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Cyber Chiitchat.

In this text, he mentions the conversation of the daughter of a man with a person X, which
caught his father's attention, it was how his daughter's handwriting was, so he decided to
talk to her about it, to which the daughter began to explain the jargon and abbreviations of
what is written for example: What duz what refers to how ET spoke in the movie, CU lata
is like saying wait a minute, she mentioned that they use a different type of spelling when
they chat online since that is much more easy and thus save time, another example is when
they say be say, right back, everyone uses the abbreviation for ¡Brn, every! Oh press CU
can to say see you later, on the other hand the father was wondering if his teacher thought
the same, when from one moment to another he began to tell his daughter that the time that
her teacher had dedicated to writing had been in vain and also theirs as parents when they
taught him to speak after this the father tried to make his daughter realize and become
aware of the situation and that he also had to modernize himself since apparently only
among adults understood it. This technology, over time, has evolved since email is
important, however, now they use other applications and means to communicate and
regarding abbreviations, young people tend to use it a lot and they also use codes, too. At
first, the author felt confused and admired since he did not understand anything, however
after certain explanations and examples he understood and in the end he decided how to
learn more about this, apply it too and then try to understand now that method to

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