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UNIT BA (JMC) 207 L12 Radio News and Structure of Radio Station Lesson Lesson2 News Sources: News agencies, Reporters, Correspondents Lesson Lesson LESSON T: Basics of Radio News: Concept of News sTRUCTURE 10 Objectives 13 Quaites of News 14 Noms Vales and Elements f News UNIT BA (JMC) 207 L12 Radio News and Structure of Radio Station Lesson Lesson2 News Sources: News agencies, Reporters, Correspondents Lesson Lesson LESSON T: Basics of Radio News: Concept of News sTRUCTURE 10 Objectives 13 Quaites of News 14 Noms Vales and Elements f News 15 Typesol News Stony 1.6 Rado News Vs. Newspaper News 1. Basis of Radio News: Concept of News News Velues: Objectivity, Balance ‘nd Fairness “This lesson discuss on bases cf rade rns, concep! of news, news values, elements ol news, qualities of nes et. because news play a significa role in ou dy io day He, Iisoften sad hat modem soil lives every minut on news gathered rom various mass eda resources the rad, lesion, newspapers o: new meda, ‘Aerreaing his lesson you wll be able etn the concep of News ‘Enumerate the elements and quais fhe News; Understand he news values 1 Intoduetion Redo is Weeds the fastest med fr geting oration. There are many bascally a spcken-nord tom. Reso Nene le ferent from a newspaper ot television news. The reader of @ nenspaper can select news tems of she (go back tothe previous one, which agains ot possible wah radio news. ABROUgh the radio nes i tenn odvance, itis bresented nd not Yea Rac is medum of se ovat, not neneto-ye 09 newspapers, Radio news ie presanedin ere format, vz, News Buln, News Magazne, Newsre! ec. 12 Concept of News Several newspapers, eas, news repares, eminent journalists and many media cedars have atempted 10 deine news, bu these definons have not ays Inet the esto te ne. General speaking, news is anything that's new. News I arepr of an event that nae jut taken place, News ie a detaled account that provies infrmaton escripion. ™\ "coud eo incude epicton”(epreerttn),ceineaton (desarpion), statement (ernouncemert, decaraton), end nawaton of a developer, event or occurrence (neers, happenings). The events usualy ‘recent, rsh not known eater. New ie something that at @ pacar moment According to George Hough ofthe Univery of Geigia, U.S.A News is bh Product and point of va. At a product, ewe ta gutereé, processed and 13 packaged. Newspapers, news services, news magazines, ras, television and Cable station and networks then present news to their respective audiences. ‘A former managing editor of the New York Times, Turner Cateledge described news as “Anything you can find out today that you an know before." In modern times, newspersons and media personalties are likely to define news in 3s of what people, readers, steners, viewers want o know. These definitions can be summed up as: ‘News is anything that's tmely and significant to aucence in respect of their personal affairs or their relation to sociely and the best news is that which possesses the greatest degree of tis interest and significance for the greatest number.” Definition of News for racio depends on ‘The size of listeners The periodicity of Broadcast (Usually AIR broadcasts news hourly) + The social character and economic base ofthe listeners ‘The focus of attention or emphasis ofthe listeners, Hence, the News is + Perishable (Which news is new atthe moment but next moment it wil old) + Is ofinterest 1 a large numberof people; Of unusual events and happenings; What is nev othe public: and ‘+ An event put forward by a reporter, as wthout a reporter, a news tem does Qualities of News, There ate some basic qualties of the naws. These are accuracy, balance, objectivity, and clarty + Accuracy: Accuracy is basic to any news tem. When you fallin accuracy, you lose credtily. Hence it is important to crass check your facts and information, Check tgures, names and facts. Check haw names ae spelt Did you get your fst name corect? People are generally offended by ‘wrongly spelt names. Ifyou ae paraphrasing 2 speech {rom a text given to ‘you, make sure you do not change the meaning or quote statements out of Context. Rumours and speculation need to be avoided at all costs. Sensizaton of news must be avoided. + Balance: To be balanced in reporing is as important 2s being accurate. if you are witing about a controversy. give both sides of the story. When repoting @ strike, for instance, give the caim of authorities and also that of ‘the workers on how farts successful A story may appear tobe imbalanced ‘and thus biased, i thas too much of Governments views, of tends 1 ave, 120 much foreign news which has litle relevance to your listeners + Objectivity: You should not mix your opinion inthe story. Report only facts ‘and other people's opinions. You should be a disinterested observer, 14 reporting events without taking sides. News must be presented objectively in an unbiased manner and it should nat be aed to any sesh interest. + Clarity: A story must be best in the way it expresses the theme. Your introductory sentence should be short and in active voice tothe maximum ‘extent possible. The ideal length of each paragraph may be 3-4 lines containing two-three small sentences to facilitate easy comprehension, © Conciseness: A news slory must be concise. It should not be unnecessariy lengthy. Where unnecessary details are to be avoided, unnecessary wording must also be pruned out. Verbosity always kills the purpose and ths is brevity that is unanimously agreed upon to be the soul of inteligence. Wordy expressions and unnecessary repetition must be avoided, One-word substitution saves the the space and time, both + Comprehensiveness: it means that complete by all regards and aspects. ‘Arnews item is considered comprehensive only when it answers the every possible question that may arise in the minds of listeners. As a general principal to make a news story comprehensive and complete five Ws and ‘one H (what, when, where, why, who and How) are to be satisfied + Cohesiveness: When we talk of an order, akind of symmetry, a welHknit, well-planned, well organized and even end-product, is actually talked of cohesiveness, it means that the order of the details to be put in a news items must be in proper order. Symmetry suggests beauty and it must be sel-evident in the construction of the news story, Asymmetry mars the beauty and the listener does not go on with the bulletin smoothly and ‘comfortably. It must not be jumpy and uneven, ‘+ Interesting: The news story, especially to be broadcast on radio, must be presented in such @ way thatthe listener may not get bored. Its quite a dificult task to be managed when it comes to writing and presenting news bulletin since news is something that can never drit away from the principals of accuracy and objectivity. What we actually mean by making news bulletin interesting is the reading effect inthe tone and style must be avoided by the newscaster and spoken language is to be employed which \wrting the lines of any news item. News Values and Elements of News New values differ from community to community, country to country. While reporting such events, you should be careful not to appear to be insulting or laughable in tone ot in content, Similarly, news values are different for developing and developed countries. For the industrialized and individualized societies of ‘developed countries, communally provocative speeches and incidents may be reported word for word, blow by blow. But the same treatment would be suicidal and would be lighting @ powder keg in a communally sensitive, ilaerate, developing ‘country. You should take all possible can in reporting such developments keeping in mind the volatle nature of the audience and the reach of your audience. ‘The folowing are those factors that can aptly be called news values: Conic: Cott means 2 king of lah, quate, deagreemant, dacard bart between persons, goups, socties or counes. It may be physical seca, econarcal pot, boundaries between or issues between wo sates ‘oF counties, resus, emi of personel Most cones ore nensworhy to tome exten! ce doaree ‘Victory and Defeat: Confit natal pees way for he vitor of one party ‘mo polical partes conestrg an elcin, one sie’ fate Is tery and the colnet is deat. These two ingredients of huran socely ae teemed with Progress and Development: Prorest means any improvement ina fl I the progress ell snifcart wl be apart ofthe new bullet, Progtess| Between to counties, ee. gets attention of puble. News tlated 10 evelopment isues such ae Envonment, Ecology, Gender, Heath Populon contol, Aareuhire ee need toe reported and desersnated Government actviies and action: The pasting of a lw or other order ‘concerning. geneal people, cabinet meetings, parlamet and assembly Eminence and Prominence: What happens important people makes news The vale ofthe nens increases wth the prominence of he person ivoved ‘What the prominent people sy isos very nortan fr epee. pera, people tis agreed upon that names make news anche bgger he name, he Tneliness (immediacy) Tielness mean