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400 J. Chem. If. Comput. Sci.

1991, 31, 400-408

THERM: A Computer Code for Estimating Thermodynamic Properties for Species Important
to Combustion and Reaction Modeling
Department of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, and Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of
Technology, Newark, New Jersey 07 102
Received January 14, 1991

A computer package has been developed called THERM, an acronym for THermodynamic
property Estimation for Radicals and Molecules. THERM is a versatile computer code designed
to automate the estimation of ideal gas phase thermodynamic properties for radicals and molecules
important to combustion and reaction-modeling studies. Thermodynamic properties calculated
include heat of formation and entropies at 298 K and heat capacities from 300 to 1500 K. Heat
capacity estimates are then extrapolated to above 5000 K, and NASA format polynomial
thermodynamic property representations valid from 298 to 5000 K are generated. This code
is written in Microsoft Fortran version 5.0 for use on machines running under MSDOS. THERM
uses group additivity principles of Benson and current best values for bond strengths, changes
in entropy, and loss of vibrational degrees of freedom to estimate properties for radical species
from parent molecules. This ensemble of computer programs can be used to input literature
data, estimate data when not available, and review, update, and revise entries to reflect im-
provements and modifications to the group contribution and bond dissociation databases. All
input and output files are ASCII so that they can be easily edited, updated, or expanded. In
addition, heats of reaction, entropy changes, Gibbs free-energy changes, and equilibrium constants
can be calculated as functions of temperature from a NASA format polynomial database.

INTRODUCTION and other interaction groups are also included to correct for
Detailed reaction mechanisms are widely used in simulations such things as optical isomers. One aspect that distinguishes
of processes such as combustion and chemical vapor deposition THERM from other computer implementations of group
(CVD). Such models, based upon fundamental thermody- additivity is the bond dissociation group data file. These data
namic and kinetic principles, can offer insight into the con- are included for the estimation of radical species important
trolling chemistry of such complex phenomena. In developing to high-temperature reaction-modeling and combustion studies.
detailed reaction mechanisms, researchers must supply accu- Groups include bond dissociation energy, entropy change, and
rate thermodynamic data over a wide temperature range for heat capacity change reflecting loss of an H atom from a
all stable and radical species considered in a mechanism. The parent stable molecule.
THERM computer code was developed to aid in estimating Other computer have been developed to use Benson’s
this data. group additivity method. Most notable is the CHETAH program
THERM relies upon the principles of group additivity as distributed by the ASTM.*,’,* CHETAH is designed specifically
developed by Benson and co-workers1 to estimate thermody- for use in chemical reaction hazard assessment, which is not
namic properties for species where literature data are not addressed by THERM. THERM was designed specifically
available. Benson’s group additivity is referred to as a sec- to automate several routine tasks encountered in reaction-
ond-order estimation technique2 since it incorporates non next modeling studies. THERM outputs data directly in a format
nearest neighbor corrections and steric effects. Less sophis- that can be used with such industry-standard modeling codes
ticated estimation techniques include first-order or bond ad- as CHEMKIN,9 HTC,l0 and STANJAN.” In addition,
ditivity methods and zero-order or atomic contribution THERM automates the update of molecules to reflect changes
methods. It should be noted that with the exception of a few in group contributions. It should be emphasized that some
properties such as the molecular weight, zero-order atomic group contributions have been estimated based upon other
contributions are of little value. First-order methods work well group contributions due to the lack of available thermodynamic
for simple molecules such as normal hydrocarbons. These, property data. It is desirable to easily recalculate thermo-
however, are less accurate for more complex molecules. dynamic property estimafes to allow new data to be incorpo-
Second-order group contribution techniques incorporate im- rated as it becomes available. This is especially true for
portant corrections for cyclization, gauche interactions, steric bond-dissociation energies, where estimates and measurements
effects, repulsive and attractive effects for aromatic substitu- are continually being refined.
Group Contribution Database. Group contributions were
ents, etc. In principle, there is no limit to the number of
interaction groups which can be included, nor to the accuracy derived by Benson and co-workers and various other re-
which can be obtained when these effects are taken into s e a r c h e r ~ ’ * ~by ~ - ~ ~ similar groups of molecules with
* ’ breaking
consideration. There are two limitations to this approach, known thermodynamic properties into their constituent groups
however. First, there are only limited thermodynamic data and then performing multivariable linear regression to find
available to determine the interaction contributions. Secondly, group contributions that gave the best fit to available exper-
one must recognize the interactions of importance a priori, or imental data.
resulting estimates will be less accurate than anticipated. Sources for the group database are presented elsewhere.5
Nevertheless, this method of group contributions has been Group data files contain group identification (name) followed
embraced as the best all-around method for estimating ideal by contributions to AHrO and So at 298 K and Cp’s at 300,
gas thermodynamic proper tie^.^-^ 400,500,600,800,1O00, and I500 K (if available). This data
THERM includes groups for hydrocarbons, oxygen, nitro- is arranged in a tabular format, with a reference included for
gen, halogen, and sulfur-containing species. Ring correction all groups not directly from Benson. The reference information
is on the same line as the group data, following the C,,entry
‘Present address: Departmentof Chemical Engineering,Villanova University, for 1500 K. THERM allows an on-line review of the group
Villanova, PA 19085. database including references entries.
0095-2338/91/1631-0400$02.50/0 0 1991 American Chemical Society
THERM J . Chem. If. Comput. Sci.. Vol. 31, No. 3, 1991 401

