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Fernando Ponce Hurtado

Do you think Sir Gawain, from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, is a progression of Heroic
English Literature or not?

If your answer is "YES", then provide three similarities between the figure of Sir Gawain and
Beowulf. But if your answer is "NO", then provide three differences between the figure of Sir
Gawain and the figure of Beowulf.

Yes, the figure of Sir Gawain shows a progression in English Heroic Literature. This can be seen
thanks to the similarities that the character of Sir Gawain has with the famous literary
character Beowulf.

Both characters are chivalrous and of course heroic figures. And as we all know, these have
certain characteristics that are repeated in this type of character. For example: Both Sir Gawain
and Beowulf are very brave and courageous. They show their great courage with great tests
and facing great problems that only they as heroes can overcome.

Another characteristic that both Heroes share is that they represent good, they represent the
vigilante who would give his own life for the good of others. Both are the representation of
goodness in charge of ending the representation of evil, in one case it is The Green Knight and
in the other case they are Grendel and his mother.

Another very important theme that is shown in both works is Honor. Both heroes have a great
sense of honor and will not let anyone tarnish their honor. However, because the personality
of both characters is different, the way to maintain their honor is different. While Beowulf uses
great violence, in a certain way justified by himself, so that no one can question his honor. Sir
Gawain maintains his honor in a less violent way, he sticks to keeping his word as a knight and
giving chivalrous respect to those who truly deserve it.

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