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OIKOS 100: 223–231.


MINI- Minireviews provides an opportunity to summarize existing knowledge of selected

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Guilds or functional groups: does it matter?

Jacques Blondel

Blondel, J. 2003. Guilds or functional groups: does it matter? – Oikos 100: 223– 231.

Although most researchers use the terms ‘‘guild’’ and ‘‘functional group’’ more or
less synonymously, these two concepts bear different meanings. The guild concept
refers primarily to the mechanisms of resource sharing by species in a competitive
context whereas the functional groups concept is concerned with how a resource or
any other ecological component is processed by different species to provide a specific
ecosystem service or function. In many cases but not necessarily all, the two concepts
are the two ‘‘faces’’ or ‘‘sides’’ of the same coin: the sharing by species of a similar
resource is the guild facet (structural), while the ecosystem processes these species
eventually perform through resource exploitation is the functional group facet. The
two concepts differ in that competitive relationships within groups of species are not
the focus of the functional group approach, exactly as processes or functions are not
the focus of the guild approach. A group of species can be considered either as a
guild or a functional group depending on the question addressed. Guild and
functional group membership is independent of phylogenetic relationships but be-
cause species tend to share similar life history traits and adaptations through
common evolutionary history, guild and functional group associates are often closely
related. The concept of guild has had broader application in animal studies than in
plant studies, whereas the reverse is true for the concept of functional group. Recent
methodological advances to objectively partition species into guilds and functional
groups, taking into consideration the most relevant characters or traits for delineat-
ing them, provide the means to construct an operational framework for making in
situ and ex situ experiments that are urgently needed for a better understanding of
the role of species in ecosystem functioning, especially in relation to global change

J. Blondel, CEFE-CNRS, F-34293 Montpellier cedex 5, France ( jacques.blondel@

In a seminal paper published more than 40 years ago, coexistence he developed the view that the boundaries
George Evelyn Hutchinson (1959) paved the way to a of realised niches are set by competition for limited
new approach in understanding community organisa- resources. Hutchinson was not directly concerned with
tion and structure. At a time when ecologists were guilds or functional groups, not even citing these terms,
much interested in mechanisms responsible for species but he implicitly assumed that groups of species sharing

Accepted 19 August 2002

Copyright © OIKOS 2003
ISSN 0030-1299

OIKOS 100:2 (2003) 223

similar resources are common in nature because ‘‘a preference for guild because ‘‘the metaphor of the guild
complex trophic organisation of a community is more seemed more elegant’’. Steneck (2001) also remarked
stable than a simpler one’’ (Hutchinson 1959, p. 155). that ‘‘depending on the application, guilds can be syn-
The main question was: what sets limits to the number onymous with functional groups’’.
of species coexisting at a given trophic level, or to cite Interest in the concepts of guilds and functional
Hutchinson himself, ‘‘why are there not more different groups has increased in recent years in the context of
kinds of animals?’’. His approach on species coexistence current concerns about the effects of global changes,
was based on morphological differentiation of traits of especially biodiversity decline, CO2 increase, climate
importance for resource acquisition, assuming that the warming, and various ecosystem disturbances including
spacing out of niches is reflected in the degree of invasions, on such issues as community dynamics and
morphological divergence between species exploiting ecosystem functioning (Walker 1992, Körner 1993,
the same resource dimension. Hutchinson empirically Prentice et al. 1993, Diaz 1995, Chapin et al. 1996,
found from many examples in vertebrates and inverte- Bond 1997, Lavorel et al. 1997, Smith et al. 1997,
brates that adjacent species tend to exhibit regular Wilson 1999 and references therein). In this paper, I
differences in body size or in the size of feeding struc- shall discuss, mainly from a zoological point of view,
tures with size ratios being approximately 2.0 for body how the two terms have been or should be considered,
mass and 1.3 (the cubic root of 2.0) for length of focusing mostly on vertebrates and emphasising what
feeding structures. This Hutchinson’s ratio rule together differentiates them (Table 1).
with the assumption that species are ecologically unique
was the cornerstone of the widely accepted theories of
the niche and of dynamic equilibrium which have been
Guilds as arenas for deciphering mechanisms
a starting point for hundreds of studies on the structure
of communities (Cody and Diamond 1975, Diamond
of coexistence and resource sharing
and Case 1986, Putman 1994 and references therein). The term ‘‘guild’’ was used many decades ago by plant
This classical approach to community ecology led to geographers (Schimper 1903) and plant ecologists
the notion that communities are built from groups of (Clements 1905), but Root (1967), who is a zoologist,
species that share certain similarities, either ecological first formally defined the term as ‘‘a group of species
or phylogenetic. Hence the need arose to split commu- that exploit the same class of environmental resources
nities into groupings of lower rank on the basis of in a similar way. This term groups together species
similarity in resource utilisation. In this context the without regard to taxonomic position, that overlap
term ‘‘guild’’ was first utilised by Root (1967) and then significantly in their niche requirements’’. The rationale
the parallel term ‘‘functional groups’’ by Cummins is that the ecological relationships among guild associ-
(1974). Simberloff and Dayan (1991) reviewed the guild ates are moulded by competition for limited resources,
concept and provided some insight into its relationship which is by no means surprising considering the im-
to functional groups, concluding that most researchers petus given at the time to interspecific competition by
actually use them more or less synonymously with a Hutchinson (1959) and the work of MacArthur and his