Program F l o w c h a r t M o I . c u ~ ~ / R ~ ~ I c ~ I


Descr l o tion

1nDut to CHEMKIN Tharmodynemlc
Analysis tor

Figure 1. Functional diagram for the THERM ensemble of programs. Emphasized boxes are used to distinguish programs from file input
and output. THERM consists of four programs: THERM, THERMFIT, THERMLST, and THERMRXN.

The group database is subdivided into seven files, currently emphasized with heavy boxes to distinguish them from in-
containing more than 300 entries. A user may choose to teractive or file input and output. The parent program is
change the number of files or the file names by changing THERM, which uses a group contribution database in addition
information in the configuration file, THERM.CFG. When to a molecule/radical description to estimate the thermody-
THERM is running, all group data, including reference in- namic properties for species of interest. THERM generates
formation, are memory resident. As a result, searches for both a tabular listing or "LIST" file and a documentation or
group information and calculation of properties are nearly "DOC" file which contain the information about the species
instantaneous. This large memory requirement limits the that were estimated or entered to the database. The LIST
number of groups in memory to 400. If a database is expanded file contains the heat of formation (AHfo)and entropy ( S O )
beyond 400 entries, the program will prompt the user to choose at 298 K (AH:), heat capacities (C,)between 300 and 1500
which files are needed for the current session when the pro- K, creation data, phase (gas), number of internal rotors, and
gram is first started. elemental composition in a 132-column table format (see Table
Group data files supplied with THERM contain primarily, I). The DOC file contains this information along with the
group values of Benson' and Stein and Fahr.'' Additional groups which were considered, species molecular formula, and
groups that were derived as part of this work have been made symmetry correction to the entropy. DOC file entries for
consistent with Benson group values. Other hydrocarbon group radical species include the bond-dissociation energy and en-
data have recently been published by researchers such as tropy correction for electron spin in addition. Examples of
Cohen12 and D ~ m a l s k ihowever,
;~ these do not form a com- this format are presented in Figures 3b and 4b. As shown in
prehensive database. Although the revised hydrocarbon group Figure 1, the molecule description either can be input from
values are based upon more recent experimental data, Benson the keyboard by the user or can be read from a DOC file. An
group values have been selected for distribution with THERM. entire DOC file can be processed automatically, allowing
Mixing revised hydrocarbon groups with other Benson groups, database entries (DOC and LIST files) to be recalculated to
such as those for halogens, may result in erroneous estimates. reflect changes to the group contribution database. This
This may occur since halogen and other Benson groups were function is particularly useful when one wishes to incorporate
derived with Benson's hydrocarbon group values and not the new literature data for bond energies or to examine the effect
revised hydrocarbon group values. Group data files can be of uncertainties in group values. This allows the database to
edited, however, so that a user can employ any groups he remain flexible to new input, eliminating a significant barrier
chooses. Group data files, like all of THERM'S files, are to the use of new data when it becomes available. Data in
ASCII and can be easily altered by using any convenient text Table I and Figure 3b are shown with units of kJ/mol (Up)
editor to change group values or add new groups to the data and J/(mol.K) (Sand C ); however, units can easily be toggled
files. between these units and tcal/mol (AH:) and cal/(mol-K) (So
and Cp). THERM can read, write, and translate files in either
T H E T H E R M COMPUTER PACKAGE: S T R U C T U R E set of units.
A N D FUNCTIONS The THERM parent programs can spawn the three child
Figure 1 presents a functional diagram which shows the processes THERMFIT, THERMLST, and THERMRXN.
relation of the THERM ensemble of computer programs to The subdivision of the package into these programs was ne-
one another. Individual executable computer programs are cessitated by memory limitations encountered under MSDOS.
402 J . Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 31, No. 3, 1991 RITTER