freshness, News must be ney and new. “Now” fs more newsnorty than "Then". News about what Is sce lng afer ts occurence. Proximity (Nearness): Local is moe newsworthy than Distant Prorinty is nearness which means that anincden which hes taken place neath people We, eaturly, tend ake more ier in the news sixth is aboutus, er ur iy rou province or our courte. The closed the acide, Novety: Novsly means someting deer, something agains the general rovtne of people, something amazing, neredble,ssonshing of undeval ‘ying, any acton, any hobby, any iederk. people wos har prepare 0 betevein someting novel ard hence cries the characte of hovel, Human interest People are inerested in what = happening to ther people In aston, oie, humour, waged, zngh over handeap, sores ivelng Women ate namaly considered ogo ater Meshle and fashion news 10, Dissster: Disaster is desruston, run, sdverty, calamity, devastation, end ‘catasrophe. Where there is any dsaser ona considerable scale, theres an abit of new. Eanhquakes, tsunami ods, famine, starvation, tential rains, tomodos, twisters, of these are natural Kinde of disasters ond ‘evastaions. People wish and deserve to know about sach stores, The ‘overage cuch deters ie nt ony a professional duty of any media but also tie a noble sores to humanity and a moral and tekgous obigation isthe responsibilty of mest nfrm people about the meantude ofthe dastr, umber and names, # posable, ofthe cacuabes and ined ones, ad eves, habitation ef, ete History: Hetery can important source cf news. The dgsng of thousands ond ‘ovsande year of nana, n fac fs en eo fo peep ine tans post and to explore the base regerang man's creation, ealon, and old Gulzatons “These oe the quest oso san efoto quench the het of man foul of ‘urosty, New tune abou extabiched athe are alo tempted ta decove. 12 Relevance: Stories which have direct influence on ou es of hove det ‘ein wih us are more important for ws, Even news try hat bout my ‘own oly wl 980 cath ay atenton,¥ | am wating for my own nero on 1. Consequencesimpact: Any event cr statement of any important person in a sect, capable enough to atc a ager numberof people in ure, cares eneworhiness and must be gen space in ews bultn. The ncient as @ tater of ft atthe time of taking place, may net be that important but n future may acai a reo deal of sanfeance in tee of alecing people in ‘one nay or another. Lewis, under he hea of consequence, there may me 8 statement of any persona who enor the autorty and power of poley taking in sate of society and he makes a poly stlement that coneems ‘wth the coming days of people. 14 Weather ané Sports: Both ne weather ond spots have ott news value. The tnd ode make news, 15.Follow-up: A good news story doesnot end athe fet reference, needs folow-up. Folow-up keeps the ineres ofthe Kstenes lve by updating ther ‘on the lates development of an event or an issue 16 Miscellaneous News Values (Any news of the common public interes) hare are cartainnens ste which ough donot posses any of the news vales mentoned above tut sil find place mrad bullet, ‘Types of News Story srdly speaking al news tems canbe categorzed under our heads. They re 1) General types 2) simple types 3) Complex types 4) Specisl types 1) General Types: The fling ete the news stories which are general types |. Peesonstt These are the news sores bout marta persons of @ society about whom peoole want to iron. These figures coud be tom police showb2, spats, of fom any wak of te. The near and dear ones ‘ol thece clebrites ato make news, Forinetance, ‘Ay miners adres o hosp Weitere son ges maried ‘Any imparan: Neues near ane passes away Names ol vstore, guess, cammtee member, conventens |. Briefs: These are short news sors not pening to persons but they are ‘dated cient organizations, non-goverment orgarzatens, stocatons, ‘wuts, clubs ele Poley or progress announcements) statements of ierent ‘government or non-govemment ganizations o” deparerts ee Meetings: Nene regerding diferent meetings hed oro be hold at erent levels ae to be covered Iw. Everts: These everts may be fas, or festivals, or eshibtion of pctures of @ renonned photogephe: ot of penats mede by an emnent panier and dasere tobe covered ero be made apart ofa news ulti chaman, runster, pie minster, presdent are to be coveted and gen space and place according tthe respecte importance ‘vi Publeaton: News prsning to difeen publistions i aso covered if again, they deserve tobe apart of a naws bli ines ofthe eminence of ee aushor ad the importance ofthe subject matter. The publication maybe