Table 1. Attributes, characteristics and fields of application of guilds and functional groups.

Guilds Functional groups

Definition based on Similarity in resource sharing Similarity in ecosystem function

What they are Permanent or temporary structural subunits Permanent or temporary assemblages of species
of communities; depend on resources performing a same ecosystem process
What they do Exploit resources in a similar way Process the same resources or habitat features
(e.g. soil) for an ecosystem service
How they are described Structural criteria Process-oriented criteria
Questions addressed Structure at the community scale, arenas for Processes at the ecosystem scale, arenas for
deciphering differences (coexistence) in an deciphering similarities (redundancy) for
evolutionary context achieving ecosystems functions
Predictions from removal Changes in the abundance of the remaining No response if redundancy (compensation);
experiments species (compensation) change in ecosystem response if not
Intra-group interspecific Competition between species in a ‘‘species Similarities between species in a functional
relationships packing’’ context context
Inter-group interspecific More competition within guilds than between Not relevant
relationships guilds
Taxonomic scale Often within-taxon assemblages Often across-taxon assemblages

224 OIKOS 100:2 (2003)

colleagues (Hutchinson and MacArthur 1959, in many groups of animals, invertebrates of course with
MacArthur and Levins 1967) for explaining the struc- completely different life forms in larval and adult
ture of communities (Brown 1981). This means that stages, but also fishes (Werner and Gilliam 1984).
guilds are assumed to be coevolved entities and ‘‘arenas Theoretically guild membership is independent of
of intense interspecific competition’’ (Pianka 1980, Jak- phylogenetic relationship but since closely related spe-
sić and Medel 1990). cies likely share similar life history traits and adapta-
However, if interspecific competition has for long tions to resources and habitats, members of a guild are
been considered as the main force driving species pack- often closely related. Few attempts have been made to
ing along resource gradients, challenging views have include in the same guild distantly related species,
been proposed on several counts e.g. by Jaksić (1981), especially multi-class groupings, in part because of the
Jaksić et al. (1993) and Wiens (1989, 1993, see also practical difficulty of deciphering interspecific interac-
Chesson and Case 1986). Wiens (1993) predicts that tions among very different species. This explains why
niche overlap among species varies according to re- guilds and most functional groups have been investi-
source abundance with less competition and more over- gated within single-taxon assemblages, such as bird,
lap in resource use when resource is abundant than lizard, or small mammal assemblages (Jaksić 1981).
when it is rare, a prediction that had been supported by Exceptions are the studies of Jaksić and Medel (1990)
Schoener (1982) in his review on competition studies. and Jaksić et al. (1993) on the guild structure of a three
Root did not consider any functionality in the guild class-predatory assemblage including reptiles, mammals
concept which, as he wrote, is ‘‘the most evocative and and birds in California, and of granivorous communi-
succinct term for groups of species having similar ex- ties of rodents, birds and ants in desert ecosystems
ploitation patterns’’ (Root 1967, p. 336). The kind of (Brown et al. 1979).