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 Lr ZLL
- N - - N - - O - ~ N N - N N - N ~ W ~ ~ O ~ ~ "
THERM J. Chem. InJ Comput. Sci., Vol. 31, No. 3, 1991 403
300., lOOO., 5000.
C6H50 3/20/89 THERMC 6H 50 1 OG 300.000 5000.000 1404.000 01
1.573247643+01 1.54394760E-02-5.31383756E-06 8.28591116E-10-4.82238305E-14 2
-1.76799222E+03-6.20052317E+01-3.73072513E+OO 6.71840729E-02-5.88121307E-05 3
2.61335718E-08-4.61968583E-12 4.318275643+03 4.022133343+01 4
CH30CH3 3/20/89 THERMC 2H 60 1 OG 300.000 5000.000 1364.000 21
8.436311623+00 1.30235626E-02-4.45885307E-06 6.93233262E-10-4.0275754OE-14 2
-2.62777965E+O4-2.24530764E+Ol 1.532632003+00 2.37669572E-02-8.1417755OE-06 3
-5.294519293-10 5.96605679E-13-2.32831259E+04 1.663408853+01 4

column numbers:
1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

I23456789 1123456789 1123456789 1123456789 I123456789I123456789 I1234567891123456789 I

a1 ---->
a6 ---->
all --->
a2 ---->
a7 ---->
a12 --->
a3 ---->
a8 ---->
a13 --->
a4 ---->
ag ---->
a14 --->
a10 - -:I 2

Each of these child programs fulfills a specific function. They three subsequent lines contain the 14 polynomial coefficients
can be run either from within the THERM main program or as described in the caption to Figure 2. Thermodynamic
directly from the DOS prompt. THERMFIT is used to ex- properties are calculated from these coefficients by using eqs
trapolate C, data contained in a LIST file from IO00 to 5000 1-3.
K and create NASA format polynomial^^^^^ for direct use by Since these polynomial coefficients cannot be easily reviewed
CHEMKIN and other codes which use this format. The for thermodynamic property data, the program THERMLST
resulting polynomial representations of thermodynamic data is included to create a LIST tabular format from polynomial
are valid from 298 to 5000 K and are written to a file that files. This program can be used to list other NASA polynomial
contains polynomial coefficients. files such as those supplied with CHEMKIN.
Polynomial representations for heat capacity, enthalpy, and THERM contains a program called THERMRXN.
entropy functions use the following equations: THERMRXN is used to examine heats of reaction. To use
THERMRXN one simply enters a reaction expression from
heat capacity the keyboard such as the following:
c,(T) = R(Ul + u ~ T+ U 3 P + U 4 p + U 5 p ) T > Tbk +
H CY 13PD = C*CC. C2H2 + (4)
C,(T) = Species are delimited by the operations + and =, and spaces
R(U8 + agT + UloP + U l l p + U l 2 T ' ) T < Tbk (1)
are not required. In this reaction expression, H is an H atom,
CY 13PD is cyclopentadiene, C*CC. is allyl radical, and C2H2
enthalpy function is acetylene. AHdm, ASdm, AG-, and the equilibrium
constant K, are then calculated and displayed as functions of
HO(T)= R [ u ~ +
T ( ~ 2 / 2 ) P+ ( ~ 3 / 3 ) P+ ( ~ 4 / 4 ) P+ temperature as shown in Table 11.
(a5/4)p + 061 T > Tbk In this example one can see that equilibrium strongly favors
the products allyl radical plus acetylene for addition of H atom
Ho(T)= R[QT + ( U 9 / 2 ) P + (alo/3)p + (U11/4)p + to cyclopentadiene at temperatures above 800 K. Similar
( a I d 5 ) p + 0131 T < Tbk (2) thermodynamic analyses for reaction can be obtained for any
reaction involving species in the database. This can be useful
entropy for checking the thermodynamic consistency of reactions in
a detailed reaction mechanism. THERMRXN also accepts
So(?")= R[al In ( T ) + a2T + ( a 3 / 2 ) P + (a4/3)7' + and processes CHEMKIN reaction description input files to
(05/4)p + 071 T > Tbk facilitate examination of larger systems of reactions.
Additional features worth noting include on-line help, editing
So(T) = R [ u In
~ (T) + agT + (ulo/2)P + (uI1/3)7' + capabilities, and file conversion utilities. The THERM main
(ai2/4)p aid T < Tbk (3) program comes with a significant amount of help accessed
simply by entering a question mark "?" in response to a prompt
where R is the gas constant, Tis the temperature in Kelvin, for input. Errors or modifications to species that were esti-
ul-u14are the polynomial coefficients described in Figure 2, mated may be addressed by THERM'S built-in species editor.
and Tbk is the break point temperature (a point of forced This is not a sophisticated full-screen editor, but allows one
tangency between the two polynomials). to change groups, symmetry numbers, etc. without leaving the
THERMFIT accepts input directly from the keyboard or program or aborting the current molecule and starting again.
from a LIST file and creates NASA format polynomials In addition, one can make modifications to bond energies or
similar to that shown in Figure 2. The NASA format includes calculated property values. All changes are recorded. Lastly,
four lines for each species. The first contains the species name, THERM and THERMRXN utilize formatted direct-access
creation date/reference, elemental composition, phase, lower ASCII files for speed. This format requires that each line be
and upper temperature limit, break point temperature, number the same length so that the program can access the file directly
of internal rotors in the species, and the index number 1. The by line number. Since ASCII editors create sequential files
404 J . Chem. I n j Comput. Sci., Vol. 31, No. 3, 1991 RITTER