atte, WL nteviews: important irtrviews,Irevesing anything penn that may affect ‘or imerest a handsome number of people ar azo heed n news buletin, especialy i the interview is on any current fetue, Some mportant keds Glieniew are Personally ntentews, infermatve iervews, (pinion forming inerdens,histratve nerviews, Thematic inerews 2) simple Types These are the nows tems which requreo reporter io be bt ierpretatve whe veting the sary Kine tat hese saree nod ite more iterpetation ana ‘tanaton about the pesonaltyor accent orincden. The sey prams othe {atoning are the senle ypes of neve tones, ‘of media hes shrank the whele wort into 8 vilage, ome personales are blessed wih wordwie prominence and ingortonce Whie covering the stores of ness, flown ports must be ven imparance + Name &dentifcaion ofthe person who is i Ccauee of nese Nate of ess Ccandion (fa, serous, ere) Name of hospital ocal hosp pate) Dest Flowing are the essentials of death stores to be covered caret "Name end identieaton ofthe person died ‘Age fhe person atthe ime ois death Pace of death Funerat Stores abouthe funeral! ary person may be the Felowp of death story ofthe same petson but not sins. The long are he essen of 8 ‘eat story to be covered: ‘Time and dare when the funeral ceremony tobe period + Prac of Bail + Polbeaere Fires & Actdents: The essentials ofthe stares of re under + Place where the fee o ecient tock bce, and acitents ore ae jure persons + Damages propery + Escapes (expedonee of e22apee) Crime Stores: No such society exits on earth that is tee om erimea. Soto agp peopl norma, the coverage of ee store ery portant. The pe ‘of eximas may be the stiode, murder, Kidnap, bug, robbery, fore, contempt cf cour, conpiacy, gaming, drug atickng, snugcing, dubs Weather News: In outne weather nes tems olowing sreas ae covered ‘+ Temeratire (highest andewest) + Hmaty ‘Sometimes ho weather may became the lea story oe fhe major toes ‘ofthe day, The weather oratect do nt deappear ih dam oF dusk, 0 case the weather soy sthe most mportant o¢ one cf he important news tems ina news bute, ts flow up story goes on and on ul he repercussions of the sory get ominshod. The sory about the woather willbe ested a speci ‘rough, dust some, thunder & ignoring, bizzarde(enowstem), oF othe ‘weather odie wich cause deaths o serious damages. There are sudoen ‘changes, col! waves, eatly snows, heavy fine or cher out the nary conditions, Previous records oe broken, the, highest ever or lnest ever temperature quantity of ranfls breaking the previous record. The alec of bad weather cn crops and drought is expected willbe news. 3) Complex News ‘These ae, as 2 mateo fac stoies which ivoive completes ofthe nature of the beat, fhe language that so be employed whe penning down the news tn ofthe tgons wich are equenty used inthe tings orn the conversaton about the et ‘These are the news sexes which demand report's speci knowledge abou the beat hes covering, The reporter oven this ype a stoves must be wel vetoed in the base knowledge sbout te best. actualy this i where comes interpretative reporing to facitate people wih back and foreground of the event ‘covered by the reporter a0 tha they may nt ted any lack or ambiny we listening tthe news tem, ‘The folowing ace the estes to be made 9 pat of complex news ems by 3 reporter: + Techical vocabulary tobe made easy ‘Expert knowledge of the reporter about the best must be evident from the coverage othe event ke— it Court, Tae Low oe: Court stories ee considered among the most haf doesnot eeate enna. Now rage news la undergoing a est Sel ot fhanges. The syle ie becoming more and rote intormal an many vox caste ‘a included the bullet. Elle ae leo beng mace to make aso bultine eoplecenered by hghightng the problems, Ropes and aspratons of the Common man. ideal, he emphasis of radio news should ht om pltial news to human-nteret soi wth a focus on 2a, tral siete and economic LESSON 2: News Sources: News agencies, Reporters, Correspondents and Monitoring Services STRUCTURE 20 objectives 21 noducion 22 News Sources 2 News Sources: News agencies, Reporters, Correspondents and Monitoring Senge Inthe pews session we had studed the Lesson 7 Concept of News: News Vales In hich had discussed abot concept and deinen of news, qualities of news, ewe valuee tnd ypes of news. Inthe present easion we wl study various sources o news. reporters, carespondents, none agencies and monforng erases te 2.0. objectives ‘Mer oi though this lesson, you would be abet: + ently vrious sources fr gathering the news for ado 1+ Koow the responsi of epotets and corespondent of AIR, 2.1 intodvetion Nowe gathering sa epeciaizes jb which noods lt of i reaches the news roommosynfou ways, tough sta reporter, menterngoffregn broadcast, through nens agencies or press releases, hand ous ee. Nows fal no the rneweroam fom althe sources and tal he time and used then and hee because ‘here ae plenty of ne bute a against news papere which ae pened once ‘each day The sat epetrs not only responsible ocolect is own stones but ‘0 generally asked to con dou stones ied by news agence or eaborate the meceage contained i press releases of handouts. 