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vol. 172, no.

6 the american naturalist december 2008

Disintegration of the Ecological Community

American Society of Naturalists Sewall Wright Award Winner Address *

Robert E. Ricklefs†

Department of Biology, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri linked as it is to such disparate issues as global climate
63121 change and molecular phylogenetics, has stimulated ecol-
ogists to consider with more interest the history of the
environment and the historical and geographic contexts
of ecological systems (Latham and Ricklefs 1993a; Wiens
abstract: In this essay, I argue that the seemingly indestructible and Donoghue 2004; Jaramillo et al. 2006; Ricklefs et al.
concept of the community as a local, interacting assemblage of species 2006). We appear to be in the midst of a major synthesis
has hindered progress toward understanding species richness at local in ecology (Lawton 1999), comparable to the maturation
to regional scales. I suggest that the distributions of species within of ecosystem perspectives during the 1950s (McIntosh
a region reveal more about the processes that generate diversity pat- 1985) and population perspectives during the 1960s (Mac-
terns than does the co-occurrence of species at any given point. The
Arthur 1972; Kingsland 1985).
local community is an epiphenomenon that has relatively little ex-
planatory power in ecology and evolutionary biology. Local coexis-
Despite these developments, however, ecologists, for the
tence cannot provide insight into the ecogeographic distributions of most part, continue to regard local communities as eco-
species within a region, from which local assemblages of species logical units with individual integrity (Harrison and Cor-
derive, nor can local communities be used to test hypotheses con- nell 2008). Empirical and experimental studies, including
cerning the origin, maintenance, and regulation of species richness, recent analyses of food webs and mutualistic networks
either locally or regionally. Ecologists are moving toward a com- (Jordano et al. 2003; Lewinsohn et al. 2006), circumscribe
munity concept based on interactions between populations over a populations and communities locally (Morin 1999; Chase
continuum of spatial and temporal scales within entire regions, in-
and Leibold 2003). Spatial scale rarely appeared in “com-
cluding the population and evolutionary processes that produce new
munity” theory until recently (Ives and May 1985; Brown
et al. 2000; Leibold et al. 2004; McCann et al. 2005), and
Keywords: biodiversity, biogeography, community ecology.
where it does appear, it is generally limited to the influence
of dispersal limitation and population aggregation on local
coexistence (Belyea and Lancaster 1999; Chesson 2000).
Recent symposia of the Ecological Society of America The recent review by Agrawal et al. (2007) on “filling key
gaps in population and community ecology” recognized
(Webb et al. 2006), the American Society of Naturalists
some implications of the spatial and historical contexts of
(Harrison and Cornell 2007), and the British Ecological
local “communities” (see Thompson et al. 2001) but em-
Society (Speciation and Ecology, Sheffield, March 29–30,
phasized the central role of species interactions on local
2007) have been devoted to phylogenetic and geographic
scales in limiting coexistence. This is particularly signifi-
approaches to the study of ecological systems, including
cant because the Agrawal et al. review, with 16 prominent
ecological communities. This broadening perspective,
ecologists as authors, was commissioned by the National
* Robert E. Ricklefs received the 2005 Sewall Wright Award. The Sewall Wright
Science Foundation to recommend research priority areas
Award honors a senior but still active investigator who is making fundamental in population and community ecology.
contributions to the Society’s goals, namely, promoting the conceptual uni-
fication of the biological sciences.

E-mail: Evidence versus Belief in Community Ecology
Am. Nat. 2008. Vol. 172, pp. 741–750. 䉷 2008 by The University of Chicago.
