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Nametag Ripping


The most popular game is name tag tearing, in which members tear the name tags that
other members have on their backs.




Two teams with minimum of 6 players


1. A successful rip means your rip

opponent’s name tag completely and have opponent’s name tag in your hand

2. Before the game start, team members have 1 minute to allocate numbers for
instance (1 through 6) to themselves. Then they will write the number beside their

3. If someone rip the wrong player in the opposing team, then he/she is out and the
opponent will still on the field. (For example, if No.2 successfully rips name tag of
opposing No.3, then No.2 is out and NO.3 stays in the game.)

4. The game will be given 5 minutes to play, And if no team lose all the member, then
the team member who have many name tag will be the winner.

There’s a name tag behind everyone’s back and you have to guard your own name tag
so it doesn't get ripped while trying to eliminate opposing players by ripping their
name tag. The team lose the game when all the members are out.

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