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Web Technologies - II SEM II

Question Bank
Short answers questions

Q1. What is SSL?

Q2. Write a short note on SSL.
Q3. Explain self-processing forms with example.
Q4. How to register a variable into a session ?
Q5. How to set response header in PHP?
Q6. Which function is used to determine whether a file was uploaded?
Q7. What are 'automatic globals' variables in PHP? List any four.
Q8. List the items available in the $_FILES array.
Q9. Which information is stored by $_FILES?
Q10. How we can get the cookie values and destroy the cookies?
Q11. Superglobals cannot be used as variable variables inside functions or class methods.
Justify true or false.
Q12. List the applications of XML.
Q13. How to define elements and attributes in XML?
Q14. What are the uses of XML?
Q15. What is DOM?
Q16. “XML is case sensitive”. Justify T/F.
Q17. State True/False: “We can have empty XML tags.”
Q18. What is XML Parser?
Q19. Whether root element is required for XML file? If so, how many root elements are
Q20. Explain the XML document structure.
Q21. What is DomDocument ()?
Q22. What is an XML schema?
Q23. What is XML namespaces?
Q24. What is DOM?
Q25. What is well formed XML document?
Q26. State onmouseover and onkeypress JavaScript events
Q27. How variables are declared in javascript?
Q28. How we make web page interactive?
Q29. What is the scope of variable in JavaScript?
Q30. State two window objects in JavaScript?
Q31. Write the special operators used in JavaScript.
Q32. Write down the limitations of JavaScript.
Q33. Write the JavaScript data types
Q34. What will be the return value for the following JavaScript statement: typeof [1, 2, 3, 4]?
Q35. What is the advantage of writing JavaScript in an external file?
Q36. What is purpose of Ajax engine?
Q37. Write any two Ajax application.
Q38. What is the callback function?
Q39. What is an Ajax?
Q40. Which object of Ajax make web page interactive?
Q41. How can we send data to server using Ajax?
Q42. How to get response from XMLHTTP Request object received from server in Ajax?
Q43. What is CodeIgniter?
Q44. How can you add or load a model in CodeIgniter?
Q45. How can you connect models to a database manually?
Q46. How can you load a view in CodeIgniter?
Q47. What is the default controller in CodeIgniter?
Q48. How will you call a constructor in CodeIgniter?
Q49. What is the basic CodeIgniter URL structure?
Q50. What is the default method name in CodeIgniter?
Q51. What is a helper in CodeIgniter? How can a helper file be loaded?
Q52. How can you load multiple helper files?
Q53. Explain the CodeIgniter library. How will you load it?
Q54. How can you create a library in CodeIgniter?
Q55. Where is a newly created library stored in CodeIgniter structure?
Q56. Why is URL routes need to be configured?
Q57. How can you print SQL statement in CodeIgniter model?
Q58. Why CodeIgniter is called a loosely based MVC framework?
Q59. How to extend the class in CodeIgniter?
Q60. List various databases supported by the CodeIgniter framework.
Long Answer Questions
Q1. State the difference between GET and POST methods.
Q2. Write a short note on cookies.
Q3. Write a short note on session.
Q4. Discuss any five elements of $-SERVER superglobal variable.
Q5. Explain different methods used to maintain state in PHP.
Q6. Explain the concept of session handling with example.
Q7. What is sticky forms? Explain with example.
Q8. Create a form to accept customer information (Name, Addr, MobNo). Once the customer
information is accepted, accept product information in the next form (ProdName,
Qty,Rate). Generate the bill for the customer in the next form. Bill should contain the
customer information and the information of the products entered.
Q9. Write a PHP script to accept username and password. If in the first three chances,
username and password entered is correct then display second form with “Welcome
message” otherwise display error message. [Use Session]
Q10. Write a PHP script to accept Employee details (Eno, Ename, Address) on first page. On
second page accept earning (Basic, DA, HRA). On third page print Employee information
(Eno, Ename, Address, Basic, DA, HRA, Total) [ Use Session]
Q11. Write a PHP script to keep track of number of times the web page has been access. [Use
session and cookies]
Q12. Write a PHP script to change the preferences of your web page like font style, font size,
font color, background color using cookie. Display selected setting on next web page and
actual implementation (with new settings) on third page.
Q13. Write a PHP script to accept Employee details like name, department and emp id. Once
the employee information is accepted then accept Loan information like loan no, loan amt,
loan premium, loan type etc. Display employee details and loan details on the new page.
Q14. Write a PHP script by using multivalued parameter-check boxes, select list of subjects
and display it on next page by using sticky forms.
Q15. Write a PHP script to accept two strings. Concatnate second string to first string by using
sticky forms.
Q16. Explain any five advantages of XML over HTML.
Q17. What are the different kinds of parsers used in XML?
Q18. Explain rules to write XML elements and attributes.
Q19. Write a PHP script to read book.XML and print book details in tabular format using
simple XML. (Content of book.XML are (bookcode, bookname, author, publisher, price)
Q20. What is DOM and how does it relate to XML?
Q21. Write a php script to read item-XML file (contain INo, Iname, I-desc, Price) and print item
details in tabular format (use simple XML)
Q22. Write PHP script to read emp. XML file (contains emp-no, emp-name,salary, designation)
and print employee details in tabular format. (Use SimpleXML)
Q23. Write a php script to read item.xml file (contains itemno, description,Qty, rate) and print
the bill in tabular format (apply simple XML).
Q24. Write a PHP script using simple.xml functions to read student.xml file and display
information of students whose percentage is greater than 70. The student.xml file
contains name, class and percentage.
Q25. Write PHP script to read book.xml file which contain book number, name of book, name
of author, publisher, price. Print book details of specific author in tabular format after
accepting name of author as input.
Q26. Write a PHP script to read “Movie.xml” file and print all MovieTitle and ActorName of file
using DOMDocument Parser. “Movie.xml” file should contain following information with
at least 5 records with values.