2.2 News Sources News sources are the ways and routes through which news channel ges news Some important news sources ae Reporter correspondents frig correspondents News agences Newsroom ary Montorng servces Handouts and Press cleases Press conferences 1. Reporters Correspondents | fai large eam of rained reporters and corespondents basen the cpt is ofthe paramentary proceedings. Some bioadessing emgnizalons deploy thle Comespondents in few select stant locations and aso hr par-tine Covrespandets ram uncovered teas of ‘her own repering taf. Correspondents are also statoned in the State capitals ‘and ether cies where neta s usualy heavy, They have to cate Io nationl bulletins broadcast rr Del and gona Bult broadest om loca tations Working alone, a coespondent has to prepare two versions ofthe same story in ‘wo diferent languages. They alsa have to cover vats by the Prme Minter, President and cer dignitaries to the State They have tobe auch ning repos and accurate in acs as hey faced a tough competion fom cher sources. These conesponderts are generaly Partime Corespondents (PTCs) at Distt headquarters, who may be reporters or sages [A repontrcoespendens needs 1 have a variety of reliable and wel placed ‘contacts to fork out infomation. These contacts ate soufces of excise Intrmaton for the repeater. They maybe in the Goverment public er prvate seca, business or even @comman person Foreign Corespondens: Work of a foreign carespondent isa challenging task Although seme admit help Fam the nan sion provided, they have te manage the pcessional fronton one's ow. They have tobe in constant ouch ‘wth various sources of news wich include ofc, the diplomat corp, local rewamen, other loregn eoespondens, lca ado, TV and newspapers, The functions of oreigncarespondentncide + Reporting mor developments nthe ares, keeping in view the Indian interest. + -Aithe same tie, ard againe! he ibs bie in stores Hod by orion agence, reporing developments of pariculritaret to india and he region and, Collctng matenal for spotghs and commentaries. ‘+ Ablingua stories and voice patches in Hing! a well asin English + Knowledge ofthe county, incudng the language spoken thee is also an aed ae (Quaites of Repontersicorrespondents Besides proper eduestionofjournalom, a reporter mus! possess folowing qustes ithe sronaly wishes to be aie inthe ldo ural, + Nose ‘or news! Cuious: A good reporter i one who hasan abit o sme ‘+ Sharp Observation: Unless @ teparers observation is sharp ond ‘usted, heis unable oan someting newsworthy many happening + Public Relations: A good reporters the one who enjoys a good repute in the society and cutivates hea raions with ofl of mpotat sue in aost al moore departments ond walks of fe, His strong rlatons rake bim obtain news in tine rd without apn exes to be assigned any task of news gathering. A stuggsh, lethargic end inacive kr of person can be anything on earth bit can never be 8 repo + Wel fone A repre ea mano! knowlege, He ena nly spoced to nave lvomsion about imgerat happenings ihe wor, capt of fren courtes, facie and gues of aterentnatonal and internatona Issues national an inemationalecanome tends, bu! ls tis mperatve form to have kronledge ofthe basics of almost al socal sclences. A {00d reporter tough cant be master tal, but hea to bathe ack a tes, + Shrend yet wall behaved: The profesion a reporter has oped fr, ‘ernands hm to be shar, ave, ehvowd and gometmes cuning 36 Wel butt doesnot ply a al athe requeed to dep imannerem, He needs tobe palte wel Bonaved, coureous, vey, reine and easygoing ‘eno peteon 2. News Agencies ‘Aneus agency is an erganzation of ural establshed ocalecs or gathers news and supotes to diferent newspapers, magozhe, rede sitions ond ‘Mer receiving and selecting news om the agencies, the copy hast be ewriten in the spoken word ihom to meet the requirement of the acio The sort ord Dbasness in stories needs tobe carefull looked to and weeded cut. News agencies have a