0003-0147/2008/17206-50514$15.00. All rights reserved. In spite of decades of evidence to the contrary, ecologists
DOI: 10.1086/593002 have been reluctant to abandon a local concept of the
742 The American Naturalist

community (Ricklefs 1987; Harrison and Cornell 2008). cation and adaptation within the regional ecological space
It has been eight decades since Gleason (1926) challenged in combination with the interactions of species over entire
Clements’s (1916) perception of the community as an in- regions (Ricklefs 2007b).
tegral unit in ecology, and more than 50 years have passed
since Whittaker’s (1953, 1967) definitive work on the dis-
Local Communities Are Not Integral Entities
tributions of plant species across ecological gradients. In
spite of the influence of MacArthur and Wilson’s (1963, Ecologists consistently define communities as units: gen-
1967) theory of island biogeography, in which colonization erally, populations of different species living within a spec-
of islands from external sources was a primary driver of ified location in space and time. Although this definition
diversity, ecologists broadly began to accept the influence need not connote an integral nature, common usage in
of regional processes on the species membership of local ecology implies (artificially) bounded units that may be
ecological assemblages only about 25 years ago (Hanski treated as entities. These units are also fixed in a hierarchy
1982; Cornell 1985; Ricklefs 1987; Pulliam 1988; Stevens of organism-population-community-ecosystem-biosphere
1989; Kareiva 1990; Cornell and Lawton 1992; Hanski and (Lidicker 2008) and are generally taught in this order in
Gilpin 1997; Srivastava 1999). During this time, meta- introductory ecology courses (e.g., Molles 2005; Smith and
population ecology (Hanski and Gilpin 1997), landscape Smith 2006; Cain et al. 2008). The idea that a local as-
ecology (Turner et al. 2001), the mosaic theory of coevo- semblage consists of species with partially overlapping dis-
lution (Thompson 2005), neutral theory (Hubbell 2001; tributions that happen to co-occur at a point—Gleason’s
Hubbell and Lake 2003), macroecology (Brown 1995; Gas- (1926) individualistic concept of the community—does
ton and Blackburn 2000; Blackburn and Gaston 2001), not easily fit into this hierarchical concept, for example,
and metacommunity perspectives (Holyoak et al. 2005), in the way that species fit into genera and genera make
among other developments, have embraced large-scale up families. Ecologists generally accept that populations
patterns and processes. have a spatial extent and are integrated by the movement
New ideas and perspectives sometimes penetrate a dis- of individuals within them (Pulliam 1988, 2000; Loreau
cipline slowly, but ecology seems to have been especially and Mouquet 1999; Amarasekare and Possingham 2001).
resistant to the disintegration of the community as a cen- From this perspective, a local community cannot be in-
tral concept. (I use “disintegrate” in the sense of breaking clusive of the populations of its component species.
an entity into parts or components or dispersing its co- Of course, populations have geographic structure de-
hesion or unity.) My own preoccupation with this idea fined by barriers to dispersal, which result in interrupted
might be misplaced, but Lawton (1999, p. 183) also em- gene flow, isolation by distance, and local genetic and eco-
phasized, somewhat pessimistically, that “the major weak- typic differentiation. Sewell Wright (1978) made seminal
ness of traditional community ecology, and why it has so contributions to understanding spatial population struc-
conspicuously failed to come up with many patterns, rules, ture. Dispersal limitation has infused work on species in-
and workable continent theory, is its overwhelming em- teractions as well, for example, through Thompson’s geo-
phasis on localness.” Perhaps strong local interactions are graphic mosaic of coevolution (Fox and Morrow 1981;
sufficient for an understanding of the structure of species Thompson 2005; Siepielski and Benkman 2007) and Hub-
assemblages, giving local communities, as well as the local bell’s metacommunity construct (Hubbell 2001; Condit et
populations they comprise, a primary ecological validity al. 2002; Chave 2004; Holyoak et al. 2005), which parti-
(MacArthur 1965, 1972; Cody 1974; Huston 1994; Belyea tions ecological systems into local and global entities con-
and Lancaster 1999; Weiher and Keddy 1999). Nonethe- nected by a migration parameter (m). Dispersal limitation
less, the persistence of the idea of local community integ- is necessary for allopatric speciation (Coyne and Orr 2004;
rity brings to mind two additional possibilities. One is a Price 2008), a process that is often linked to global vari-
limitation of language. The words “population” and “com- ation in species richness (Mittelbach et al. 2007). Dispersal
munity” have generally accepted definitions that corre- limitation within metacommunities produces a theory of
spond to entities, just like the words “dog” and “house,” species-area relationships and beta diversity (Hubbell
neither of which would withstand disintegration and still 2001; Condit et al. 2002). Regardless of the degree to which
retain its essential features. The second is a problem of populations are subdivided, however, they exhibit inte-
utility. Disintegrating “community” might be justified, but gration over spatial scales that greatly exceed the generally
would this inform our science? That is, would significant accepted extent of local communities.