Table 11. Example Thermodynamic Property Change for Reaction Output

Rx H + CY 13PD - c+cc. + C2H2
AHfo (kcal/mol) 52.100 32.400 40.750 54.100
S (cal/mol.K) 27.300 64.100 63.010 48.000
dH, (kcal/mol) (298 K) = 10.35 dH, av (298.0, 1500.0 K) = 9.26
dU (dE) (kcal/mol) (298 K) = 10.35 dU, av (298.0, 1500.0 K) = 9.26
dS,(cal/mol.K) (298 K) = 19.61 dS, av (298.0, 1500.0 K) = 18.77
dG, (kcal/mol) (298 K) = 4.50 dG, av (298.0, 1500.0 K) = -7.61
K.- (298
. K) = 4.997E - 04 K ,- av (298.0,
. 1500.0 K ) = 7.095E + 01
T (K) d H (kcal/mol) d U (kcal/mol) d S (cal/mol.K) Kc d G (kcal/mol)
300.00 1.035E+01 1.035E+01 1.963E+OI 5.566E-04 4.4678+00
400.00 1.054E+01 1.054E+01 2.016E+0l 4.455842 2.4738+00
500.00 1.059E+01 1.059E+01 2.028E+OI 6.369E-01 4.482E-O1
600.00 1.053E+01 1.053E+01 2.01 8E+01 3.751E+00 -3.576E+00
800.00 1.021E+01 1.021E+01 1.9728+01 3.326E+OI -5.570E+00
1000.00 9.708E+00 9.708E+00 1.917E+O 1 1.169E+02 -9.4608+00
1200.00 9.120E+00 9.120E+00 1.863E+01 2.579E+02 -1.324E+01
1500.00 8.172E+00 8.172E+00 1.793E+01 5.343E+02 -1.872E+01
2000.00 6.5528+00 6.552E+00 1.700E+01 9.974E+02 -2.7448+01

(lines of different lengths), THERM comes with a file utility a

called STOD (sequential to direct) to accommodate file con- Phenyl-cyclohexadiene
version after editing a DOC or polynomial file.
l2 6 5
To utilize the Benson approach to thermodynamic property
estimation, one must first become familiar with the notation 9
used to designate each group. Each molecule is broken down Groups Considered
into its constituent groups by the user, and then groups are # id quantity
entered. There are a few rules used to describe group names.
1 CB/C 1
Groups for saturated carbons always have the four atoms
2-6 CB/H 5
bonded to this center represented in the group name. Groups
for olefinic carbons, on the other hand, contain only the two 7 C/CB/CO/C/H 1
atoms attached to this center by single bonds in the name; 8+11 CD/C/H 2
while nonfused ring aromatic carbons contain only the atoms 9+10 CO/CO/H 2
which are attached to the ring by single bonds in the group 12 C/CD/C/H2 1
name. For example, a terminal methyl group in a normal I 3 CY/CG/DE13 1
alkane is represented by the group C/C/H3, a terminal olefinic
carbon is represented by CD/H2 (CD stands for double b
bonded carbon), and any carbon in benzene is represented by SPECIES
CB/H (CB stands for benzene-type carbon). Corrections for Thenno estimation for molecule
cyclic species (ring corrections) begin with the letters CY PHCHD C6HSC6H7
designating a cyclic correction. The number of carbon atoms GROUPS 7
follow, along with an "E" designating alkene or "DE" for diene GI # - GROUP ID - Quantity Gr # - GROUP I D - Quantity
if applicable. The ring corrections for cyclopropane, cyclo- 1 -
CB/H - 5 1 5 - CD/C/H - 2
2 -
ce/c - 1 1 6 - CD/CD/H - 2
propene, cyclopentane, cyclopentene, cyclopentadiene, and 3 -
C/C/CB/CD/H - 1 1 7 - CY/C6/DE/13 - 1
cyclohexa- 1.4-diene are represented by CY/C3, CY /C3E, 4 -
C/C/CD/HI - 1
Hf S Cp 3 0 0 400 500 600 800 1000 1500
CY/CS, CY/CSE, CY/CS/DE, and CY/C6/DE/14, re-
spectively. Ring corrections for heterocyclic species such as NROTORS: 1
50.62 100.88 40.91 55.77 68.49
7 8 . 6 1 9 3 . 5 9 1 0 3 . 8 4 118.58

