountain spotted fever
39. What is the first priority when initiating treatment
on a child with a major burn injury?
Ans: airway assessment
40. Which action is appropriate for the prevention of
diaper dermatitis?
Ans: wash diaper area with a mild soap and water
after each diaper change.
41. Which intervention would be included in a plan of
care for a child with Wilms tumor?
Ans: teach the child and family about nephrectomy
42. Which of the following antibodies is involved in
allergic reactions?
Ans: IgE
43. Which of the following assessment findings in a
client with leukemia would indicate that cancer has
invaded the brain?.
Ans: Headache and vomiting
44. Which of the following assessments of the skin of a
child is likely to reveal diaper dermatitis?
Ans: pruritus
45. Which of the following complications are three
main consequences of leukemia?
Ans: anemia, infection, and bleeding tendencies
46. Which of the following is not a classic triad clinical
manifestation of toxoplasmosis?
Ans: jaundice
47. Which of the following medications usually is given
to a client with leukemia as prophylaxis against P.
carinili pneumonia?
Ans: sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (Bactrim)
48. Which of the following represents the most
appropriate nursing interventions for a client with
pruritus caused by cancer or the treatments?
Ans: medicated cool baths

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