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Tittle : Snow White

Orientation :
- Main character : Snow White
- Time : Once upon time
- Place : At a kingdom

Complication : Snow White's step mother doesn't like her, so she threw
Snow White to the forest and sent one murderer to killed Snow White.

Resolution : Snow White met with seven dwarf, they saved Snow White
from the murderer. The seven dwarf always loved snow white. They asked
Snow White to be careful.
Complication : The queen, Snow White's step mother came to their place
when all dwarf were not there. She gave Snow White a poison apple. She
asked Snow White "eat this delicious apple, honey". After that Snow White

Resolution : All the dwarf thought Snow White is passed away, they felt
very painful.

Re-Orientation : A handsome prince came to helped Snow White, after

Snow White awaked, they got married. The prince said that he loves Snow
White at his first sight.

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