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ETHICS MIDTERMS REVIEWER avoidance of pain and our desire for pleasure.

is like saying that in our everyday actions, we do
UTILITARIANISM what is pleasure as good if, and only if, they
- Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that argues for produce more happiness than unhappiness. This
the goodness of pleasure and the determination means that it is not enough to experience
of right behavior based on the usefulness of the pleasure, but to also inquire whether the things
actions consequences. This means that we do make us happier. Having identified the
pleasure is good and that the goodness of action tendency for pleasure and the avoidance of pain
is determined by its usefulness. Putting these as the principle of utility, Bentham equates
ideas together, utilitarianism claims that one’s happiness with pleasure.
action and behavior are good in as much as they - Actions that lead to PLEASURE ARE RIGHT,
are directed toward the experience of which ones that produce PAIN ARE WRONG.
refers to the usefulness of the consequences of LAW AND SOCIAL HEDONISM (JEREMY BENTHAM)
one’s action and behavior. When we argue that
the drug war program of the present government LAW
is permissible because doing so results in better
public safety , then we are arguing in a utilitarian - Government should not pass laws that protect
way. It is utilitarian because we argue that some tradition, customs or rights.
individual rights can be sacrificed for the sake of - Government should base all laws on the
the greater happiness of the many. happiness principle The greatest happiness for
the greatest number.
Their system of ethics emphasizes the - Bentham’s theory is both empirical (how much
consequences of actions: pain or pleasure is caused by the act or policy)
and democratic (each individual’s happiness is
- This means that the goodness or the badness of
as important as another’s).
an action is based on whether it is useful in
contributing to a specific purpose for the greatest SOCIAL HEDONISM
number of people.
Ethics as Greatest Happiness
Utilitarianism is consequentialist:
- Moral worth judged by presumed effect.
- This means that the moral value of actions and - Action guided by pleasure/pain.
decisions is based solely or greatly on the
usefulness of their consequences; it is the FELICIFIC CALCULUS (JEREMY BENTHAM)
usefulness of results that determines whether
the action or behavior is good or bad.
- common currency framework that calculates the
The utilitarian value pleasure and happiness:
pleasure that some actions can produce.
- This means that the usefulness of actions is
In this framework, an action can be evaluated on the
based on its promotion of happiness as the
basis of intensity or strength of pleasure.
experience of pleasure for the greatest number
of persons, even at the expense of some - DURATION or length of the experience of
individual rights. pleasure.
- CERTAINTY, UNCERTAINTY, or the likelihood
that pleasure will occur; and
- Born on february 15,1748 in london, england. - PROPINQUITY, REMOTENESS, or how soon
Died on June 6, 1832. there will be pleasure.
- He was the teacher of James Mill, father of John
These indicators allow us to measure and pain in
Stuart Mill.
actions, we need to consider THREE MORE
- Bentham first wrote about the greatest
happiness principle of ethics and was known for
a system of penal management called - FECUNDITY or the chance it has of being
PANOPTICON. followed by sensations of the same kind.
- Intellectual inheritor of David Hume - PURITY or the chance it has of not being
- Recognized as ‘Act Utilitarian’ followed by sensations of the opposite kind.
- Right actions result in ‘good or pleasure,’ wrong - Lastly, when considering the number of persons
actions result in pain or absence of pleasure. who are affected by pleasure or pain, another
- The Principle of Utility dimension is to be considered --EXTENT.
- Law and Social Hedonism - Felicific calculus allows the evaluation of all
- Felicific Calculus actions and their resultant pleasure. This means
that actions are evaluated on this single scale
THE PRINCIPLE OF UTILITY (JEREMY BENTHAM) regardless of preferences and values. In this
- In the book An Introduction to the Principles of sense, pleasure and pain can only quantitatively
Morals and Legislation (1789), Jeremy Bentham differ but not qualitatively differ from other
begins by arguing that our actions are governed experiences of pleasure and pain accordingly.
by two “sovereign masters”--which he calls JOHN STUART MILL
pleasure and pain. These “masters” are given to
us by nature to help us determine what is good - His ethical theory and his defense of utilitarian
or bad and what ought to be done and not; they views are found in his long essay entitled
fasten our choices to their throne. UTILITARANISM (1861).