furan, ethylene oxide, and pyrrole are represented by CY/ SYKMETRY 2

C 4 0 / D E , C Y / C 3 0 , and CY/C4N/DE, respectively. CREATION DATE: 4/30/91
Benzene and fused aromatic rings require no additional ring
corrections; however, they may require correction for sub- Figure 3. (a) Structure for 5-phenyl-I ,3-cyclohexadiene is shown
decomposed into its constituent group. (b) Image of the documentation
stituent interactions. file output for 5-phenyl- 1,3-~yclohexadiene.
Estimation of molecules is best illustrated with an example.
Figure 3a shows 5-phenyl- 1,3-~yclohexadieneand its associated carbon, and a hydrogen atom. The ring correction for a cy-
groups. Group 1 (CB/C) represents a nonfused aromatic clohexadienyl ring system is represented by group 13 (CY/
carbon (similar to benzene) that is attached to a saturated C6/DE/ 13). After entering these group identifications, the
carbon. Groups 2-6 (CB/H) represent nonfused aromatic estimated thermodynamic properties are displayed as shown
carbons attached to hydrogens. Group 7 (C/CB/CD/C/H) in Figure 3b.
represents a saturated carbon that is attached to a benzene There are a few differences between the group names listed
carbon (CB), an olefinic carbon (CD), another saturated else where'^^,^^ and those used with THERM. For example,
carbon (C), and a hydrogen atom. Groups 8 and 11 (CD/ all letters in a group name are capitalized. The ligands'
C/H) represent olefinic carbons attached to saturated carbons identifications follow that for the central atom in alphabetical
and hydrogens. Groups 9 and 10 (CD/CD/H) represent order separated by a slash "/". Therefore, Benson's C-(H)&
olefinic carbons attached to a second olefinic carbon and a becomes C/C/H3 and C-(CI),(H)(C) becomes C/C/CIZ/H
hydrogen. Group 12 (C/C/CD/H2) represents a saturated for the purposes of input to THERM. Alphabetic order for
carbon attached to another saturated carbon, an olefinic ligands was chosen, since this makes it much easier to re-
THERM J . Chem. In$ Comput. Sci., Vol. 31, No. 3, 1991 405

Table 111 a
AHt’(298 K) Phenyl-cyclohexadienyl
(kcai/mol) Radical
formula species calcd exp 6HfQ ref
CHSN methylamine -5.28 -5.50 0.22 39
C2H3CI vinyl chloride 5.06 8.40 -3.34 38
C2H502N nitroethane -25.30 -24.45 -0.85 39
C2H7N dimethylamine -4.76 -4.45 -0.32 39
C3H7CI 1-chloropropane -31.93 -31.52 -0.41 39
C3H7CI 2-chloropropane -34.87 -34.63 -0.24 39
C3H8 propane -25.33 -25.02 -0.31 39 start with phchd parent
C3H9N trimethylamine -5.84 -5.66 -0.17 39
C4H6 I-butyne 39.55 39.55 0.00 38 BD g r o u p : CHD
C4H6 2-butyne 34.70 34.97 -0.27 38
C4H 1 IN diethylamine -18.20 -17.33 -0.87 39 phchd. = phchd + chd
C5H8 spiropentane 44.14 44.26 -0.12 39
7.82 8.10 -0.28
-18.74 -18.26 -0.48
C6H5CI chlorobenzene 12.30 12.43 4 . 1 2 39 assumes loss o f H atom
C6H5F fluorobenzene -27.86 -27.72 -0.14 39
C6H5Br bromobenzene 25.10 25.19 -0.09 39 f r o m the parent
C6H8N2 phenyl hydrazine 48.30 48.49 -0.19 39
C6H 12 cyclohexane -29.58 -29.49 -0.09 39 b
C6H12 methyl cyclopentane -25.91 -25.38 -0.53 39 SPECIES
C7H80 anisole -17.10 -16.23 -0.87 39 PHCHD.
C8H IO m-xylene 3.82 4.13 4 . 3 2 39 Therm0 estimation for radical
C9H 12 mesitylene -4.17 -3.80 -0.37 39 RADICAL BASED U W N PARENT PHCHD
C I OH7C1 chloronaphthalene 28.59 28.63 -0.04 38 PARENT FORMLIIA C6H5C6H7
C I2H8C12 4,4’-dichlorobiphenyl 28.01 28.94 -0.93 38 PARENT SYMMETRY 2
C14HI2 I,l-diphenylethylene 58.64 58.71 -0.07 4 UN1TS:KCAL
C 16H I O pyrene 55.20 53.94 1.26 39 Gr # - GROUP ID - Quantity Gr # --GROUP ID -
1 - CB/H -5 I 5 CD/C/H
- - 2
- -1 1
member the group names. This represents a significant im-
provement over the original notation presented in Benson’
-- CB/C
1 I
1 I
- 2