wetorgarized wide network which ponies comiaueus ‘lof teeston tough serene tel-pries o computes. The Press st of nda and Unted News of Inca are the wo major nan news agencies. The toc wings are known as Bhatha an Univarta which were launched o mee the demands of news in Hind. For lotegn ed sports news, ado networks mostly Gapend on foreign news agencies such a5 Reuters, Assocated Press (AP) [Agence France Presse (AFP et Newsroom Diary Newsroom oar ¢ kind of ry of rage n which infomation about coming Import ever to be covered are logged. very page ofthis arf died ferent columns containing impatar lfamation ebou the fancin, ceremony, ‘erkshop, seminar of eymposiom, Nema flowing information about folowng ‘hat Nature of ne uneson gatherng Who: Name ofthe Chet Guest or percons inated When: Time & doe ofthe evento be covered Wy: Imporance ofthe even Where: Complete adseess of he place where he vert has o bee 4 Newsroom Flas and Record Neweroom caine contains Hes snd previous record wh les showing secon captions. Each le about any national or inematonal ue oni Updated ae land when thereis any progreasin heise. The purpose ofthese ies ito provide the opoter wih the aul Backsyouné of any problem, Fer netance Inthe oy, ‘hore ta secretary evel conteronc of SAARC coun, the repartee wilbe at {228 ne making the neve ofthe conference by leaking up he fe contaiing at the history an development of SAARC fom ts neeplon to date 5. Monitoring services ‘Various radio and television broedcast channels of ster counties ae mane to blinnferaton, These are known as montorng seroes. Montrng oes listen to the tronamsions in diferent languages, wenslte ther nto Engish ond make a rear of Monitors narmaly werk in tee shits. For geod matory & Imontor must be patient inthe language he is montsang. Senior montars {eruthize the montoring repos and aly the news ems to be made © pat of ‘ews buletn are sat the news edt, nperant chennlao be montored are BBC, VOA (vice of Amerea), VOG (vace of Germany), Kebul Rado, Al nda ado, lan Rao, CNN (Cale Newe Network) ee, 6. Handoute and Prete Release ‘The Government cffces and pivate organizations issue handouts and press relesses from tine to bine, Most of these handouts end pes rleeses ore ‘exercises in publety and pul rlatons. The news value ‘cf these handouts should be closely examined belore cng them inthe news beta. Many a time, the handouts are not writen na logeal manner end need rein, There ie ees to look forthe lead pont, give the story loge sequence, round the finues and add background wfomaton wherever necessary directed et member ol he nens medi, forthe purpose ol annourcing something ‘Samed as having news vue Press Releases are general sent through pose ‘moi ax, orby han othe assignment edor tra labons, Some depaiments {ord ou sudo news eleases(ANR) which ate pre-taped auc programe tat can be aed reac by rade satens 7. Press Conferences Apress conference is a mada eventin which newamaker person who ats press conference) inves journalist hear hm speak and mos! often ask questions. in ' press conference, one or mare speakers may make 8 saterment which may be folowed by questons fom feporers. Sonetines ony questonng osu; ‘sometimes there sa statement vith no questons permite interviews con ead io exlisive sais nd scoops. However for rodueng# good intervie, a greet deal of planning and home work i esse The areas which eee probing need tobe ianified advance. The inteviewer should bul up 2 ‘apport wth he interviewee andmake the Iterenee comfort by having some Diessantaeimnary conversation as relaxed amoepher conducive for 9 good Interven, The iniervener shoud iso be conversant with the handling of ope recorer and a microphone. elore staring an interven, the earrespondent ‘should ear out thorugh check a the sound recording system mero phone snd the Beteres, And alee check the ambient sauna the abet Sound oud then change he loccton whee tis comforabe to broadcast qualty recordin, LESSON &: Structure and Functioning of Newe Services Division and News Room STRUCTURE 30 Objectives 22 News Broadcasting ind: An itive 23 News Sercee Rendered by News Service Dvson (NSO) 24 Nowe Senice Dison NSD} Network 35 News Service Dison (NSD) Organzatensl Setup 36 Functering f General News Room (GNA) 4. Structure and Functioning of News Services Division and News Room Inthe previous session we had suded the Lasson 2 News Sources Le. reporters, coespondens, parttime comespondens, orgncorespondens, news agencies, press Inthe present session we wil sty the organizational suture and functioning