- The principle of utility is about our subjection to - He studied Greek at the age of three and Latin
these sovereign masters: PLEASURE and PAIN. at the age of eight. He wrote a history of Roman
- On one hand, the principle refers to the Law age eleven. He was married to Harriet
motivation of our actions as guided by our Taylor after 21 years of friendship.
- Was born on May 20, 1806, in Pentonville, be respected. This is like saying that there are
London, United Kingdom. Died on May 8, 1873, instances when the law is not morally justified
in Avignon, France from Erysipelas. and, in this case, even objectionable.
- A more sophisticated form of Utilitarianism. - In short, Mill’s moral rights and considerations of
- Concerned with quality of pleasure and quantity justice are not absolute but are only justified by
of people who enjoy it. their consequences to promote the greatest
- Recognized higher and lower types of human good of the greatest number.
- JUSTICE AND MORAL RIGHTS - No one pleasure is inherently better than any
- Mill dissents from Bentham’s single scale of other.
pleasure. He thinks that the principle of utility - If drunken parties make you happy, then go for
must distinguish pleasures QUALITATIVELY and it!
not merely quantitatively. - Reading poetry isn’t better than watching The
- For Mill, utilitarianism cannot promote the kind of Bachelor, it’s just different.
pleasures appropriate to pigs or to any other
animals. He thinks that there are HIGHER MILLSIAN (ELITE UTILITARIANISM)
INTELLECTUAL and LOWER BASE - Some pleasures are better than others.
- If you party and get drunk every day, then you
- Lower pleasures: eating, drinking, sexuality, etc.
won’t be as happy as you otherwise might be.
- Higher pleasures: intellectuality, creativity and - Enjoying poetry is better than watching bad TV.
spirituality. And if you disagree, it is because you don’t
- "It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than understand quality.
a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied
than a fool satisfied.”



- Utilitarianism cannot lead to selfish acts. It is

neither about our pleasure nor happiness alone;
it cannot be all about us. If we are the only ones
satisfied by our actions, it does not constitute a
moral good. In this sense, utilitarianism is not
dismissive of sacrifices that procure more
happiness for others.
- Utilitarianism is interested with the best
consequence for the highest number of people.
It is not interested with the intention of the agent.
Moral value cannot discernible in the intention or
motivation of the person doing the act; it is
based solely and exclusively on the difference it
makes on the world’s total amount of pleasure
and pain. JUSTICE
- Utilitarianism is interested with everyone’s
happiness, in fact, the greatest happiness of the John Rawls’s principle of justice is directed closer
greatest number. to reformulating conceptions of justice which can be
primarily based totally upon ideas which can be arbitrary
JUSTICE AND MORAL RIGHTS (JOHN STUART from an ethical point of view. Moreover, Rawls is in
MILL) opposition to all claims of Utilitarianism. He sees it as
unfavorable to the wellness of the people withinside the
- When we call anything a person’s right, we society. This is because, for Rawls, Utilitarianism does
mean that he has a valid claim on society to now no longer remember the character as inviolable. It
protect him in the possession of it, either by the virtually sees the character as sheer mechanism for the
force of law , or by that education and opinion. If proliferation of welfare-software and, hence, as
he has what we consider a sufficient claim, on expendables for the maximization of software or
happiness of the majority. Thus, Rawls rejects any
whatever account, to have something
ethical claims that invoke the concept of software or the
guaranteed to him by society, we say that he has
happiness of the majority. Indeed, for Rawls, people do
a right to it. own inviolable rights and dignity that can not be
- The right to due process, the right to free speech overridden through the society’s venture of the best life.