resource used to define guilds, e.g. food, habitat struc- If the concept of guild had much success in animal
tures, nest-sites, roost-sites, hosts, or whatever else studies, it has not been very popular in plants, for
shows that ecological processes are not involved in the several reasons. Perhaps most importantly the notion of
definition and utilisation of the term because the guild a resource that can be exploited ‘‘in a similar way’’ is
concept only focuses on similarity in resource sharing not obvious for plants, and very difficult to categorise
irrespective of the ecological consequences (i.e. func- and quantify (Simberloff and Dayan 1991, de Kroon
tion) of resource sharing (Table 1). Therefore any guild and Olff 1995). This explains that attempts to define
designations which are not based on resource sharing plant guilds resulted in classifications which did not
but on other characters such as demographic or be- differ much from the classical life-form approach
havioural traits, violate the definition of the guild (Sim- (Raunkiaer 1934) or other traditional systems of clas-
berloff and Dayan 1991). The guild concept became a sification. In recent years, however, the term has been
standard currency among community ecologists in the applied to investigate the responses of potentially com-
golden age of community ecology in the sixties and peting plant species to ecosystem disturbance (Lavorel
seventies (Cody and Diamond 1975, Brown 1981, Dia- et al. 1997, Wilson 1999).
mond and Case 1986, Simberloff and Dayan 1991), and
generated two kinds of studies (Table 1): (1) those that
described, organised and classified the species that com-
pose communities in operational and logical subunits
From guilds to functional groups
(Cody 1974, Holmes et al. 1979), and (2) those whose
purpose was to explain the ecological and evolutionary The guild approach has sometimes been considered as a
mechanisms that permit coexistence of species along starting point for understanding the role of guild asso-
resource gradients (species packing, Landres and Mac- ciates in communities (Jaksić 1981). Therefore, one
Mahon 1980, Case et al. 1983, Dayan et al. 1989, 1990, step further has been to explore whether guild associ-
McNaughton 1993). Segregation along resource gradi- ates have similar functional roles in spite of their eco-
ents of guild associates has been primarily based on logical uniqueness. If so, this would imply that different
differences in morphological traits closely associated to communities are constructed with similar kinds of
feeding techniques and often assumed to be generated guilds. This rationale, which makes a link between
through character displacement. guilds and functional groups, led to the proposition
A same species may belong to different guilds during that guilds are fundamental units of communities. This
its life as a result of ontogenetic changes in resource conceptual extension addresses the two fundamental
use, a point which has not been much considered in collective attributes of species assemblages, namely the
studies of guild structure within communities although sharing by species of similar resources that are ex-
some authors (MacNally 1983, Simberloff and Dayan ploited in a similar way (the guild), and the ecosystem
1991, Gerking 1994) mentioned that ontogenetic shifts processes they eventually perform through resource ex-
could modify the guild structure of species assemblages. ploitation (the functional group). Depending on the
Ontogenetic changes in resource use have been reported question addressed, the same suite of species can be