and compelling new theory and research programs ma- Disintegration of local communities, made necessary by
terialize? I argue here that local coexistence can be un- the spatial extent of their component populations, frees
derstood only in terms of the distributions of species one to address the geographic distributions of populations
within entire regions, which are determined by diversifi- and the historical development of local assemblages of
The Ecological Community 743

species (Ricklefs 1989; Webb et al. 2002; Cavender-Bares that local species richness should be independent of re-
et al. 2006). One can then ask whether assemblages achieve gional species richness (Terborgh and Faaborg 1980), in
local equilibria or, conversely, whether local diversity re- which case discrepancies between the two would be ex-
flects regional rates of species production and extinction plained by differences in species turnover among habitats
(Cardillo 1999; Cardillo et al. 2005; Allen et al. 2006; Rick- or over distance: beta diversity (Cody 1975).
lefs 2006b), constraints on adaptation within ecological The recent literature in ecology has addressed these pre-
space (Wiens and Donoghue 2004; Ricklefs 2006a), and dictions in detail, producing two general conclusions. First,
dispersal limitation through geographic space (Svenning species richness is generally related to physical conditions
and Skov 2004; Vormisto et al. 2004). Regional perspec- of the environment—temperature and water availability,
tives reveal departures from local equilibria, discussed be- for example (Hawkins et al. 2003)—although diversity on
low, that bring into question the development and testing both regional and local scales can differ between regions
of theory based on local coexistence. with similar environments (Ricklefs and Latham 1993; Hu-
Disintegration raises the issue of scale in ecology (Allen gueny et al. 1997; Qian and Ricklefs 2000; Ricklefs et al.
and Starr 1982). When boundaries break down and pattern 2006). The diversity-environment correlation need not im-
and process lack discrete spatial extent, time and space ply local equilibrium with respect to physical conditions.
become continuous (Shurin and Srivastava 2005). Within A close relationship between the two is also predicted by
large regions—continents or major ocean basins—pro- hypotheses based on evolutionary diversification out of
cesses with different extents in time and space influence ecological zones of origin (Terborgh 1973; Latham and
the diversity of species over a range of scales. At the “re- Ricklefs 1993b; Wiens and Donoghue 2004; Ricklefs
gional” end of the spectrum, matching the distributions 2006a). Second, where tests are feasible, generally in in-
of entire species, allopatric speciation is the creative engine tercontinental comparisons, local species richness is di-
of species richness (Cardillo et al. 2005; Jablonski et al. rectly related to regional species richness (Fjeldså and Lov-
2006; Ricklefs 2006b; Roy and Goldberg 2007; Weir and ett 1997; Srivastava 1999; Ricklefs 2000; Rahbek and
Schluter 2007); shifts in topography and climate, as well Graves 2001; Shurin and Srivastava 2005; Rahbek et al.
as catastrophic events with regional effects, can also reduce 2007; see Hillebrand and Blenckner 2002 concerning the
species richness at these large spatial scales. At the “local” value of these tests). This suggests that large-scale processes
end of the spectrum, matching the dispersal distances of (species production and regional extinction) influence
individuals within populations, competitive and other in- both regional and local diversity or, alternatively, that en-
teractions between species assume greater importance vironmental conditions similarly influence processes on
(MacArthur 1970; Brown 1981; Brown et al. 2000). In- both regional and local scales. These alternatives can be
tervals between speciation and catastrophic events, as well tested statistically with structural equation modeling (e.g.,
as the intervals required for substantial climatic and to- Harrison et al. 2006). Differences in diversity in similar
pographic change, are much longer than the intervals be- environments in different regions—so-called diversity
tween births and deaths that determine local changes in anomalies—imply that large-scale regional and historical
population size (Schneider 1994, 2001). factors can influence local species richness over and above
the influence of the local environment (Latham and Rick-
lefs 1993a; Ricklefs and Latham 1993; Qian and Ricklefs
History, Geography, and the Community Concept
2000; Ricklefs et al. 2006).
