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Object Description

Para esta actividad debes escoger un objeto para describir utilizando al

menos 10 adjetivos y cuidando el orden que deben de seguir de acuerdo con
lo visto en clase. La descripción puedes elaborarla en una hoja de tu
cuaderno o en Word y la enviarás a través de esta plataforma, máximo 120
Descripción de mi computadora:
I have a large computer, as it takes up a lot of space on my desk, it has a few
small cables attached to the back and some circular stickers. I've had it for a
while so you could say it's old, about 4 years since it was given to me. It has a
square shape which allows me to accommodate it in a better way, it is black with
blue, White, yellow, red, etc. coloured inputs. This computer was given to me for
work purposes (my homework) on the condition that I had a good enough grade.
As far as I can see it is made of some metallic material, but I can't identify it, with
holes for the air to enter the fan so that it doesn't get too hot. On the inside it is
dirty as a lot of dust gets in, but on the outside it looks clean.

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