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Le Hong Phong High School

Teacher: Vu My Lan



1. The oil _______ was so serious that the environmentalists had to spend weeks cleaning.
A. span B. crash C. wreck D. spill
2. Some of the residents refused to be ________ from the flooding areas.
A. vacated B. evacuated C. removed D. relocated
3. After the landslide, mud _________ many houses in the village.
A. sank B. buried C. drowned D. submerged
4. It is very dangerous to have a gas ________ in enclosed areas.
A. spill B. drip C. leak D. outlet
5. Mark got a _______ ankle when he played football with his friends.
A. sprained B. twisting C. scratched D. wounded
6. The cat left some ________ on the sofa; I should not have got it.
A. scratches B. twists C. cracks D. tracks
7. Just a few minutes after the fall, Helen’s knee became ________.
A. puffed B. inflated C. rounded D. swollen
8. It was a miracle when all 16 people could ________ the shipwreck.
A. survive B. save C. overcome D. get over
9. After the lost ships were found, all of the fishing villagers felt ______.
A. restrained B. revived C. relieved D. retreated
10. I ________ Mom to make me a cherry cake for birthday when I was young.
A. was used to ask B. would ask C. often ask D. was asking
11. A ______ moon is the one moving towards a new moon.
A. waning B. waxing C. full D. half
12. The _______ of the moon change in a progressive sequence.
A. stages B. periods C. steps D. phases
13. It takes the moon about 28 days to _______ the earth.
A. surround B. whirl C. rotate D. orbit
14. Mark has become ________ rich after the TV show.
A. vastly B. incredibly C. seriously D. invariably
15. We, ________, have to present a topic of our own choice.
A. by nature B. on the spot C. in rotation D. with regard
16. ______ of lightnings lit up the sky and we could hear _______ of thunder.
A. Bolts/rolls B. Shades/ roars C. Flakes/ rounds D. Rays/ rolls
17. Mark’s face is like ________; he has just found out that his colleagues played a trick on him.
A. fog B. thunder C. shower D. heat
18. Nothing _______ the thrill of the storm chase and I never forgot it.
A. beat B. surpassed C. was compared D. was alike
19. Stars are bright ________ of light, while planets reflect light.
A. supplies B. resources C. novae D. streams
20. The soil is _________ after years of cultivation.
A. infertile B. barren C. deserted D. lacking
21. Katie _______ is the nicest receptionist I have ever met.
A. by large B. in most C. by far D. far and wide
22. The bucket has a hole in it. It is ________ water all over the floor.
A. pouring B. dripping C. throwing D. splashing
23. It is ________ with rain outside; you should not cycle to work.
A. pouring B. drizzling C. soaking D. discharging
24. I ______ a shower when I came back from school when I was young.
A. was taking B. ought to take C. had better take D. would take
25. Flames destroyed the factory, but luckily, they workers ______.
A. fled B. evacuated C. survived D. rushed
Le Hong Phong High School
Teacher: Vu My Lan

1. The relationship was ________ with mutual effort to help each other. (strong)
2. The price has been brought to _________ one, but the customers still think it is high. (reduce)
3. Because of the low temperature, the astronaut’s helmet was ________ up with _______. (fog/moist)
4. Don’t get _________ in case of fire (panic). _________ (extinguish) are available on every floor.
5. After years living abroad, Mark felt less ________ to his mother land. Instead, he had a strong
_________ to the country where he spent most time in. (attach)
6. The _______ have been working very hard to protect the wilderness. (conserve)
7. The ________ value of these artifacts is so great that experts have been brought in. (history)
8. The ________ took longer than the astronauts had expected. (lift)
9. Most of the satellites are ________, carrying out missions carefully designed for them. (man)
10. ________ (Allow) were available to cover the cost of hosting an ________. (evacuate)
11. _______ employees will receive training in the next 3 months. (Experience)
12. After the floods, _________ (mass) changes and _________ (restore) have to be taken into account.
13. He left the conference room _______. (notice)
14. I wonder what the _________ (contain) of the course is. I hope it won’t be too ________(family).
15. The company has seen ________ growth for the last 6 months. (phenomenon)