MacArthur (1965) argued that one could ignore large-scale According to the theory of ecological drift (Hubbell
history and geography in the study of ecological com- 2001), the equilibrium number of species within a meta-
munities because local processes influencing the coexis- community is a function of the speciation rate and the
tence of species (i.e., competition, predation, and mutu- total number of individuals, which generally varies with
alism) come into equilibrium locally so rapidly that the size of the region. If speciation rate were influenced
processes on larger scales are inconsequential. Thus, local by environmental conditions (Davies et al. 2004; Allen et
assemblages have limited membership determined by spe- al. 2006), this theory also would produce diversity-envi-
cies interactions (MacArthur and Levins 1967; Vandermeer ronment relationships, as well as a correlation between
1972). Accordingly, variation in diversity should reflect the diversity and the size of a region (Terborgh 1973; Rosen-
way in which physical conditions influence the coexistence zweig 1995; Ricklefs 2006b). Hubbell’s model also predicts
of species, leading to the prediction that species richness a direct relationship between the number of species in a
should vary in direct relationship to the environment, par- local assemblage and regional diversity, determined by the
ticularly climate (Ricklefs 1977; Currie 1991; O’Brien 1998; balance between species production and dispersal. Eco-
Hawkins et al. 2003; Currie et al. 2004; Kilpatrick et al. logical drift ignores obvious ecological factors—particu-
2006). A second important prediction from this idea is larly environmental variation and habitat specialization—
744 The American Naturalist

but nonetheless emphasizes the connection of local di- ductivity of a population as it is influenced by its evolved
versity to large-scale processes. Alas, community drift is interactions with resources, competitors, and consumers
much too slow to account for observed rates of species (i.e., the realized niche).
turnover (Leigh 1981, 2007; Nee 2005; Ricklefs 2006c),
just as genetic drift is slow compared to adaptive evolution.
Developing a Regional Perspective
Consequently, only more powerful evolutionary and eco-
logical forces can account for patterns of species richness. From the distributions of species along environmental or
geographic gradients, the local community can be reduced
to a single point shared by many species. Lacking spatial
The Regional Community Concept
extent, this “point community” ceases to be an entity. The
How can we reconcile these observations: diversity-envi- community concept is replaced by the spatial distributions
ronment relationships, local-regional diversity relation- of populations, which now become the primary focus for
ships, and regional effects (diversity anomalies)? By re- understanding biodiversity patterns. Accordingly, the beta
placing artificial local-community boundaries with a (spatial) component of diversity is defined by the extent
time-space continuum of process and pattern in popula- of each population over space or over an ecological gra-
tion and community ecology (Shurin and Srivastava 2005), dient, shifting our focus from the local community to the
we might imagine processes of large and small extent tend- individual population within the region.
ing toward equilibrium over a continuum of scale. Ac- Imagine an ecological gradient of length V harboring
cordingly, distinguishing within-habitat and between-hab- species (populations) that occupy average length v. The
itat components of diversity would become arbitrary and probability that a particular species occurs at a particu-
lose meaning. This applies to Whittaker’s (1960, 1972) lar point is v/V, and the average point diversity is thus
alpha diversity, which addresses the number of species S # (v/V ), where S is the number of species in the region.