OIKOS 100:2 (2003) 225

considered either as a guild or as a functional group, as The main conceptual differences between guilds and
explained in Table 1. It should be noted that the guild functional groups are tentatively summarised in Table
concept only refers to relationships between guild asso- 1. The two concepts differ in that competitive relation-
ciates for resource acquisition, whereas the functional ships within groups are not included in the definition of
group concept refers to a wide range of potential the functional group concept, exactly as processes or
ecosystem functions such as biochemical cycles, resis- functions are not included in the definition of the guild
tance to invasion or to fire, resource acquisition, water concept. A same group of species can be considered
uptake, storage of resources, defence against herbivory, either as a guild or a functional group depending on the
pollination, seed dispersal, or any physical processes question addressed. Guilds are concerned with identify-
such as ecosystem engineering, disturbance and biotur- ing species that share a common resource and determin-
bation. When the resource considered is food, which is ing how this resource is shared among them, the
the case in the vast majority of guild studies in animals, ‘‘similar way’’ of the Root’s definition, whereas func-
guild associates are by necessity the predators of the tional groups are concerned with how the resource is
resource they exploit, so that traits of interest are processed by different species in such a way that it
related to food acquisition whereas in the functional provides an ecosystem function, the ‘‘similar role’’ of
group concept, any kind of trait can theoretically be the functional group definition. In the guild approach
involved depending on the function considered. Such the subject is the species which exploit resources for
explicit differences between the two concepts should themselves whereas in the functional group approach
help avoid the confusion between ‘‘functional’’ or ‘‘ef- the subject is the resource which, so to speak, utilises
fect groups’’ and ‘‘response groups’’ (Lavorel and Gar- mediators, i.e. members of a functional group, for being
nier 2002). For example, Gilbert (1980) proposed a processed (Table 1). As noted by MacMahon et al.
scheme to show how the bulk of neotropical diversity is (1981), ‘‘…it does not matter whether an organism
organised by chemical mosaics and mutualism. Key removes a tree leaf for nesting material, for food, or as
elements of the food web organisation include ‘‘mobile a substrate to grow fungi which in turn are eaten; the
links groups’’ i.e. suites of species that perform such leaf is gone and the leaf users belong to a common
important functions as pollination (hummingbirds, guild’’. The different leaf consumers admittedly belong
bats, moths and bees), seed dispersal (birds and bats), to the same guild since they share the same resource
and plant defence (ants). Species involved in each of (which is actually questionable because the leaf resource
these functions belong to the same effect group but, as is rarely limited), but the functional response, if any, is
guild associates sharing the same resource, which is quite different depending on how and for which pur-
either nectar (pollinators) of fruits (seed dispersers), pose the leaf has been removed and processed. From
they also belong to the same response group. his studies of Serengeti savannahs, McNaughton (1993)
demonstrated a relationship between grassland diversity
and the grazing pressure of herds of four species of
Functional groups as clusters of players ungulates (Thompson’s gazelles, African buffaloes,
plain zebras, and blue wildebeest). These four species
engaged in the same ecosystem processes
belong to the same guild because they share the same
Cummins (1974) emphasised the ‘‘…need to identify resource for which they potentially compete, but the
functional groups of organisms, at least partially inde- point which makes them at the same time a functional
pendent of traditional taxonomic determinations, in group is that the grazing pressure of the four species
order to address important process-oriented ecosystem combined has an effect on an important ecosystem
questions’’ thereby defining the term ‘‘functional attribute, namely plant species diversity. The guild ap-
group’’ which, historically, has been introduced after proach has been much more popular than the func-
the guild concept. Most authors, e.g. Körner (1993) and tional group approach in vertebrates whereas the
Hobbs et al. (1995), gave somewhat similar definitions, opposite is true for invertebrates, micro-organisms and
focusing on the ‘‘similar roles or processes’’ assumed to plants.
be achieved by functional groups associates. Thus spe- As for the guild concept, the term functional group
cies within a functional group are by definition ecologi- does not imply any phylogenetic relationships among
cally equivalent and provide some degree of the species although several species in a functional
redundancy to the system. The term is definitely pro- group are likely to be closely related. Examples of
cess-oriented and has been widely used in this sense, multi-taxon functional groups are seed dispersers in
especially in invertebrate communities (Hawkins and desert ecosystems which include ants, birds and rodents
MacMahon 1989, Table 1). It also bears a slightly (Brown et al. 1979) or pollinators of Lauraceae which
different meaning in plant ecology by designating spe- include hummingbirds, bats and moths (Gilbert 1980).
cies with similar responses to environmental factors, the Yet anatomical, morphological or physiological traits
so-called ‘‘response groups’’ (Lavorel et al. 1997, La- are not the cornerstone of functional groupings (Ste-
vorel and Garnier 2002). neck 2001), perhaps because multi-taxon identification

