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Ancient Greeks in southern Italy

Southern Italy has a rich history that stretches back thousands of years, and one of the most significant
cultural influences on the region was the ancient Greeks. The Greeks first established colonies in
southern Italy in the 8th century BCE, and their presence in the region lasted for several centuries,
leaving a lasting legacy on the area's art, architecture, and culture.

The ancient Greek colonies in southern Italy were established primarily for economic reasons. The
Greeks were a seafaring people who traded extensively throughout the Mediterranean, and they saw
the fertile land and natural resources of southern Italy as an opportunity to expand their wealth and
influence. Over time, these colonies grew and developed into thriving cities, with their own unique
cultures and traditions.

One of the most significant Greek colonies in southern Italy was Sybaris, which was founded in the 8th
century BCE. Sybaris was renowned for its wealth and luxury, and it was said that the citizens of Sybaris
were the most pleasure-loving people in the world. The city was known for its fine wines, gourmet food,
and lavish festivals, and it became a center of Greek culture and civilization in southern Italy.

Another important Greek colony in southern Italy was Taranto, which was founded in the 8th century
BCE. Taranto was strategically located on a natural harbor, and it became a major trading center for the
region. The city was renowned for its pottery, which was exported throughout the Mediterranean, and it
also became a center for Greek art and architecture.

The ancient Greeks also had a significant impact on southern Italy's political and intellectual life. The
Greeks brought with them the concept of democracy, and many of the Greek colonies in southern Italy
were governed by democratic institutions. The Greeks also established schools and universities, where
philosophy, mathematics, and other sciences were studied.

Today, the legacy of ancient Greek presence in southern Italy can still be seen in the region's art,
architecture, and cultural traditions. Many of the region's most significant landmarks, such as the
ancient Greek temples at Paestum and Metaponto, bear witness to the influence of Greek civilization on
the region. Southern Italy's culinary heritage is also deeply influenced by the ancient Greeks, with dishes
like pizza and pasta owing their origins to the Greeks' love of fine food and drink.

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