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Carquin-Huacho-Lima, March 15, 2023

Palma Arrarte Fernando Jesus (Administrator)

Carabela-Industrial Don Martin S.A.C.

AV. Peter No. 479

March 15, 2023

Jorge Belevan

General manager

Redondos S.A.

Old Panamericana Nte. 2870

Dear unborn

I introduce myself to you in the most cordial and friendly manner of the Carabela company, as the
industrial administrator to collaborate with the personnel of our entities.
Likewise, I present one of our best workers with an experience of about 8 long years, the production
manager Julio Yair Castro Arévalo, his work is cordial and he always works as a team and everyone
advances in the right way.
This person is willing to continue working at 100% but his priority is to improve and surpass himself,
which is considered the best and will be very useful

Finally, say that if you are looking for a better performance and improve your company, you have
Production Manager Julio Yair Castro Arévalo for better efficiency.

Julio Yair Castro Arevalo

Production manager
Carabela- Industrial Don Martín S.A.C.
Av. Pedro No. 479
Contact: 960495135

Palma Arrarte Fernando Jesus

industrial administrator
(Industrial Don Martin S.A.C.)

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