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Knarn 429 2E

The Times Before:
Not much is recorded of the times before the First Era, what is known has been passed down unwritten
and should not be taken as fact but instead as a possibility. It is said that this is when the first Elves, the
Iquar, were shaped by the gods out of the light. Many of the other races and creatures of the world began
to appear throughout the millennia.

The Dark Era (1E):

The First Era, also known as the Dark Era, was the time between the light, after the First Sun faded and
the Old Gods died, but before the Second Sun and the New Gods emerged. While it is not the true
beginning of time, there is very little recorded history from before. The Dark Era was a difficult time,
there were no gods to keep the world in check, monsters roamed freely and dark magic arose. The end of
the Dark Era is marked by the appearance of the Second Sun and the emergence of the New Gods, the
causation of these events is, as of yet, unknown.

The Bright Era (2E):

Marked by Inluminartio, the beginning of the Bright Era was a chaotic period
Major Locations
Frack is known as an industrial marvel, using the liquid fire (crude oil) found deep underground and
transforming them into a form of energy that powers many of their tools, homes and buildings. Ruled by a
man known only as the Frack King, the city is independent of any other large kingdom or empire and was
only founded about 13 years ago.

The Kingdom of Kindevion

New Cheswell:

Quaverland (GRQ):
Quaverland, officially the Gnomische Republik of Quaverland, is

Ruled by the Tronian Dynasty


Free pirate city ruled by Pirate King Rowena

The Wildlands:
The Wildlands are the unexplored areas of Knarn. Very little is known about The Wildlands outside of
what is told in the stories meant to scare children to sleep.
Minor Locations
- Shadow over Fore, nothing truly unpredictable ever happens, watched over by Lord Chek Hov.
Lord Chek Hov has a son named Reddy Harrington

Palm Coast:
- Dead hands sticking up out of the ground all along the coast

Vikog Mansion:
- Owned and designed by Drethzik Vikog, a close adviser to the Frack King and a large investor
- Creepy technological mansion
- Jindosh
The customs and practices of Quaverland, as well as many other Gnomish societies, are reflective of their
progressive beliefs and ideas of equality. Although the government and people of Quaverland are very
accepting of all marriage customs, one that is very prevalent in the society is the practice of holding a
small ceremony in the company of close friends and family and the exchanging of vows under the eyes of
Celiana or any other god of marriage or love that a particular person worships.

Kindevion is a very religious Kingdom that feels a strong connection to its gods. The people of Kindevion
generally do not marry for love but instead, when a person reaches the age of maturity, a match is chosen
for them by the local head priest of Sharn and they will be married during the monthly marriage day,
which is the last Sunday of the month.

Being a highly industrialized city, everything done in Frack is centred around productivity and
minimizing cost. The idea of productivity is reflected in their marriage customs by way of the fact that
pairs are selected by the Marriage Department to minimize cost based on the needs of each individual.
The title used by Gnomish governments to identify all sentient, humanoid creatures (playable races).

The Lightening, the title given to the event when the Second Sun and the New Gods appeared.
Abyssal - French
Celestial - Latin
Common - English
Deep Speech - Basque
Draconic - Arabic
Dwarvish - Georgian
Elvish - Italian
Giant - Russian
Gnomish - German
Goblin - Romanian
Halfling - Irish
Infernal - Spanish
Orc - Mongolian
Primordial - Pali
Sylvan - Gaelic
Undercommon - Dutch

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