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Unit 5: The Importance of Lighting Critical Thinking Questions

1. What is front lighting? What is one disadvantage to front lighting?

● Front lighting is the point at which the sun is at the rear of the picture taker. A weakness
is that it can make a photograph with a straightened appearance.
2. What do you think is the most challenging aspect of working with light in photography?
How can you try to reduce this challenge?
● I imagine that indoor photography is the most testing part of working with light on the
grounds that there is no common lighting. To lessen this test, you would simply utilize fake
3. How can the time of day affect an outdoor photograph?
● The hour of day can influence an outdoor photograph in light of the fact that the points of
the sun change for the duration of the day. Or then again it might be to light out or not light
4. What are continuous lights? What advantages and disadvantages do they have?
● Continuous lights are those that stay on. A favorable position is that is remain on until
you turn it off and an inconvenience is that it turns yellow sooner or later of utilizing it.
5. What is a softbox? Why do photographers use a softbox?
● A softbox are lighting gadgets that encase the lighting source in a "Container" with
intelligent back and
side dividers and a front diffusing material, where the light goes through. Picture taker
utilize a softbox on the grounds that it is a light modifier.

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