- 1

where the order appears somewhat arbitrary. In addition, the Hf S Cp 100 400 500 600 800 1000 1500

notation used for THERM requires fewer keystrokes and does

not require the use of the shift key. These differences make NROTORS: 1
75.14 100.40 39.01 53.48 65.85 75.61 90.03 99.81

data entry much more straight-forward. Group names can R ln(2) has been added to S to account
be changed to those of Benson if the database files are edited. for unpaired electron
This is left to the user if it is deemed important. Additional BOND 76.62
description of the groups used with this code is presented ENDSPECIES
else~here.~ Figure 4. (a) Structure for phenylcyclohexadienyl radical is shown
It should be pointed out that THERM makes no attempt describing the bond-dissociation group. (b) Image of the documen-
to reduce a structure to groups, nor is there any plan to use tation file output for phenylcyclohexadienyl radical.
a graphical interface to draw a molecule and have the program EXTRAPOLATING THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES
deduce groups. This is not the purpose for this code. The focus TO 5000 K WITH THERMFIT
of this code is a variety of sophisticated extrapolation and
fitting techniques, in addition to the automation of several file As noted earlier, CHEMKIN and other computer codes
conversion and recalculation operations. utilize a modified NASA format polynomial representation
To estimate the thermodynamic properties for radical for thermodynamic properties,s25 as described by eqs 1-3 and
species, first estimate the parent molecule and then apply a Figure 2. This format utilizes two fourth-order polynomials
bond dissociation increment to it to reflect the loss of an H to describe the heat capacity (C ), enthalpy, and entropy
atom. This is illustrated in Figure 4, parts a and b. Radicals functions from 298 to 5000 K. fhese polynomials have a
may also be estimated directly by using Benson’s groups for forced tangency at a break point temperature. The low-tem-
radical centers. The choice is left to the user. perature polynomial is utilized for temperatures below the
Table 111 compares estimated AH?’s from THERM with break point, while the high-temperature polynomial is utilized
literature data for several species. Data compared here agree for temperatures above the break point. In Figure 5 these
within 1 kcal/mol in most cases. It should be pointed out that polynomials are graphically compared with the data of Do-
some classes of compounds do not fit as well as others. Classes rafeeva et a].%for the cycloheptatriene heat capacity function.
such as polycyclic aromatic and chloroalkenes have larger A total of 10 parameters are required for this format. Group
errors in estimates from group additivity. Two examples are additivity, however, gives C, estimates at only six temperatures
presented: an error of -3.34 kcal/mol for vinyl chloride and covering only one-fifth the range of interest. Polynomials,
an error for pyrene of 1.26 kcal/mol. All other species shown therefore, cannot be generated directly from group additivity
are within 1 kcal/mol of the selected literature value. A estimates. It is necessary to utilize more sophisticated models
comparison of several literature source^^.^*,^^ shows that re- to extrapolate low-temperature C, data to higher temperatures.
ported experimental AHro’s may differ by as much as 1 Once a suitable extrapolation has been obtained, sufficient data
kcal/mol for polycyclic hydrocarbons, while even larger un- points can be-generated from this model to create the NASA
certainties may exist for some chlorocarbons. Benson’ gives format polynomials. The polynomial fitting method used by
typical error limits for group additivity AHroestimates to be THERMFIT is presented el~ewhere.~
f0.5 kcal/mol, but ranging as high as f 3 kcal/mol for heavily THERMFIT includes three such more sophisticated C
substituted species. One must remain aware of these uncer- models allowing C, estimates to be extrapolated to 5000 d
tainties. Two of these are now discussed. The preferred method (de-
406 J . Chem. If. Comput. Sci., Vol. 31, No. 3, 1991 RITTER
Cp(T) I Jlmol K I Cp(T) J/mol K
400 1 200, I
17; 7
I Break

300 \, high teiperature polynomial I

used for T 3 T break
\ not
‘\ -used

low temperature polynomial

1 4
‘ 3

100 used for T T break

I+/ I
” 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
TEMPERATURE (K) (Thousands) TEMPERATURE (K) (Thousands)
Figure 5. Fit of NASA format polynomials to the heat capacity Figure 6. Comparison of THERM estimate for the heat capacity
function for cycloheptatriene. (0)THERM estimates used to generate function of hexafluoroethane (solid lines) with data from the JANAF
the polynomials (solid lines), (+) literature data from Dorafeeva et tables (+). Excellent agreement is attained by using the harmonic
al., (*) break point temperature. oscillator equation to extrapolate group additivity heat capacity es-
timates despite the hindered internal rotation about the C-C bond.
fault) used by this code is called the harmonic oscillator
equation (HOE). This equation was developed by Ritter27,28 Cp lJ/mol K1
and requires a nonlinear regression. The HOE is based upon 160
the harmonic oscillator model from statistical mechanic^.^'^^
It is well-known that the heat capacity for an ideal gas is given 140 - HOE