MovieNo, MovieTitle, ActorName , ReleaseYear.

Q27. Write a script to create XML file named “Item.xml”. Link “Item. Xml” file to the CSS style
sheet and get-well formatted output. file should contain following information with at
least 5 records with values.
ItemName, ItemPrice, Quantity.

Q28. Write a script to create XML file 'breakfast .xmls'. The element details of breakfast .xml
are as follows :
<breakfast menu>

<name> ..................................... </name>

<price> ...................................... </price>

<description> ..................................... </description>

<calories> .......................................... </calories>

</breakfast menu>
Link breakfast .xml file to breakfast .CSS & Get well formatted output as :

Name, Price —> Color; Red; Font-family : Arial; Font-size : 15 pt;

Description, calories —> Color : Blue; Font-fumily : Bodoni MT; font-size : 12 pt;

Q29. Explain the JavaScript confirm dialog box with suitable example.
Q30. Discuss three kinds of popup boxes in JavaScript.
Q31. Explain with example Alert box of JavaScript.
Q32. Explain which functions used to identify the browser.
Q33. Explain the different methods of including JavaScript in HTML. Write suitable example.
Q34. Write a JavaScript to accept a sentence from user and convert it to an array of words.
Also display array element.
Q35. Explain alert dialog box in JavaScript with the help of suitable example.
Q36. Write a JavaScript code to open a new window which will have some content on it and
then close this window.
Q37. Write a JavaScript function to validate user name and password against hardcoded
Q38. Write a Javascript that accept a string from user. Pass this string as parameter to a
function `Check-Vowel' on button click event and return the count of the number of
vowels within the string.
Q39. Write a HTML form to accept student name, age and mobile no. from user. Using
Javascript validate the following:
i. Student name should not be empty
ii. Age must be in between 16 to 21.

Q40. Explain any two windows object method in java script.

Q41. Explain advantages and disadvantages of Ajax.
Q42. Write a note on Ajax web application model.
Q43. Explain the working of Ajax in detail.
Q44. Write note on AJAX PHP framework.
Q45. Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous request to the server in Ajax.
Explain with example.
Q46. Write an ajax program to display list of books stored in an array on clicking ok button.
Q47. What is java-script object?
Q48. Write a javascript to display message ‘Exams are near, have you started preparing for?’
using alert, prompt and confirm boxes. Accept proper input from user and display
messages accordingly.
Q49. Add or append in paragraph text and also in the numbered(ordered) list in a given HTML
document using jQuery selectors.
Q50. Write a javascript function to validate username and password for a membership form.
Q51. To insert text before and after an image using jQuery.
Q52. Write a Javascript program to accept name of student, change font color to red, font size
to 18 if student name is present otherwise on clicking on empty text box display image
which changes its size (Use onblur, onload, onmousehover, onmouseclick, onmouseup).
Q53. Remove div section elements after clicking on button using jQuery.
Q54. Write an Ajax program to search student name according the character typed and display
list using array.
Q55. Write an Ajax program to print the content of the file myfile.dat.
Q56. Write an AJAX program to search the book name according the character typed and
display same list using array.
Q57. Write a PHP script to accept a strings and check whether it is palindrome or not by using
sticky forms.
Q58. Create TEACHER table as follows TEACHER (tno, tname, qualification, salary). Write Ajax
program to select a teacher’s name and print the selected teachers’ details.
Q59. Write Ajax program to print Order details by selecting a customer’s name. Create table
Customer and Order as follows with 1: M cardinality CUSTOMER (cno, cname, city) and
ORDER(ono, odate, shipping address)
Q60. Write AJAX program where the user is requested to write his or her name in a text box,
and the server keeps sending back responses while the user is typing. If the user’s name is
not entered then the message displayed will be, “Stranger, please tell me your name!”. If
the name is Rohit, Virat, Dhoni, Ashwin or Harbhajan, the server responds with “Hello,
master!”. If the name is anything else, the message will be “, I don’t know you!”.
Q61. Write AJAX program to read contact.dat file and print the contents of the file in a tabular
format when the user clicks on print button. Contact.dat file should contain srno, name,
residence number, mobile number, Address. [Enter at least 3 records in contact.dat file]
Q62. Accept cricket player name from user. Write a program to search player name into
cricket.xml file and display details (name, runs, wickets) using Ajax (use DOM functions).
Q63. What are the most prominent features of CodeIgniter?
Q64. Explain the folder structure of CodeIgniter.
Q65. Explain CodeIgniter architecture.
Q66. Explain MVC in CodeIgniter.
Q67. Explain model in CodeIgniter.
Q68. Explain views in CodeIgniter.
Q69. Explain controller in CodeIgniter.
Q70. What is routing in CodeIgniter?
Q71. Explain the difference between helper and library in CodeIgniter.
Q72. What is a helper in CodeIgniter?
Q73. What are the advantages of CodeIgniter?
Q74. What is meant by a library? How can you load a library in CodeIgniter?

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