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DSBE591 - 1st Assignments

Due: 12th April 2023

Grade: 20% of your total grade
My email:

 Write a literature review paper between 1000 - 3000 words.  
 First develop a research aim, research questions and objectives. Then explain why it is
important to shed light on your research aim. 

 Identify a topic and keywords to search. You can use google scholar. Make sure you
did review in last five years. 
 Criticise previous works, 
 What is the main problem
 What is the aim of the research?
 Briefly summarise the information about sample, population, or context
 Review key results that are related to your research
 Criticize technical, methodological or limitation of the study. 

 Make sure you are building bridges between the previous works by organizing them
according to the concepts, major themes or any other relations you identified.

 In the end, discuss what has been done, what is missing in the literature and why it is
important to make a research about missing content. 

 Cite properly and add Reference list at the end. 

 Submit your word document on Canvas, I will use Turnitin.

First page will be your cover page, add your information and your chosen title there
In the second title, “Research aim, objectives and questions” will be presented.
Third title will be “Literature Review”. You can have subtitles here.
Fourth title will be References. Cite properly.

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