or religion, and others are justified because they
contribute to the general good. This means that In his components of his principle of justice,
society is made happier if its citizens are able to Rawls gives 3 essential presuppositions. First, he starts
live their lives knowing that their interest are off evolved his principle with a thought of a democratic
protected, and that society (as a whole) defends society, one this is characterized via way of means of
it. freedom and equality. This is coupled together along with
- A right is justifiable on utilitarian principles in as his emphasis on different rational people whose
much as they produce an overall happiness that rationality permits them to agree upon ideas of
distribution customary via way of means of all. Second,
is greater than the unhappiness resulting from
he adheres to the concept of the need of a agreement
their implementation. principle to be able to legitimize any nation movement
- Mill creates a distinction between legal rights withinside the procedure of distribution. Third and last,
and their justification. He points out that when Rawls provides ideas of justice that function the
legal rights are not morally justified in underlying motive for any simply society. According to
accordance to the greatest happiness principle, Rawls, those ideas must be observed in any respect
then these rights need neither be observed, nor charges via way of means of rational people. It is
likewise vital to be aware that for Rawls, the ideas if
justice are meant to insure that the people rights and to comply with the medical advice. A diabetic
liberties are blanketed and that all of them is given same client has the choice to comply or not to comply
possibility to realize their perceived dreams no matter with his medication and diet regimen]
their socio-political and financial status. And ultimately,
those ideas are designed to assure that the terrible are Types of justice
given veto or strength over inequality. 1. Distributive justice. It refers to fair, equitable,
and appropriate distribution or responsibilities or
Etymologically, justice comes from the Latin share or rights and roles, resources and
word ‘jus’ to mean ‘right’. The etymological meaning of privileges
the word ‘justice’ that connotes ‘right’ is somewhat a bit 2. Criminal justice. Refers to the infliction of
different from the word ‘justice’. What then is justice? punishment or penalty proportionate to the crime
The terms fairness, desert (what is deserved) and committed. In other words, no exemption in the
entitlement are used by various philosophers in an merited penalty.
attempt to explicate justice. This account interprets 3. Rectificatory justice. Refers to just
justice as fair, equitable, and appropriate treatment in the compensation for transactional problems such
light of what due or owe to others. as breaches of contract and practice based on
The writer of the Hippocratic Oath insists that it civil law. Rectify the person who did not observe
is a part of the doctor’s duty to keep his patients free hi/her word of honor.
from injustice they can do themselves, Justice is
generally thought to be giving others their due. This idea The discussion of justice will only be limited to
may be taken into different senses, most narrowly as distributive justice for it’s too complex to handle it here.
fulfilling responsibilities prior to any undertakings, more Theories of distributive justice have been developed to
widely, as being fair perhaps to others, quite generally, specify and unite one’s diverse principles, rules and
as acting uprightly in any way of actions bearing on judgment. Theory attempts to connect the characteristics
others, biblically, the scripture would say that justice may of persons with morally justifiable distribution of benefits
mean goodness and holiness in general. However, most and burdens. Nonetheless, systematic theories of justice
philosophers use the term justice in a more specific have been proposed to determine how social burdens,
sense that was referred to as ‘rightness in people’s including health care goods and services should be
interactions and interrelations’. Thus, it is rightfully distributed or redistributed. Some influential theories that
correct to say that sometimes the word ‘justice’ overlap go with the discussion of justice are the following:
with the word ‘right’.
The Paradigm Approach to Justice
Formal Principle of Justice
Formally speaking, as Aristotle in Nicomachean Utilitarian: Justice as whatever brings about the
Ethics would say that justice refers to ‘equals must be greatest good of the greatest number (John Stuart Mill)
treated equally’ and ‘unequals must be treated
unequally’. This is the formal principle of justice, it is For a utilitarian, justice is not an independent
‘formal’ because it identifies no particular respects in moral principle. Rather it is a principle dependent on,
which equals ought to be treated equally and thus governed by, that sole principle of morality, the principle
provide no criteria for determining whether two or more of utility. It names the most paramount and stringent form
individuals are in fact equal (Beauchamp and Childress, of obligation created by the principle of utility. Utilitarian
2001). therefore work out all the predictable benefits and all the
predictable losses of some proposed change or state of
Material Principle of Justice affairs, calculate the net sum (or utility) of the proposed
Principles that specify the relevant changes and choose that state of affairs which will bring
characteristics for equal treatment are called ‘material’ about the greatest good for the greatest number, which
because they identify the substantive properties for will in turn maximize utility. Justice in this instance then is
distribution. Philosophers like Engelhadrt, Keusch, the distributed result of that calculation. Thus, any form
Wildes and others have suggested the following material of state of affairs is considered just if it represents the