CLOZE – Supply each blank with ONE word

According to experts, shyness is a growing problem in a modern world. This is said to be due to our loss
of social skills, (1)________________ in turn is due to our increasing dependence on computers and telephones
for communicating with other people. To (2)___________ matters worse we only exchange information and our
emotions are suppressed. Consequently, (3)__________ is less face-to-face contact between people nowadays.
Over half the people in the world consider (4)____________to be shy. Shy people don’t just find
(5)___________ hard to deal with other people but they often feel that they are inadequate and blame
themselves whenever anything (6)_____________ wrong, (7)__________ than looking for other causes.
Another cause of shyness may be the way the children are treated when they are (8)____________ up.
Children who are made to feel that the world is a dangerous place and that other people are likely to cheat them
or take (9)___________ of them may well become shy adults. Children who are made to feel that they are special
and that other people are like them are more (10)___________ to be confidential adults.



1. ________ salary should be satisfactory enough for ________ dedication to work.
A. Beginning B. Starting C. Initial D. First
2. _______ farmers can have a 9-5 job, and they can work on shifts.
A. Urban B. Vertical C. Cyber D. Virtual
3. The robots can help _______ food to patients in hospitals.
A. bring out B. hand out C. give away D. make off
4. It’s time to _______ what is going on with the traps.
A. head for B. call on C. bring in D. check out
5. Police are expected to _________ every street in the area at night.
A. walk B. control C. inspect D. patrol
6. Children in the name ‘putters’ pushed heavy trucks of coal along mine _______ in the 19th century.
A. tubes B. paths C. roads D. tunnels
7. Girls worked as ‘piecers’ _______ broken thread in old factories.
A. bound off B. tied off C. connected to D. stitched up
8. Mark is so ________ to the idea of building a public library in the neighborhood.
A. attached B. fond C. anxious D. dedicated
9. Jack got ________ because he has embezzled some money from the office.
A. missed B. sack C. fired D. laid off
Le Hong Phong High School
Teacher: Vu My Lan

10. Robots can _______ bombs as well as any bomb disposal expert.
A. deactivate B. defuse C. decode D. disuse
11. The millionaire decided to ________ half of his fortune to cancer treatment program.
A. hand out B. give away C. do for D. break off
12. The surgeons decide to operate _______ the patient immediately.
A. for B. with C. on D. at
13. Nurses are supposed to ________ patients’ temperature twice every day.
A. measure B. get C. take D. receive
14. He has a high ________ in the company, taking charge of many projects.
A. rank B. position C. class D. status
15. After leaving the airport, we ______ the first place of interest.
A. checked out B. aimed at C. devoted to D. headed for
16. The weather has set ________, raining all the time.
A. in B. out C. off D. over
17. They decided to put _________ the horse because it was too ill.
A. out B. off C. down D. up
18. They asked me to put them ________ for the night, but I refused to do so.
A. down B. in C. out D. up
19. Put the salesman __________ by telling him I am on business. I don’t want to talk to him now.
A. off B. out C. down D. over
20. Again, the price of petrol is put __________.
A. up B. out C. over D. on

1. We need more ________ who can give diverse ideas on the projects. (special)
2. The robots need more time to _________ their batteries. (charge)
3. The role of the foreman is _________ (replace); he makes _________ (parallel)contributions.
4. He has forgot to mention his _________ in the job interview. (qualify)
5. He was ________ in the first tournament due to his fouls. (qualify)
6. He is not suited to the _________ work; he is so selfish. (manage)
7. The child worked ________ in the candlelight in the mine. (industry)
8. The ________ world is by no means gentle and kind to everybody. (industry)
9. He has _________ the importance of learning another foreign language. (mine)
10. _______ admired the artist’s painting talent. (Pass)
11. _______(Punctual) is what most ________ (employ) appreciate in their _________(employ).
12. I love working with young people who are ________ (compete) and _________ (cooperate).
13. The software has been _________ checked and upgraded. (profession)
14. Lola will ________ (define) get the job; no one can be more _________ (qualify) than her.
15. The ________ teachers are in demand in developing countries. (certificate)