226 OIKOS 100:2 (2003)

of functional groups is extremely difficult, mostly for tionary convergence, especially in vertebrates such as
practical reasons. How can one sample and analyse by birds or fishes, which are distributed in the three dimen-
the same approach distantly related taxa that differ in sions of space. Perhaps one of the most convincing
morphology, physiology, behaviour, and demography, examples of convergent guilds and functional groups is
but perform similar functions, such as for example that of nectar-feeding birds, which belong to distantly
saproxylic beetles, nematodes and fungi which are en- related groups living in different regions: sunbirds (Nec-
gaged in the same process of recycling dead wood? tariniidae) in the paleotropics, honeycreepers
How can one classify and assign in functional groups (Drepanididae) on the Hawaiian Islands, hummingbirds
(or guilds) animals which change their diet seasonally, (Trochilidae) in the New World, and honeyeaters
or which have a completely different biology depending (Meliphagidae) in Australasia. All these birds exploit
on whether they are in larval of adult stages (amphibi- the same resource in a similar way which involves a
ans, many invertebrates)? high specialisation of bill and tongue to extract nectar
from long tubular flowers. In this particular example
convergence can be extended to the astonishing resem-
blance of flying characteristics and mouthparts among
Convergence in guild structure and ecosystem the pollinating butterflies, moths, bats, and birds.
functioning Repeatability of guilds in time should also be demon-
The statement of May and Seger (1986) ‘‘…the view strable if guilds are fundamental units or basic ‘‘build-
that there exist ecological roles is supported by the ing blocks’’ of communities. One example of such
observation that ecological communities often bear ‘‘guild signatures’’ (Karr 1980) in time has been pro-
striking resemblance to each other though their con- vided by a complete guild turnover realised from exper-
stituent species have very different evolutionary imental defaunation of small mangrove cays off the
origins’’ opened the door to the idea that guilds and coast of Florida (Simberloff and Wilson 1969).
functional groups should be repeatable in space and Analysing the trophic organisation of invertebrate com-
time, irrespective of which species compose them. munities in seven ‘‘trophic classes’’ before experimental
Repeatability in space is a basic assumption of the defaunation and after recolonisation, Heatwole and
convergence paradigm (Mooney 1977, Orians and Sol- Levins (1972) found a striking similarity in the appor-
brig 1977, Cody and Mooney 1978). The rationale of tionment of species in the different trophic classes,
convergence is that partitioning of communities into which by the way are also functional groups, despite
groups of species with morphological resemblances (i.e. large taxonomic differences and heterogeneity among
guilds) should be similar in different regions with simi- the islands. The trophic structure of communities was
lar environmental conditions, whatever the phyloge- re-established with different species belonging to the
netic relatedness of the constituting species (Hawkins same trophic levels, indicating some constancy of guild
and MacMahon 1989). Terborgh and Robinson (1986) structure in time.
explained the many efforts to demonstrate morphologi-
cal convergence as reflecting attempts to demonstrate
that similar morphologies are involved in the achieve- Making links between guilds and functional
ment of the same ecosystem functions. In this line of
reasoning various studies compared the structure of
parallel guilds in different regions, e.g. in birds (Recher In many pollination and seed dispersal processes plants
1969, Cody 1973, 1975, Cody and Mooney 1978, Rick- and animals are engaged in more or less sophisticated
lefs and Travis 1980). However, a recurrent problem in mutualistic interactions (McKey 1975, Wheelwright and
these kinds of studies, which has been only recently Orians 1982, Herrera 1995). These systems help us to
more or less satisfactorily solved, was the arbitrary make a link between the way resources are partitioned,
threshold of ecological overlap chosen to define guilds, which is a guild matter, and the fate of the resource
with the risk of ad hoc interpretation of guild conver- itself, which is a functional group matter. Murray et al.
gence (Blondel et al. 1984). Orians and Paine (1983) (1987) reported on a variety of plant species, often quite
who discussed many of the problems of convergence distantly related, that are pollinated by two guilds of
studies were skeptical about convergence, arguing that hummingbirds. Plant species are only guild associates
the resemblance between communities is often more because they share the same resource (pollinators) but
parsimoniously explained by similar physiological re- hummingbirds are at the same time guild and func-
sponses of individual species to similar environments. tional group members because in addition to sharing
The high degree of similarity between communities the same resource from the plants (nectar), they also
probably reflects phylogenetic constraints and the lim- achieve the process of pollination.
ited number of adaptive zones or adaptive solutions to In an insightful paper on the relationships between
common environmental conditions more than evolu- plants and birds that disperse their propagules, Ferry