by the following relations: 120t

C, = (7/2 Cvib)Rlinear molecule 100 t
80 -
C, = (4 + Cvib)R nonlinear molecule
where R is the gas constant and c v i b is given by the harmonic
oscillator model as follows: 0‘
0 05 1 1.5 2 25 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
TEMPE RATUR E (K1 (Thou sands)
i Figure 7. Comparison of HOE and Wilhoit extrapolations on heat
e,, = hcwi/k (6) capacity data for oxirane. Extrapolations are based upon data from
100 to 600 K (0).Solid lines are the two extrapolations;while the
where h is Plank’s constant, c is the velocity of light, k is (+) symbols are data from the JANAF tables.
Boltzman’s constant, wi is the vibrational wavenumber in re-
ciprocal centimeters, Tis the temperature, and s is the number represent electronic contributions actually represents vibra-
of vibrational degrees of freedom in the molecule. tional contributions. This results in reduced physical signif-
The HOE replaces the summation over s terms with a icance for the parameters. Neither the HOE nor Lee’s
three-term expression as follows: equation makes any attempt to fit or otherwise account for
Cvib = anharmonic contributions. It is recognized that these con-
tributions are not easily quantifiedMand are typically neglected
Elf(evl/T) + Ezf(e~2/T) + [s - (Bl + B 2 ) l f ( e v 3 / r ) (7) in most literature presentations of heat capacity dataO3’J6
where An additional method included with THERMFIT is the
Wilhoit polynomial presented by Burcat and named after
f(ev,/T) = (ev,/T)2exp(evi/T) [exp(evi/T) - (8) Randolph Wilhoit who developed the method.36 This method
This expression is a five-parameter model for the heat ca- generally gives a very good quality fit also; however, it does
pacity of an ideal gas. A slight variation on these expressions not extrapolate unconditionally. If given only five data points
(eqs 5, 7, and 8) is employed by THERMFIT to extrapolate between 100 and 600 K, the Wilhoit polynomial may not
C, estimates to high temperature for molecules with hindered extrapolate Cpadequately to high temperature. A comparison
internal rotations as well. This is demonstrated in Figure 6 of such an extrapolation is presented in Figure 7. One can
for hexafluoroethane. The solid line is the THERM extrap- clearly see that the HOE method gives nearly a perfect ex-
olation using group additivity estimates, while the data points trapolation even with such limited data. This is due, in part,
are from the JANAF tables.32 There is remarkable agreement to the fact that the HOE method is based upon a fundamental
between the extrapolated data and literature even for this model for the heat capacity of an ideal gas. The Wilhoit
molecule, which has a restricted internal rotor. method, on the other hand, is a polynomial-based method. It
THERMFIT uses Marquardt’s method37to determine the should be noted that if reliable data were given up to 1500
parameters E l , E2, e,,,eV2,and eV3.This equation is similar or 2000 K, instead of only 600 K, the Wilhoit method would
in principle to that of Lee et a1.33-35 By constraining the do an excellent job of extrapolation. This example is presented
coefficients (E,) to sum to the number of vibrational modes only to demonstrate how well the HOE method works, even
(s), however, the HOE has fewer parameters than that of Lee. when given so little data. The strength of Wilhoit’s polynomial
These parameters also retain physical ~ignificance.~~ The method lies in the fact that it requires only a linear regression
comparable version of Lee’s equation (three-term) is designed (although a line-search method is used to solve for the
to represent both vibrational and electronic contributions and steepness ~ a r a m e t e r ~ Regression
~). is much more rapid; and
contains seven parameter^.'^ It should be noted that electronic since linear regressions have analytic solutions, Wilhoit pa-
contributions are typically negligible for most polyatomic rameters are obtained unconditionally. THERMFIT contains
species, and the term in Lee’s equation that is designed to both techniques, and they are user-selectable. If the HOE fit
THERM J . Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 31, No. 3, 1991 407
a a
Cp (Jlmol K) Hf(T) - Hf(298)lKJlmol)
1000, I

340 - Wilhoit

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Temperature (K)Thousands TEMPERATURE (K) (Thousands)
b b
(Cp calc - Cp lit) d(Hf-Hf(298)) CALC-EXP (KJlmol)
30 0.6

