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Eddy Romero



The Scooter

Ever since I was eight, I had a bright blue scooter that I loved to use. Almost every day, I would

take that beautiful piece of metal for a spin around my street. It was my most prized possession, I

would treat it as if it were family When I turned 10, I got a skateboard for Christmas. It had a

unique pattern on the bottom, like waves of blue and green. I didn’t think much of it and

continued to open my presents. A couple days when by and I wanted to go ride my scooter. I

opened the garage door and went to my scooter. My skateboard was right next to it, and in the

moment I said, “Why not?”. When I rode my skateboard, I felt free and lively, and soon enough

my scooter became irrelevant. I would see my scooter every day and ignore it for my skateboard.

Days would pass and my scooter would sit idly in the garage. A couple years later I opened my

garage and found my scooter in a corner. It was rusted, and it looked almost sad. I tried to pick it

up and it broke in my hand. It was sad to me, since it brought much joy, but not as much as my

amazing skateboard.

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