OIKOS 100:2 (2003) 227

(1984) considered the coevolutionary processes from the ‘‘roller species’’ (e.g. Scarabaeus) make a ball of
the points of view of both the plants and the birds. dung within which females lay their eggs and roll it
Bird-dispersed seeds belong to several groups that cor- over several metres until they find a soil suitable for
respond to different evolutionary strategies. Fruits can burying it. All dung beetles exploit the same resource,
be caught or stuck in the plumage or fur of a bird or a hence they belong to the same guild, but the different
mammal (epizoochory), berries can be swallowed and ways of processing this resource result in different
then the seeds regurgitated or defecated at some dis- decomposition processes (e.g. shallow vs deep soil cy-
tance (endozoochory), or else dry fruit seeds can be cling of nutriments), hence different functional groups.
cached to be found again some time later with ‘‘forgot-
ten’’ caches being eventually available for germination
(synzoochory). Whereas epizoochory is a passive, non-
functional process from the animal’s point of view How to define guild and functional group
because there is no reward for dispersing the seeds, the
two other strategies result in the same functional pro-
cess but require two different bird guilds because the Perhaps the most difficult problem of the guild/func-
‘‘subject resource’’ is exploited through different ways tional group endeavour, which presumably explains
that all together result in processing the same ecosystem why the two concepts have fallen into disuse (Salt
function. From the birds’ point of view, there are only 1979), is that species partitioning into well-defined
two guilds because only fruits of endozoochorous groups has too often been done on rather arbitrary
plants (berries, drupes) and those of synzoochorous grounds. Many studies relied more on taxonomy and
plants (dry seeds) are a dietary resource for them. intuition to partition a priori species into guilds and
Plants engaged in close mutualistic interactions with functional groups than on sound quantitative methods,
dispersing animals evolved a syndrome of ‘‘zoochory’’, and comparisons of species groupings to those expected
i.e. they evolved similar or complementary fruit charac- under null hypotheses have been rare. Defining guilds
ters such as size, shape, colour and nutritive value of and functional groups without objective procedures,
the fruits (Herrera 1995). All the plants that are dis- and using them as convenient terms for describing
persed by the same set of species belong to the same groups of taxonomically related syntopic species, car-
guild because they potentially compete for the same ries the risk of making these concepts no more than
shared resource, i.e. birds. All bird species that share empty buzzwords. I will not enter into the methodolog-
the same food resource, for examples berries, thus ical aspects of defining guild and functional group
belonging to a same guild, evolved similar morphologi- membership because this would be beyond the scope of
cal, physiological, digestive and behavioural traits al- this essay. I will only make one point about interspe-
lowing them to exploit this resource (Herrera 1995). cific competition which is central in the guild approach.
With respect to participating in seed dispersal, the The most rigorous means to properly assign species
different assemblages of birds are not only guilds but into guilds is to test whether guild associates are in
also functional groups. In the context of a guild analy- exploitative competition, past or present (MacNally
sis, Snow (1971) classified seed-eating birds as ‘‘legiti- 1983). From his studies on New Guinea birds, Dia-
mate’’ and ‘‘illegitimate’’ seed-eaters. The former mond (1975) developed the theme of competitively de-
participate in the process of dispersal by regurgitating termined assembly rules governing the structure and
or defecating the intact seed which will eventually ger- size of guilds. The underlying assumption is that
minate, thus belonging to a functional group. In con- ‘‘through diffuse competition, the component species of
trast, the latter destroy the seed by eating it. Both a community are selected, and coadjusted in their
legitimate and illegitimate animals can belong to the niches and abundances, so as to fit with each other and
same guild but only the former belong to the seed-dis- to resist invasion’’ (Diamond 1975, p. 342). Accord-
persing functional group. ingly some combinations of species are permissible and
Other good examples of functional groups are earth- resist invaders whereas others are forbidden. But this
worms, which include several species assemblages con- approach was challenged, and degenerated in a hot
tributing differently to major soil ecological processes debate, mostly because species combinations had not
(Lavelle 1997), and dung beetles, whose function is to been compared to null hypotheses and competition had
recycle the non-digestive part of the green food of large not been demonstrated but just inferred from compara-
herbivores. The 135 or so species of dung beetles in the tive studies (Connor and Simberloff 1979, Diamond
Mediterranean region have been assigned to three main and Gilpin 1982, Gilpin and Diamond 1984). However,
groups depending on how they process and use the from an analysis of many guild studies, MacNally
dung (Lumaret 1995). The ‘‘dweller species’’ (e.g. (1983) actually demonstrated that exploitative competi-
Aphodius) live inside the dung, the ‘‘tunneller species’’ tion usually occurs among guild members, especially
(e.g. Bubas) bury pieces of faecal material under the when guilds include a moderate to small number of
dung itself down to a depth of ca 0.5 – 1 m, and finally species. As already explained in this paper, Jaksić et al.

