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IAT3 two marks QB

1. Define system software

It consists of variety of programs that supports the operation of the computer. This
software makes it possible for the user to focus on the other problems to be solved with
out needing to know how the machine works internally.

2. What are forward references?

It is a reference to a label that is defined later in a program.
Consider the statement
10 1000 STL RETADR
80 1036 RETADR RESW 1
The first instruction contains a forward reference RETADR

3. What are the three different records used in object program?

The header record contains the program name,starting address and length of the
Text record contains the translated instructions and data of the program.
End record marks the end of the object program and specifies the address in the
program where execution is to begin.

4. Explain the need of SYMTAB(symbol table) in assembler.

The symbol table includes the name and value for each symbol in the source
program,together with flags to indicate error conditions.Some times it may contains
details about the data area. SYMTAB is usually organized as a hash table for
efficiency of insertion and retrieval.
5. Explain the need of OPTAB(operation code table) in assembler.
The operation code table contain the mnemonic operation code and its machine
language equivalent. Some assemblers it may also contains information about
instruction format and length.OPTAB is usually organized as a hash table,with
mnemonic operation code as the key.

6. Explain assembler directives with example.

These are the statements that direct the assembler to do something. As the name
says, it directs the assembler to do a task.
The specialty of these statements is that they are effective only during the assembly of a
program but they do not generate any code that is machine executable.

7. Define macro processor.

Macro processor is system software that replaces each macroinstruction with the
corresponding group of source language statements. This is also called as expanding
of macros.
8. What are the directives used in macro definition?
MACRO - it identifies the beginning of the macro definition
MEND - it marks the end of the macro definition

9. What are the data structures used in macro processor?

DEFTAB – the macro definitions are stored in a definition table - it contains a macro
prototype and the statements that make up the macro body.

NAMTAB – it is used to store the macro names and it contains two pointers for each
macro instruction which indicate the starting and end location of macro definition in also serves as an index to DEFTAB

ARGTAB – it is used to store the arguments during the expansion of macro invocations.

10. Explain nested macro call.

The statement in which a macro calls on another macro,is called nested macro call. In
the nested macro call, the call is done by outer macro and the macro called is the inner

11. Explain the basic functions of loaders.

Loading – brings the object program into memory for execution

Relocation – modifies the object program so that it can be loaded at an address

different from the location originally specified

Linking – combines two or more separate object programs and also supplies the
information needed to reference them.

12. Explain about relative (relocating) loaders.

Loaders that allow for program relocation are called relocating (relocative )
loaders. Modification record is used for program relocation.Each modification record
specifies the starting address and the length of the field whose value is to be altered and
also describes the modification to be performed.
13. How disk free space is managed using Bit vector? Give an example.
The free-space list is implemented as a bit map or bit vector. Each block is
Represented by 1 bit.
If the block is free, the bit is 1; if the block is allocated, the bit is 0.
For example , consider a disk where block 2,3,4,5,8,9,10,11,12,13,17,18,25,26and27
Are free, and the rest of the block are allocated. The free space bit map would be
14. Explain the Extent-Based Systems in contiguous allocation.
Extent-based file systems allocate disk blocks in extents
An extent is a contiguous block of disks
a. Extents are allocated for file allocation
b. A file consists of one or more extents.

15. Explain the two methods for implementing Directory.

Linear list of file names with pointer to the data blocks
a. Simple to program
b. Time-consuming to execute
Hash Table – linear list with hash data structure
c. Decreases directory search time
d. Collisions – situations where two file names hash to the same location
e. Only good if entries are fixed size, or use chained-overflow method

16. Give the disadvantages of Contiguous allocation

 Suffers from external fragmentation
 Suffers from internal fragmentation
 Difficulty in finding space for a new file
 File cannot be extended
 Size of the file is to be declared in advance

17. What is meant by polling?

Polling is the simplest way for an I/O device to communicate with the
processor. The process of periodically checking status of the device to see if it is time
for the next I/O operation, is called polling.

18. Define interrupts.

An interrupt I/O is a process of data transfer in which an external device or a peripheral
informs the CPU that it is ready for communication and requests the attention of
the CPU.

19. Compare and contrast blocking I/O and unblocking I/O.

A blocking system call is a system call that blocks the process execution until the
requested operation is completed. The blocking system call can be used in synchronous
I/O or asynchronous I/O.

A non-blocking system call is a system call that does not block. The calling process can
continue execution while the operation is in progress and returns immediately when it’s
20. Show three disadvantages of placing functionality in a device controllers, rather
than in kernel.
• Bugs are less likely to cause an operating system crash.
• Performance can be improved by utilizing dedicated hardware and hard-coded
• The kernel is simplified by moving algorithms out of it.

• Bugs are harder to fix - a new firmware version or new hardware is needed.
• Improving algorithms likewise require a hardware update rather than just a kernel or
device driver update.
• Embedded algorithms could conflict with application’s use of the device, causing
decreased performance.

21. Explain the importance of scaling up system-bus and device speeds as CPU speed
This ensures that data can be transferred quickly and efficiently between the CPU,
memory, and devices, allowing the system to operate at its full potential.

22. What is meant by vectored I/O systems?

Vectored I/O is a method of input and output by which a single procedure call
sequentially writes data from multiple buffers to a single data stream or reads data
from a data stream to multiple buffers.

23. Define spooling.

Spooling is an I/O management or buffer management technique that allows the data of
the input/output processes to be temporarily stored in the secondary memory.
The data will be stored in the secondary memory until the system or a program requests
the data for its execution

24. List the layers of file system.

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