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1. ABRUPT (adj)
a. The _______ of his departure left everyone at the party feeling puzzled and concerned.
b. The roller coaster climbed to its highest point and then dropped _______, leaving riders
screaming with excitement.

2. ERUPT (v)
a. The sudden _______ of the volcano caught the nearby village by surprise, forcing
residents to evacuate quickly.
b. Recent volcanic _______ have claimed the lives of journalists and scientists.

3. BEHAVE (v)
a. I know you were upset, but that doesn't excuse your _______.
b. The _______ dog sat patiently by its owner's side, waiting for a treat as a reward for its
good manners.
c. Emotional and _______ problems were most prevalent in school-aged children.
d. Any child caught _______ was made to stand at the front of the class.
e. The school expelled him for persistent _______.

4. CAN (n)
a. When camping, they relied on _______ foods for their meals, as they were convenient
and required minimal preparation.

5. COAST (n)
a. The _______ town was a popular vacation destination, known for its beautiful beaches
and fresh seafood.

6. COLLAPSE (v; n)
a. She bought a _______ water bottle for her hiking trip, as it took up minimal space in her
backpack when not in use.
b. Thousands of buildings _______ in the earthquake.
A. collapsed B. were collapsed

7. DAMAGE (v; n)
a. Despite the severe storm that hit the town, their house remained _______.
b. Lead is potentially _______ to children's health.
c. Many chemicals have a _______ effect on the environment.
d. The earthquake caused damage _______ property estimated at $6 billion.
A. for B. to C. on D. about
e. Smoking seriously damages _______ your health.
A. for B. to C. on D. (no preposition)
8. DESTROY (v)
a. The earthquake caused loss of life and property _______.
b. The war demonstrated the _______ power of modern weapons.
c. Sugar is the _______ of healthy teeth.

a. It was a _______ mistake which he lived to regret.
b. How could everything go so _______ wrong?
c. The town was declared a _______ area after the floods.
A. disaster B. disastrous

10. .................... (v; n)

a. The school regularly conducted fire _______ to ensure students and staff were prepared
for emergency situations.
A. actions B. steps C. drills D. performances
b. The children were _______ to leave the classroom quickly when the fire bell rang.
A. activated B. stepped C. drilled D. performed

11. EXPECT (v)

a. The student's _______ eruption of laughter during the lecture disrupted the professor's
train of thought.
b. The football team _______ won the championship, despite being considered the
underdogs throughout the season.
c. We certainly had a reasonable _______ of success.
d. Contrary to all _______, she was accepted by the academy.
e. Japanese people have a very high life _______.
f. The _______ father paced nervously in the waiting room, eager to meet his newborn
child for the first time.
g. She shouldn't be lifting those boxes if she's _______.

12. FORECAST (v; n)

a. The sports _______'s impressive predictions gained him a large fan base.
The storm's path / from significant damage / had been / the coastline / , / but it shifted
direction / forecast to hit / and spared the area / . //
 The storm's path
13. PREDICT (v)
a. The data can be used to make useful economic _______.
b. The _______ weather in the mountains can make climbing extremely hazardous.

14. FAIL (v)

a. The unexpected power _______ plunged the entire neighbourhood into darkness
b. She fought the disease with _______ good humour.
c. The friend's _______ support, through good times and bad, was a source of comfort and
stability in her life.
15. PREPARE (v)
a. The team has been training hard in _______ for the big game.
b. We made _______ to move to new offices.
c. We'll be better _______ next time.
d. The _______ student was caught off guard by the pop quiz, as she had not studied or
reviewed the material.

16. SEVERE (adj)

a. The crops were _______ damaged.
b. The chances of a full recovery will depend on the _______ of her injuries.

17. TIDE (n)

a. Several villages were destroyed by a huge _______ wave.

18. TRUST (v; n)

a. If you're too _______, other people will take advantage of you.
b. The _______ friend earned respect and trust by keeping promises and confidential
c. The employee's repeated mistakes and dishonesty led to _______ among their
coworkers and superiors.
I want to thank all those people who have placed their trust _______ me.
A. in B. on

19. VOLCANO (n)

a. Geologists understand many of the factors that cause _______ eruptions.

20. WARN (v)

a. There's a _______ on the cigarette packet that says "Cigarettes cause cancer".
b. Don’t ignore the _______ signs of stress.
21. FIX (v)
a. _______ prices at the tourist attraction made budget planning easy for visitors.
b. All _______ and fittings are included in the house price.

22. PATH (n)

a. The tornado destroyed everything _______ its path.
A. on B. in

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