of News Serwce Dison and Newsroom 3.0 objectives Aer oi though this lesson, you would be abet: + Describe ogarizatona sructre of News Serie Ohio of Alina Radio 1+ elaborate he fnctoning of General News Room of linda Radio 3.1 intoduetion News Sewice Division, All indie Rado is one of the lege radio news ‘orgnizatons in the wor. works round he-clck, The News Servese Dison ‘oF Al Inga Redo deseminats neve end comment to tenes In Inala end ‘27084 From 27 news buetin in 1989-40, AIR today pts ou 647 Blt aly ‘sound 56 Pours 90 languogesidalects in the Home, Rogirel and External 3.2 News Broadcasting in india: An Initiative ‘The et ofl news bultin va sted on Janey 19,1996 tom Det Staton. Besces, news buletns In Engish and Hindustan, tas on cumtertsfars were ‘eo started rom ne Staton n bo the languages ‘The Cena News Organization now known a8 News Servce Dnison wae set up on August 1, 1957. Mr. Charles Barea took charge a8 the fst News Eator in September and he ater became the frst Decor of News. The outbreak of he Second Word War in 1939 gave an epee to the development of the COrganzaton. The Montoneg Serice was set Up ln 1939 19 monte fregn broadcasrs.n 1943, he Exema cadcest Unt was set up unde he Dec of Nowe. By 1945, the Cental News Organization wos hanging news bulletins n ‘ferent ncanfnguago a¢ wel asin he Extenl Serves, At Independence, ews broadcasts of AiR grew both n quadty end gusty. Mev enphase was lad ‘on national and regional news bullets, 3.3. News Services rendered by News Service Division (NSO) related programmes, News Sarvce Divison is one o! the largest rho news ‘organizatons nthe ort works roundhe-clck, The News Services Dhision ‘Fal nda Rado teeeminstes news and comment to ltenes n Ina and ‘bread. From 27 news etn in 1989-40, AIR today puts ou 647 lets aly {round 85 hours 90 laguagesdalets in the Home, Regional and External (1) Home service Home Series of News Services Drivin broadcasts tom Deby 178 daly news bulletins in Engish, Hina and 33 languages for duration of 22 hours and 17 ‘nutes. The includes é bullet ln external serves in 22 languages In Hind 21 news buletins are broadcast for uratono! wo hore 20 mines whe 26 news bulletins are put out in Engish everyéay for duraton of 3 hours and 08 mines. ‘Thea include two Spo new blleine ons each in Hind and Enghah. Apart rom Hn, 4 news buletns 18 ndan languages for duration of ® hours and 05 minutes ae broaden every day Language buat have over the years become Aer oi though this lesson, you would be abet: + Describe ogarizatona sructre of News Serie Ohio of Alina Radio 1+ elaborate he fnctoning of General News Room of linda Radio 3.1 intoduetion News Sewice Division, All indie Rado is one of the lege radio news ‘orgnizatons in the wor. works round he-clck, The News Servese Dison ‘oF Al Inga Redo deseminats neve end comment to tenes In Inala end ‘27084 From 27 news buetin in 1989-40, AIR today pts ou 647 Blt aly ‘sound 56 Pours 90 languogesidalects in the Home, Rogirel and External 3.2 News Broadcasting in india: An Initiative ‘The et ofl news bultin va sted on Janey 19,1996 tom Det Staton. Besces, news buletns In Engish and Hindustan, tas on cumtertsfars were ‘eo started rom ne Staton n bo the languages ‘The Cena News Organization now known a8 News Servce Dnison wae set up on August 1, 1957. Mr. Charles Barea took charge a8 the fst News Eator in September and he ater became the frst Decor of News. The outbreak of he Second Word War in 1939 gave an epee to the development of the COrganzaton. The Montoneg Serice was set Up ln 1939 19 monte fregn broadcasrs.n 1943, he Exema cadcest Unt was set up unde he Dec of Nowe. By 1945, the Cental News Organization wos hanging news bulletins n ‘ferent ncanfnguago a¢ wel asin he Extenl Serves, At Independence, ews broadcasts of AiR grew both n quadty end gusty. Mev enphase was lad ‘on national and regional news bullets, 3.3. News Services rendered by News Service Division (NSO) related programmes, News Sarvce Divison is one o! the largest rho news ‘organizatons nthe ort works roundhe-clck, The News Services Dhision ‘Fal nda Rado teeeminstes news and comment to ltenes n Ina and ‘bread. From 27 news etn in 1989-40, AIR today puts ou 647 lets aly {round 85 hours 90 laguagesdalets in the Home, Regional and External (1) Home service Home Series of News Services Drivin broadcasts tom Deby 178 daly news bulletins in Engish, Hina and 33 languages for duration of 22 hours and 17 ‘nutes. The includes é bullet ln external serves in 22 languages In Hind 21 news buletins are broadcast