within a particular area, community, or ecosystem. Alpha Point diversity varies in direct relation to both S, reflecting
diversity may be defined for an area as small as a local large-scale processes that determine regional species rich-
plot or as large as an entire region, at which point it is ness, and v, the outcome of processes that determine the
identical to regional, or gamma, diversity. Beta diversity, ability of a population to spread and maintain itself over
which describes the rate of change, or turnover, in species an ecological or spatial gradient. These processes include
composition across habitats or among communities, thus species interactions over the entire region. One outcome
loses meaning because it depends on the scale of the alpha of these interactions is that each population will approach
component of diversity, emphasizing the continuity of pat- a stable “carrying capacity” over the region as a whole,
tern over space (Loreau 2000) or time. being confined by consumers and competitors to favorable
The “open-community” perspective of Gleason (1926), parts of the ecological space in which births plus immi-
supported by Whittaker’s depictions of the distribution of gration balance deaths plus emigration, on average. The
populations over ecological gradients within regions resulting demographic equivalence of all species within a
(Whittaker 1967), signaled a major shift of emphasis that region allows slow processes, such as the production of
has yet to materialize fully, in spite of the widespread species, to influence S; to the extent that higher S results
application of ordination and other approaches to han- through regional competition in smaller v, regional pro-
dling spatial variation in ecology (Legendre and Legendre cesses influence point diversity as well (Ricklefs 1989).
1998). The local community concept represents what I To adopt a regional, or horizontal, perspective, ecolo-
think of as a vertical perspective on species occurring gists must turn their attention away from local assemblages
within an arbitrarily bounded area, vertical because the and toward populations, which, while not completely dis-
species present locally add together—pile up, so to speak— crete entities, interact with other populations over their
to form the local assemblage. The occurrence of species entire distributions. Ecologists have yet to develop a theory
elsewhere within a region is of no consequence. In con- tying together the ecogeographical distribution and local
trast, the regional community concept corresponds to a abundance of populations, although this is a key issue in
horizontal perspective on the distribution of populations the agenda of macroecology (Brown 1995; Gaston and
over ecological and geographic gradients (e.g., Pulliam Blackburn 2000; Gaston 2003) and, to some extent, meta-
2000; Pyke et al. 2001; Phillips et al. 2003; Wiens et al. community ecology (Holyoak et al. 2005). At the core of
2007; Butt et al. 2008). Each distribution reflects the eco- this issue is the concept of the niche, referring to the
logical heterogeneity of a region, the adaptations of in- occupation of ecological space (Brown 1981, 1984; Pulliam
dividuals to physical conditions, vegetation structure, and 2000; Chase and Leibold 2003). In locally defined com-
so on (i.e., the fundamental niche), the ability of individ- munity ecology (the vertical perspective), the niche reflects
uals to disperse to isolated suitable areas, and the pro- evolved attributes of individuals for exploiting resources.
The Ecological Community 745

The horizontal perspective implies an additional, between- The Regulation of Species Richness
habitat, or population, component to the niche, shaped
by the spatial dynamics of populations that link interac- The regional perspective challenges us to understand the
tions among species over large regions. factors that determine the number of species within a re-
gion and how this number is linked to the geographic and
ecological distributions of individual species. The absence
of a diversity-age relationship among clades suggests that
Filling Regional Ecological Space regions have carrying capacities for species as well as for
individuals. Carrying capacities for populations can be
Can the regional-horizontal perspective produce new in- linked to the relationship between resource availability and
sights and promote the development of new theory in individual resource requirement. A carrying capacity for
ecology? A pessimistic answer would be that spatial com- number of species is more problematic. Ricklefs (2009)
ponents of population processes and consideration of both found that the numbers of species in orders of flowering
individual and population components of niche space cre- plants and tribe- to family-level clades of passerine birds
ate unmanageable complexity (Lawton 1999; McPeek and were correlated between continents. This result suggests
Brown 2007). The dynamics of species production and that, to the extent that diversification of these clades has
evolutionary adaptation, as well as the causes and uncer- been independent in the different regions, each clade
tainties of extinction, pose additional challenges. Diversity achieves a similar equilibrium number of species. Ac-
unfolds within a region as evolving clades of species grow cordingly, not only would the total number of species
and shrink. Evolutionary conservatism of ecological re- within a region be regulated but individual clades also
lationships (Westoby et al. 1995; Ackerly 2003, 2004; Wes- would appear to be constrained within the total regional
toby 2006) constrains the way that species fill regional ecological space.
