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Nama: Riswadi baadia

Nim: 195610057
Tugas :BHS 3

My social media frends

Andy: hy how are you?

bella: i'm fine
Andy: may i be friends with you via social media
bella: Can I becomes ur friend?
Andy: my name is Andi from Indonesia,
If you?
bella: Oh hi. my name is bella, but u can call me bella. I come from Malaysia
Andy: may I know what the handling of covid 19 is like in your country
Andy: if you may know what your hobbies
bella: My hobby is reading in the book
Andy: what is your favorite book?
bella: My favorite book is novel
Andy: wow amazing to know what makes you like reading novels?
bella: what makes me like novels is, because by reading novels I can train my imagination and can
roaden my horizons about several stories
Andy: Wow amazing
I also often read novels, but I'm not really a hobby, novels only fill my free time
Andy: do you have a favorite hollywood character
bella: Oh haha, no problem. maybe some time in the future you can make it a hobby
bella: I don't have it, because I don't like watching movies
Andy: okay, thanks
Andy: sorry i am too asking my favorite things to you
Andy: do you have any other fans on social media?
bella: yes, I have
Andy: Can you tell me? if not it's okay
bella: I'm sorry, I thought I couldn't. because it is my privacy
Andy: it's okay, no problem
bella: I hope you can understand
Andy: Can you ask your country handles the covid pandemic 19
Bella: According to one of the surgeons Noor Hisham said pantients positive
For COVID-19 Malaysia are obligade to be hospitalized.
Unlike in the UK and Italy,petients who have tested positive are note allowed
to undergo self-quarantine or be treated in their respective homes.
Even if they do not have any specific symptoms, these patients still need to be treated immediately, "in
contrast to the UK and Italy, where patients who test positive, if they are asymptomatic or have mild
symptoms, are instead advised to stay at home,"
"The main duration is 14 days, but it is necessary to do a test and if it is still positive, it will ensure the
patient remains in the hospital,
Andy: thanks for the time
Bella: it’s okay no problem now we’re frends
Andy: goodbye
Bella: bye

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