principles of justice: greatest good for the greatest number and unjust to the
1. To each person an equal share. [example: all extent that it does not affect that result.
members of the society are given equal services As it is applied in health care, utilitarian used two
such as the free immunization to all children principal criteria for working out one’s utility: quality of
below seven years old] life measures and social contribution measures. It is a
2. To each person according to need. [example: fact that some utilitarian may have various emphases yet
when there is a shortage of ex. Hepatitis B they tend to favor the following principles in medicine: a)
vaccine, it is provided only to the high risks prevention is to be preferred to cure and cheaper (less
groups. Likewise, only health care workers expensive) therapies are to be preferred to a more
assigned in the high risks areas are provided expensive ones, b) expensive or scarce therapies are
with free health check-ups, medication, including only available to the young and those who likely to lead
treatments and vaccinations to protect them] long productive lives, c) preference should be given to
3. To each person according to contribution. those likely to receive the greatest benefit in terms of
[example: only people who are members of the improved length and quality of life and to those likely to
Philippine Health can avail of its medical make the greatest future social contribution, d) short-
services and privileged] term services are to be preferred to long-term care and
4. To each person according to free-market institutional care is eliminated as much as possible and
exchanges. [example: the service is provided e) healthcare for the terminally ill, dying, elderly,
only to those who can afford it such as cosmetic chronically sick or incapacitated, severely handicapped
surgery] and permanently unconscious is to be given the lowest
5. To each person according to merit. [example: priority (Anthony Fisher).
this principle involves that implementation of set
of rules/criteria that must be met before a Egalitarian: Justice as the equal distribution of good
privileged can be granted. Example: Philippine and services (John Rawls).
Charity Sweepstakes service of proving free Egalitarian argued that justice means is
health care assistance only to those who meets essentially considered what is due is what is fair, equal,
the required criteria and that is having no or perhaps fairness. John Rawls principle of justice is
financial capacity to provide it for themselves derived from what people would choose if they were
and to their family] forced to be impartial, if they had to choose principles on
6. To each person according to effort. [example: which to base a social structure that will satisfy them
this refers to the patient’s efforts to comply or not whenever they turn out to be located in it. John Rawls
continue to say that each person will choose two Communitarian believed that human life will go better if
principles that will lead towards the exercise of fairness, collective and public values guide people’s lives. They
namely, a) each person should have the most extensive have a commitment to facilitate and practice designed to
system of basic liberties compatible with similar liberties help members of the community develop their common
for all and b) social and economic inequalities should be and henceforth personal lives (Honderich, 1995).
arranged so that they are to the greatest benefit of the Modern communitarian writers disagree on the
least advantaged and are open to all under conditions of application of these theories to health care access.
fair equality of opportunity. Simply to say, justice for Some proposes a federation of interlinking community
Rawls therefore consists in fair equality of opportunity. health programs that are democratically administered by
the citizen-members. In this approach to communitarian,
John Rawls himself never applied justice to the
each individual program would determined which
distribution of health care. However, most readers
benefits to provide, which care is most important,
(Daniels, Norman) of John Rawls believed that his theory
whether expensive service will be included or excluded
inspired approaches to health care distribution by
(Beauchamp and Childress, 2001).
insisting that each person irrespective of social condition
such as poor and the wealthy should be provided with
The following table shows a summary of the
equal fair opportunity to health.
different approaches to justice:
Distribution Rawls believed must be on the basis Approaches Propone Principle Description
of need which is understood as what is necessary for to justice nt of Justice
equality of opportunity. For example, better services, utilitarianism Mill Justice as Equality of
such as luxury hospital rooms and expensive but whatever all persons
optional dental work, should be available for purchase at brings and
personal expense by those who are able and wish to do about the impartiality
so. On the other hand, everyone’s basic need of health greatest between
service should be met at an adequate level. By this, it good of persons
ensures decent minimum of health care and equal the
opportunity. greatest
Libertarian: Justice as the lack of restraints on
Egalitarian John Justice as Emphasize
individual liberty (Robert Nozick).