niche space (Webb et al. 2002; Cavender-Bares et al. 2004; The size of a clade tends to vary in proportion to the
Silvertown et al. 2006a, 2006b). size of the region in which it has diversified (Ricklefs
An important issue is whether, barring environmental 2006b; Ricklefs et al. 2007). If clade size were a regional
catastrophe, the number of species within a region typically property, it could be determined by increased rates of spe-
achieves equilibrium, with balanced rates of speciation and cies production (and less frequent extinction) in a larger
extinction. Is diversity stably regulated within regions? regional area or by the ability of large regions to accom-
Analyses of changes in diversification rates based on phy- modate more species when physiographic and ecological
logenetic data (Pybus and Harvey 2000; Nee 2006; Rabosky complexity provides opportunities for allopatry and pop-
et al. 2007) suggest that many clades show early bursts of ulation turnover. Equilibrium island biogeography theory
diversification followed by relative quiescence (e.g., Lov- (MacArthur and Wilson 1967) states that diversity re-
ette and Bermingham 1999; Harmon et al. 2003; Kozak sponds to the pressure of colonization and also reflects
et al. 2006). island-size–dependent extinction (e.g., Ricklefs and Ber-
Analyses of diversity in the fossil records of several mingham 2002, 2004). When islands are large enough,
groups have revealed relative constancy in the number of internal species production further elevates diversity in-
species over periods of tens of millions of years (e.g., Alroy dependently of an island’s range of environments (Losos
2000; Jaramillo et al. 2006; Alroy et al. 2008). The inde- and Schluter 2000). Thus, in island systems, both local
pendence of clade size and age reported in flowering plants and regional (pisland) diversity reflect forces that are ex-
(Ricklefs and Renner 1994; Magallón and Sanderson ternal to the ecological characteristics of local habitats or
2001), birds (Ricklefs 2006b), and squamate reptiles (Rick- the habitat heterogeneity of an island. We need to extend
lefs et al. 2007; cf. McPeek and Brown 2007) further in- our spatial scale only slightly to suppose that continental
dicates that the regional diversity within individual clades, biotas come under the influence of similar considerations.
and perhaps within entire biotas, is regulated, at least rel- Ecologists understand in detail the foundation mecha-
ative to the turnover of species within clades (Ricklefs nisms of evolutionary adaptation, physiological limits to
2007a, 2009; Rabosky and Lovette 2008). Changing en- distribution and production, population dynamics and
vironmental conditions or the appearance of key evolu- species interactions, and the trophic structure of ecosys-
tionary innovations might result in the ascendancy of a tems. However, the expression of these mechanisms in a
particular clade at the expense of others (Rabosky et al. complex world with a long history is bound to be idio-
2007). Such trends are slow compared to intervals between syncratic and unpredictable, just as evolutionists, with
lineage splitting and extinction but much more rapid than their detailed understanding of the mechanisms of heredity
predicted from the dynamics of random events (Ricklefs and selection, might fail to predict the existence of kan-
2007b). garoos, for example. Nonetheless, nature, including its di-
746 The American Naturalist

versity, does exhibit pattern, and it should be possible to tribution of species within a region is more fundamental
understand the origin of that pattern. biologically than the coexistence of many species at a point.
This assertion implies that, in focusing on local diversity,
we have been asking the wrong questions or, perhaps, the
The Future of the Community Concept
right questions on the wrong scale. New understanding in
I return to the question posed earlier in this essay, namely, community ecology will come from investigating factors
can the disintegration of the concept of “community” lead that influence the distributions of species across space and
to new theory and research? My answer echoes E. O. Wil- across gradients of ecological conditions. The task is made
son’s (1959, p. 122) admonition a half-century ago that difficult by the fact that each species may evolve a unique
there is “a need for a ‘biogeography of the species,’ oriented relationship to the environment, leading to idiosyncratic
with respect to the broad background of biogeographic distributions that bear no general relationship to environ-
theory but drawn at the species level and correlated with mental conditions. Moreover, species interact within the
studies on ecology, speciation, and genetics.” The local regional as well as the local context, and the packing of
“community” consists of those species whose distributions species into ecogeographic space bears an unknown re-
include a particular point in space and time. However, the lationship to their packing into local ecological niche
integral units of community organization are the popu- space. Indeed, the partitioning of local space might be
lations of species within regions that might or might not considered a by-product of these larger-scale processes.