228 OIKOS 100:2 (2003)

(1993) and Wiens (1989, 1993) pointed out that inter- groups depends on the process considered. In situ and
specific competition is not necessarily a prerequisite for ex situ experiments should help answer the kind of
the emergence of guild structure. Opportunistic use of questions that are relevant to the functional group
temporarily superabundant resources may set the stage approach, e.g. whether functional group associates are
for the same emergent phenomenon. Demonstrating equivalent or redundant (Walker 1992), play a role of
current morphological responses through character dis- ‘‘insurance’’ for the maintenance of ecosystem func-
placement within guild members would disabuse the tions, ‘‘plug leaks’’ in the efficiency of resource
‘‘ghost of competition past’’ (Connell 1980) whereby turnover, or provide immunity against pathogens or
the extinction of competitors does not change the pat- disturbances. Another interesting question to be experi-
terns of current resource sharing which resulted from mentally investigated is whether some species are struc-
past coevolutionary specialisation. Such morphological tural with regards to ecosystem processes (keystone
responses have been elegantly demonstrated in some species) whereas others are interstitial. Consequences of
studies, for example in Darwin’s finches by Schluter et species extinctions on ecosystem functioning will be
al. (1985) and in carnivorous mammals (canids, quite different whether the former or the latter are lost.
mustelids, viverrids, and felids) by Dayan et al. (1989, The distinction between guilds and functional groups
1990). should certainly be made clearer and more operational
Much effort has been made recently to objectively by carefully relating these terms to groups of species
establish guild and functional group membership by depending on what they really do in nature, either
Jaksić and Medel (1990) and Pillar (1999) who gave sharing a same resource for themselves as subjects, or
means to determine cut-off points in cluster analysis using a same resource that makes them associates in
from suitable computer algorithms. A plethora of more running a same function (functional groups). Making
or less sophisticated statistical multivariate procedures the guild/functional group framework more operational
for guild assignment among which cluster analyses, is important in the scope of the current concern about
principal component analyses, canonical correlations, the effects of global change on ecosystem structure and
Monte Carlo techniques, bootstrap procedures have function.
been commonly used (Jaksić and Medel 1990, Sim-
berloff and Dayan 1991, Muñoz and Ojeda 1998, Pillar Acknowledgements – I am most grateful to Eric Garnier and
1999). Robert E. Ricklefs for most useful comments and suggestions.

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