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 Write 10-15 sentences about the job you want in Tourism Field

In the future I would like to be the director of human resources in a travel agency .
I like this job because it is very interesting but also well paid. I am an open person , so I
think that working with new staff will not be a problem .
   The human resources department is one of the most important sectors in an agency. If
managed strategically, it could improve the business in several ways: both financially and
professionally. This department also takes care of the staff coming in and out of the
company and their remuneration. The company needs people with the same interests as
the company's objectives and the human resources department is always ready to look for
these people to be hired. I love to talk to people, so I want it to be in my department , be
free and friendly communication. The same goes for the selection interview with new
staff to run in a pleasant and stress-free atmosphere.
    It is a hard work, but without it no travel agency can function because , due to the
human framework, all work is done in the agency. We people coordinate the mulch
carried out and we are responsible for its effects .
  So I have to work a lot to get to such a job, but it is even more difficult to lead all the
employees in the agency.

Popovici Diana.
Grupa – T -171

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