encompass that point. Indeed, the presence and relative Species distributions reflect the interaction of the ad-
abundance of a species at a particular point might depend aptations of individual species in the ecogeographic setting
on interactions with populations that do not occur there. of a region, including historical changes in the distribution
Thus, to understand the coexistence of species locally, one of environments and dispersal barriers and corridors. The
must understand what shapes species distributions within region itself can be described in terms of the range and
regions. The statistical nature of these distributions has geographic distribution of its environments. The relation-
been a concern of macroecology (Brown 1995; Gaston and ships of species to the environment can be as varied as
Blackburn 2000; Gaston 2003), but factors that constrain the ways in which species can become specialized. None-
distributions within regions are poorly understood. Or- theless, phylogenetic conservatism of habitat requirements
dinations of species across sample locations often have and distribution patterns can organize the bewildering va-
high dimensionality, indicating multiple influences and riety of patterns and provide clues to dominant influences
possibly idiosyncrasy and randomness in distributions; of species characteristics on distributions. The influence
correlations of ordinated positions of species with envi- of species interactions, especially competition, on distri-
ronmental variables tend to account for little of the total butions might be sorted out, in part, through the rela-
variance in the species distributions (e.g., Eilu et al. 2004; tionship of distributional overlap to niche separation. Most
Svenning et al. 2004). of these approaches are incorporated into the varied re-
The characteristic dimension (vi) of the distribution of search programs of contemporary ecology but have yet to
species i within a region is influenced by the range of be integrated into a restructuring of community ecology.
ecological conditions to which individuals are adapted What about the use of the word “community”? It should
(Brown 1984; Gaston 2003); genetic differentiation of local be kept, because populations do interact within entire
populations within the species’ range (Thompson 2005); regions, but it should be associated with an expanded con-
accessibility of ecologically suitable areas relative to dis- cept of the historical and spatial dimensions of these in-
persal capabilities of a species (Pulliam 2000; Svenning teractions. We should acknowledge that populations are
and Skov 2004); historical changes in the distribution of the primary entities in community ecology and that the
ecological zones within a region (Brown et al. 2000; Linder region is the appropriate scale for an ecological and evo-
2005; Galley and Linder 2006); ancestral connections with lutionary concept of community.
related species within a region (Barraclough and Vogler
2000; Wiens and Graham 2005; Lovette and Hochachka
2006; Wiens et al. 2007); and interactions with competi-
tors, predators, and pathogens, as well as species in mu- I am grateful to the American Society of Naturalists for
tually beneficial associations (Belyea and Lancaster 1999; bestowing the Sewall Wright Award and for providing an
Kelt and Brown 1999; Weiher and Keddy 1999; Brown et opportunity to write this essay. J. Chase, H. V. Cornell, S.
al. 2000). Patterns of diversity within regions integrate Harrison, J. B. Losos, M. McPeek, S. Normand, S. S. Ren-
mechanisms that produce new species, cause extinction, ner, K. Roy, and U. Treier provided many helpful com-
and effect the ecological and geographic sorting of species. ments and suggestions on the manuscript. I thank the
At the beginning of this essay, I asserted that the dis- College of Arts and Sciences, University of Missouri–St.
The Ecological Community 747

Louis, for providing a research leave, during which this ture of Floridian plant communities depends on taxonomic and
manuscript was written. spatial scale. Ecology 87:S109–S122.
Chase, J. M., and M. A. Leibold. 2003. Ecological niches: linking
classical and contemporary approaches. University of Chicago
Press, Chicago.
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