for uratono! wo hore 20 mines whe 26 news bulletins are put out in Engish everyéay for duraton of 3 hours and 08 mines. ‘Thea include two Spo new blleine ons each in Hind and Enghah. Apart rom Hn, 4 news buletns 18 ndan languages for duration of ® hours and 05 minutes ae broaden every day Language buat have over the years become themoin source of nation nemtionl and eglons news forthe massesin smal tonne and villages. The evening buletns m Dagi Kesh and Uru ncige 2 commertary on topical subject (2) Regional Service Regional news bultins were inoduced inthe early fies. The fest such news buletns were broaceast in Apri, 1958 fom Lucknow and Nagpur Stans. In 1954-55, Rgionl News Unis weve set yp t Bombay, Mass and Caleta This ‘few steady and at present there ate 45 Regional News Unis functioning in ‘fret pat of he county, 469 news bllns in 75 eon languagesidalects Inching Engish ond Hind are being bosdcas Tor dation of 3 hours ed 10 minutes. Ths inches 290 headinesbuletns on FM and cher requenies om {3 stone (@) Eatemal Service intial, the External Sewices were par ofthe News Serices Dison. They were ‘e-inked om the Dison on September 1S, 198, Howevey, he responsibly of ‘comping the exernal news buletns remains weh the News Services Dvsion At presen, aaa 6 news buletne ate broadest daly n 26 languages (ndian ‘and Foren) or auratono! 9 hours and 12 menses Fy a eso gon he at from Deb wale the remaing tn ules of 1 Rous 20 mutes duration ae put ‘uty ou So Regona Nene Unte~ Mumbal (0), Kolkata (03), Hyderabad (0 ‘nd Chena’ (2), Oharad (13), Armed a6 (2) (4) Nows on FM Rainbow The News Servces Division has been puting out news headlines on FM Rainbow channel since Deh rom May 28, 1995. Twenty fur ne headin bulletins on FM Rainbow ore broadcast roundthe lock fom Delhi The dation of each heacina FM Relnbow buletn rom Dehn is]one minus apron At present 40 AIR ‘atone are broadening FE Headines (6) Nows on FM Gold FM Goll, the news and entertainment chanel was launched on September 1, 2001. The Channel cares news on the hou cginaing rm Debi. Composte broadcast daly fo duration of 30 minutes each. The channel has also some specinized programmes tke ‘Market Marta (Business Magezice) end ‘Spots ‘Samvaad and ‘Counsywide based on itrviews wth prominent personalities. Sore other news programmes inroduced recently ae Aa| Saere,Parkrara, Publ speak & Word News (6) News on Phone Service AIR’: News-on-Phone (NOP) sence was intodueed on Februsy 25,1958 fom Debi. The serves provides the atest neve tghighs in Hind and Enghsh 18 Isener anywhere n the world on phone by ding speciied numbers. NOP services are nom avalable rom 14 AIR stations incdng Dal 34 3s 36 News Service Division (NSD) Network NSD cubsorbes tothe news vite agencies - UNI, PTI and her corresponding Hana services ~ Univaria and Bhasha. Another cour of news isthe Mentoring Unt (Engen ané Hind) stashed fo the General Nowe Room (GNR) andthe Cental Mentoring Services (CMS), whien moniter the bulwtine of moje broadeatingcrganlstona othe word A Reso News Exchange Programme has been tated wth the members ofthe Aa Pcie Broaseating Union to broaden the news coverage, An infomation Technology Unt was set op at Delo tke tare of hei rauiement NSD. The Unt hae setup an imeral Webste 1 tera the news requirement fhe Regional News Unis and others News Service Division (NSD): Organizational Setup “The News Serce Dasion (NSD) is headed by the Dvectr General News, wh ie azscied by four Adon! Dractrs General and seven Orecionl Otfees, They Superise the fanctning ofthe General News Room (GNR), Reposing Unts Conant fas Unts, Language Unis, Regonal News Unts andthe Mantorag Service. The mantoring service, monte broadcasts by foreign radio talons and ‘makes them aval oA Inia Rado. ‘Apart tom receiving nowe rom news agencies, AIR has over a hundred regular covespenderts the state canta and eter mporant cones. It also hac 232 ‘srt vel pantie correspondents spread al over he county, Besies, here fare seven speral correspondents posted 203d Functioning of General News Room (GNA) ‘Through al news sources, AIR receives thee 16 four lakh words of news ems daly Ris responsbity ofthe news edtors of AIR woking inthe General News Roam Deh to examine tis copy and slet he usable tems. ‘The General News Room of AIR called GN, furctons roundtheclock in four thts and hanes ove 300 bulletin in 24 hours, ach sits headed by an Edtor--Charge, assed by a number of Asietant tore, Sub-Edtors and Compliation Edtors, The Ete nchargo is

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