-0.2' \L/
0 1 2 3 4 5
-0.4 '
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Temperature (K) Thousands TEMPERATURE (K) (Thousands)
Figure 8. (a) Comparison of HOE and Wilhoit extrapolations for Figure 9. (a) Comparison of extrapolations of the enthalpy function
the heat capacity function of phenol. Solid lines are the extrapolations, for oxirane using the HOE. Data points (0)are data from the JANAF
while the symbols (+) are data from the JANAF tables. (b) Residuals tables, while solid lines are obtained from THERM. (b) Residuals
in the extrapolation above show significant deviation by using Wilhoit in the enthalpy function show insignificant deviations from JANAF
parameters presented by Burcat,%while HOE extrapolations give little data across the temperature range from 298 to 6000 K.
excellent. A maximum error is about 0.5 kcal/mol near 6000
should fail for any reason (it is a nonlinear regression), K.
THERMFIT automatically defaults to the Wilhoit method.
Figure 8, parts a and b, compares a THERM estimate by SUMMARY
using the HOE fit with data from Burcat for phenol.22 Also
included is a fit using literature Wilhoit parameter^.^^ The A computer code has been developed that can be used to
HOE extrapolation matches the data of Burcat much better enter, estimate, and edit thermodynamic properties for ideal
than the extrapolation of the Wilhoit parameters. The HOE gas phase molecules and radicals. Some important aspects
gives a maximum error of 1 J/(mol-K), while the Wilhoit data of this program are the heat capacity extrapolations to 5000
has a maximum error near 25 J (mo1.K). It should be noted K, polynomial representations for thermodynamic properties,
that these Wilhoit parametersk have a stated temperature and calculation of property changes for chemical reaction.
range from 298 to 1500 K, and therefore this extrapolation Predictions/estimates typically compare favorably with lit-
is well outside their range. erature data.
Accurate high-temperature thermodynamic data is critical Interested parties are encouraged to contact the author for
to high-temperature kinetic modeling; however, its importance details on receiving a copy of this program in addition to user
is often overlooked. Reaction modeling codes ensure ther- documentation. The program is currently available in an
modynamic consistency by utilizing thermodynamic data to executable format only, for use on a personal computer running
calculate reaction rate constants for reverse reactions from under the MSDOS operating system.
equilibrium constants. Errors in heats of formation at elevated ACKNOWLEDGMENT
temperatures result in similar errors in the AGrcactionwhich
translate into large errors in equilibrium constants. An error I acknowledge Dr. Joseph W. Bozzelli of the Chemical
of 2 kcal/mole translates into a factor of 2.7 in the equilibrium Engineering Department at NJIT for his help in expanding
constant at 1000 K, which introduces a significant error into the group database and his many suggestions on the devel-
the species concentrations. It is imperative that one have an opment of this computer code.
accurate method to extrapolate heat capacity data to elevated
temperatures. A rigorous test of the quality of an extrapolation REFERENCES AND NOTES
is a plot of the residuals in the enthalpy function vs temper-
ature. This represents the integrated error in a heat capacity ( I ) knson, S.Thermochemical Kirurics: John Wiley and Sons: New York,
fit. Figure 9a presents the enthalpy function Ho(T) as pre- (2) Freedman, E.; Seaton, W. H. USA Ballisric Research Laboratories
dicted by using THERM for ethylene oxide, while Figure 9b Memorandum Reporr No. 2320; Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland,
presents the residuals of the THERM prediction with respect 1973.
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An Integrated Approach to Three-Dimensional Information Management with MACCS-3D1

Molecular Design Limited, 21 32 Farallon Drive, San Leandro, California 94577
Received January 18, 1991

In the past decade, the scientific community has realized the value of three-dimensional (3D)
structural information and ‘3D searching’ has started to become an important new methodology
for computer-aided drug design. During this time, molecular modeling information generated
from various sources has proliferated due to the growing availability of software and hardware
and the increasing use of crystallographic and spectroscopic techniques. This information needs
to be organized to allow for its effective storage and retrieval. This paper presents an approach
to address this problem with a recently introduced program, MACCS-3D. In particular, this
approach utilizes MACCS-3D’s capability of handling data specific for atoms and atom pairs.
With this software, various biological, computational, and spectroscopic data can be merged,
allowing scientists from different disciplines to access and use this information more efficiently.

INTRODUCTION formation flow; and economics force sharing of resources and

In the past decade, computational chemistry, molecular bartering and exchange of information wherever po~sible”.~
modeling, and spectroscopic and crystallographic methods of This analysis is also applicable to the information barriers
3D structural elucidation have become standard techniques across disciplines, even within the same organization.
in new chemical and drug design and have found several ap- For example, Brown explains that the development of a new
plications in a variety of chemical research areas. New de- human drug may involve the collaborative efforts of repre-
velopments in technology also affect the methods of infor- sentatives from 30 to 5 0 distinct scientific disciplines. He then
mation transfer; activities that were once considered impossible emphasizes the need for a multidisciplinary requirement for
are commonplace today. The ability to interface instruments collecting, indexing, storing, retrieving, evaluating, and dis-
to data-collecting devices allows for the easy generation of vast seminating information over a decade of time between project
amounts of data. In addition, communication and interfacing definition and market introd~ction.~There are, however,
technology allows research sites to bring together different obvious technological limitations in integrating such infor-
types of data from various experiments, permitting the scientist mation. For example, the programs that computational
to merge information from multiple sources.z chemists use to determine and later store the 3D structures
Baker analyzes scientific information barriers across in- and data are highly specialized and unwieldy to most other
ternational borders: “users demand more, new, timely, high- researchers in an organization. And programs historically used
quality, and complete information services; developing tech- for managing chemical information corporate-wide do not have
nology induces increased efficiency and effectiveness in in- the capability to handle data specific to certain parts of
0095-2338/91 / I 63 I-0408302.50/0 0 1991 American Chemical Society

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