Machine learning is an (1)____ of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the (2)_____ to automatically
learn and improve from experience without being (3)______ programmed. Machine learning focuses on the
development of computer programs that can (4)______ data and use it learn for themselves.
The (5)______ of learning begins with observations or data, such as examples, direct experience, or instruction,
in order to look for patterns in data and (6)_____ better decisions in the future based on the examples that we
provide. The primary aim is to allow the computers to learn automatically without human (7)_____ or assistance
and adjust actions (8)_______.

1. A. usage B. application C. adaptation D. addition

2. A. possibility B. competition C. strength D. ability
3. A. explicitly D. completely C. simply D. effectively
4. A. access B. fit C. fix D. acquire
Le Hong Phong High School
Teacher: Vu My Lan

5. A. progress B. process C. sequence D. series

6. A. put B. get C. bring D. make
7. A. intervention B. insertation C. interruption D. isolation
8. A. respectively B. accordingly C. orderly D. physically

Everyone likes the idea of time travel; a time machine would be so handy for reliving a wonderful moment,
(1)_____ a long-dead relative or (2)______ an awful mistake. You could put historians (3)_____ business by
seeing what life was really (4)_____ at the end of the first Millennium. Even better, you could whizz forward in
time and return with sufficient knowledge to make some money , (5)_____ a bet, solve a problem or save a life.
Hollywood scriptwriters adore the fantastic possibilities. (6)______, however, scientists still can’t quite (7)______
up their minds about the possibility of time travel, even though this year (8)______ the 50th anniversary of when
it (9)______ gained a degree of respectability. The subject remains an intellectual minefield. For example, it is
important to distinguish (10)_____ sort of time travel we are talking about.

1. A. talking B. working for C. visiting D. reaching

2. A. making B. mending C. repairing D. correcting
3. A. away from B. without C. into D. out of
4. A. like B. happening C. looked D. described
5. A. earn B. overcome C. win D. hold
6. A. Supposedly B. Surprisingly C. Generally D. Fortunately
7. A. give B. do C. get D. make
8. A. realizes B. stays C. takes D. sees
9. A. originally B. first C. at beginning D. the first place
10. A. what B. whether C. how D. some

Fear of flying is among the most understandable and prevalent of phobias. One person in four suffers (1)______
anxiety at the idea of boarding a plane- as a pet (2)_______ it ranks alongside fear of snakes – and one in 10
refuses to fly under any circumstances. The (3)_________ is not just being 5 miles high with no visible
(4)______ of support, but having absolutely no control. Risks aren’t the problem, but fear. The argument that
we are in greater (5)_______ in a car, or boiling an egg, is irrelevant. The phobia (6)_______ sufferers off from
friends and families and can damage careers. But most can overcome their fear (even if they will never leap
aboard planes with a (7)_________ heart) by understanding more about how and why an aircraft flies, and
learning how to cope with anxiety. There are courses which (8)______ plane-loads of nervous passengers all
about this. About 95 percent of those taking them are then ‘cured’ (9)_______ the extent that they can board
a plane without feeling (10)_______ panic.

1. A. severe B. harsh C. austere D. stern

2. A. disgust B. distaste C. hate D. horror
3. A. agony B. pain C. distress D. depression
4. A. grounds B. resource C. means D. resort
5. A. hazard B. peril C. menace D. threat
6. A. brings B. breaks C. cuts D. chops
7. A. soft B. gentle C. bright D. light
8. A. instruct B. teach C. guide D. direct
9. A. to B. with C. by D. in
10. A. overwhelming B. exaggerating C. exceeding D. overbrimming

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