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School of Informatics & IT

Diploma in Financial Business Informatics


MP Weekly Project Progress Report1

Project No: Project Title: Robotic Process Automation (Uipath)

Student Name: Lin Xin Wei Adm No:

Supervisor Name: Ng Yok Kwang Week No: 8

Tasks Completed
Name of Task Type
Daily Morning Reconciliation Testing
Daily Instant Reconciliation Testing

Issue/Risk Tracking
Issue/Risk Name Status
Error with deploying the RPA robot to other OS Fixed
New OS for testing process is slow Changed to another

Meeting minutes with MP supervisor

A meeting with him on Monday to discuss on the week’s work - 30 mins
Report to him on Thursday to update what have I done for the week – 30min

Weekly Self-Reflection (no more than 150 words)

The testing of the two processes are not very successful due to the problem of
Uipath, publishing the process from the OS that the process is been built to other
OS will cause the codes to have error, terminal field not found or terminal time out.
We had to report the errors to the developers as soon as possible and test it after
they had updated the codes. Communication between tester and the user is also
very important, the user will write down the requirement that we need to watch

Adapted from the book Introduction to the personal software process by Watts S. Humphrey, 1997.
out for the process and the testers will convert it into testing scenario for testing. It
also very important to record down the timing of the RPA process and OS
(machine) that the process is tested.

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