Rawls the equal d on what is
Contemporary libertarian like Robert Nozick distributio owe (as a
believed that it is not the role of the state to impose any n of (at matter of
pattern of distribution of benefits and burdens on its least fairness) by
members since that will violate the rights of individuals. some) the rest of
Nozick believed that individual have rights, such as right goods or us to the
to liberty, life, property and others, which those individual services poorest and
are entitled to enjoy and to exercise so long as it does most
not interfere into the rights of others. Nozick therefore vulnerable
believed that the affair of the state is to protect citizens members of
against any unjust interference such as, theft, fraud, the
violence and others and it is not the business of the state community
to distribute benefits and burdens such as health care Libertarian Robert Justice as Recognizes
since that will turn violate the rights of individuals. Nozick the lack of the
So, as the libertarian suggests, the only just restraints centrality of
system of allocation of health care is the operation of the on individual’s
free-market. It is up to people individually to choose what individual autonomy
health care or service, and from whom, for which they liberty
wish to spend their own resources. It is up to the health Communitaria Alasdair Justice is Consist in
professional as well to decide how, when, for whom, with n MacIntyr what is favoring
whom and for how much they wish to work. Libertarian e due to and
therefore treats autonomy, both the health care individuals fostering
professional and the patient as a central notion of health or groups the
care and allocating resources. Individual then must be depend on common
encouraged to take responsibility for their own health the good of
(Ronald Dworkin, 1981). communit one’s
y-derived communitie
Applying Nozick’s libertarianism to health care, standards s. It
health care professionals are obliged to provide care emphasizes
only that health care in keeping with their own prior on solidarity
undertakings or present choices. Thus, they may with every
legitimately decide for themselves what distribution human
standards to apply to their own practices. Furthermore, being/perso
libertarian, supports generally a health care system, the n
state or any instituted state that does not coerce in
taking one’s own personal property rights, physician Justice underlies the nurse commitment to
have liberty, nurses too, and society is not morally provide services with respect for human dignity and
obligated to provide health care if it is done through render nursing care to the best of their ability to every
coercion. patient regardless of religion, sex, race, economic status
and beliefs.

Communitarian: Justice is what is due to individuals or Allocation of Scarce and Resource (Triage)
groups depend on the community-derived standards The basic ethical question to allocation of scarce
(Alasdair MacIntyre). and resources is not whether there is a need to rationing
Communitarian regards justice as pluralistic or prioritization but how it should do so, given the case
(Beauchamp and Childress, 2001). That means it that it is inevitable. Unless there is a systematic ethical
derives justice from as many as different conceptions of examination and criticism of health care distribution,
the good as there are diverse moral and cultural there are likely to be inconsistencies, abuses in the way
communities. Communitarian then placed the community the goods of the state is allocated.
as the core of a value system than prioritizing an
individual as libertarian proposed. The value of any The first issue on allocation of scarce resources
public goods are rooted from a communal practices. is on the ‘macro’ level is: how much should be spent on
healthcare? The second would be on meso-allocation
which is: how many healthcare resources should go to
what kind of services? And finally, on the microallocation:
who should get what share of the healthcare resources?
The problem of health care distribution does not
only arise when being addressed directly. Time and
again it rears its head when treating other bioethical
questions such as the appropriate treatment of
newborns, the infertile, the chronically sick and the
terminally ill and the permanently unconscious.
To allocate is to distribute by allotment as
Beauchamp and Childress would argued. And such
distribution does not presuppose either a person or a
system that rations/prioritize resources. A criterion of
one’s ability to pay in a competitive-market for instance
is a form of an example of allocation.
‘Macroallocation’ decisions determine the funds
to be expended and the goods to be made available, as
well as the method of distribution. This emphasize that a
macroallocation deals with how much of the society’s
resources will be used for various needs, including
health-related expenditures. A certain state therefore
decides how much of the national budget goes to the
health care program and what proportion of available
health goes to which program.
On the other hand, ‘Microallocation’ decisions
determine who will receive the particular scarce
resources. This distinction that were mentioned are
useful, but the line between them are not clear and
oftentimes interact.
One’s own moral intuition often drives each one
into two conflicting directions: either to allocate more to
treatment or to allocate more to prevention and
education. Now, determining who among the given
options will receive priority varies due to different
philosophies one is adhering. So, the only recourse
perhaps is to give what is due to ones own.

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