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Campaign Brief

Please fill out each part of this campaign brief. Each part will help us understand your strategy so we
can execute as required.

1. Target segment (Who is your audience?)

2. Brand position (Ad messaging / unique selling points)
3. Goals (What do we want to achieve)
4. Investment (What do we have to achieve this?)

Target segment

Who is the target market / persona that you want to target?

A) Demographics (age, gender, location, income)

B) Psychographics: (Values, goals, habits) – What’s important to them, what are their paying
C) Competitors in this segment?

Please include other relevant information such as industry, job title, keywords this persona would
use, etc…


How do you position your brand to target these identified segments. This is essentially your value
proposition and your KSP’s


What do you want to achieve? This should be SMART.

e.g. Increase brand awareness through increase in the search traffic on brands terms from x to y
within x months or increase lead volume by x% within 6 months.

Investment & Timelines

Outline monthly investment & campaign timelines

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